The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 55: Ember!

Kenzi was apprehensive as they walked through the doors of Firefly. Like every other place they went to she would hold her breath and look up at him to see what he was going to do. What do werewolves do when they find their mates? He could go all wolfie right here in the restaurant! What if he starts howling? What if he finds his mate and leaves her standing at the restaurant doors? The more she thought about this the faster her heart beat. Breathe! Releasing the breath she was holding she continued to look at him and wait. He had no reaction, no response to anything in the restaurant. Instead he looked at her curiously, and a slight amused look crossed his face when she let out a tiny sigh of relief that his mate wasn’t here.

“What is the matter sweetheart?” Adonis asked her after they were shown to a table in the back corner away from the other patrons. His hand clasped hers when she was fidgeting with her fingers again.

“I have noticed you watching me, after every place we have entered. You hold your breath and then sigh in relief,” he added, trying to coax her into talking to him.

“Are you gonna go all wolfie and grrr when you find-ed her? Are you gonna howl? What happens when you find-ed your….her? What’s gonna happen?” She asked,

“Is that what you were doing sweetheart? Were you waiting to see if I would sense her?” He held her hands tighter in his,

“Yes!” She nodded her head. With every place they went, every chance they had for him to find his mate, the questions swirled around her. He brought her hands to his lips.

“We don’t growl, or howl or go all….wolfie. When we find our mates, our wolves get restless. We catch a scent, and feel a pull to locate it. When we find the source, our world and everything around it just stops for what feels like an eternity, but is more like a moment then we claim them as ours. When I find her, you’ll be the first to know.” She nodded her head with more understanding.

“Now what are we doing at Joe’s tonight?” He asked,

“Speed dating!” What? Odin had been quiet most of the outing, he had just been enjoying her company.

“What?” Adonis asked, mimicking Odin’s confusion. Just fucking tell her!

“You jus has to catch their….smell. How long does that take? I think it’s like twenty dates, sixty seconds a date that should be a nuff tine right?” She asked, looking at him.

“Yeah!” He wasn’t even sure what to say. Fucking speed dating! You did say lots of dating! With her….lots of dating with her, not twenty different fucking women! Well now you get lots of dating with twenty fucking women! FUCK! Just fucking tell her!

“Are you ok?” She asked, concern washing over her.

“No, I’m actually not,” Adonis replied, “You did nothing wrong so don’t even think that.”

“Then what’s wrong?” Kenzi asked biting her lip,

“I have to go back to Ottawa on Monday. Something has happened and my brothers need me to visit them. It will only be for a week.” Adonis told her.

“Oh, ok!” She nodded her head. She was going to ask him to spend the week with her. The town closes down and she never does anything, then again she didn’t really have anyone in her life to do something with, but now she did….and he’s busy!

“It will require a visit to….Eric’s pack as well” Adonis went on. Her eyes snapped to his, this didn’t sound good.

“You can’t go there. You hasn’t find-ed your mate yet. If you go there and don’t has your mate, they’ll be mean to you” She was starting to get upset.

“It’s ok sweetheart, if it wasn’t important I wouldn’t be going” You just want to see your brother get beheaded! And you don’t? Touche!

“But you….can’t….they’ll be mean….H….I’ll go!” She blurted, she didn’t like the idea of his old family being mean to him.

“You’ll go?” So much for asking! Saved by the mate!

“Yeah, I’ll go, I can be your mate. If we can’t find-ed her by then, I can be your mate. The town closes down for the week and we can pretend. It’ll be a secret, a really really big secret, we won’t tell nobody.”

“You’ll pretend to be my mate?” This just played out in our favour! You have horseshoes up your ass!

“Yeah, I can pretend and I’m really good at keeping secrets. I can pretend to be your….your….chose-ed. And we can still look for her, maybe she show-ed up there, and cause you didint bite me, we can jus say you find-ed your real one and that’s ok.” The more she spoke, the more she liked the idea, she would still get her week with him, and she could still help him and his old family can’t be mean to him if he has a mate. Yup, this is a great idea!

She liked the idea until she saw his face and started chewing her bottom lip.

“Unless you don’t want to do that, that’s ok too. I don….we don….it’s ok….never mind. It was….it’s ok” she looked down at the table, and started kicking herself for being stupid and not thinking. Why would he want to do that? It was a stupid idea!

“It is an intriguing idea. But before I can accept it you need to understand something. Demons are very touchy when it comes to our mates. We don’t like to keep our hands off of them, and we don’t care if others are present. It would mean kissing you and touching you openly with others around. Something as simple as holding hands could lead to something more.” Kenzi looked up at him when he said the idea was intriguing and a bubble of delight burst inside her then the rest of what he said clicked in. She didn’t think about that, she didn’t think about it because she didn’t know to think about that.

“Oh, I didint know, your mates made you….like that,” she said, looking down at the table again. Her cheeks flaming pink at all the thoughts swirling through her mind.

“Very much so,” he replied, watching her cheeks grow darker and darker. She sat there letting that sink in. The idea of him putting his hands on her, to fool others, hurt a little bit, but it was for a good reason. His family would make him miserable if he didn’t go with a mate, even if she was a fake one.

“It’s ok.” She nodded again at him. She could push past her fear for him. Besides it wasn’t like they had to have sex in front of others. It’s jus touching! And kissing! And….ok stop now!

