The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 56: Kissy Time!

Quarter to two Adonis’s eyes opened, why was he up? He didn’t want to be up at this time. He shifted slightly and was immediately flooded with warmth as the tiny dancer under him shifted as well molding her body more to fit his. Though she was starting to stir to life, he didn’t want her up at this time either. She mumbled something about five minutes into his neck but he was too focused on how her lips felt brushing against him. The little electric currents rippled through his body. Breathe, just breathe. Keep control! He told himself over and over. When she shifted against him again, he felt his restraint dwindling. He was now pressed more into her, his core stirring, bringing to life his carnal urges. He had to get off of her, before they overtook him. Sensing his movements she wrapped her arms tighter around his neck keeping him in place, she wasn’t ready for him to not be covering her yet.

“No!” She mumbled again her lips brushing his neck.

“Sweetheart!” He tried but she held him tighter. When his lips brushed her neck and he felt her first shiver against him. There went control, there went restraint, there went everything. He brushed his lips past her neck again and again she shivered, clinging tighter to him. His light brushes turned firmer. Tilting her neck to the side she gave him all the access he wanted to further his explorations. Kenzi sucked in a sharp breath as she felt his teeth graze her tender flesh. Her body came alive with each sharp electric current that tore through her. Leaving her wanting, needing, desiring more. The dull ache that had developed between her legs turned into an ever intensifying throb. She felt him pressing into her, hard ready and wanting.

While his lips explored her neck uncovering all the hidden areas that made her gasp and want more, his hands took the opportunity to roam her body and elicit whimpers. Ripples of pleasure rolled through her, pushing her higher than before. With one leg wrapped around his waist he pressed harder into her. Her fingers tangled in his hair would clutch when he hit somewhere more sensitive on her neck. Hands moving up, lips moving down all driving her to the point of no return with each push he made into her. Her body shivered with each current that danced and laced through her. ….grRrrrRrr…. He couldn’t help the growl that slipped out when he felt her lips on his neck. The kiss was light and feathery, but a jolt of electricity ripped through him at it. His thumb brushed the sensitive erect tip of one of her breasts and she released a small whimper and arched into him. Her lips brushed his neck again and again, she might be inexperienced but she was driving him crazy with that mouth. He pushed harder into her.

Their bodies began to move as one as they continued to taste and tease each other. Her fingers tracing the definition of the muscles in his arms as his hands continue their quest to explore as much of her as possible. He wanted skin, more skin, finding the hem of her shirt he slipped his hand underneath. She gasped and arched hard into him as he slowly slid his hand over the smoothness of her delicate flesh. Her breath coming in quicker gasps the higher he pushed her. His hands felt so good on her body, she whimpered and gasped with each gentle pass he made. ….MMMMM…. Escaped when he trailed his fingers over the flesh of one of her breasts, letting his thumb linger and circle the tip of her nipple. The scent of her arousal in the air he became more hungry for her, his need driving him and he began to move faster and harder against her. He’d push and she would arch against him. Matching motion for motion, until his lips crashed down on hers to muffle the scream that wanted to escape when she crashed over the edge in a tidal wave of bliss. Her little body vibrated against him as he kept pushing against her chasing his own release.

Kenzi and Adonis lay in bed cuddled in eachothers arms after the events of the morning. He had brought her to another dizzying high when he reached his own peak and they were basking in the afterglow of it all.

“We should get out of this bed, though I’m ok if all we do is stay here” He whispered into her ear. Kenzi could feel her face beginning to flush as the racy little thoughts entered her mind.

“We can’t stay, too much to do in the bakery” came her quiet little disappointed reply. She didn’t want to leave, the idea of spending a whole day in bed sounded very appealing. Though she wasn’t certain what they would do in bed all day, it didn’t stop it from sounding enticing.

“Ok, my tiny dancer. I’m showering first” with one last kiss he rolled away from her and headed towards the bathroom listening to her giggle behind him. He didn’t want to leave the bed, but he was about to get a whole week with her and no obligations to the bakery to get in his way. Even though his time in Ontario was shaping up to be busy, he planned on making use of every minute with her he had.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, Kenzi was just coming back from the closet with the rest of her clothes she needed for the morning.

“That side of the dresser is empty” she informed him motioning towards the right hand side.

“How long was I in the shower for?” He asked, he didn’t think it was long enough for her to empty half a dresser, but maybe it was.

“That side was always empty,” she replied. “I’ll grab a quick shower then make us some breakfast.” He could only nod at her and offer a small smile. He waited till the bathroom door closed before he opened the second drawer on her side of the dresser. It contained a handful of shirts not even enough to half fill the drawer a quarter way full. He opened the bottom drawer to find only two pairs of pants for work, a pair of leggings and the sweatpants she got when the bear bit her. He was pretty sure he would see the same small amount if he opened the top drawer. He knew there was a small stack of t-shirts in the closet she wore to bed and a simple handful of dresses. His mate didn’t have enough clothes to even fill half the dresser. And if it wasn’t for the dresses she wouldn’t even need to use the closet.

