The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 4

Hey everyone! I’ve managed to find time to write another chapter for you all 😊 I hope you enjoy!!

Blaine’s PoV

“Release her” Annabelle demanded as she gestured to me on the floor again.

“Umm Luna?” The guard said the same time as Jax said “release her? Are you serious!”

“Yes Jax I am deadly serious... look... I have a good feeling about her okay?”

That must have meant something to the two guys as they both looked at each other, probably having one of their stupid silent pack talks, before looking back at Annabelle.

“Your sure?” Jax pressed, still looking unconvinced.

Annabelle just sighed as she crossed her arms and popped her hip “when have I ever been wrong Jax, just trust me on this okay? You know I wouldn’t put our pack or our family in danger so why would I suggest it if I wasn’t sure.”

Jax stared at his Mate for a second before sighing and looking over to the guard “release her”.

I stared open mouthed at the girl, how the hell did she just convince an Alpha and a warrior to release a rouge she didn’t even know?

The guard made his was over to me and I shrunk away slightly before realising he was just coming over to release the cuffs on my wrists. I sighed as the silver dropped from my skin and brought my wrists round to inspect the damage. They were red and slightly blotchy when my skin has started to blister from the burns but over all they didn’t seem too bad, I had definitely had worse.

I looked up when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and saw Annabelle slowly making her way towards me, shaking off her mates hand on her elbow as he tried to hold her back.

“Hi my name is Annabelle, but you can call me Anna if you’d prefer, are you doing okay?”

She was talking to me as if I was a wild scared animal and I couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah I’m good” I shrugged as I pushed myself onto my good leg, using the wall behind me for support. “Nothing a bit of time won’t heal.” I smiled at the trio as they all took me in, Anna with a smile on her face and Jax and the guard with apprehension.

Anna nodded before taking my hand in hers causing Jax to shift uncomfortably. “That’s good, I’m glad my big bad mate over there didn’t hurt you to much” she laughed as she rolled her eyes.

I smiled again, a little bit easier now that the silver was off and my body could start to combat the swelling on my cheek. “Nahh they’re alright, besides it wasn’t even them that did this” I said, gesturing to my leg, “I was in the middle of fighting some rogues when someone came and helped me out.”

“Oh... well I’m glad someone helped you out” she smiled at me as she lifted my arm over her shoulder, helping me hop out of the cell and back up the stairs.

“Umm Annabelle where are you taking her? The pack hospital is that way” Jax suddenly stated as he blocked out path and pointed to something behind us.

“I know where the hospital is Jax” Anna said as she rolled her eyes at him “but that’s not where I’m taking her, she needs a proper meal in her and a chance to rest. I know what the food is like in there and as much as you’d like to say otherwise patient food in there sucks.”

I laughed as Anna made a face at the mere thought of having to eat hospital food.

Jax frowned as he dropped his hand back to his side “then where are you taking her?”

“Home silly, I’m making enough food to feed an army in there, one more wont hurt. Besides, I’ve already mind linked Dr Tessler and shes on her way and meeting us at ours so that she can have a look at her leg... I’m sorry what was your name again?” she asked me.

I smiled as I watched the show down, I was officially in love with this girl. “Blaine” I said as I tried to shift slightly on my good leg, making sure I didn’t lose balance and take out both me and the girl next to me that couldn’t be more than 5′4.

Anna nodded before she looked back at her mate with determination. “Blaine is coming back to ours and that’s the end of it. Now are you going to give me a hand getting her there or are you just going to stand there and sulk?”

I held back a laughed as I watched the big bad Alpha grumble before taking my other arm around his shoulder and helping me to their house. The height difference between the two made it a little awkward but we made it work.

It didn’t take us to long to get back to their house as after a few minutes of me hobbling along a huge house came into view surrounded by trees and floral scented flowers, now this was the house of an Alpha. It puts my little homemade den to shame I can tell you that.

As we walked in the first thing that hit me was the smell of roast beef as it slow cooked in the oven. My mouth started to water at the idea of what it would taste like. It had been so long since I had eaten a good meal, usually I just hunted what I could find in my wolf form. It didn’t taste particularly nice but it did the job it needed to.

It wasn’t long before a woman turned up with a leather bag clutched in her hand as she made her way over to me. I sat comfortably on the sofa after Annabelle had given me a pair of shorts to wear underneath the borrowed top I was given as the woman, whom I’m guessing is the doctor, quickly assessed my injuries.

I hissed as she carefully took my injured ankle in her hands and started to twist it to see how much movement I had in it.

“Nothing broken which is good, but your ankle is badly sprained. Your wolf should heal it fairly quickly but you’ll be walking with a limp for the next day or two, try and stay off it as much as you can okay? As for these gashes on your thigh I’m afraid I’m going to have to stitch them up if you want to minimise the scaring, they will heal on their own though if you’d prefer I leave it”.

I shook my head as I gripped the edge of the sofa, preparing myself “stitch it up doc, the last thing I’m wanting is a leg that looks like something out of a special FX horror movie”.

The doctor smiled at me before leaning down and getting everything out of her bag that she needed. “Alright, hold still then”.

Seventeen stitches and a lot of grunts in pain from me later the doc was finally finished as she snapped her bag shut and stood up. “Take it easy alright and if you have any problems don’t hesitate to get someone to link me okay?”

I nodded as I shifted into a more comfortable position on the sofa “sure doc, thanks a lot”.

Just then the front door banged open as someone let themselves in, someone I’d hoped I wouldn’t have to see again.

“Anna you are never going to believe who I ran into on my run just now”.

Just perfect, my mate was here.

Soo? I’m loving writing from Blaine’s POV, she’s so sassy 😂

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