The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 54: The City Part Two!

Elijah and Asmodeus!

Heading to the left city Elijah listened to Asmodeus the whole trip go on about how excited he was to pick his very first suit. He couldn’t help but laugh a few times at the excitement coming from his wolf. Ok Asmodeus, this is where we find suits! Suits have their own store? Only the best suits get their own store! And they have our size? We’re kinda big! They have our size, I called a head! That’s smart! I thought so as well! The city smells gross! I thought you like visiting the city? Nope, I don’t. It’s hot and loud and smells gross….like dead fish! Hopefully the store smells better then! Hopefully!

Walking into the store, Elijah was hit with the scent of leather. The room was airy and fresher thanks to the air conditioning and ventilation. Asmodeus, already at ease in his head, stopped complaining about the gross smells of the city. What’s that smell? Italian leather! Smells good! Yes it does. Are you ready? Yes! Before they even looked at anything they did once around the store taking in the inventory available to them. What’s the shiny stuff? Cufflinks! Cufflinks? Goes on the suit’s shirt sleeves as accessories! Like bling? Suits have bling? Can we get suit bling? We’ll have to see! The more Asmodeus saw the more excited he became. Elijah had to keep his sunglasses on in the store to stop the human customers from seeing his eyes. No matter how many times he tried to fight them back, Asmodeus couldn’t contain his excitement in the store. Sorry Elijah, but this is exciting! It’s ok, just don’t howl! I won’t, I won’t, I’ll try not too….I might howl!

“Don’t bother!” He spoke to a sales associate as she came to offer him assistance. He had all the help he could handle at the moment. Yeah, send her away, we don’t need her help. She smells like dead flowers anyways! That was a little impudent! What….! Rude! Gotcha, don’t be impudent when picking out suits. It was the truth though! For the next two hours Elijah with the help of Asmodeus chose suits and shirts to go with them.

You were right, we do look good in green! See, and pink and purple! Why do we need so many grey suits? They’re the colour of elephants! Elephants? Yeah, I like elephants! I know, we watched a two hour documentary on them last night, you told me all about it! We should get an elephant! We are not getting an elephant! Where do you get an elephant? You don’t! The zoo, you can get one from the zoo! We are not getting an elephant from the zoo! Why not? We can just walk in and buy one, it’s like an exotic pet store! The zoo is not a pet store! Then what the fuck is the point of a zoo? It keeps care of the animals that can no longer be returned to the wild! The wild, where the fuck in the wild can we get an elepahnt? We can not take an elephant from the wild! Why not? Canada is too cold for them! They can live in the house! The house is too small! We’ll get a bigger house! We are not going to get a bigger house because we are not going to get an elephant! We can name it Elijah! No! How about a penguin? They’re small! No! Canada is cold in winter, they like the cold! But it is also hot in the summer and not good for penguins! What the fuck? No fucking Penguin. No fucking elephant! Don’t pout Asmodeus! I’m not pouting! Are you ready to pick your first suit by yourself? By MYSELF?? Really….all by myself? All by yourself! FUCK YES….oWOOOOOO! Asmodeus! Sorry….got excited! Ok, slight control. Don’t growl at anyone! Right no growling, don’t be impudent! Ok!

Elijah gave slight control to Asmodeus, and prayed to the Goddess this would not bite him in the ass. Asmodeus couldn’t figure out where to start, there was so much choice in front of him. Start small! Small! He headed straight for the cuff links. Wasn’t really thinking that small, but ok! He would point to the ones he wanted and the clerk put them on the counter for him to look at and Elijah would place them on the cuffs. Why A? A for Asmodeus! Ok, should have seen that coming, then why W? W for wolf! Ok, so the E is for….! Elephants! Elephants? Yes, E is for elephants, what else would E be for? Elijah couldn’t help the deep sigh that escaped him. What’s wrong? How do you spell Elijah? Elijah? Yes, how do you spell E-lijah? With a L! There is an L in my name but it is not the first letter, E-lijah….E-lijah! Um…..! E-lijah! I get the feeling you want me to say E! Yes Asmodeus, E. E for Elijah! Oh! Hey good thing there’s two, E for Elephants, and E for Elijah. Elephant Elijah….are you sure we can’t get an elephant and call him Elijah? Yes I am sure! Ok! Hey, what are those? Pocket watches! We should get a pocket watch! We don’t need a pocket watch, we already have a watch! No, we should get a pocket watch….that one has elephants on it! Before Elijah could stop him, Asmodeus pointed to the pocket watch and the clerk pulled it out for him.