His hatred for her sister increased but there was nothing more he could do about that, he already took care of that problem. Didn’t stop a new problem from rising though. How was he going to convince her that buying something for herself was not selfish? It appeared she only did it when she absolutely had to. Could destroy all her clothes! Odin suggested. That would convince her, it would also make him look fucking insane. Do the same thing she did to Elijah! You want me to launch her clothes into a wood chipper until she agrees to buy more? She deserves to spend money on herself! She deserves to have someone spend money on her! What? She bought me shirts, why can’t I do the same for her? Why can’t you? We can pick what we think would look good on her! Once again Adonis opened the second drawer and pulled one of her shirts to look at the size. Where the fuck do I find that size? The lil button store? Not helping Odin! Might be why she doesn’t buy herself clothes, it’s why you didn’t! No, she doesn’t buy herself anything because her sister was a bitch! Though he couldn’t argue with what Odin said, it was the main reason he didn’t buy a lot of stuff for himself. Finding clothes to fit him was a pain in the ass.

Quickly getting himself dressed he went down to the kitchen, he might not be able to pull off the breakfasts she could, but there was no reason why he couldn’t make breakfast or at least start it. Besides he had to figure out where he would be able to find clothes in her size. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs when he saw Ember sitting on the couch.

“Are you always up this early?” She asked not looking up from the book she was reading.

“Baker’s hours. Why are you up this early?” He asked,

“I’m an early bird an a night owl an a everything inbetween girl,” she replied.

“You don’t sleep!” He stated, but when she didn’t deny it he knew he hit it right.

“I do, just not for very long. My Uncle Theo says I probably wouldn’t be so aggressive if I slept more,” she finally looked up at him. “You don’t strike me as a baker,” she added, tilting her head to the side.

“Kenzi’s the baker, I just help,” he replied,

“Help, right I’m sure you’re a real help in the bakery….alone….with her.” Ember remarked, a sly grin crossing her face.

“Are you questioning my intentions?” He asked,

“No, not at all. Your intentions are very clear. I’m questioning your ability to keep your damn hands off that lil girl so she can do her job an continue making this town smell delicious. Colour me shocked when I stepped out of my jeep expecting to smell fresh crisp mountain air and instead got a mouth watering aroma of something yummy. I ask around and they all said the bakery was the place making it happen” Ember fired back. “An don’t even pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m shocked you kept your hands off her last night. Or did you?” She added arching her brow at him.

“Somehow I don’t think that is your business” Adonis said to her as he continued into the kitchen to start breakfast.

“You’re right it’s not. But it is intriguing an intrigued minds get curious an questions get asked. The last guy I saw this hung up on a girl, put a ring on it and locked it down” Ember replied, going back to the book she was reading.

“You’re very observant, did anyone ever tell you that?” Adonis said from the kitchen.

“Move around as much as I did an the first thing you become good at is reading people.” Ember replied,

“You moved around a lot?” Adonis asked,

“My whole childhood. Never stayed too long with anyone. My parents left me with an uncle an never came back. Before I landed with my Uncle Theo when I was fifteen, the longest I was with someone was maybe a couple months. That was my aunt in Lousianna, but after I got bit by an American murder log I thought fuck that shit I’m out.” She answered.

“Did you choose to leave?” Adonis continued his questioning.

“No, they would just bounce me along to the next relative. Met a whole bunch of people, but….” Ember gave up trying to read the book and placed it back on the coffee table and turned to watch him in the kitchen.

“Did you ever think that maybe your inability to meet new people stems from your apparent trust issues?” She scrunched her face at him. “You could tell me you don’t have them, but you’d only be lying to me and yourself. You bounced around your whole childhood, it’s hard to develop any sort of bond with someone when that happens.”

“Doesn’t mean I have trust issues!” She shot back,

“How did you end up with your Uncle Theo?” Adonis asked,

“It’s complicated!” Ember replied,

“Then uncomplicate it,” he shot back.

“It’s not that easy,” she retorted.

“Then make it easy” he replied, putting down the knife he was using to look her in the eye.

“Why is it Uncle Theo and Cousin James are the only two I have heard you name and everyone else are nameless aunts and uncles?” He asked another question. She continued to sit there and look at him. Ember could feel her temper starting to rise and the look on his face told her he knew it as well.

“Don’t want to answer that question? Ok, then how about this one. If you could trust people would it still be hard to meet them?” It was then she looked away from him.

“Is this because of what happened last night? I didn’t know….”

“No, no one knows how innocent Kenzi really is and we would like to keep it that way. It is one of her more endearing qualities next to her filterless mouth. But in your keen observations you must have noticed how protective we are of her. You took a very strong liking to her and are staying in her home. I’m intrigued, intrigued minds get curious and questions get asked” Adonis said, cutting her off.

