My Little Dancer

Chapter 38: Angel

We arrived back at the clubhouse when Venom’s cell phone rang. “It’s the hospital.”


“Is this Venom, the father of Angel?”

“Yes, it is. Is my daughter all right?”

“Mam, I asked you a question. Please answer it now.”

“Sir, the doctor is going to take Angel off the ventilator.”

“When, and why?”

“To find out if she can breathe on her own. And he is doing it right now. I think you and your wife might want to be here when it happens.”

“Why do we need to be there?”

“So you can say your goodbyes if she can’t breathe on her own.”

“We are on our way.”

“Beth, watch Spike please.”

I told the club what the doctor is getting ready to do. I grabbed Tara’s hand and walked out of the clubhouse. I lifted her on the back of my bike before I sat down started it and drove away from the club.

We didn’t talk we walked into the hospital and headed to the ICU. We watched from the window as the doctor turned the machine off doing the breathing for Angel.

The doctor stood watching the machine. Then he turned and looked at us. He was smiling. He walked from the room over to us. “She is breathing on her own. I will remove the tub from her throat.”

“Bad news is. She is still in a coma.”

“The point doctor is that our daughter is alive.”

“That we will not be putting her in the ground.”

“I have to tell you, Tara. We do not know if or when she will come out of that coma.”

“We will take care of our daughter at home if it comes to that.”

“I will have to close the curtain over the window. Once I finish you can go and sit with her.”

We waited for the doctor to let us go into her room. Finally, he walked out of the room. It felt like years.

“You can go in and visit with Angel. She is not awake. She is in a coma. I have never seen anything like this before. It is as if she is in a very deep sleep. A sleep she doesn’t want to wake up from.”

“I am going, to be honest with you both. She may never wake up. Or she could wake up tonight, next week, or even years from now.”

We sat near her bed for a few hours before we stood up and kissed her forehead. “We have to leave baby girl. I have to feed your little brother. We will be back in the morning.”

We walked out of her room and down the hallway to the elevator. When walked out of the hospital to the bike.

When we drove into the compound we both noticed it was filled with bikes. We looked at each other and walked into the club.

We stood in front of the bar and it got quiet. “They took Angel off of life support. I noticed everyone was holding their breath.”

“They took Angel off life support. She is breathing on her own. She is in a coma. The doctor said he has never seen anything like this. And that he doesn’t know when she will ever wake up. If she does.”

“We just have to wait.”

We walked over and sat down. I looked over at the VP of the “Fire Warrior” VP. “Venom, Savage is out of town and won’t be back until Saturday.”

“He doesn’t know what happened to Angel. We felt we better wait until he gets back.”

“You know what will happen when he comes home and we tell him.”

“I know Harley. He is going to go off. He will be very angry if we didn’t tell him. He has always liked Angel.”

“We may have to sedate him. He will rip gang houses apart telling them all to stop what they are doing or he will burn them to the ground.”

“We all know how Savage can get. Next to Venom, he is one that is hard to deal with.”

“That is because they were in the war together and he was Venom’s VP for years.”

“I always thought he was in love with Angel. And he stayed away from Angel because he was 10 years older than she is.”

“We hope that she wakes up soon.”

“So do we.”

My name is Savage. I was headed home early. I pulled into the compound and noticed it was really quiet. And most of the bikes were gone.

I walked inside and a member said; “You are back early.”

“What’s going on? Where is everyone? They are at Venom’s club.”

“Are they having a party or something?”


I stared at the member suspiciously. “What the hell is going on?”

“Maybe you should wait until Harley gets here.”

“Fine call him and get him here right now.”

I called Harley and told him that Savage is home. And he wants him at the clubhouse now. He said he was on his way.

I walked in the door and looked over at our doctor. He held the syringe up and nodded. I walked over and sat across from Savage.

“Mind telling me why my members are all over at Venom’s club?”

“Savage, last week Angel was in a drive-by shooting.”

I lowered my bottle of beer and looked at Harley.“Come again?”

“Angel was shot. She has been on life support and taken off today.”

“She is in a coma.”

I threw my bottle of beer against the wall. I stood up and threw my chair across the room. I slammed my hands on the table.

“You are fucking telling me that Angel was shot a week ago and a machine was breathing for her and not one of my members fucking called to tell me?”

I moved back as Savage started to reach for me. “I am going to fucking kills someone. Who the fuck did this?”