“Ok, then you need to understand something else. When I put my hands on you and I will, it won’t be because I am pretending. I will stop trying to control myself around you. I will keep my promise, I will not push you, rush you or force you, but I won’t hold back anymore either. I will touch you when I want to. So are you sure you are ready for something like that?” Her eyes widened and she couldn’t help the shiver that raced up her back. Pressing her thighs together in hopes of stopping the ache between them as the thoughts in her head intensified. It wouldn’t be pretend, if he touched her it would be real. Searching and searching she did not find that one little word that would stop everything. Was she ok with this? Would she be ok with this? Only one word popped into her head and out of her mouth.

“Yes!” Yes is a great word! You’re an idiot!

“Then you will need to let me know when we reach a point you are no longer comfortable.” His mind started racing with thoughts of his own and he could feel himself starting to stir. Anticipation ripped through him, at the thought of roaming his hands all over her perfect body whenever he wanted. He needed to stop thinking about this or he would start right here in the restaurant. However his thoughts only magnified when he caught her scent. Think about something else, think about something else! Brother losing his head! Working! Who The King is looking for! Better! The tiny baking pixie you want to run your teeth over! Asshole!

“Ok!” She nodded again. You might as well just mark her now! Shut up Odin!

Dinner done, they met up with the others at Joe’s. As much as he didn’t want any of them knowing that he got set up for speed dating, he didn’t want to leave her unattended in the bar either. It was only for an hour, but a lot could happen in an hour. Yeah, she could get into a round of shots!

“Speed datin?” Jackson asked trying not to laugh,

“Shut up Jackson!” Adonis grumbled. Tyler had taken Kenzi to the dance floor and he was watching him spin her in circles and seeing her laughter. He wanted that to be him. An hour, only an hour! He told himself over and over.

“Her not understandin how it work?” Jackson asked,

“Not fully,” he replied as he kept his focus on his mate. “Elijah?”

“I called the other packs, most have agreed to your terms and will start sending members in the coming weeks. However, a few are not happy. Two of the packs in Ontario downright refused until I informed them we would be up next week and they could take their grievances up with you personally.” Elijah spoke as he sat beside Jackson at the bar. “Of course they were extremely apologetic. Said that would be fine”

“And?” Adonis arched his brow at hearing that,

“The decision has been made and we will be visiting them next week” Elijah replied.

“Souns like our trip jus got busy” Jackson said, “Her….”

“Offered to come along”


“Offered to pretend to be my chosen”


“I told her I won’t be pretending”

“You gon….”

“First chance I get” Adonis was fighting the smile on his face, the more he cut Jackson off the more he fought to control his growl.

“Heard from….”


“They won’t….”

“Good!” Again cutting him off before he could continue.

“The fuck don’t you jus has the fuckin….”

“Maybe next time I will. It’ll save time” Adonis finally looked at him.

“Who the asshole now?” Jackson quipped, shaking his head. Adonis could only smile, he knew Jackson hated when he did that to him, but the look on Elijah’s face was priceless. Odin was howling in his head. One more check of his watch it was time to start his round of speed dating.

“No shots!” Was the only thing he could say as he left the bar to join the other speed daters on the other side of the room.

“No promises!” Came Jackson’s voice through the link.

“Jackson!” Adonis narrowed his eyes on him.

“If a couple show up, ain’t turnin em down” Jackson was laughing at him from the other side.

“Elijah!” As soon as his name came through, the smile wiped off Jackson’s face.

“I’ll watch out for her!” Elijah spoke,

“Enjoy yur dates!” Jackson fired at him


“Stop tryin to figure it out, he got a few talents. The uncanny ability to know what you gonna say before you say it is one of em. He don’t do it that often it fuckin irratatin!” Jackson said, before Elijah could ask him anything. “He know I hate it too. Fuckin funny when he do it to his brothers though, they lose they shit”

“Which ones?” Elijah asked,

“Yeah!” Jackson nodded. It didn’t matter whether it was the idiots or Steve and Kennedy, it was entertaining. “The only one I see him get stump on is her. He don’t know what her gonna say. An her say stuff,” Jackson added as he pointed towards Tyler and Kenzi on the dance floor.

“Come on Eli, time to Kenzi sit” Ordering another round of drinks they moved to their table by the dance floor.

Adonis sat at the table they placed him at. He was miserable, he wanted to be with his mate dancing on the floor, not talking to air heads and big boobed whores trying too hard.

“Do you come here often?” Only when our mate comes!


“Do you have any hobbies?” Ripping things to pieces, slow methodical torture, chasing butterflies, being with our mate!


“Are you going to ask me any questions?” Do you ever shut up? Why do you paint your face like a clown? Could you not find clothes that fit you properly?


“Do you not know how speed dating works?” Don’t care!


“Do you know any other words?” Shut her up!

“I know quite a few, but they all might be a little too far out of your vocabulary, and beyond your simple comprehension and grasp of the English language”

“What?” She stupid!


“Do you want to….”

“Fuck No!” Adonis cut her off before she could finish the question.


“Hi, my name is Mandi….with an I” Oh dear Goddess….shoot us now!

“Good for you!” Adonis didn’t even look up at the girl he had no interest in.

“What’s your name?” Adonis with a S! Shut up Odin! Can we eat her? You are not helping! I love our mate, but she needs to pay for this cruel and unusual punishment! Elijah should work this into his torture techniques! He can start with Mandi with an I!