“Ok, so maybe I have trust issues an aggression problems. Can you really blame me? You get bounced around cause no one wants you an tell me that wouldn’t be you. Think I’ve earned the right to have them.” Ember huffed,

“Maybe the trust issues, but the aggression?” Adonis arched a brow at her.

“That’s not my fault. Imagine being able to touch people then in one night you can’t an don’t know why. The thought of having someone even poke me boils my blood an someone needs to get hit. I don’t know why I can touch her an truthfully I’m not questionin it. She brings peace an calm the likes of which I have never felt before an I just might need that in my life” Ember vented at him.

“Feel better?” He asked and went back to what he was doing at the counter.

“Actually I do,” Ember nodded, then grinned slightly. She got the feeling her venting was his goal when she saw the small smile he offered.

“Did your aggression issues and inability to touch people happen the same night you got that bite” Adonis asked motioning to the right side of her neck.

“Yeah, big stupid headed beasty thing” Adonis narrowed his eyes slightly but looked away from her. “What are you doing?” She asked, getting up and moving towards the kitchen.

“Starting breakfast,” he replied.

“You never answered my question, how did you end up with your Uncle Theo?” He said, glancing at her.

“I’ll give you tit for tat. I’ll answer one if you do,” she said.

“Mine first!” He replied.

“Chivalry really is dead! I was fifteen an I was living with my….aunt in Morgantown. You ever heard of it? It’s in West Virginia. She was a conservative type woman an people’s opinions mattered greatly to her. So you can imagine what she thought when I showed up at her doorstep with my hair an my ears….”

“And your eyes” He finished and she just nodded.

“I was an abomination. A slight on her, so she tried to cover my eyes an hide my ears, but no matter what she did my hair wouldn’t be concealed. She bleached it, she coloured it until one day she shaved it off. I looked like a checkerboard. People called me that an it only made it worse. They spoke, she got mad an I started to think maybe she might be right. There was something wrong with me, no one wanted me, not even my own parents.” She unsnapped one of the cuffs from around her wrist and he saw the jagged scar down the length of her wrist. “A moment of weakness. I woke up three days later in the hospital an the doctor told me some guy brought me in after he found me in the woods an my Uncle Theo an Cousin James were there, an they brought me to Harper’s Ferry.” She explained as she snapped the cuff back around her wrist.

“How come you don’t sound like Kennedy?” She asked,

“Adopted.” He replied,

“Uh uh! Further explanation please an thank you,” she shot back.

“I was a twin. A carbon copy of my three minute older brother. Until I turned four. My eye colour went from light green to emerald, my skin tone went darker, but it was when my hair turned black that my father lost it. My mother too tried to bleach my hair, but it never worked. All her trouble and effort and I ended up with chemical burns and my jet black hair held a blue tinge. I became the outcast….the….abomination of the family. My father was well respected and he wanted to keep it that way, so my presence wasn’t tolerated. I became the whipping boy, if something went wrong it was my fault. When I was ten he cast me out and Kennedy and Steve’s father took me in.” Adonis explained.

“So you gotta a brother as big as you out there?” Ember asked, motioning to his size.

“No, I’m much bigger,” Adonis replied.

“Why does Uncle Theo get a name and not the rest of them? I understand the aunt from Morgantown,” he asked,

“They’re just lucky I guess” Ember replied,

“Uh uh! Further explanation please and thank you.” A small grin hit her face when he said the same thing to her that she just spoke to him.

“He was the first person that didn’t abandon me. An I tried to push him away, he just loved me louder. Told me it was ok an he understood. I’m not sure how much understanding that man has. I put him through hell. Pretty sure he was livin a nightmare for the first six months. But he never gave up on me. First time I met any of his friends I thought he was going to make me hide who I was. He said if they don’t like how I look they can see themselves to the fucking door, cause he wasn’t gonna waste his time showin ’em. My cousin James was the same way. His best friend of I don’t know how many years, made fun of my hair an James beat the shit out of him saying you don’t talk about his family that way an if you do you’re no friend of his. Guess he kinda became my best friend, an said if I ever do something like that again he was gonna kill me.” Ember answered, as she motioned to her wrist.

“How would he do that if you were already dead?” Adonis asked,

“That’s what I asked, he said he’d revive me then kill me.” Ember said.

“When did you know?” Ember asked,

“When did I know what?” He returned,

“Don’t play dumb now Adonis. You’re too smart for that, when did you know?” She repeated,

“As cliche as this is going to sound, the day I met her. She’s why Blackwoods felt like home. Everything I was looking for was in this small sleepy little town.” He replied.

“I get it. It is cliche, but I get it. That girl is frickin magic. Everyone needs a Kenzi in their life. She smiles an you can’t help but smile as well. She’s like a pocketful of sunshine.” Ember returned,

“That would be a very accurate description of her” Adonis agreed,

“That girl is head over heels for you, you know that right? Setting you up for speed dating ate her up inside, a blind person could see it. Do both of you a huge favour an just tell her already,” she said giving him a pointed look

“It’s complicated!” He replied.

