Chapter 28: Embracing The Unknown
I found myself in a dream which was disturbingly vivid. I stood in a forest filled with tall and thick trees which only source of light was the moon.
In the dream, a figure appeared. He or she was cloacked as it came out from the darkness and stood before the moon.
The figure was tall and commanding. But something seemed strange, it didn't seem human.
The figure's eyes glowed and when it spoke, it's voice echoed from different directions.
"Accept your fate, Lyra. " the figure said. His voice sinking deep inside me. "Embrace your destiny."
In the dream, I could see myself trying to respond but m voice was lost. The figure began to disappear, he began to fade like ashes until it disappeared.
I could see myself and everything around me fall into darkness deeper and deeper until...
I woke up, my heart pounding fast. I sat on my bed as my breath returned back to normal. I touched my cheat as I tried to keep my heat bear steady.
"What was that? "I wisphered to myself.
"Accept your gate, what does that mean?"
I knew I couldn't figure this out on my own. I throw my sheets over and got off my bed. I needed answer and I knew there was only one person who could help me make sense of this whole situation. Aria.
I found Aria in her study, surrounded by candles and ancient book which looked like grimores.
Aria looked up as I entered. Her eyes filled with questions.
"Lyla, what have you come here to do at this time. "She asked gently.
I took a deep breath. Images from the dream were still appearing.
"I had a strange dream, Aria. "I said.
"What was it about? "she asked.
"It was a strange and vivid dream. I saw a figure, it looked like human before but was not. It told me to accept the gate. What does it mean?"
Aria expression changed. She lost interest in whatever it was so was spine before. She motioned for me to sit close to her and I did.
"Tell me everything. "she said as she leaned forward.
I explained everything in figure, the forest, the moon, the figure and the message he gave me. Went I was done, Aria sat back and thought about what I said.
I think she needed to process it. "Dreams like this are not to be taken lightly, Lyla. " Aria said.
"They could be be messages, bad omen or from forced beyond your understanding.
"But what does 'accept your fate'mean?"
I was so frustrated at this point.
Aria sighed as she shaked my head. "I wish I knew, lyla. I wish I could give you a definite answer. The term 'gate' is symbolic and could mean different things. It may be a path you need to overcome, a decision you must make or a part of your self you need to accept. Your fate is tied to a prophecy that is still unraveling, with time you will understand."
I didn't find the explanation helpful. I was still confused and it seemed like Aria didn't have an answer to it either.
"So I just have to wait and see?"
Aria placed her hands on my shoulder to reassure me. "Yes or no. While the true meaning may come very soon, you should always remain vigilant."she said.
"Pay attention to sign and always trust your instincts. And lyla, if you feel like I have pressured you slot about this whole destiny. I'm really sorry."
I was surprised by the apology. She had already apologized before. She felt like I hadn't forgiven her already.
"It's okay, Aria. I know you mean well. I just feel lost."
Aria and I stayed up talking about different things. Mostly about magic and Kyle.
"So how are things with you and Kyle?"
"How can I stay vigilant when I have been avoiding Kyle. I haven't trained in weeks and another one has come. "I complained. Aria laughed. "You sure don't miss him."
"I miss the trainings. He is a bit overbearing sometimes but he's a good person."
Aria's eyes changed into something that looked like mischief. "Just a good person, huh? No special feelings there?"
"I miss the trainings. He is a bit overbearing sometimes but he's a good person.
My cheeks became warm. I dont know why they did but they did. "He's just a friend, that's all. A really good friend. That's it."
"A friend you think about a lot. "she teased.
"I don't think about him alot. I think about our trainings. "I explained to her but it didn't seem like she believed it. She wasn't taking it.
"Come on, Lyla. No need to lie. It shows all over your face. "she said and I began to touch my face In search of what she was talking about. "What are you talking about? "I questioned her.
"I'm talking about the feelings you have for Kyle. "she said.
I burst into laughter. "Me? Kyle? "I laughed again.
"You must really be seeing things, Aria. "I said while trying to catch my breath from all the laughing.
"Seriously there's nothing there. I don't have feelings for Kyle. He's just one of the few people I feel comfortable around." I explained.
"And howmany male friends do you feel comfortable around? "she asked.
I was about to calculate, then I realized I was thinking of my old pack mates. I really did not have anyone. It was just Aria and Kyle. "Whatever. Kyle is just my friend. That's if he wants to still be friends after what I did to him. "
"With the way I've seen you too. He will talk to you." She said. "Come on, Lyla. Just tell me.'
"There's nothing to tell."I said covering my face with my hands. "He's just different. He challenges me in ways no one else does. Buenos that doesn't mean I have feelings for him." Aria chuckled. "Denial is always the beginning. It is okay to have feelings, you know. Even with everything going on."
I lowered my hands and looked at Aria. "Why do you always have to be right? "I asked her.
"ITS A GIFT. "Aria replied with a wink.
For the first time in years, I felt like a normal girl. I felt a sense of ease. I saw Aria laugh and it felt like the old times.
"I really wish things would always be like this."j said with a soft voice.
Aria nodded but her expression changed to serious. "Me too. But remember, Lyla, no matter what happens, you're not alone. We'll face whatever comes together."