Chapter 29: Battle within loyalty and power.
I could feel the tension in the air when I approached where the council meeting was being held. They called for me saying it was urgent. They also stated I shouldn't bring Lyla. This only meant to meeting was about her. I pushed the door opened and stepped inside. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to me.
They had nor started the meeting. It looked like everyone was awaiting my arrival.
The council members were seated around a long table. I looked around to see who had called the meeting.
It wasn't Ansel. It was Jacob. This meant it had something to do with Elijah.
Jacob and Elijah always did things together. Jacob did whatever Elijah told him because Elijah has no power. He was just a member of the council who gave opinions when needed.
I could swear that Ansel had no idea that a meeting is being held. I wish I knew what Elijah was up to. I just knew it had to download with Lyla.
I forced myself to meet their faces so I wouldn't seem rude. Not like anyone cares but Elijah had serious issues.
At the head of the table, Jacob was seated there. He was the second in command in the territory.
"Aria, thank you for joining us Today. " he said, his voice calms.
I nodded as I took a seat trying to avoid the stares from Elijah."
"We have called this meeting I talk about the increased rate of werewolf attacks here." he said. 'Our defence is becoming weak. We need a solution, quickly.
It was no secret that the werewolf had become more aggressive. Their attacts more frequent and deadly.
Jacob looked at me. "We believe that Lyla could hold the key to our defense. Her powers could be the advantage we need, I think we should curb it.
My heart sank. "What are you suggesting?"
"We need you to help lyla unlock her full potential." Jacob. "if we can harness Eric abitlies, we might be able to turn the tide in our favour."
I could feel myself getting angry. " you want to use her as a weapon?"
Jacob look remained. "We want to survive, Aria. Our people are being slaughthered. If lyla's power can save us, we must consider It."
I shocked my head in disappointment. "I cant do that. Lyla is just a girl, terrified and alone. She doesnt even know the kind of power she has. Forcing her to use them could destroy her."
"We are not telling you to force her." Another council member said. It was Elijah. "We are asking you to guide her so that we can use her."
I stood my ground" what if she doesn't want to so it? What if she can t do it?"
"We don't have the luxury of time." Elijah replied. "Te attack is escalating, we need ever advantage we can get."
I clenched my fists on the table so angrily. "i won't do it. I won't use her like that. She is not a top to be wielded."
The room became chaotic. Everyone voicing out their opinion. I felt my heart break as I saw they arguing and what they were becoming. "Enough!" Elijah shouted. He returned his gaze to me. "Aria, we need to know where your loyalty lies. Are you with us or against us?"
Were they really asking me to choose? "My loyalty had always been with you. But I will not betray Lyla. There has to be another way. By doing a this you're gradually becoming those who you fight against. " "You speak as If you have a choice, Aria. We're at war. Sometimes sacrifices has to be made for the greater good."
I looked at Elijah. "Then what happens to us when we loose our humanity in the process? What would be left of the territory if we start to become the ones you've fought."
"You sound like you're siding with the wolves. It looks like your powers has clouded your judgement."
Was this guy serious, right now? "How dare you question my loyalty? Everything I have done has been for the territory. I'm trying to protect us from loosing our soul in the fight."
"She right." I heard Ansel say from a side.
I didn't know how long he had been watching but I liked it as he appeared.
"If you guys doing this, you might end of loosing yourself. And I'm not going to encourage forcing that young girl to use her power for us. She's been through alot. " he said and I felt happy that at least. "You've become weak, Ansel." I heard Elijah say. "You're now supporting our enernies. Have you forgotten what they did to us?" Elijah asked him.
"I have not forgotten but Lyla didn't take part in any of this so why the hate."
"I don't care who did it or would didn't so it. They are all creatures of the same specie so I would I can't trust anyone.
Aria wouldn't have to choose who she's standing with."
He said and I was taken aback.
"She doesn't have to choose. i stand with her on this. There is no reason for us to pressure her into doing something.'
Ansel has always been a very good person. I don't know why but he seemed to have a soft side for Lyla.
Elijah believed Ansel was soft and didnt deserve to be the leader. He believed he was the best option. I mean, look at him. It was pretty obvious. "And I don't remember calling for this meeting, so why did you call on without informing me?"
Ansel asked Elijah.
Jacob called the meeting but everyone knew that It was really Elijah.
"Some matters needed to be attended to before it escalates. " he answered and I knew what he was referring to.
"Listen, Elijah. Whether you like it or not, I am your leader and I call the shots here. Okay?" Ansel said.
"but you don't behave like a leader. If you really are, that girl would be dead by now and won't be living with him. Where's the leader in That?' Elijah wasn't hiding anymore.
It looked like he was fed up and so was I. The fact that my time was wasted for this shut was annoying.
"No matter what you say, I'm still the leader. No one else get to call for a meeting. Only I have the right to go that.
I can see that no matter how I try to reason with you, you never listen. So the next time you call for a meeting without my permission, Elijah." Ansel said and left before Elijah could react.