“Then uncomplicate it!” She fired at him, a smug look on her face.

“I’m working on it!” He returned,

“Work faster!” Ember shot back,

“You’re a pain in the ass,” Adonis said to her.

“I know, but you still like me. Sorry bout the diddle the skittles comment last night. If I would have known I still might have said something, but it probably wouldn’t have been that.” Ember held a cheeky grin on her face.

“It’s alright. Not really a phrase we’re familiar with” Adonis said, trying not to laugh.

“Clearly. I don’t know what was funnier, the look on Jackson’s face, Tyler choking on his drink or Eli trying to control his laughter,” she replied.

“Your Uncle Theo must be so proud. Where did you even learn that?” He asked,

“I’ve been around. The one good thing about bouncin like I did, you see a lot of a country and you pick up a few things.” She replied, Adonis could only nod to that. He supposed she was right, she would see a lot of a country never staying in one place for too long. It also begged the question how big her family was?

“Did you ever repeat family members?” He asked,

“A couple of times, except an aunt in Oklahoma” She replied,

“Why didn’t you repeat her?” He asked,

“I landed with her in May of 2007, I was….eight, well almost. They were hit with forty two tornadoes that month alone. I got locked in a storage shed. Kids can be cruel. The sirens went off an I couldn’t get out. When cops an firefighters showed up they said I was a lucky lil girl. My aunt wasn’t so lucky, her house got gobbled up by the funnel an she didn’t make it. Neither did two of her kids. Her oldest made it though, he tried to get me out of the shed before the tornado hit, but he got blown into a tree an broke his leg.” She explained,

“Ember, I’m….”

“Her kids lock me in a storage shed an she wouldn’t let anybody get me out, that’s karma baby. Let that be a lesson!” She said cutting him off. “My road might have had a couple bumps, an I might have a hard time meeting people and suffer slight aggression issues. But it’s been a good road an I wouldn’t trade the people I’ve met for anything”

Adonis let that sink in and couldn’t help but wonder if Kenzi thought that way as well. Her road has had a multitude of mountainous bumps, but he wonders if she would view it as a good road.

“I’ve heard the rumours about her. Something tells me the bumps in my road are ant hills compared to hers” Ember said breaking him from his thoughts.

“When did you hear the rumours?” Adonis asked, Ember wasn’t in town for very long, how did she hear about them so fast?

“When I was told about the bakery, some people started telling me bout the baker herself. I don’t know what the fuck their talkin bout though. I don’t think they know her at all.” Ember replied,

“This town has not taken the time to get to know her and she’s lived here her whole life.” He returned.

“Get to know who?” Kenzi was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Hello sweetheart” Adonis greeted her with a smile and she smiled brightly back at him, the pink blush hitting her cheeks instantly.

“Too frickin adorable” Ember cut in shaking her head.

“Who’s this town not getting to know?” She asked again,

“You!” Adonis replied,

“Oh, it’s…..”

“Not ok, you are important. This town is full of stupid people, who blindly believe a stupid rumour spread by even stupider people” Adonis cut her off.

“What are you doing?” She asked,

“Trying to start breakfast, but I keep getting sidetracked,” he replied.

“What are we hasing?” She asked her smile back on her face.

“I was thinking omelets,” he replied.

“He clearly can’t multitask,” Ember said, causing Kenzi to giggle.

“No, he can. There’s lots of things he can do at one time. He’s really good with his hands” Ember’s jaw dropped as her head snapped to Adonis. He was fighting back a laugh while shaking his head at the same time trying to tell her not to say anything.

“She has no idea what she just implied, does she?” Ember asked, not even trying to fight back her laugh. Adonis could just shake his head as his deep laughter rumbled through his chest.

“Did I say something wrong?” Kenzi asked, looking back and forth between Ember and Adonis.

“No sweetheart, no you didn’t” He choked out.

“I can see why you like that mouth,” Ember giggled. “Stuff just comes outta there”

Kenzi had taken over breakfast and they were eating and now in the process of cleaning up within thirty minutes.

“She’s frickin magic!” Ember remarked as she and Adonis were cleaning up. They had kicked Kenzi out twice already, with Adonis telling her there were new rules. If she cooks she’s not allowed to clean up after it.

“Yes she is!” Adonis agreed, washing the next dish Ember passed to him.

“That’s the last one” Ember told him as she checked the kitchen to make sure they got them all.

“She has a dishwasher?” Ember questioned pointing at it.

“She lived here alone and until recently she only ever used one dish. There was no point in using it for one dish and one set of utensils.” Adonis informed her.

“Wow! People suck!” Adonis could only nod his agreement.

“Are you gonna be alright here by yourself?” Adonis asked her.

“Yeah. I’m not gonna do nothing,” she said looking at him.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” he fired at her,

“Yeah I know. I’m gonna be fine. Jackson said he would stop by later and we’d go shoot a potato gun. I haven’t shot one of those in years. He was telling me about shooting it into a wood chipper, that sounded frickin awesome,” Ember replied.