“I’m sorry but do you really need to tell people it’s with an I?” He asked her,

“Yes, most people always think Y. but it’s not it’s an I” She nodded her perfectly styled hair.

“Shoot me now!”

“What?” She looked rather confused,

“Nevermind, please ring the damn bell” Adonis mumbled under his breath.


This went on for half an hour. They flirted and he offered one word answers, when one tried to touch him, he pushed himself back from the table with a fuck no! And almost made her land on the floor. Odin growing more and more agitated in his head, this better be ending real quick, or he’ll be ending it real quick.

“Help, help I’ve been kidnapped. I don’t want to be here and you have thirty seconds to save my life, what do you do?” This little girl with a slight raspy drawl sat down in front of him. Her hair, ebony black with crimson red streaks, but it was her turquoise eyes and pointy elf ears adorned with earrings that really caught his attention. He’s only known two people to have ears like that. His mate and the normal’s Luna Queen.

“How do you know I’m not the one trying to kidnap you?” He fired back,

“Oh, that’s a good point, but you’re running out time though,” she warned him.

“Slip into the stock room, pull the fire alarm, chaos and panic going out the front door, we slip out the back,” he answered.

“Scary good,” she said.

“You weigh what 100lbs, easy to throw into the back of the trunk with very little fight.” Adonis said, looking her up and down.

“Looks can be deceiving” She stuck out her chin at him

“Not that deceiving,” he arched his brow at her.

“Scars, cars or guitars?” She fired another question at him

“Small scar not noticeable, an SUV and not in front of others.”

“But you know how to play?” She asked,

“Natural?” He asked instead motioning towards her hair

“Yeah!” She reached up and touched her hair. “How you guess? Most think this was on purpose”

“I’m not most, you’ve tried to correct it?” Adonis arched his brow

“Multiple times, but it doesn’t want to be fixed. So now I’m rocking it,” she replied.

“It suits you,” he said. It was then he looked down at the table and noticed the leather cuffs around her wrists. Was she hiding a secret under them like Kenzi did?

“Thank you!” She beamed him a genuine smile

“Ember Sheppard, I’d shake your hand but, no” Did she just say….! This is the girl we were told about!

“Adonis Bradshaw….tell me Ember, were you in Ontario recently, more specifically the Ottawa Valley?” He asked.

“Yeah how’d you know?” She furrowed her brows, now wondering if the kidnap scenario she came up with was not just a scenario.

“Do you know Kennedy Burgess?” He asked.

“Yeah I met him, he was a nice guy….sorry bout his head” Ember looked a little sheepish. “I told him I din’t like to be touched and it was an accident, he was tryin to stop someone else and he….an I hit him. He din’t cry or nothin, he kinda cried but I hit him really hard” This little spitfire made Kennedy cry? Oh he’s never going to live that down!

“Why you wanna know about Kennedy?” She asked, raising her eyebrows at him.

“He’s my brother, and told me about a little girl that doesn’t like to be touched and hits hard when she is” Adonis replied

“No shit! Your brother, small fucking world” I like her, she’s taller than our mate though! I don’t think anyone is as small as Kenzi!

“Very small!” Adonis couldn’t help but agree. It was also the first time since he started this speed dating thing that he felt relaxed. This one didn’t really seem interested in actually dating him, she seemed to want to be entertained.


“Aw bullshit! Nice meeting you!” Ember got up and moved to the next table.

“You as well” Adonis offered her a polite smile but it was immediately wiped from his face as the next woman sat down.

“What fresh hell are you from?” He muttered. Is it time for mate now? I wish! She needs to pay for this! Torturously! While the blonde spoke and prattled on about herself he sat there thinking of all the ways he was going to get his little mate back for this. Might want to tone down the thoughts! I hate you! Do you really think spanking her is the best way to go! I really hate you! I thought the idea was for her not to look at you like a sex crazed monster! I really, really hate you! So some of his thoughts were less than pure. Some! Shut up! Most of his thoughts. Try all! Shut up! He wanted her, every carnal craving for her rose to the surface the second he said he was no longer going to fight it.


“You believe this bullshit, that guy got me killed and the next one down the line looks sketchy as fuck” The little spitfire sat back down across from him.

“I think the idea is to meet all of them, the sketchy ones included” Adonis replied to her, though he was quite grateful she now took up the seat and not the next one coming his way.

“Yeah, not gonna work for me. Speed dating should work like musical chairs. Play the music, shut it off and yur ass better be in a damn chair. Think I’m good here for now,” she fired back.

“You’re not trying to actually date people are you?” Adonis asked her. When a wry smile crossed her face he knew he got it right the first time. This little spitfire just wanted to be entertained.

“I’ve been told I’m not a people person. So I’m trying to meet new people and speed dating seems like a great way to do that. My cousin James in Harper’s Ferry said it was anyways. I tried a couple times, but I think he’s six ways fucking crazy.” She replied, nodding her head. “You shouldn’t comment though, I don’t think you’re here to meet people either. In fact I’m having a hard time believing a stud muffin who looks like you has a hard time finding a date let alone some bunny to warm his bed, so what gives?”

“Are you always this direct?” Adonis asked her


“That’s my chair!” They were interrupted by an overly aggressive blonde.