Asmodeus had pulled several different accessories for his suit, and he hadn’t even picked one out yet. They ranged from sunglasses to belts to socks to suspenders, even a few vests. Elijah drew the line at ties, saying it felt like they were being hanged when they wore one. They were now looking at handkerchiefs, though Elijah protested Asmodeus insisted their suits needed one. And of course he pulled all the ones with elephants, except the red one. It reminded him of dead elephants and he cried and Elijah spent twenty minutes consoling him. D-d-d-dead e-e-ele-ele-phants E-e-eli-jah! They’re not dead, it’s just a colour! B-bu-but….th-they-they’re d-d-dead! No, no they’re not! Th-they k-ki-kill-killed th-them! They’re not real, it’s just fabric! B-bu-but….! We just won’t buy it! Ok! Anything made of ivory Elijah had to fight back the growls Asmodeus wanted to release. Who would do that? Do they not know ivory is made from elephant tusks? They kill them and they take their tusks....those fuckers. I should kill them all....violently, painfully....grrrRRRrrrr....! Ok settle down Asmo, that is fake ivory! Fake ivory? Yes, fake! Oh! Ok, Asmodeus it’s time to pick the actual suit now! Yeah, suit time! What colour? Grey! We have enough grey! Elephants are grey! We have enough grey to make an elephant inspired suit! An….elephant….inspired suit….that is an awesome idea….OWOOO….! Asmodeus! Sorry….got excited! Not grey! Black? Ok, let’s go look at the black ones! Oooo maybe navy blue, we’d look sharp in navy blue! The next hour was trying on black and navy blue suits until he narrowed his choice down to a cool black three piece suit and a midnight blue three piece suit. I can’t decide, we look good in both! I will have to admit I was a little apprehensive about the blue suit! I think we should get both! Both? Yes, both. We look good, we feel good, we are powerful. Power suits Elijah! Ok, we’ll get both! What’s next? Shoes! Italian leather here we come! Don’t eat them! That was impudent Elijah! Touche Asmo, touche!

Six pairs of shoes later, Asmodeus was finally ready to leave the store. Why did I let you talk me into a white suit? Because we look stylish! Granted we do, but white is hard to keep clean! We can do it, we’re awesome! Maybe we should change into one of the other suits! No, I like this one. I’m hungry! We’ll drive to the restaurant halfway between the city and Blackwoods then we’ll get something to eat! Sounds good. I had a lot of fun buying suits. When can we do it again? When my credit card recovers! It wasn’t that bad. We still need to get plates! Then let’s go get them!

With their last stop taken care of they were now headed to the restaurant to get something to eat. How the others can live off pizza and burgers I don’t know! Me either! I like steak or chicken even lamb is nice! Lamb does sound pretty good right now! Maybe with those baby potatoes and steamed broccoli and carrots! Do you like to cook Asmodeus? I like to eat good food! The burgers from the diner….! Are diner food, I like to eat restaurant food! Maybe we could head to the grocery store and pick up some in….! Chicken breast and cauliflower with some tooby pasta and mushrooms and peppers in a light cream sauce! Ok then, I guess dinner is figured out! Do you like to cook Elijah? I do enjoy it, but after tasting Luna’s cooking I don’t think mine compares! No one can cook like Luna, so cook like Elijah! Stunned into silence at the support his wolf had just shown him Elijah didn’t really know what to say. Thank you, Asmodeus! For what? Nevermind! How did you learn to cook? It was what I did for the pack I was imprisoned by. If I was going to be forced to do it then I was going to do it well! Like Luna! Not on the same abusive level as her, but yes like Luna! ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….! What’s the matter? I don’t like that memory! I’m sorry Asmodeus! Who was the Alpha? Alpha Sebastian! Is it still breathing? I believe he is! He won’t be for long! The dark turn his wolf’s voice took had him slightly startled. It is ok Asmodeus! NO! You are my Elijah and no one fucks with my Elijah, anymore than they fuck with my Luna! For the second time on the trip back to Blackwoods Elijah was stunned into silence. He didn’t know what to say to what his wolf declared in his head. Is it time for lunch now? Yes!