“Hello sweetheart, ready to go” Adonis asked as Kenzi stepped back into the house.

“Yes! Are you gonna be ok?” She turned to Ember,

“Yup! I’m gonna shoot a potato gun” Ember answered,

“Be careful, I shot it and it knock-ed me on my bottom.” Kenzi said. Adonis covered his grin as the memory came back to him.

“I will take that under advisement.” Ember replied, confusion crossed Kenzi’s face when she said that. She didn’t know what that meant and looked to Adonis for clarification.

“She’ll keep that in mind,” he explained. Ember too looked at him for clarification, but he gave her none, just a pointed look not to question what just happened. Ember could only nod her head in understanding.

“Well my darlings, have a good day at work an I’ll see you both for dinner. Behave an keep your hands to yourself Adonis,” Ember saw them out, the kiss she gave Kenzi on the cheek had her giggling as she walked out of the house.

Arriving at the bakery Adonis and Kenzi started preparations for the day, though with his relentless flirting and constant steamy, stolen kisses it was amazing how they got anything accomplished. It was now close to seven in the morning and they were rushing trying to finish the last of everything and get the shelves stocked after he had tied them up in the kitchen for twenty minutes.

“Why are we rushing? We still have an hour” Adonis remarked as he pulled her towards him again, letting his hands run down her backside, pausing long enough to give a firm squeeze. She squealed as his lips found the most sensitive place on her neck and attacked it.

“No, we has….we has to….to open early.” She was torn between pulling him closer to her and pushing him away and telling him kissy time has to wait for later. When his teeth grazed her she clutched his shirt tightly pulling him closer. Thinking thoughts, so many delicious, tantalizing thinking thoughts swarmed through her head. Why would she want to push him away?

Her knees growing weak, she held onto him tighter to keep herself standing. He lifted her to his waist and she wrapped her legs tightly securing herself to him. This gave him the opportunity to not only cup and massage her bottom, but let his hands apply the smallest amount of pressure to her thighs as he ran them in even movements back and forth. He continued his assault on her neck. Stepping forward he set her down on one of the work tables and clumsily knocked off one of the mixing bowls they were using. They paused long enough to look at it after it clattered to the floor. But when he looked back at her, she smiled up at him and he claimed her mouth under his. He pressed into her, she could feel him hard beneath his jeans. The throbbing between her legs magnified and his kiss became hard and more demanding as he picked up her scent. His hands freely roamed wherever they pleased, eliciting small pleasurable whimpers from her. Her fingers tangled in his hair, gently tugging every time he touched a more sensitive area.

Her back against the table he hovered over top moving down her jaw back to her neck, she had the most kissable neck and he loved the reaction he got when he used his teeth. Daring to venture lower, he followed the delicate line of her collar bone mixing in the scrape of his teeth against her virgin skin. He could hear the drumming of her heart, the gasps of each breath she took as he grazed his lips over the supple flesh of the valley between her breasts ….MMMMM…. Her back arching, with his other hand supporting her encouraging her to press into him. Her fingers clutched his hair as her legs tightened around his waist. He pressed harder and harder into her as he continued his exploration. Lowering the neckline of her shirt for better access to the treasure that lay underneath he continued. Palming one soft, ripe swell he gently and repeatedly let his thumb lazily run over the surging peak. Her taste was sweet and addictive, he let his tongue run the curve of her ample bosom, taking in as much as he could. But it wasn’t enough, it would never be enough, he wanted more. All the samples he gets to try in the bakery she was his favourite and he wanted another taste.


The bell above the bakery door paused his movements and he listened carefully. Someone was in the bakery, he listened to the foot falls heading towards the kitchen.

“Who’s here?” He breathed out.

“Might be Maggie” Her voice was horace and laced with desire as she made her breathy reply. Blocked by mama bear! Odin howled in his head. Shut up!

“Maggie?” He repeated looking at her, he quickly sat her up. This was not good. Her flushed skin and his uncomfortably tight jeans were a dead give away as to what they were doing. He could just imagine what his hair looked like after she tangled her fingers in it.

“We has to open early the last two days to keep up with the people.” She replied, not understanding what was going on. The panicked look on his face had concern growing deep inside of her. Did she do something wrong? She crossed her arms in front of her, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and foolish.

“Don’t do that.” His sudden outburst had her looking up at him wide eyed. “You did nothing wrong, we will pick this back up later. But right now, you need to tone down the little racy thoughts going through your head so you can turn a more normal colour. Though, I do like a flushed Kenzi. And I am quite tempted to Kenzinap her again, we don’t have time for that right now.” Her cheeks went pinker as her sparkling silver eyes danced under the lights of the bakery kitchen. She looked deep into his emerald orbs and a smile lit up her face at the promise they held. One more slightly drawn out kiss and he slid her from the table to the floor so they could clean up the mess they made.