“Nope, pretty sure my pretty little ass is sitting here” Ember fired at her. “You can go talk to the sketchy as fuck guy over there, he looks lonely and more your type”

“I want to talk to him” she countered pointing at Adonis

“Yeah….no.” Ember shook her head

“It’s my turn to talk to him, you already had your turn” The blonde snapped

“Judging by the look on his face he doesn’t want to talk to you” Ember looked at Adonis who shook his head then back up at the blonde.

“How do you know he doesn’t want to talk to me?” The blonde snapped again.

“Because I don’t think he’s fluent in bimbo” she replied shrugging,

“It’s the rules,” she huffed.

“And rules are meant to be broken” Ember stated matter of factly,

“Get out of my seat,” The blonde snapped, stomping her foot. Ember just raised her eyebrows, the corners of her mouth pulled slightly up.

“No!” She said, shaking her head, causing her checkerboard hair pattern to tumble around her shoulders.

“Get your little ass out of my seat,” the blonde stomped again.

“No! Do you not English well? Pretty sure I was clear when I said no the first time.” Ember spoke slower this time so the blonde could hear her.

“It’s my turn,” she huffed.

“He’s not a toy, you don’t get turns. And even if he was I’m not sure you’d know how to use him, he’s a pretty big toy and I’m not done playing with him yet” Adonis was finding it harder and harder to contain the amusement he was finding in the situation.

“I would know how to use him,” the blonde huffed again.

“Now that’s a little cringy. How many have you used?” Ember did nothing to hide the look of disgust on her face,

“I’m not telling!” The blonde’s face was a shade or two redder and she was on the verge of going hysterical. Something told Adonis that’s what Ember was trying for. She doesn’t meet people well huh? Seems to be doing a pretty damn good job!

“That many then huh? Wow….yikes and yuck!” Ember feigned a shudder and Adonis bit back another laugh.


“Guess your turns over, be careful if you’ve been kidnapped that guy will get you killed.” Smiling brightly up at the blonde.

“You can’t talk to him all night.” She growled back at her.

“Well now, challenge accepted. My pretty little ass is not leaving this seat and he’s stuck with me for the rest of the night. He seems ok with that though. Unlike the rest of you, I’m not trying to get in his pants, and the look on his face says he don’t want in yours. You might give him cooties. Bye now!” Ember turned back to Adonis, and he couldn’t hide the grin on his face if he tried. I think I actually might like this human! She’s fucking great, and we get to talk to her for the rest of the night! She is definitely saving us!

“Is she just going to stand there the whole night now? I said bye. That’s a little stalkery and creepy. But back to your question, yes I am always that direct. Do you always attract stalkers?” Ember turned her attention back to him.

“Appears so!” He replied,

“That might explain why you’re having a hard time finding someone, you’re finding all the creepy ones” Ember stated, “except that’s not why you’re here….did you get set up?” Ember looked at him, his cheeks slightly darkening.

“You did, you did. Your friend girl set you up for speed dating. Now my question is why?” What’s a friend girl?

“My what?” Adonis looked at her. That was not a term he was familiar with.


“What is a friend girl?” He asked,

“Oh, it’s a girl that is a friend. I could say girl friend but that implies couple, friend girl does not. Like I have friend boys but no boyfriends.” She explained.

“I see! Why can’t you say guy friends?” Adonis asked.

“I could say that, but you’re changing the subject. Did your friend girl set you up for speed dating? It’s not something a….guy friend….nope don’t like that. It’s not something a friend boy would do unless you lost a bet….did you lose a bet?” Ember asked,

“No, I did not lose a bet. My….friend girl is trying to help me find someone” he replied trying not to laugh at his use of that term.

“Aww...that’s so swee….uh oh!” Ember went wide eyed and her mouth dropped a little. “She’s gonna fail, you already found someone” Adonis just looked at her. This girl had him pegged, the thought made him rather uncomfortable.

“Does she know? She doesn’t know, how does she not know? How have you not told her? Is she here tonight? Of course she’s here tonight, which one is she?” Ember was now trying to scan the bar in search of the girl that set him up.

“Stop that! No she doesn’t know, I haven’t told her yet.” Adonis almost grabbed her arm, but he didn’t want to end up like Kennedy.

“What the hell are you waiting for? Say friend girl be my girlfriend not complicated. You like her, ten to one odds say she likes you. Girls can’t form connections with guys and not develop some sort of deep feelings for them. Except me….we’re not talking about that though we’re talking about you, so stop changing the subject” Odin was howling in his head at everything this girl was saying to him.


True to her word, Ember did not leave the chair at his table. She was glared at by the other women, but paid absolutely no attention to them. She wanted to know more about the friend girl that set Adonis up for speed dating.

“I can help you stop being a baby, point her out” Ember said to him.

“I’m not being a baby” I really like this girl!

“Yes you are! Why haven’t you told her then. Let me guess ‘Not the right time’” She said mimicking his voice. I really, really like this girl!

“I don’t sound like that” Adonis scoffed at her.

“Yes you do, all guys sound like that in my head when they say that. It is the right time, it’s always the right time because you have to make it the right time. Put your big boy pants on and tell friend girl you like her and to be your girlfriend. Now is it the big boobed blonde broad in the corner?” Ember asked.

“I liked you!” Adonis shot at her

“You still like me, it’s hard not too” Ember countered with a not so innocent smile. “So is it her?”


“How about the tube top burnette by the bar which is two seconds away from giving a floor show?” She asked, looking in a different direction.


