The Alpha Bond

Chapter 13



There we saw…

The girls left us giggling. I swear, they have grown up so fast.

We sat down on our chairs. I saw Cyrus staring at me.

“What?” I asked.

“You look absolutely enchanting under the moonlight.” He replies.

“Why thank you.” I smiled.

“What, no back compliments for me?” he pouted and I giggled.

“This is the explicit content the girls were talking about; you pouting because I didn’t compliment you. I swear, how are you turning forty tomorrow?”

His expression turned firm. We had been trying to not think about it the entire day by distracting ourselves with different games. He smiled again to change the mood. I copied him. If this was our last night together, I don’t want it to be sad.

We started eating and talking to each other comfortably. My phone buzzed with a text and I opened it.

It was Cyra; ’we are coming’

It was 11.59 right now. As soon as the clock hit 12, all of them came to our table while singing happy birthday.

“Oh my god! That cake is so perfect! Thank you, everyone.”

“You should thank Caroline for it. She was the one who made it.” Violet said.

We cut the cake and ate it. One thing about our family is that we love cake. We’ve done parties just to eat cake. I giggled at the memory.

“Now, you guys should sleep. You must be really tired and we have to do a lot of stuff tomorrow.” Cyra said.

After saying that she practically kicked us all out of the backyard to our rooms. We gasped as soon as we entered the room.

“Girls, this is spectacular! did you do this?” The room was decorated exactly like our honeymoon room. Those were memories I treasured forever.

“We did a little research and you were worth it Uncle Cyrus,” Violet said.

I smiled. These two were the sweetest girls I know. They are caring, smart, intelligent, and sensitive. They’ll be great leaders in the future, probably better than we ever were.

“Thank you, girls. You are the best!” Cyrus said and hugged them.

They left.

“Now that we are here, let’s relive the memories too, shall we?” he said smiling.


The next morning

We both woke up to the sound of a crash downstairs. We looked at each other.

“This is it, isn’t it?” he asked.

I took a deep breath. “Only one way to find out.”

We went downstairs slowly. We didn’t know what was waiting for us downstairs. The sound came from the kitchen so we made our way there. Amara, Aaron, Vanessa, and Elliot too met us on the way.

We reached the door and I opened it. There we saw….

“Cyra? Violet? Alex, Aiden? What are you kids doing here so early?” Amara asked.

“I told you we’ll wake them up if we were so loud!” Cyra looked at the twins.

“But what are you all doing here?” I asked.

“We were trying to make you guys breakfast, but that obviously failed,” Violet said looking at the extremely demolished kitchen.

“We did make toast though. It is not burned……almost.” Alex added.

“We can make some sandwiches and smoothies and cakes and then we’ll be done!” Aiden continued.

We all laughed. “Great to see you trying, but cooking is probably not your thing. Let’s get you out before the kitchen burns and ask Caroline to make something, alright?” Vanessa said.

We all went up to our rooms and freshened up before eating breakfast together. Thankfully, Caroline was able to pull together a breakfast for us in the mess.

“So, what now?” Cyrus asked the kids.

“I think you should go to your office and make sure all your work is completed before Granny and Grandpa comes,” Cyra said giggling.

“Okay?” Cyrus said raising an eyebrow at her.

He went upstairs and we all followed him. There was a note on the door. He opened it and read it out loud.

“Gifts and presents are all around you but nowhere in plain sight. To begin your birthday quest, you must fly a kite.”

“Did you guys make a gift treasure hunt for him?” I asked.

They nodded. Cyrus loved these sorts of games and immediately started looking for gifts. He went from place to place to find the gifts. He collected them at one place to open them altogether after he found them all. He had found about fifteen gifts when Cyra and Violet told him he was looking for the last one. I knew it was mine and smiled.

He found it in almost no time and opened it. He smiled and traced his finger over the picture. He carefully wore it.

“Thank you C” he spoke.

After that, we went outside to open all the other gifts. He opened them one by one and thanked the people who bought them. Halfway through the doorbell rang and Mom and Dad walked in.

“Happy birthday Cyrus!” They said together.


And with that ladies and gentlemen, we have finished chapter 13. So, do you like it?

Do you think Celina and Cyrus will find out a solution before Hades comes? I know it's kind of weird for them to find a solution in few hours that they couldn't find in ten years, but then again it is a book.

Also, do you like the grown up children? Cyra and Violet are teens now and I love writing their POVs.

Well, brace yourselves, because I think you'll like these next few chapters.

PS; please like my book if you haven't done that till now. It really means alot to me.

Bye now, see ya'll next week! <3

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