“Well good morning you two!” Maggie called as she walked into the kitchen as Kenzi finished putting the dishes in the sink.

“Morning Maggie” Kenzi squeaked over her shoulder. She tried to tone down her thoughts like he said, but they wouldn’t quit. They wouldn’t quiet down and were running wild and free in her head. Her body quivered for the touch of his lips that she could still feel on her skin.

“Morning Maggie,” Adonis said from the other side of the kitchen, with his back to her. He too was trying to calm the thoughts in his head. Her scent was drawing him to her, she was still very much excited and he was still feeling strain against his jeans. Her taste lingered on his tongue and he wanted more, he craved it.

He might like Maggie but right this second he was cursing her for being here. This is going to be a problem! You think! You better tone it down! Tell her to tone it down! She smells devine! He fought to suppress the shiver that wanted to run up his back, her scent was beyond devine. With over 170,000 words in the English language, there wasn’t one that could accurately describe how enticing the scent of her arousal was to him. Maggie better get the fuck out of this kitchen! The sister! What? Think of the sister! I don’t want to think of her! You better or you’re going to be chopping down her cherry tree on the kitchen floor! Classy Odin! Our mate deserves to be deflowered on a bed of rose petals, not defiled on a tiled floor! I know! Keep your damn hands to yourself, or get better fucking control! I know, I know! The fuck you know. Think of the sister! Forcing his thoughts to shift from the Goddess of a creature he gets to call mate, to the vile wretch that dared to call herself her sister, he felt his body beginning to calm down.

“I’m going to finish stocking the floor and open the doors. There is already a line up forming” Maggie said as an ear to ear grin spread across her face. It wasn’t hard to tell at all what they were doing back there with no one around to stop them.

“Ok!” Kenzi again could only reply with a squeak.

“By the way honey child there is a chocolate handprint on your ass.” Maggie called over her shoulder as she exited the kitchen with a chuckle. Kenzi gasped and looked over her backside as best she could. Sure enough there it was plain as day she could see the outline of one of his thumbs on the seat of her pants. Her eyes wide as she stared across the kitchen at the back of the man who put it there. His shoulders were shaking as he fought to control his laughter, but when she heard the first sounds of his deep rumbling she knew he was failing.

“You….you….you….mark-ed my butt,” she accused him.

“Not on purpose, but I’m not really sorry” Adonis choked out,

“There is a giant handprint on my butt,” she said, trying to brush it off. Adonis howled out with laughter as he watched her try and wipe off his handprint. There was no lying about what went on in the bakery kitchen when it was just the two of them. The evidence was smeared plain as day on the backside of his mate. And he couldn’t say anything to defend himself, he opened his mouth several times to make an attempt and the only thing that fell out was more laughter.

Kenzi’s face scrunched up as she wiped furiously at the mark, trying to erase it, make it go away. No one was supposed to know, he didn’t want anyone to know. This would tell everyone and his secret would be out. Her emotions began to flood the room as she worked.

“Hey, hey, hey” Adonis was across the room gathering her into his arms, forcing her to stop her actions. “No, no, no sweetheart, no!” Was all he could say as he held her to him.

“People will know. I’m sorry, I tried….” She tried to choke back the sob, but it escaped. She tried to keep his secret, she thought she was doing a good job, but clearly she failed epically. She tried to pull her hands from his, she needed to clean the handprint off before anyone else saw it. Lifting her chin so she could face him, he saw the sorrow etched across her features. His heart constricted, this was his fault. Trying to keep her protected from what possible dangers were out there still, he caused this confusion in her.

“I don’t care if people know. I am not ashamed of you, nor am I ashamed to be seen with you. You are not my dirty little secret Kenzi. I just don’t want to share you with anyone right now. I want to keep you to myself, is it selfish? Yes, but I don’t care, I’m going to be selfish where you’re concerned. I am enjoying our private time….maybe a little too much.” He turned her so he could see the mark he made on her. Not the mark he wanted to see, but it still made him happy and brought a smile to his face.

“I am not sorry I marked your butt, I do not care if people see it. Maybe next time I’ll mark other areas” Her eyes looked up at him wide and innocently.

“What areas?” She asked, her brows furrowing at him.

“I can’t show you right now,” he replied, trailing his fingers down her neck, following her collar bone. The lower they went the redder her face became and she realized what areas he was talking about.

“Oh....those areas,” she blurted, nodding her head.

“Those areas!” Adonis agreed, his wolfish grin spreading more as he heard her breath begin to hitch.

“Don’t ever think I am trying to hide you. You are meant to be seen, Kenzi Templeton. When the time is right you will be, but right now is not that time. You are important to me, your safety is important to me. When we are more established, I promise you the world will know who you are.” Adonis said.

“Ok!” She nodded her head, but still had no idea what he was talking about. The world sort of did know who she was, the bakery was written about in numerous magazines. Though she was never really named, people came from all over to sample the goods that were sold.