“The red head coming out of the bathroom with a very satisfied smile on her face?” Adonis was trying not to follow her eye around the room, but the little spitfire’s descriptions of these women made it difficult for him not to.

“I’m not even going to answer that one.”

“The drunk slobbering mess of a girl licking the ashtray?” Ember snuck a peek at him, and the smile on her face broke big at the look of disgust she saw.

“What, eww gross and fuck no”

“Big guys like you say eww gross? I guess so, when you’re that big, who’s really gonna tell you not to?” She asked, a smirk playing on her face.

“Not a lot of people tell me no to a lot of things. And it’s not like I’d listen if they did.” he replied.


“So….which one is she?” Ember pushed him to tell her. Adonis looked around the floor, he wouldn’t be able to see her anyway she was too small to be noticed in the crowd. Unless she’s on stage! Looking towards the stage and sure enough there she was standing in front of everyone getting ready to sing along with the band. Her face was red and he could see Jackson and Tyler encouraging her.

“What the fuck are you two doing?” Adonis called through the link

“We’s Kenzi sittin” Came Jackson’s reply

“Why is she on the stage?” He asked,

“Los a bet wit Tyler” Jackson said

“What bet?”

“Darts” Tyler answered,

“Get her off the stage” Adonis spoke,

“Stay outta it an go back to yur datin” Jackson fired at him laughing

“Assholes!” He was greeted with their laughter. Though he had to admit he was curious to see what was going to happen.

“Which one is she?” Ember asked him again, more persistent this time. Looking at his table companion, he shook his head. Just tell her, she’ll hound you until you do! Odin quipped at him.

“Come on, tell me!” Ember urged, she really wanted to know.

“I’m not telling you!” Adonis replied

“If you don’t tell me I’m gonna get on that stage and ask the whole bar, then you’ll have lots of friend girls who want to be your girlfriend,” she threatened.

“She’s the one on stage” Adonis replied, motioning towards the band. He did not want to call her bluff. He had a feeling she wasn’t. Ember turned in that direction, her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open.

“Are you fucking crazy? You just let her walk around? How can you let that girl just wander around in a sea of predators?” Ember finally asked,

“Excuse me?” Adonis looked at her.

“Look at her….I’ve seen some beautiful girls in my time but holy fuck. I don’t swing that way or anything but if she did and that girl bat an eyelash at me, I’d switch teams.” Did she just say what I think she said? Yes she did! Just then the bar erupted with the first notes Kenzi started to sing, her face never stopped being red the whole time she was on stage.

“She can sing? Again I ask are you fucking crazy? What is wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you? Are you….like….broken?” Ember asked, looking at him, a rather concerned look crossing her face.

“What? NO! I’m not….broken!” Adonis replied, when he noticed where she was looking. Odin roared with laughter in his head. Some part of you is broken! Shut up Odin! Well it is! You’re not helping! Listen to the little spitfire, just tell her!

“I gotta meet friend girl” with that said Ember bolted from his table and disappeared into the crowd.

“Shit!” Adonis too was on his feet moving through the crowd. He had to catch the little spitfire before she said something to his mate. Though it might be easier to get to his mate, she was still on stage. Changing directions he moved towards Kenzi instead.

“The fuck you doin here? Thought you speed datin?” Jackson asked, trying not to laugh.

“I was,” Adonis replied as he stood next to the stage. When Kenzi saw him she smiled brightly as she continued to sing.

“The fuck that go?” Jackson inquired,

“Elijah should use it as a torture method.” Came his reply as he scanned the crowd around the stage.

“The fuck you lookin for?” Jackson asked,

“Remember the girl Kennedy told me about?” Adonis caught sight of her briefly, she moved in their direction, but the sea of tall people kept swallowing her up.

“Bout her?” Jackson asked as he too looked to where Adonis was.

“She’s here and happened to be one of my dates” Adonis replied,

“No shit?” A grin breaking out on Jackson’s face as he looked at his Alpha.

“Yeah, though she wasn’t really there to date anyone, just meet new people, but she put a few things together and now she wants to meet Kenzi” Adonis said as he continued to scan the bar for her

“An you figure you get here firs make sure her don’t say nuttin. Her don’t know bout our kine right?” Adonis shook his head at the question.

“Jus know you got the hots for yur mate, but you bein a bitch” Jackson broke out laughing at the look on his face.

“She called me a baby,” he grumbled, listening to Odin howl in his head.

“I wanna meet this girl” Jackson had no idea who he was looking for, but anyone that could walk away after calling Adonis a baby was someone he really wanted to meet.

“Here’s yur chance” Adonis locked eyes with a little girl and she smiled huge at him.

“Hello Ember!” He greeted her.

“Damn yur quick. I thought for sure abandoning you at the table the others would jump you like horny teenagers the first chance they got. It would have bought me some time” Her eyes danced with merriment.

“I like this girl. Jackson Monroe” Jackson was about to offer his hand but kept it at his side.

“Ember Sheppard. He likes me too, he just won’t admit it” Ember feigned a pout but couldn’t hold it she was too excited to meet the girl on the stage.

“Yeah he be like that some time. Why don’t you an I get a drink?” Jackson offered

“But I wanna meet friend girl with the set of pipes he’s fawning over” Ember protested, Jackson cracked a grin and fought the laughter that wanted out

“Let the big baby talk to her firs. We meet up wit her later” Jackson winked at her. Oh this girl was going to meet Kenzi.

