My Little Dancer

Chapter 37: Good News

Every day we go to visit Angel. She is holding her own. The doctor asked to talk to me and Venom. "Tara, Venom. I have some news about Angel."

"What is it, doctor?"

"We are not sure yet. But if Angel starts breathing on her own and wakes up. She might be paralyzed. A bullet is still in her back. Very close to her spine. We could not get it out at the time we operated on her."

"She was too weak to continue with the surgery. As I said we won't know for sure until she decides to wake up. If she ever does."

"Doctor, if she doesn't wake up. What happens then?"

"You can take her home. Either her house or your club."

"Thank you, doctor."

We walked into her room and sat next to her bed. I held her hands and talked to her. I begged her not to die. I looked at Venom.

"She would not want to be at the clubhouse. She would rather be home at her house."

"We will see, Tara. Right now, I would want her at the clubhouse. She can be protected there."

"We will see, Venom. Right now she needs to be encouraged to want to live."

I was up and feeding Spike and handed him to Vemom when I finished. I dressed and Venom carried Spike to the kitchen. I took him while Venom made our plates and filled our coffee cups.

When I finished eating Venom rinsed our plates and cups putting them in the dishwasher. I carried Spike into the bar and placed him in the swing.

I took the files from Venom and read them. I made notes. They all had girlfriends. I wrote their names and address down and handed the paper to Venom.

"Get them all and take them to the building. We will find out how much they care for them. Let some of the members and prospects play with them in front of those boys."

"We will see how much those boys think they can play the game of real life."

"But, we don't rape girls."

"We do only with them. Just do it, or I will order it myself."

"I watched as Venom sent members to grab them."

"Venom, what is Tara thinking?"

"You are going to find out just how bad Tara used to be."

"You do not want to disobey her orders, Spider. You think you are a badass. You are nothing compared to what Tara is."

"Get ready for your first lesson on just what Tara can and will do."

I was holding Spike looking down at him. I didn't want to do this but I am angry. Very angry. I want my daughter alive even if she doesn't want to see or talk to me.

I do not want to become this hard-hearted woman that hated most people again. I didn't want to have men call me the ice queen that I once was. But, there is no getting out of this.

No thanks to Spider I will have to feel no emotions. Only hate, only the need to make them hurt. Hurt the way they made my little girl hurt.

She would not be laying in bed with machines hooked to her. Or a machine that was breathing for her. But they had to pay for what they had done. And pay they will.

I turned and walked to the closet. I pulled the small suitcase down from the top shelve. I carried it to the desk and sat it down. I lay Spike in the crib and walked back to the desk.

I opened the case and looked down at the different knives laying in it. All surgical tools. Very sharp. I closed the case and walked over and grabbed the other items I need to take with me.

I sat the bag on top of the case. Not one member of Venom knew what I was really like when I was Angel's age. But they will find out I am not to be messed with. My children are not to be messed with no matter if we are angry at each other.

I was known as the "Black Angel" when someone mentioned my name they understood that they wanted the person to feel pain. Lots of pain before they died.

"Black Angel" is back. I removed the box from the closet and opened it. I looked down at my jacket. I never thought I would ever wear it again. But here I am looking at my jacket. I will wear it for the first time in 16 years.

I turned and picked up Spike and walked out of the room. I walked to the bar and looked at Venom. I told a prospect to bring me a cup of coffee.

I looked down at my phone. Beth was the only one right now I would trust with Spike. I text her two words. "Black Angel."

Then I text I need you to watch Spike for a few hours while I take care of business. I looked up from the phone and at Fire.

"Black Angel" is back. And Tara wants me to watch Spike for a few hours. We need to go to Venom's clubhouse.

I knew she would come. She knows what I used to do. She knows we got those bastards and it is time for them to pay.

"Beth will be here soon. She will watch Spike while I take care of business. I need the members and you to wait for me at the building."

"You will leave when she gets here. All of you."

I looked down at Tara. I knew it had to be this way. "You going to be alright?"

"Yes, I will be just fine. I need you to take a bag with you. It will have a change of clothes in it for me. And you will need to start a big fire. Really big to throw their dead bodies in it when I finish with them."

"Tara, I love you. You know that."

"I love you more, Venom."

I watched him stand up and tell them the plan. They all understood. Spider started to open his mouth. "Spider if you ask questions you might end up losing that tongue."

He closed his mouth. Spider knew he had made the biggest mistake in his life and he will never be trusted with the power he thought he had in the club. Venom told him outright he was not in charge when he was not at the club.