Scooping her into his arms one more time he ravished her mouth. Encouraging her to play with him. Her fingers traced and trailed little patterns on the back of his neck and his body shivered against her.

“This is not getting the bakery stocked” he spoke when the kiss broke.

“No it’s not” she agreed, but the smile she held told him that might be the furthest thing from her mind.

“My tempting little baker.” Placing one more kiss on her soft beautiful swollen lips, he placed her back down. “You need to get back to work”

“You need to stop distra-acting me” she fired back at him.

“Then stop being so tempting and I might be able to keep my hands to myself” he shot back, running his hands down her body.

“No more! Kissy tine later, baking tine now” she replied, shaking her head at him.

“I will hold you to that. When later comes, these seductive lips belong to me.” The blush hit her and her nose wrinkled as she looked up at him. Claiming her one more time, before he left her in the kitchen to create her delicious treats.

“When do you plan on telling her?” Maggie asked as soon as she saw him.

“First chance I get” he replied as he stocked one of the display cases.

“By my count you’ve had several chances, but you were too busy playing grab ass in the kitchen” Maggie fired at him. He would defend himself, he could deny it, but proof was on her butt and he didn’t feel the need to defend himself. Stocking item after item Adonis thought about what he was going to say.

“She is in danger, if others are made aware of who she is to me right now. I am a very big target and have made several enemies along my path to the top. I don’t mean Alpha, I mean the top.” The smile wiped from Maggie’s face when he said Kenzi is in danger. “Second ranked pack, the top spot goes to The Royals.” Shouldn’t, we earned it! Let him have it. Demons don’t need their egos stroked!

“The other pack that called this crater home, is no longer….with us. They had other alliances and until I know where they lie, she is not safe. Her safety is my priority. When I know she’ll know, until then who she is, is a secret.” He added and continued placing items in the case.

“What are you going to do next week when the town is closed?” Maggie asked.

“Well, it won’t be playing grab ass in the bakery kitchen” Adonis replied, causing Maggie to laugh. “I will be heading to Ontario for the week. I have some business to attend to”

“Won’t that leave her unprotected?” Maggie inquired,

“Not at all. Kenzi is coming with me. She will get a vacation and be able to rest while I deal with my business” he caught the look that crossed Maggie’s face and a half smirk crossed his. “She is my top priority Maggie and she always will be,” he added. “A week away from this town, and the stupid people in it will do her some good. It will also allow the rest of our pack to establish themselves and further enforce that Kenzi is no longer a topic open for discussion. She is their Luna, and they won’t take her being disrespected well”

The bell above the bakery door chimed, drawing both their attention to the two men that walked in.

“Morning Mrs. Wendall, Alpha” Tyler called as he headed straight towards the kitchen.

“He’s made himself right at home” Maggie commented. “I’m beginning to think the bakery is not a good place for him.”

“Delta protects Luna Maggie. His place is where Kenzi is.” Adonis informed her.

“Morning Mrs. Wendall. How you today?” Jackson asked as he stopped at the counter.

“I’m doing well, thank you Jackson for asking” Maggie replied,

“Tyler meant to ask too, but he a lil hungry. Eli starvin him, he a good cook an all, but nobody cook like Lil Kenzi Cakes. We might be a lil spoil now.” Jackson said with an ear to ear grin. Maggie broke out laughing at Jackson’s explanation of Tyler’s behaviour.

“So he’s going to mooch food” Adonis stated, shaking his

“Be a good bet” Jackson nodded his agreement. “Eli hea….”

“What did they say?” Adonis cut him off, this was the news he’d been waiting for.

“Do I even need to answer?” Jackson asked, grumbling further under his breath. He hated when Adonis did that to him.

“Go ahead!” Adonis rolled his eyes at his grumbling Beta.

“Well, now maybe….”

JACKSON!” Adonis barked.

“Fine, baby! They say they ain’t gonna do nuttin. They too small. Flick of yur wrist and you crush em. They ain’t interested in that, they do however want to negotiate the terms of an alliance. Though they don’t got much to offer. They want you to go visit ’em….next week” Jackson told him.

“Well that’s not going to happen” Adonis shook his head. Why do small packs think they have pull? Because they think we’ll find them too pathetic to crush! Let’s crush them anyway! It’s tempting!

“That what Eli say. They gonna talk to Alpha Malone see if he willin to participate in a sit down between us an them on Sunday,” Jackson informed him

“Why the hell would I want to sit down with them? They have nothing to offer. And why the hell would they involve Alpha Malone? Something’s not right!” Adonis looked his Beta over, he was picking up the same thing. “Not going to retaliate my ass!”

“How you wanna play it?” Jackson asked,

“Where are they located?” Adonis asked,

“Maybe forty pass White Moon,” Jackson replied. We could just go now and take care of this! We could! They wouldn’t expect it! No, they wouldn’t! What are we waiting for? Why would a small pack want to retaliate against a pack that could wipe them out? Who the fuck cares? Aren’t you curious? Not really! I am! Maybe a little! Maybe a lot? Maybe more than I will admit! Today seems like a good day to kill people! Don’t fuck with The Devil!