“Some gang members. They were doing a drive-by shooting and shot a biker bar.”

“And the “Black Angel” came out of retirement and kills the four along with their girlfriends.”

“I do not care. We are going to go from gang house to gang house and burn them out. Get out of my way Harley.”

We held him down as the doctor stuck the needle in his arm. Once he calmed down we carried him to his bedroom.

A few hours later I opened my eyes. Then I remembered being told that Angel had been shot. I need to see her. I stood up and walked to the bar.

“Where is Angel, Harley?”

“Miami Valley Hospital ICU.”

“I will be back later. I am going to see her.”

I worked out of the club and got onto my bike. I drove to the hospital and walked inside. I took the elevator to the floor of the ICU.

I walked through the doors and asked what room she was in. “Are you family?”

“No, I am her fiance.”

I walked to the room the nurse told me she was in. I sat down in a chair next to the bed. I held her hand.

Angel, it's Savage. I just found out. I am here. I need you to wake up. I need to see you smile at me. I need to look into your eyes.

“Angel I have to tell you something. I need you to be awake for this. But, I will tell you now as well. Angel, I love you. I have always loved you. I don’t care that you might not have any feelings for me. But I need to be able to see you sometimes.”

“Please wake up Angel.”

I lay my head down on the bed against her hip. I fell asleep. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I looked over at her face.

She was still sleeping. I stood up and kissed her forehead. “I have to go. I will be back later. You rest as long as you want to. I will be here until you wake up. I will come and visit you every day.”

I turned and walked out of her room, down the hallway, and out the door to the elevators. I took it to the ground floor and walked out and sat on my bike.

I will run every gang member out of this town. I will burn their gang houses to the ground. And I will make them wish they had never started gangs.

We will clean our city up again. I contacted Venom and told him my plan. He agreed and said we should bring Beth and Tara. That way they can deal with the girls.

We agreed to meet next week and plan where will we start. We informed the police department to stay out of our way.

They didn’t care. Someone needed to do something with those kids. And we are just the ones to do it.

I sat at the table watching the Haunting with the members when my brother walked in the door. He had been on his honeymoon.

He and his wife, Legs sat drinking with me and Harley. Once the movie was over he looked over at me. And then he signed.

“I heard about Angel Savage. I know how much you love her.”

“Legs and I want in on getting rid of the gangs in our town.”

“Fine, we are meeting at Venoms this weekend to make plans.”

“We will be there.” It's funny. Leg was a friend of Angel's she worked for Angel at the shop. That is how my brother Hammer met Legs.

Hammer had taken over our parent's club. He is one year older than I am. Legs is the same age as Angel.

I signed as Hammer grinned looking at me. “Here comes that whore again.”

I looked up to see the whore stop next to me. “What the hell do you want Cindy?”

“When are you going to forget Angel, Savage? You won’t touch her let alone ask her out. Maybe you should find another woman so she can get on with her life.”

“Cindy, I don’t care what you think about Angel and what she means to me. You are nothing but a whore. I don’t want you, I won’t take you to my bed. So get that through your thick head.”

We watched as her face turned red and she turned and walked back to her table and sat down. We saw the new whore glance at me and then she turned and said something to Cindy.

“Here comes the new whore, Savage. Her name is Cassie.”

“Hello, my name is Cassie.”

“I know who you are. And I don’t care what your name is. You are wasting your time with me. So get the fuck away from me. I will tell you the same thing I told Cindy.”

"You are nothing but a whore. I don’t want you, I won’t take you to my bed. So get that through your thick head.”

"And do not ever approach this table again."

Legs started laughing. "They always want to spread their legs to the president or VP thinking they will stay in their beds."

"So, Savage I take it the kids that shot Angel were taken care of?"

"Yes, in fact, the "Black Angel" came out of retirement and killed four boys and their girlfriends."

My brother gasped. "Why would she do that? She knows bringing that anger and hate back into her life is going to be hard to stop."

"I know that. And so did she. She didn't have a choice. Things are going bad between Spider and her."

"It it wasn't for the way he talked to Angel none of this would have happened. And if Angel wakes up she will be highly pissed off to find they took her back to the clubhouse."

"She has not talked to them since that day she and Dakota left the clubhouse."

"She will not want to be there. And if given the chance, She will hurt Spider. Make no mistake about that, Savage."

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