Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 331: The First Upload (II): Prey

Rezar moved on with Screet following closely behind him. Honestly speaking this entire encounter with the Lackeys of the theocracy was pretty much annoying to him. He felt weak and exposed as being told or rather realizing that he has just been blindly following after a goddess has left him feeling very unsure of himself, because if not or anything he has always seen himself as someone who had a life that was definite and completely unblemished by the machinations of anyone else. That he was the one in complete control of his destiny, yet somehow he still ended up becoming a goddess's bitch… it was bloody fucking ironic.

"You shouldn't dwell on it too much master, because when you think about it, now that you know, your life is now your own. What you choose to do with it, is completely and totally up to you. And now you would be a whole lot wiser when you deal with the people in your life." Screet said to him as they went past an emerald building and came up into a plaza or rather the main street of the city itself.contemporary romance

Screet was right, moping and feeling sorry for himself would definitely not help him right now. Heck it wouldn't even help him ever as all it would do was make him weak and even more stupid than he already is. Destiny and fate is a fickle and weird thing that up until today not many people has ever been able to understand. But the ultimate truth behind it was that; how your fate and destiny will turn put is entirely up to you and the choices you make, the idea is just to make the right one and keep your head high and eyes open against anyone who would want to take advantage of you.

The main street that led up to the massive black building was surprisingly paved with gold bricks, and not the yellow bricks you would probably see in any other wizard of Oz remake, but the kind you will see decked out on celebrities. This was crazy and beyond a reasonable doubt, it washed away all of Rezar's Melancholic thoughts. Because fir the first time in a long time, he was in awe with the thing he was seeing, and at the same time completely gob smacked by it.

Who would pave their streets with gold! And now that he was thinking about it, it seems all of the other streets up until this point were all paved with gold. Perhaps because of the coating of dust and decay over the ground from the amount of years this place has been a ruin; had covered it up. This was quite a sight, and many would probably call it a wonder of Elysium. But be that as it may, it didn't matter the amount of awe he could possibly have for this road or the kingdom it belongs to. He shook his head and continued marching forwards, keeping his eyes open in case of any unexpected danger that might arise.

The massive black structure loomed even higher as Rezar drew closer to it. This was probably four times the size of his very modernized palace. He was probably looking at a hundred floors with a floor being almost or at least 20 to 25 meters tall. There were balconies to demarcate each floors on the building, and seeing the space between each floors, it was safe to say this shit in fr0nt of him was freaking massive.

"I have a bad feeling about this master; they say it's a dungeon, or rather the entire ruins itself is the dungeon…. then what the hell do you think this black structure is. I'm sure you can feel the aura its giving off master; it's really oppressive and suppressive. For once and for the first time ever, I think that's a path we shouldn't take, it's not as if even though the theocracy gains weapons that can level and grow that they would be able to stop us. The truth that a lot of people are refusing to acknowledge is that Necron city and Morte Bianca can never be defeated, it can never be surpassed and you will live forever. So at times I don't think it's necessary for you to be paranoid about a lot of things. Or give a damn about other things, so can we leave master?" Screet asked with a rather pensive and apprehensive look on his face. But Rezar shook his head as he said.

"I understand what you're saying Screet, but the aura is one of death, one of rage and one so primal I don't think any vampire would ever be capable of letting it off. I feel it's extremely dangerous but at the same time the damn thing is so familiar I can't really turn back. I have to see this through to the end, whatever darkness lays at the end, I will deal with it. After all; I am fucking Rezar deathwind and death bows to me."


Sounds, he could hear sounds, and those or rather these were things he has not heard in a thousand years. He was unable to understand why, but since that very night all he has seen or rather all he has felt was darkness. He was encased in it, swallowed deep with no way out. He could smell the sounds, 14 thousand years down here and he could never forget that scene, the scene of a vampire. He hates that scent1

He tried once again to break free of the bonds that were holding him down, but they didn't budge. He couldn't tell just what they used to hold him in place; he couldn't move he couldn't even breathe as there was no air. They left him for dead with no food or water, no wisp of energy. He felt the world change around him just as much as he changed round it. He evolved, devolved, grew, d and lived over and over again in this prison they had left him.

Was he sane? No! nothing like that, he already lost his mind a long time ago. The countless years of darkness just seemed to swallow him up, and it was seemingly without end. There was no end to the solitude and loneliness, he wished for more, all that he had was a few wisps of memory and the name that they had given to him; 315. And it was the one thing he had actually held on to for so long, but it broke his heart more times than he could count to address himself in the name his captives had given to him.

He has tried more times than he could care to imagine to give himself a different name, but apart from 315 he couldn't remember any other name. and if he had to be honest about it all, he didn't want to give himself a new name that wasn't in tune with what he had from when he first came here, to when he first came to Elysium. He couldn't remember that name, and that was the name he felt was rally important to him.

All he could remember was that he was a beta tester…. that he was the first of them all, and that he was the protector of Elysium, he was its protector against the darkness, and also its covering against the light. But now he was nothing, he was just nothing. Many times before he had wondered if he as dead, if perhaps this was the afterlife. But every time he had that thought his heart beat out loudly to remind that there was still blood in his veins, that there was still life in his body.

But in all 14 thousand years of solitude, a time that he had spent counting every single fucking seconds; he came across something different, he came across something new. This scent shook him in more ways than one and he was loving the urged it gave to him. He wanted to rip throats, crush hearts and drink blood. To feel the flesh of vampires within his teeth as they wilted away from his onslaught. He tried to shake, he tried to struggle even harder to break free, he had to get to them…. he had to get to it….


His rage filled voice seemed to resound out loud across the darkness, his lust for blood so thick and palpable that even he could feel it clinging and hanging onto his skin. His muscles strained as he fought harder, he honestly wouldn't want this new prey of his to walk away and escape, he wanted to bring an end to it! He wanted to bring an end to this bloody vampire! Damn it! They should all just die!


His howl seemed to vibrate across the air, rattling deep to within the hidden depths of his bone. His prey was going away and that was something he didn't want, or at least until he felt them coming closer. Then he smiled, they were coming, he or she was coming to die…. the vampire was coming.

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