“Tell Elijah to ready a handful and get them to White Moon’s borders. Have him call Alpha Malone and agree to sit down. We’ll be in the city in two hours” Adonis turned away from Jackson and Maggie and headed towards the back.

“The fuck?” Jackson asked,

“We’re going to negotiate. Inform Elijah I’ll be doing the talking” he replied,

“Good times!” Jackson said,

“Great times!” He called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the kitchen.

“Seriously Tyler?” Adonis spoke the second he hit the kitchen and saw his Delta sitting at one of the worktables finishing what appeared to be another breakfast.

“Fuck yeah seriously! Eli a good cook an all, but I need Kenzi cookin” Tyler defended himself. The pink blush spread across her cheeks as her nose wrinkled. “Sides, it the deal we work out”

“Deal? You made a deal with him?” Adonis looked at her.

“Uh huh! I make him breakfast and give him samples and he doesint eat the bakery,” she replied with a smile, nodding her head. It seemed like a very good deal to her.

“Unfucking believable!” Adonis glared at his Delta.

“Bakery a great place for Tyler” Tyler nodded smiling,

“No, I don’t think it is. I think you got too comfortable here and you might need to change locations. Like the training grounds!” That wiped the look off the little asshole’s face! Odin laughed in his head.

“Oh….no” Tyler huffed at him, shaking his head.

“Go join Jackson out front” Adonis ordered him. Begrudgingly Tyler got up and headed out front to join Jackson.

“Did I do something wrong?” Kenzi asked, the deal sounded good to her.

“No sweetheart! You did nothing wrong.” Adonis replied, crossing the kitchen, he gathered her in his arms and held her close. He wouldn’t pull Tyler from his duty to protect her, if he did he highly doubted Tyler would listen anyway. That was his Luna even more so his sister. Tyler didn’t just want to be a big brother, he wanted to be the big brother of a baby sister, so nothing would prevent him from protecting her. “No more deals with Tyler though”

“Ok!” She replied, nodding her head.

“I have to leave. Something has come up and it needs to be taken care of” He said to her. She looked up at him, questions running across her face.

“Werewolf business with another pack,” he answered, and she nodded again. “I will be back later tonight. Someone promised me kissy time.” Kenzi’s smile broke big across her face. He captured her mouth one last time, before he left her in the kitchen for the day. Tomorrow he would show this town who she was and how bad they fucked up. How? The Sweetheart Festival is tomorrow! And? I’m sure they are building a stage for it! What are you going to do? Show them all! She’ll get to wear her dress! Yes she will!

“Eli on it” Jackson said the second he saw Adonis exit the kitchen and approach them.

“Good! Tyler while you are in town get a hold of Jonah” Adonis said.

“Jonah?” Tyler looked at him questioning,

“He’s going to run for Mayor and he’s going to announce it tomorrow night at the Sweetheart Festival with my full support,” Adonis replied.

“Jonah for Mayor?” Tyler questioned, “Aight!”

“You have someone to run against Mayor Winston?” Maggie asked,

“He is one of our elders. We know it’s the council that has the real power, we just want to take what little the Mayor has away. Call it punishment without losing any limbs” Adonis replied. Jonah would be a perfect fit for the job. He was also a normal, he refused to abandon his son and daughter when they were discovered as demons and they were banished and became rogues. Adonis made him a member of the demon’s elder council and the Alpha that cast them out regretted it. Especially when he wanted to make an alliance with Black Shadow and Jonah knowing all the Alpha’s tricks and tactics advised against it.

“Then you should know how it works here.” Maggie said as she finished stocking the display case.

“What do you mean?” Adonis asked,

“Well the Mayor needs the majority vote, not just fifty one percent either. He needs an eighty percent minimum outcome at the polls. If he doesn’t get it then the vote goes to the council and it has to be unanimous. If that doesn’t happen the founder gets to decide who wins. But no one runs against the Mayor so he gets elected every year.” Maggie explained.

“So we just need to convince thirty percent that the Mayor is an idiot and the vote goes to the council.” Adonis stated,

“That’s not going to be difficult, half the town knows it already and has been waiting for someone else to get the balls to step up” Maggie replied.

“We have heard that he has a way of making the competition scarce. But he has never dealt with our kind and we are not the type to tuck tail and run.” Adonis informed her.

“This might be the best election yet and I might actually vote.” Maggie replied, “But I am curious as to why you don’t run for Mayor?”

“I thought about it when I first got here, but I don’t want it.” Adonis answered,

“He don’t play well wit others,” Jackson interjected, then broke out laughing at the look he got. “Come on! We gotta go, Eli waitin on us”

“Behave Tyler! And no more deals” Adonis called over his shoulder as they headed towards the exit.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell people to stop bein stupid an I behave” Tyler called back causing Jackson to laugh louder when Adonis called him a little asshole.

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