Leaving the restaurant Elijah was bumped into rather roughly. The smell coming off the man told him he was a pack wolf, but not one he was familiar with. He eyed the man carefully.

“Sorry friend!” The man mocked, then bumped him again. My suit ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….! Asmodeus growled in his head. Elijah looked down and saw the dirt streak across the front of his crisp white suit. That foul smelling impudent mongrel defiled my fucking suit! Asmodeus howled for vengeance in his head and pushed for control. Lifting his head back to look at the wolf, the burning orange eyes of Asmodeus stared back at him. The man gulped hard and started backing away from him, upon realizing he was a wolf and not just any wolf a demon wolf.

“S-s-so-rry friend!” He stuttered with a little more sincerity in his voice. Not yet but he will be! ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. Asmodeus growled back a sinister smile spreading across his face. CRACK! CRACK! SNAP! THUD! Dragging the limp body deep into the woods that surrounded the restaurant Asmodeus proceeded to slowly rip body parts off, starting with the man’s tongue to stop him from screaming. My fucking suit! Off came a finger. My suit! An ear. MY FUCKING SUIT! The man’s wrist. Every time he attempted to fight back, he was met with the bottom of Asmodeus’s foot to his rib cage. Till all he was doing was stomping down on him. ASMODEUS! Elijah finally got through to him. His wolf was blinded by his rage towards the wolf smearing dirt on his suit.

What did you do? He wrecked my suit! Asmo, look at us! Asmodeus looked down at what was once a white suit, now stained a deep crimson red. MY SUIT! For the second time that day Asmodeus cried. My, my s-s-suit is w-w-wrecked….h-h-he w-w-wrecked my suit! It’s ok Asmodeus, but we need to take the suit off now and get cleaned up! My suit! Listening to Elijah, Asmodeus began to peel the blood soaked suit from his body. The shoes too! No, no, no, not my shoes! Sure enough when he looked down his shoes much like the rest of him were coated. Maybe you shouldn’t have stomped him! M-m-maybe! Came his whimpered reply. We have to bury it all….deep! My suit? Your suit as well! Guess we can’t have white! I’m sorry Asmo! Me too!

Back in Blackwoods

“Why Eli smell like blood?” Tyler asked his brother when he joined him on the front porch of Elijah’s house.

“Dunno!” Jackson replied,

“Alpha and Kenzi be back soon” Tyler stated, leaning back in his chair putting his feet on the railing to the porch.

“Yup! Wonder how car buyin went?” Jackson couldn’t help but crack a grin. Considering her size he figured compacts were the only thing she was being offered. He’d love to be there to watch Adonis try and squeeze himself into one of those little clown cars.

“Wonder he squeeze himself in one of em lil clown cars?” Tyler questioned, causing a rumble of laughter from Jackson.

“We bout to fine out!” He too had leaned back and rested his feet on the railing as both brothers watched Adonis’s SUV come down the road. Both raised a quizzical eyebrow when they saw a furniture truck behind them.

“That don’t look like a car” Jackson drawled when they met them in the driveway.

“Adonis is gonna live with me” Kenzi exclaimed excitedly,

“He gonna live wit you?” Tyler asked, looking at his Alpha

“Yeah, until his house gets bill-ded.” Kenzi nodded. Both Jackson and Tyler’s shoulders sagged a little bit at that statement, they had hoped their Alpha had told her who she was.