“Yeah, ok. Drinking sounds good. What we drinkin?” Ember asked, looking at him

“Whisky!” Jackson replied as he moved towards the bar

“Nice! I’ve been meeting a lot of whisky drinkers lately….nice people” Ember replied, following him. Adonis couldn’t help the sigh of relief that escaped him. Horseshoes up your ass! Classy Odin! It’s the truth, hadn’t been for Jackson! You don’t need to point it out! Stop being a baby! I’m not a baby! Coulda called you a bitch! No more Ko or Bal for you! No, you can’t do that! Who’s the bitch now? Asshole! Bigger asshole!

The bar erupted into loud cheers and whistles as Kenzi finished her last song. Her face was blushing even more at the attention she was receiving, but her bright smile never left. He could feel her excitement as he met her at the stairs to help her down only for her to throw herself into his arms. Her body vibrated with excited energy as she pressed into him.

“Joe’s never had a live band before” She squealed as she clung tighter to him wrapping her legs around his waist. “That was so ass-citing, but scary, but ass-citing”

“You were absolutely amazing sweetheart” Adonis held her tighter, tangling his fingers in the soft tresses of her hair.

“Did you find-ed her?” Kenzi asked when she looked at him. Maybe that’s why he was by the stage. She had looked over and the others were still doing their dates.

“No sweetheart, I didn’t sense her amongst the other daters” Adonis replied.

“Oh, I’m sorry you didint find-ed her,” Kenzi felt deflated and held him tighter. She thought for sure he would find her here.

“It’s ok sweetheart. I’m not. Now I can enjoy the rest of my night with you. There is someone who would like to meet you though” Adonis held her to him. The flood of sadness she felt at him not finding his mate, hurt him.

“Who?” She mumbled into his neck,

“She is trying to meet new people, and I don’t know how much luck she is having with it.” Adonis replied. Considering her pension for hitting people if they touch her, I’m thinking not much!

“Are you going to put me down first?” She asked him.

“No!” That wasn’t even something he had to think about, he was not going to put her down. He was not going to remove his hands from her and if they weren’t waiting to hear from another pack about Ridgeview he would have kissed her the second she threw herself into his arms.

Joining the others at the bar to get a drink, he didn’t see Ember anywhere. He did place Kenzi in a seat but stuck real close to her.

“Where is she?” Adonis asked Jackson,

“Phone call, brother I think. Say her be back in a sec an if you weren’t here wit the hot stuff from the stage her gonna go lookin for ya” Tyler replied, a big grin spreading across his face.

“Yeah, well some asshole promised she could meet her” Adonis glared at Jackson.

“Her a feisty lil thin, get somein in her head an it stuck there” Jackson said, with his own smile across his face. “I ask you somein?”

“No one really has a choice when you want to ask something Jackson. I’m not certain why you keep asking that” Adonis said to him.

“Bein polite. Lil Spitfire say her brother name is Damon” Jackson started,

“Damon?” Adonis asked, arching his eyebrow.

“Yeah Damon, he from Howler Bay, what the odds you think that be the normal’s Royal Gamma Damon Benson?” Jackson asked.

“Considering the order to keep her protected came from their King, I’m thinking those are real good odds.” Jackson nodded at his reply.

“Bout as good as her sister bein their Luna Queen Dax McKenna?” Jackson looked at him.

“She said the Royal Gamma was her brother and their Queen was her sister?” Adonis asked,

“That what her call em” Tyler replied,

“Ember appears to have some pretty powerful friends,” Adonis replied.

“Bout time you put that girl down an joined us. I was bout ready to hunt you down” Her small drawl sounded behind him. Jackson and Tyler howled with laughter. Adonis chuckled as he turned to face the little spitfire.

“Wouldn’t want that now would I?” Adonis replied to her.

“No, I can be quite relentless,” she said.

“Though you couldn’t really say it was my fault if you didn’t meet her. You weren’t here when we showed up.” Adonis fired at her.

“I was on the phone with my brother,” she said, defending her absence.

“Your brother?” Adonis arched a quizzical eyebrow at her.

“Yeah, well he’s not really my brother but he feels like my brother and he checks in with me like a brother would. Make sure I’m not getting into any trouble and no one’s giving me a hard time” Ember smiled at him sweetly. What would this Damon do if someone were to give her a hard time? Odin mused in his head. Curious myself! Curious enough to find out? Tempting! The Devil needs fun too! We’ll wait till we go to Ontario then you can have all the fun you want! Fine! Patience Odin! I have none! So you keep telling me! Then stop telling me to have patience!

“Sounds like quite the brother,” Adonis replied. Though he was highly intrigued as to what a member of the royal family would do should anything happen to this little spitfire. His little mate tugging on the back of his shirt was the reason he didn’t want it to be him that it happened too.

“Hello sweetheart, I have not forgotten about you” Adonis turned his back on Ember to address Kenzi behind him. She beamed brightly at him. He saw the empty shot glass sitting on the bar and a small smile spread across his face.

“How many have you had so far?” He asked,

“Four….five” she replied, her grin getting bigger. When another was placed down and Joe motioned to someone sitting at the end of the bar, Adonis narrowed his gaze on the man and took the shot himself. The man frowned and went to get up only for Adonis to shake his head causing him to sit back down in a huff. Helping her down from the stool she was perched on he moved her in front of him to face the girl that was dying to meet her. Both their eyes shot wide open.

