The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 6

Blaines pov

I woke up the next morning still fuming about Xavier. How dare he make assumptions about me and my family when he didn’t even know me.

I was embarrassed beyond belief after I had finished yelling at him but Anna assured me that no one was mad or even surprised at the fact that I had snapped at Xavier. Apparently, according to her and her sister in law Hannah, he had it coming and they were surprised I hadn’t snapped at him sooner.

I sighed as I sat up in bed and pulled the duvet back to inspect my injured leg. Thanks to the doc stitching me up yesterday the claw marks were halfway healed already, they looked more like a week old instead of 24 hours old. I smiled as I ran my fingers over the cuts, grateful I wasn’t going to get any ugly scars there like some other scraps I had gotten into over the years. Battle wounds were cool, but unfortunately only on men.

I sighed again before flinging my legs over the edge of the bed and tested putting weight on my ankle. There was still a little pain there but overall it was livable.

Just then there was a knock on my bedroom door. I frowed as I got up and limped slightly over to answer it, I wonder who it could be? There were only a handful of people who knew about me and where to find me and even fewer people who actually wanted to see me.

I pulled the door open and smiled when I saw who was on the other side, Anna and Hannah. Well that wasn’t going to get confusing at all was it.

“Hey guys what are you doing here?” I asked as I stepped aside so that they could come in.

The room that I was assigned to was small but comfortable. It had a single bed pushed up to the corner of the room by the window with a vanity just opposite it. A small wardrobe and chest of draws were on the other side of the room where a door lead to a little en suite.

Even though it was small I didn’t mind, it was ten times better than anything I had lived in before, cleaner too. It wasn’t that me and my family had lived in filth all our lives, it was just that we moved around so often to avoid becoming east targets that we never saw the point in making anything to homey.

“We wondered whether you would like to come out shopping with us today?” Anna asked as she came and sat on my unmade bed. “JJ has grown out of all of his clothes again and apparently there’s this new dress that Hannah just had to get” Anna laughed as she looked over at Hannah in amusement.

“What! I Do! The people in Vogue were saying that this was the must have dress of the season so I just have to get it before the store runs out of stock”.

I laughed at her as I settled into the chair in front of my vanity. Oh how the other half live.

“So you in?” Anna asked hopefully.

I sighed before looking up at her hopeful face and nodded in agreement “sure”. After all, I kind of owned her my life for stopping her mate from killing me.

Both the girls squealed slightly, “great, why don’t you quickly have a shower while we go and find something for you to eat for breakfast” Hannah said as she got up off my bed and made her way out of my room, dragging Anna along with her.

I smiled at their retreating forms before turning around and made my way over the the bathroom. Anna had set me up with everything I would need, including clothes for the day, and it wasn’t long before I was all ready to go. I had left my face bare of any makeup, not having really worn any in the past, and just left a tiny bit of conditioner in my crazy curly hair to help try and tame the frizz a little before I slowly made my way down stairs.

The pack house was fairly large with a lot of pack members living in it but thankfully as it was a little later in the day everyone was already out, either attending work or the local school that wasn’t to far from here. As I walked into the kitchen the most amazing sugary smell hit me and I couldn’t help but groan at the idea of being able to eat something that sweet.

Anna was in the kitchen, cooking up a huge pile of chocolate pancakes with some bacon grilling in the oven. Now this was something I could get used to.

“I hope you’re hungry Blaine, as you could probably guess from last night when I cook I always end up cooking way to much” Anna laughed, not looking away from the pancake she was cooking.

I smiled as I took a seat next to Hannah at the little island in the middle of the kitchen. “Oh I’m so hungry I could literally eat anything you put in front of me” I laughed as I took in the scent of Anna’s cooking once again.

“Your in for a treat Blaine, Anna’s cooking is literally unbelievable, when I first started eating her food I went up a whole dress size” she laughed.

I laughed along with her as I turned to face Anna as she placed the plate of food in front of me “really? How did you get so good?” I asked her as I took my first bite of chocolate pancakes with bacon and maple syrup. Hannahs right, Annas cooking was literally the best thing I had ever eaten.

Anna blushed as she took a seat on my left, not bothering to take the apron off she had put on whilst she was cooking. “I didn’t have the best upbringing” she shrugged as she too took her first bite of food “I had to learn quick” was all she said with a shrug.

I was curious as to what she meant by that, her parents seemed lovely when I met them last night, even if the dinner had been a little awkward. I wanted to pry but I could tell she didn’t want to talk about it so I quickly changed the subject.

After we had all finished eating we all quickly cleared up the kitchen and it wasn’t long before we were on the road towards the closest shopping centre, with a few of Jax’s warrior friends for company.

What better way to bond then in a store full of clothes to buy! It’s literally my happy place... well that or in a sweet store that supplies endless amount of tea and has Supernatural on a loop 😂🤷‍♀️

I hope you enjoyed it 😘

I also have a Q and A on my Instagram story at the moment so go and check it out 😊

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