“The fuck wit the truck?” Jackson asked instead,

“Oh, he said I need a bigger bed, but I don’t know why, he wakes up on top of me evry morning” Tyler cracked first, followed by Jackson. “Did I say something wrong?” Kenzi looked up at Adonis,

“No, sweetheart. They’re just assholes. Why don’t you get ready for our date?” Adonis pulled her into his arms and placed a kiss on top of her head.

“On top of her….you gonna crush that lil girl” Jackson said still laughing, as they watched her walk into her house.

“Her gonna be a Lil Kenzi Cake aight. A Lil Kenzi Pancake” Tyler added, making Jackson laugh harder,

“The fuck you not crush that lil girl yet?” Jackson asked,

“I don’t know!” He had no idea how she managed to take his weight, but she did. She’s special and she feels safe under us! Odin said. I’m starting to wonder how special she really is! Super special! That doesn’t really help!

“How buyin a car go?” Tyler asked, when he saw the look that crossed Adonis’s face he was already laughing,

“Judgin by the look, gonna say real well” Jackson replied.

“Let’s start with the first lot we went to, the slimy sales weasel wouldn’t stop staring at her or commenting on her size. He was insistent on trying to push one of those clown cars on her when she wanted something bigger. We found something bigger for her. She didn’t understand why it had a jellyfish launcher on it.” Adonis started

“A what?” Jackson asked,

“Yeah, her defence it’s what it looked like. I told her those were flood lights which confused her even more, because how can you see the lights if the vehicle is under water?”

“Gotta point!” Tyler chimed in.

“Then, she set off the panic alarm on four different vehicles, her’s doesn’t have one of those buttons. I told her to stop pushing the red button on the keys, the last one didn’t have a red button, just PANIC in big letters”

“That jus the firs lot?” Jackson asked

“I called Alpha Byron and he directed us to another one who could help us. They seemed more inclined to listen to her. She found a nice blue one she liked. Great, right? Took it for a test drive only after she had to be shown how to turn the car on and where she was supposed to put the keys. She tried to roast us.”

“Roas you? The fuck her manage that?” Jackson and Tyler were both losing their battles with keeping a straight face.

“Half way through the test drive it starts to get really hot in the car. Really, really fucking hot. She jumps out of the car saying it’s burning her bottom, not putting it in park or shutting it off. Turns out she had turned the seat warmers on and cranked them.”

“The fuck her do?” Tyler inquired,

“Pushed buttons and no one was paying attention to the ones she pushed.” Adonis replied,

“The fuck happen one em buttons end the world?” Jackson said,

“Well she would be very sorry but she is going to push the buttons. Not so bad, it was fine and I didn’t get mad. This is the one we are really not certain how she pulled off. She locked us out of the car” Adonis stated,

“The fuck?” Tyler looked at him,

“The fuck that happen?” Jackson asked

“She somehow managed to deactivate the locking feature that prevents you from being able to lock your keys in the car. No clue how she did it, didn’t even know that was a possibility.” Tyler and Jackson erupted into a fit of laughter after they had heard everything.

“Her get a new car at leas?” Jackson finally asked,

“No, she didn’t.” Adonis replied, shaking his head.

“Ain’t gonna lie, kinda want a car wit a jellyfish launcher” Tyler interjected only to laugh louder when Adonis called him a little asshole.

“That be kinda cool!” Jackson agreed,

“You’re both assholes, oversee the bed” Adonis commented, as he started walking away.

“The fuck you going?” Jackson asked,

“I’m going to go get my things from Elijah’s” Adonis replied,

“He came back smellin like blood” Jackson said as he and Tyler headed into Kenzi’s.

“Why do you smell like blood?” Adonis asked as soon as he saw Elijah. “Don’t look at me like that. If you read the book on demon wolves I gave you then you also read the factions we are broken into”

“And you possess all the traits.” Elijah finished for him,

“So even after showering I would be able to smell it on you, so did Tyler.” Elijah cast his eyes to the ground, he wasn’t sure how to tell his Alpha what happened with the wolf, Asmodeus and the suit.

