The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 5

Xaviers POV

I’m pretty sure this was the most uncomfortable dinner I had ever bared witness to. We were all sitting around the dinner table where the only noise being made was cutlery scratching on our plates and the occasional babble for the one year old in the corner.

The awkwardness wasn’t my fault though, I wasn’t the one who invited a rogue to dinner and I also wasn’t the one who was staring daggers into my forehead as she dug into her food. Cutting the meat with a little more force than was necessary. Anna sure could hold a grudge and after not listening to her about keeping an open mind about Blaine I was number one on her I am not a fan of you right now list.

After I had walked into Jax and Anna’s house the last thing I expected was to see my run away mate, making herself at home on their living room sofa. Anna had done the introductions, knowing full well what we were to each other, but I wasn’t interested. Why would I be interested in a rogue, whether she was my mate or not was irrelevant.

“So Anna, how are the preparations going for next years ball? I heard even more packs are interested in coming following the success of last year” Hannah asked as she tried to fill the awkward silence.

Anna, relieved that she had something to talk about, quickly filled her in on all the preparations that were still needed for the ball in six months time but I didn’t pay much attention to her. A few days ago I was into this ball, making sure the party went off without a hitch just in case my mate would be there but now I knew who my mate really was, all enthusiasm for it had gone out the window.

I stared at Blaine as I watched her eat her food. What was she even doing here?

“Hey Xav, could you help me with something in the living room for a second please?” Jax asked as he threw his napkin down onto the table and made his way out of the kitchen/diner area.

I sighed, already knowing what this conversation would be about. As I followed him out of the room, I could feel the daggers of my loving mate piercing into my skull.

“Whats up man?” I asked as we stood in the middle of the room.

“You know exactly what Xavier, your treating your mate like shes a damn criminal. You’ve been wanting and waiting for your mate for years and now that you finally have her your going to throw it all away because what... shes a rogue?”

I chuckled, but there was no humour in my laugh as I crossed my arms in a defensive manner. “Not that it is any of your business Jax but yes. There is no way in hell that I will ever acknowledge a filthy rogue as my mate and you more than anyone else knows why”. I couldn’t believe Jax was taking her side on this, he used to hate rogues as much as I did.

Jax just sighed in response as he ran his hands through his hair “yes usually I would take your side when it comes to rogues but not only is this girl your mate, someone the Moon Goddess paired you with for a reason, but Annabelle said she had a good feeling about her. You know that’s something we can’t just ignore, whether she’s a rogue or not she’s a good person Xav, Annabelle’s feelings about people’s intentions are never wrong.”

I sighed as my defence melted away slightly, I knew we could trust any feelings that Anna had about anyone but it didn’t change anything for me. “I know Jax, I know why we have to take into consideration Anna’s feelings, she gets from the goddess, but it doesn’t mean that I just have to forget about all my beliefs and jump at the idea of having a rogue mate with open arms. Rogues are rogues for a reason remember”.

“You know nothing about my life” a voice suddenly said from the doorway and we both looked over to find Blaine standing there, using the door frame for balance so she didn’t have to put weight on her still injured leg. “You know nothing about me or about why I’m a rogue so don’t you dare pass judgement until you know the full story” she growled.

“Oh please” I laughed as I turned to her “don’t try and play the innocent game, “we all know that an Alpha doesn’t make the decision to outcast a pack member lightly and would need serious reason to do so” I said as I rolled my eyes at her.

She bristled at my words as I saw her clench her fists in anger. Damn she looked threatening and sexy with her fiery red hair all over the place and green eyes piercing into mine as if she could drop me dead with one look. She remained silent though, not retaliating to my words. “What was it anyway? Did you steal something, or maybe betray your pack in someway, I mean that’s definitely something that would get you kicked out”.

I still got nothing from her, I don’t know why I was trying to get a reaction out of her but whatever reason it was I couldn’t stop myself as I carried on. “Nah they’re to simple, I bet it was a lovers triangle of some sorts, god I bet your family were just heartbroken when they had to stand by and watch you get outcast”.

At the mention of her parents her eye twitched sightly, it wasn’t much but it was enough of a reaction for me to carry on. “Or maybe they were relieved when you left, maybe they were fed up of having to deal with you that they-”

“Shut the hell up about my family” she suddenly yelled as she limped over to me. “You will shut your mouth about my family if you know what’s good for you. If you don’t then I won’t hesitate to cut off what little balls I’m assuming you have and force feed them to you, Understand!”

She was right up in my face now and I couldn’t help but smirk as I looked around at all the shocked faces of Jax’s and Anna’s family. As if suddenly realising that we weren’t alone Blaine went bright red as she too looked around the room at the shocked expressions.

“I... umm... I’m sorry about that everyone, I don’t know what came over me.” she muttered as she looked over to Anna, “thank you for the dinner, it was wonderful. Would you mind maybe showing my where I will be staying tonight?”

Anna’s eyes suddenly glassed over and I looked over at Jax to notice that his too were glassy and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what they were arguing about. Eventually though Anna sighed in defeat as she made her way over to Blaine “come on, you’ll stay in the pack house. It’s not to far from here and if you need anything in the night please do not hesitate to get someone to link me okay?”

Blaine just nodded before taking Anna’s outstretched hand as she hobbled out the front door.

“Well I’d say that was a success” Hannah said as she looked over at me with a scowl.

I just rolled my eyes too before I made my way home.

Soo? Let me know 😊😘

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