“You’re only slightly taller than me” Kenzi blurted, her excitement began filling the area around them. It didn’t matter that Ember was taller than her, she didn’t have to crane her neck so much to look her in the eye.

“I’ve never been taller than anyone” Ember blurted back, she didn’t realize how small Kenzi actually was until she was face to face with her.

“Ember Sheppard, this is Kenzi Templeton,” Adonis introduced them. Before anyone could stop her, Kenzi wrapped her arms around Ember who stood frozen in place. She was waiting for her skin to crawl and the wave of repulsion to roll through her, but when all she felt was warmth from the perfect sunshine she breathed a sigh of relief.

KENZI!” Adonis went to pull her back, but when he saw Ember hug her back he stepped back from them.

“What’s wrong?” Kenzi asked as she looked at him.

“Nothing sweetheart,” Adonis replied, sharing a look with the others.

“What the fuck?” Adonis asked through the link

“I’ll look into it” Elijah stated

“Jus me or her look jus as shock?” Jackson asked

“No, her look shock” Tyler replied, unsure of what to do now.

“Tyler don’t! Kenzi is in the crossfire,” Adonis ordered.

“We should get drinks” Kenzi grabbed Ember’s hand and they returned to the bar to order.

“Well that be interestin. Two pint size drunk pixies runnin roun, one with a pension for hittin people that touch her and the other jus say stuff.” Jackson grinned at Adonis. “Good luck wit that”

“What’s the job of a Beta Jackson?” Adonis asked him with a sly smirk spreading onto his face.

“Ah….fuck me!” Jackson huffed,

“If I’m at the table, so are you” Adonis moved back to the bar to order a drink then he would head to find their table.

“I ain’t wanna miss this” Tyler was moving as well.

The drinks flowed and the conversation carried on through the night. Ember was enamoured with Kenzi. She didn’t understand how she was able to touch her, she just met this girl, but there was something about her that brought her a sense of peace. She also no longer wondered why all the big guys at the table were overly protective of her. She would be protective of her as well, she was the sweetest little thing she has ever met. When Kenzi found out Ember didn’t have a place to stay because the hotel was booked she offered her spare bedroom immediately without a second thought.

“Kenzi you shouldn’t offer a room like that to someone you don’t know” Tyler scolded her,

“Why?” Kenzi asked, she didn’t understand why that was a bad idea, she liked Ember. She was funny.

“You don’t know her, what if her a serial killer?” Tyler replied,

“I….Sh….I….She’s not” Kenzi said,

“How you know?” Tyler asked,

“I don’t, but I’ll ask her when she gets back, and she’s not,” Kenzi replied.

“It’s ok sweetheart, Tyler’s just concerned” Adonis pulled her closer to him. He gave Tyler a pointed look, but he understood why he was doing this. He was uncomfortable with his Luna being in the house with someone none of them really knew. Someone who hit people if they touched her.

“Relax Tyler. Adon there too. He ain’t gonna let nuttin happen to her.” Jackson mumbled low enough for Tyler to hear.

“Don’t like it” Tyler grumbled back,

“That girl good people.” Jackson replied,

“You sure?” Tyler asked

“Life hand her a card, but her good people. Jus lookin for a place to call home” Jackson replied.

“Still don’t like it,” Tyler huffed.

“If you don’t like it, why don’t you sleep there too?” Jackson huffed back.

“Maybe I will!” Tyler huffed again, glaring at his brother.

A tray of drinks placed down on the table in front of them, caused them both to stop to look at the one who delivered them.

“Take it outside boys, don’t cause shit in my bar” Joe said, “Your little friend bought the next round” He added seeing the looks of confusion on their faces.

“Well that was nice of her” Adonis stated, looking at his Beta and Delta.

“Aight, maybe her a nice girl,” Tyler exclaimed as he took his drink off the tray.

“What I miss?” Ember asked as she retook her seat beside Kenzi.

“Tyler think you a serial killer,” Jackson blurted, then broke out laughing at the look on his brother’s face.

“You a asshole” Tyler fired at him. Ember just stared at him wide eyed.

“Nope, not a serial killer. But I understand how you’d think that though. I basically live out of my jeep and move around alot. The closest place to a home I had was when I lived with my Uncle Theo and Cousin James in Harper’s Ferry for three years.” Ember said.

“Now you bounce around looking for a place to call home. Up till about three weeks ago that was us.” Adonis told her.

“Really?” Ember asked, looking at all of them. They just nodded.

“Maybe you’re the serial killer then” she said as she looked at Tyler, her grin getting wider.

“Only slightly homicidal” Tyler replied, Ember just gave a half laugh.

“How did you know when you found it?” She asked. Adonis looked at Kenzi,

“Because I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else” He replied with a smile on his face, Kenzi beamed brightly at him.

“You two ever do the dirty?” Ember asked, causing Elijah to choke on his drink. Tyler and Jackson widened their eyes at her.

“Do what dirty?” Kenzi asked, confusion crossing her face. The sly little smirk crossed Ember’s face as she caught the glare from Adonis.

“You know the nasty, check the oil, fill the donut….thread the needle….bury the bone” The more euphemisms Ember came up with for sex the more confused Kenzi became, the more Tyler and Jackson fought to control their laughter. “Play doctor?”

