Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 332: The First Upload (III): Fear Of The Unknown

Rezar picked his steps up the stairs that led up to the massive black structure. There was more to it than what was being presented, but Rezar got the feeling that what he would find there would be beyond his expectations; or perhaps not within his expectations. But be that as it may this was another adventure on the horizon, but perhaps this might be the adventure that puts an end to Rezar Deathwind. But even if that may be the case. He was not going to back down from this, because that was something Rezar Deathwind never does; back down from a challenge.

Screet followed behind, but this time he wasn't as close to his master as he usually was. It was quite the conundrum, but it more than proved that whatever it was that the Undead Mole-man was scared of, it was a real threat and not one Rezar could take lightly. So he decided to pay more attention to his surroundings as he approached the black structure, noticing a pair of imposing gates seemingly made from the skull of a creature Rezar could 100% was a dragon. And now it wasn't just the wealth of this kingdom or city that was on display, what was also shown was the bloody power they had. And to subdue a dragon and then use its skull to make a gate was arrogance of the highest order, and that was something that can only be done when you were so sure of the power you held.

But then again if this was just how much power they held the question remains how in the heck was it bloody possible; that all that's left of them are ruins that did nothing more than tease of the grandeur of their glory days. It was infested with monsters of all sorts, from undead to beasts, each and every single one of the, hanging around with the deepest pits and corners of the illustrious city. It would take the entire might of the Morte Biancan army to be able to bring them down, and there was no guaranteed that there wouldn't be a significant amount of casualties. To say he was confused would be understatement, if they had this much power, then what caused their own destruction, all up on to the point that there were no records of them in existence.

Rezar came to a stop in front of the gate, he was somewhat apprehensive, and maybe that was for good reason. Unlike all of the other unknown locations he has carried himself into, this was the very first that was giving him such a weird feeling. And it was a feeling he really couldn't put his finger on. He shivered, it was weird but Rezar was actually feeling fear. He turned back to look at Screet with his eyes opened wide in shock, his first Undead only shook his head as if to tell his master not to do what he was about to. Rezar was not the kind of man that is driven by his fear, in fact in all of the time he has spent alive all he has ever don whenever he was faced with insurmountable odds or even fear was to just run straight forwards toward it.

Of course he would be making some plans along the way, but ultimately the very idea or rather the fact that he was feeling fear was more than enough to cinch the deal for him. It was the same thing as the time he had raised the storm dragon, even dead he could the aura of a being that was so primal and powerful that it invoked fear in him, but even with that knowledge pounding at the back of his head and at the threshold of his very should he still moved forwards and went on ahead to awakened the most powerful living being in all of Elysium; a freaking dragon.

Of course there's no guarantee that lightning would strike twice, that would be incredibly ridiculous but he didn't have much of a choice. If this was something that he was scared of, his enemies might be able to use it against him, and that was something he would not allow no matter what. If he was feeling like this from just being close to the damn building, it was hard to imagine what the bloody hell could happen if what was inside was unleashed and pointed in his direction. The world might think him invisible and un-killable, but Rezar knew better than most that he was not immortal. He was no god, and even if he was one, he suspected that it was within reason that Gods could actually be killed.contemporary romance

He placed his hands on the skull in an attempt to push the doors open. He immediately felt a prick in the palm of both his hands as a drop of blood was taken from him. He pulled his hand back and quickly stepped back, watching with his guard up as concentric lines etched onto the skulls like some sort of design lit up in a deep red. The area where his blood had been taken released a brighter glow as the skeletal skull shuddered and the sounds of ancient gears grinding against each other was heard. Rezar's heart unwillingly skipped a beat, that reaction annoyed him, but he couldn't help the fear he was currently feeling. It was hard to imagine, but what could be beyond those doors that has him shaken so?

The skull split in two as they began to slide away from each other, exposing a completely dark interior. It was dark, but seeing for Rezar or Screet wasn't much of a problem seeing as one was a vampire with superior's senses and the other was a highly evolved undead creature that had the power of the soul flame like all undead…. they both could see in the dark. Rezar took a step forwards, and the moment he crossed the threshold of the building, a circle underneath his feet lit, bright and shining with the glow of the brightest star. It spread to the next circle and then to the next. There were hundreds if not thousands of circles on the ground.

There were of varying sizes and various styles, come were concentric, others were overlapped. But the bottom line was they were all circles. Rezar found himself in an extremely large chamber, it was as big as an Olympic stadium and the circles were keeping it lit in a very exquisite manner. There were two spiral staircases that were so massive, the storm dragon could walk on one of them and there would still be space for a wyvern to stroll right beside her. This place was massive, and the stairs seemed to lead up to a second floor, and from what he could see. The insides of the building were larger than what he estimated outside.

The ceiling on this floor was at least a 100 meters tall, Rezar could throw an ordinary person up and a fall from that distance would break a lot of bones if not out rightly kill the person. And a 100 meters was the least e estimation, so it could very well be bigger, like way bigger. Screet followed close behind, his eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary, Rezar was his master and it was his duty to not just serve but to also keep him safe. Should anything go wrong, it also meant the end for him too. He was the first undead of Rezar, the bond they shared went way beyond what the others had or could ever possibly hope to overcome. Rezar was like Street's own father. And any other title did not matter to him.

"This place has been abandoned for hundreds if not thousands of years and yet it is spotlessly clean. Almost as if the building would not let itself be soiled or broken down by the ravages of time…. I can't help but wonder what material it's made from as opposed to the other buildings made from precious materials. Don't you think Screet?" Rezar asked as his gaze fell on something quite peculiar.

"Master is that someone trapped in a brown rock?" Screet asked as their gaze fell upon the brown rock in the middle of this chamber. It was quite a fair distance away, but these two could see far just as well as they could see in the dark. Rezar grabbed a hold of Screet's shirt, prompting a startled squeak from his mouth, as they now both vanished from their position.


*Urggggh! *

"I think I'm going to throw up master!" Screet said as he hunched over clutching his stomach.

"Don't be dramatic, we both know you don't eat normal food…. At least not that I've seen." Screet rolled his eyes as Rezar shifted his gaze back to the brown rock that now held a person. He jumped up in fright as he scrambled back, a shocked and now justified terrified look on his face. Apart from the fact that the eyes pf the person in question was open and steadily looking or rather glaring at them both, Screet finally opened his mouth to ask.

"Master what is he?"

"That! Screet; is a werewolf!"

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