Chapter 30: Fragile Bonds

"Today's training is going to be all about the mind. I expect you to become one with your emotions. I will blindfold you and you will try to spar with me. If you can land a successful punch on my face, then today's lesson is completed. But if you can't you will do thirty laps as punishment," Kyle stated.

"What?" I spoke too loudly.

"What do you mean by thirty laps? I can barely make it past ten laps. Anyways I don't plan on failing so that won't be happening," I said with a smug look.

"We'll see about that," Kyle smiled and it looked kind of dark and cute at the same time making me laugh.

"Nothing is funny," Kyle grumbled as he walked towards me and blindfolded me.

"Now the key is to become on with your mind and you surrounding. Trust yourself and the visual images in your mind. Become one with the elements and use them to sense me. Do you understand?" Kyle asked and I nodded.

I took a deep breath and started moving in circles keeping my posture straight even when I couldn't see anything.

I closed my eyes through the blindfold and I remembered what Kyle had taught me. The environment is my friend.

I imagined myself become one with the environment, the trees, the grass, the wind, the earth and suddenly I started feeling invisible.


I could not believe my eyes, she began to float and she was two times faster than me, I began to struggle to catch up. Soon she overpowered me and delivered a powerful blow in my jaw that nearly knocked me out. I haven't been hit like that by anyone, the force and energy she exuded was non-existent.

I didn't have time to think when she delivered another blow again.

"Okay, okay! You have done it you didn't have to hit me again. That second it was unnecessary and personal." I nearly screamed while she burst out laughing and removed the blindfold. "How did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" she replied confused.

"How did you become one with the environment to the point that you were floating?" I questioned.

"I was floating?" she asked shocked.

"You didn't realize that you were floating?" I asked in disbelief.


Suddenly I grabbed her and fell to the ground rolling the both of us into the bush nearby.

"What was that..."

"Shush," I said in a hushed voice.

"People are here, I felt their presence. It is very strong and dark," I whispered to her.

"I can feel them too," She whispered back then she suddenly gasped as she started glowing.

"What is happening?" I asked looking at her in shock.

"I don't know." She looked equally stunned.

"I tracked her here. I could feel her energy up till now and suddenly, it is gone. I don't understand, she was right here," We heard a woman with a strange accent speak. She was definitely not from our town.

"Now you would make excuses," A sharp male voice scolded.

"Try to track her again and if you can't do it properly this time, we will have your head on a spike," another male with the same foreign accent said.

We felt a brush of wind and suddenly the wind started coming towards us in full force as if indicating something. I looked towards Lyra and I could see that she wasn't glowing anymore. The glow was fading. "She is still her, she is in the bushes," The lady said and my heart dropped.

"Direct us to her now!" the man's voice boomed throughout the bayou.

Suddenly there was a flash of energy and we were in Lyra's room.

"Oh, thank what ever power there is out there protecting us," I sighed as I realized where we were.

"What was that about?" Lyra whispered.

"Turns out my father isn't the only person looking for you," I stated because that was the only think that sounded logical.

"Or it could be your father sent them?" Lyra reasoned.

"No, it is highly unlikely. I have never heard anyone sound like that and their energy was just off. It was very strong and felt bad. All my senses were screaming at me to run. I have never felt anything like it before, those people are definitely not from my pack.

Coming to think of it, I cannot put it past my father. He has been unusually quiet. This was probably his plan but then again, I could be wrong." I spoke thinking carefully about all the events that has been unfolding lately.

"I think I should just ask Aria about it, surely she would know something. This suspense is making me feel scared," Lyra said and suddenly Aria burst into her room and stared at me.

"You, what are you doing here again? I told you to stay away from here," Aria said angrily.

"He didn't come here by himself. I brought him here," Lyra said.

"Why? Why would you do that after I told you everything that is going on in the house?" Aria asked looked more disappointed than pissed.

"Our lives were in danger. Someone strange was looking for me saying they sensed me to the bayou and we were hiding out in the bushes and I think my body tried to cover my energy up because I started glowing but soon the glow faded out and they found out I was behind the bushes. I panicked and I ended up here with him," Lyra explained.

Aria's eyes became wide like saucers.

"What did you just say?" she said sounding very scared then she turned to me.

"These people, they are not from your pack?" She asked.

"No, I have never felt that kind of energy before. Their accent sounded foreign and I doubt that they are werewolves.

"No, no, no! this cannot be happening. Lyra you need to leave this place now! It isn't safe anymore. If it is what I think then Ryker is the least of our problems," Aria said and a chill ran down my spine.

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