“I hit him with a shovel once, and clean-ed the blood off his face.” Kenzi offered. Ember looked from Kenzi to Adonis, her eyes widening as realization sank in that her new friend had no idea what she was talking about.

“Yup, that would be playing doctor” Ember replied nodding her head. “A head’s up warning would have been nice” Ember whispered to Jackson.

“Sorry Lil Spitfire, we don’t introduce her as Kenzi the virgin” Jackson whispered back, trying to cover his chuckle at her expression.

“You either have the greatest restraint or you diddle the skittles a lot” Jackson snorted, Tyler beside him was choking on his drink, even Elijah had his head down as his shoulders started to shake.

“I don’t know what that means” Kenzi looked at her.

“No frickin way….diddle the skittles….double click your mouse….stroke the beaver….butter your muffin….pet the cat” Every phrase she spoke was greeted with a blank eyed stare.

“There’s a house cat that visits me. Sometines I pet her,” Kenzi replied. Ember’s eyes widened even more. Jackson and Tyler broke and roared with laughter.

“Holy frickin smoked….” Adonis’s hands immediately went over Kenzi’s ears to stop her from hearing anymore. He shot Ember a look telling her to zip her mouth.

“She’s a doe eyed bambi?” Ember asked him,

“Yes she is,” Adonis answered.

“No fricken wonder you’re stalling. You do the dirty with her, you gonna be a cherry popper.” Ember looked at him, he looked at the table for a second then looked back at her.

“My eyes are gonna pop out of my head. How you not gonna crush her? You a big man!” Adonis couldn’t say a word to that. He was wondering the same thing. Odin was howling with laughter in his head. He had been since the do the dirty question. I really really really like this girl!

“That better not be the only reason, or I’m gonna introduce you to kindness” Ember stated matter of factly.

“It’s not!” Adonis replied, looking back at her.

“Good! I think you can uncover her ears now. She looks like she wants to join the conversation too” Ember nodded her head.

“Sorry sweetheart! Conversation became a little too adult” Adonis said to Kenzi as she looked at him confused.

“But I am an adult” Kenzi huffed,

“I know, but remember what I said the last time I had to cover your ears?” He asked her.

“I’m too in-inno-cent and you don’t want to cor-rup me. But how come Ember got to be part of the con-con-con….ver, how come Ember got to talk?” Kenzi asked as she looked up at him.

“Because I think Ember is already corrupt” Adonis replied, glancing at the second little pixie at the table.

“Slightly guilty, but only slightly.” Ember replied, with a sheepish grin on her face.

“What kindness?” Tyler asked her when he finally stopped laughing.

“It’s the bat I keep in my jeep for protection” Ember replied,

“You name it kindness?” Jackson asked, a big grin on his face.

“You betcha! So if I hit people I’m hitting em wit kindness” Ember replied again, her own grin on her face.

“A bat! Have you ever used it?” Elijah asked. Jackson couldn’t help but steal a look at Adonis.

“All the time, most people don’t mess with me when I bring out kindness. I’ve only ever actually had to hit one person with it,” she replied.

“What they do?” Tyler asked, her direct statement and fierce protectiveness over Kenzi was putting Tyler more at ease. And the fact that she had a bat named kindness and was clearly not afraid to use it.

“They was tryin to shove a little girl with kitty cat ears in the back of a truck an she didn’t want to go an the big dummy told me to mind my own business. I said it was my business cause she don’t want to go with you. He came at me an I hit em. Big stupid didn’t see it coming, sure felt it though.” Ember replied.

“Kitty cat ears?” Adonis asked, that caught his attention.

“Yeah, cutest thing ever. She had a tail too an the bluest hair I’ve ever seen. She was trying to get to some national forest….White something. I got her to a train station and they said they would help her get to where she needed to be. That was a few years ago. I don’t know if she made it, but I got some friends that said they’d look into it. Hope she made it though. Aside from biting me, she seemed real nice” Ember explained,

“She bited you?” Kenzi asked, biting back the yawn that wanted to escape. The day had been long and she was starting to get tired.

“Yeah, but I think I scared her. I tried to get her into my jeep so I could get her to safety an I think she thought I was trying to abduct her so she bit me. Told her I was trying to help her and we were friends and friends don’t bite friends. She came willingly after that.” Ember pulled up her sleeve to show the bite mark on her arm.

Another round of drinks and they called it a night. With a two o’clock wake up call looming in the near future Adonis wasn’t certain how much sleep Kenzi was going to get. She was excited for her house guests, but she was also tired from the day’s events. It was a very busy and exciting day for her. And with the new information on how innocent she really was he was finding it very hard to keep his hands off of her. Control, keep control! You have control like I have patience! Shut up, I can keep control! Sure lie to me! I have control! Even better, lie to yourself! Shut up you asshole! Sharing a bed! Fuck me! He had to find a way to keep his control over himself, while they shared a bed. But his want and need for her was growing, he wasn’t entirely certain he would be able to do it. She did say she was the only one that got to decide what she was and wasn’t ready for. And he did say that he wasn’t going to hold back. He looked beside him to see Kenzi curled up in the passenger seat, her eyes closed as he drove back to her house. Checking the rearview mirror once to make sure Ember was still following them. No he would keep control until Ember was no longer in the house. How long will that be? I don’t know! Good luck! You’re such an asshole!

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