He left no doubts that it was not me. It is Tara. I thought he would give me that power. As the VP, I should have remembered Tara was second in command here. Not me.

I had that power for a while until I disrespected their daughter. After that day I was no longer trusted by Venom and Tara. I have a really bad feeling that I was going to learn fast just what and who Tara really was.

I opened the door and walked inside. I walked to the VIP table. "I am here, Tara. Ready for my duty of watching the prince."

Well, well, well if it isn't Devil's little sister all grown up an older member said behind her. "Do not try to mess with me today of all days, Beast. I get to see the shock on all your faces soon."

"And you know what I will enjoy the most from it?"

"What would that be, little Beth?"

"All of you about to shit yourselves."

"That is not going to happen and you know it."

Beth looked over at me. I nodded my head and she turned and looked at Beast. I never really like him.

"I heard that the "Black Angel" is coming out of retirement as a favor to Tara."

"I call bullshit on that. But I will wait and see."

"Yes, you will see first hand."

I handed the bag of clothes to Venom and "he yelled everyone gets your asses on your bikes we are headed to the building."

After they left I grabbed my case and Beth and I walked out the door and put Spike into the car seat I placed my case on the back floorboard along with my jacket.

When I arrived and got out of the car. I put my "Black Angel" jacket on while Beth took Spike from the car seat.

She shoved the door open and I walked in. I walked over to the table and Beth shut the door. I turned my back so they could all read the back of my jacket.

Every member gasped. I turned and looked at them with ice-cold eyes showing no emotions. "Today you will get to see my past. Today you all now know who the "Black Angel" is. Today you will never forget what I am capable of."

I removed my jacket and lay it across a chair. I then walked to the boys hanging from the chains and looked from them to their girlfriends.

"I see our members have been enjoying themselves with your girlfriends."

"Bitch when we are free we are going to burn your clubhouse down and kill your new baby."

I laughed. "You are going to die today. However, I will show you what real pain is. You should never have shot at a biker club."

"You are punks, you think you can scare me? Think again. You shot my daughter. She is fighting for her life. She almost died twice."

"You are messed with bikers. You are going to get a taste of the real world little boy."

"You know nothing about being in the big leagues. But, you all will find out today. And I am going to give you all a lesson about a woman claimed by a biker."

"Which one is your girlfriend"

"I am his girlfriend you fucking whore."

I walked over to her holding a small surgical knife in my hand. I grabbed her hair jerking her face back to look into my eyes.

"I am the president of this clubhouse wife. I am no whore. I laid the knife on her face. I slowly brought it down from her eye to her chin. She screamed and begged me to stop."

"I am just a kid, please stop."

"You stopped being a kid the day you started shooting innocent people. You wanted to be in a gang and make people scared of you. Honey, I do not care how old you are. Welcome to the real world."

I cut the other side of her face. I looked over at her boyfriend. "Not so pretty now is she?"

I walked over to him and cut him from his right shoulder down to his waist. "Please stop."

"I am not in the mood to stop. My daughter might die and you all are the reason why. So I am not going to stop. I am going to make you all pay before you die."

I did the same thing to all of them. I walked over and placed the knife in a bowl of alcohol. Then lit a cigarette and looked at them.

"You won't kill us and we will tell the cops who did this to us. One of them said."

I looked at them. "No, you won't. You will die and be burned in the big fire burning out back."

"You all thought your shit didn't stink. That no one would hurt or kill you because you are all kids. Sorry, no sale."

I finished the cigarette. Tell me which one did the shooting?"

"If you don't I will keep cutting you, when I finish I will mix lemon juice and salt then rub it into your cuts."

"Tell me who shot my daughter. The rest of you will die fast. But the shooter will suffer the most."

After two hours they finally named the shooters. I cut the rest of their throats and their bodies were taken to the fire and thrown into it.

As promised I cut the shooter all over his body, I took the cutters and cut his fingers off one by one. I then watched him bleed out and stop breathing.

I walked over and grabbed the sack of clothes and walked to the room to shower their blood from me. I walked back to the table, cleaned, dried my knives, and placed them in the case.

I looked over at Spider. "Spider do you still want to fuck with me? Because the next person hanging there could be you."

"I put my jacket on picked up my case and walked out the door with Beth following behind me."

After Tara left we looked at Venom. "All these years you have been married to the "Black Angel."

"I guess I have."

"I always knew she was one you didn't want to piss off. I just didn't know what she could really do. Now we all know who she really is."

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