“Try from the beginning, with how suit shopping went” Adonis replied, “I’m not really discussed in the book, but I possess a few traits no one does” He added when he saw the questioning look on Elijah’s face. Adonis sat in one of the chairs and waited for his Gamma to say something.

“For the most part it went rather well. My card needs to recover, but it was quite enjoyable. Even though I now have elephants incorporated into my wardrobe.” Elijah started as he sat in one of the other chairs opposite his Alpha. Adonis arched his eyebrow but said nothing.

“Asmodeus likes elephants. So if it had an elephant on it he would buy it, except for a red handkerchief that made him cry.” Elijah said as he tried not to laugh.

“Dead elephants?” Adonis hazard a guess, but couldn’t hide the grin on his face. His best torturer broke down over a red handkerchief with elephants. “The suit you’re wearing?” Adonis motioned towards his attire.

“Asmodeus’s pick. However it is not the suit we left the store in. He convinced me to buy a white one” That had Adonis cringing. White was not a colour any werewolf generally purchased, too hard to keep clean.

“Things were fine, we went for lunch and ran into a wolf from another pack on the way out of the restaurant and he smeared dirt on the suit. Asmodeus lost control, dragged him deep into the woods and proceeded to rip him apart slowly piece by piece. We buried him, the suit and the shoes deep” Elijah finished.

“Hmmm” Adonis was deep in thought, why would a random pack wolf come near the territory like that? Where did he come from?

“I’m sorry Alpha” Elijah bowed his head,

“What’s done is done Elijah. It is not my concern, my concern is the random wolf. You went to the left city?” Adonis looked at him,

“Yes, this wolf did not smell like he was from Alpha Malone’s pack. I have already placed a call into Alpha Malone inquiring how a random pack wolf made it past him. And placed our people further out, but….” Elijah stopped there.

“But what?” He already knew what Elijah was going to tell him. They needed more people to cover the land they had acquired.

“We are not big enough. We might need to look at taking non demons. Expanding our pack that way to cover all the land.” Elijah looked at him.

“I think you might be right. How many packs still owe us?” Adonis asked,

“Twelve packs still owe us for negotiations, and fourteen have an outstanding debt, sir!” Elijah answered,

“Send word that I want ten of the best from each pack that is indebted to us. If they do not send us their best I will return them in pieces and they will owe us more. So make sure to inform them that they will be tested.” Elijah arched his eyebrow at him. “Negotiating Elijah!”

“Effective Alpha!” Elijah responded. “How did car shopping go?”

“We got locked out of a car” Adonis responded as he rose from his seat and headed towards his room.

“H...ho….how?” Elijah furrowed his brow. How was that even possible?

“We don’t know how she did it, but she did. Thank you for your hospitality Elijah, but I am going to live with my mate now. No she does not know. But she asked and I said yes” Adonis went to move from the room only to stop.

“Asmodeus!” Alpha Sebastian!

“Is that what caused you to act out against the wolf?” Sorry Alpha!

“Does Elijah know you are talking to me?” No!

“Then let’s make this quick, you want my permission to hunt him down when we are in Ontario?” Yes!

“It will not be much of a hunt, he still resides in the Ottawa Valley” He must die!

“Why?” My Elijah!

“Are you seeing more of his memories?” Didn’t like the one I saw, he tried to hang him!

“It’s why Elijah doesn’t like ties. How are you going to explain this to him?” Um… Elijah?

“You have my permission, Asmodeus.” Thank you Alpha!

Adonis moved from the room to gather what was left of his things. He might need to go on his own shopping trip. His wardrobe took a hit when they brought down his house. I don’t like shopping! Odin grumbled. Maybe Kenzi does! I like shopping! Sure you do! You still need to ask her to come with us! I am working on a plan for that! Work faster, running out of time! Thank you Odin! Welcome Adonis! Wonder what Asmodeus is going to do to Alpha Sebastian? Nothing good! Torture him seven different ways? If not more!

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