My Little Dancer

Chapter 39: Three Weeks Later

I, Legs, and Hammer have been meeting with Venom, Tara, Beth, and Spider for three weeks now. We have found every damn gang house in the city. And marked them on the map.

We have them being watched 24/7 to get an idea of when they have their meetings and parties. We want every member in the gang house before we attack them.

Tomorrow I am going to the hospital to sit with Angel again. I watch the shows she likes when I am there. I hold her hand the whole time.

I looked up to see a pretty nurse standing in the doorway watching me. "What can I do for you, nurse?"

"We were wondering who you are to Angel?"

"I am her fiance why do you ask?"

"Oh, we thought you were a relative."

"Listen, I would appreciate it if you let the single nurses and aids know that I am not free, and I do not cheat. In other words. I am not interested in any of you women."

"I would appreciate that. Thank you,"

I watched as she walked out of the room. I turned my head back to watch the show about the wrestler and his wife.

I can see why she likes this show. They are a funny couple. I want that with Angel. I don't care anymore that I am older than Angel.

I don't know how Tara and Venom will take it but I want to claim Angel. I know what happened between her, Spider, her mom, and her dad.

"Angel was right in her way. They should not have let Spider get away with talking to her like that. And I was happy her brothers stood up for her."

I looked up to see them walk into the room. How is she tonight, Savage one of them asked?"

"The same. She has not changed."

"The same nurse walked into the room glaring at them. You can't be here unless you are a relative."

"Well, Miss nurse. We happen to be her brothers. Now, what have you got to say?"

"Well visiting hours are over in an hour."

"We know that. We will leave then. But right now we want to spend time with Angel and Savage. So if you do not mind please leave the room."

The nurse's face turned red as she left Angel's room. "I think all the single nurses are looking to get fucked."

"I can do a one-night stand one the brothers said."

"I want to ask you, boys, something."

"What is it?"

"You know that I am 10 years older than Angel. You also know I have loved her for years. How would you feel if I claimed Angel one day? If she ever wakes up?"

"That would be up to Angel, Savage. But we are fine if she agrees to let you claim her one day."

"Thanks. I am glad you would not be against it."

"Savage, why have you not claimed her anyway?"

"We all know she loves you. She has since she was 16 years old."

"Because of my age. That's why."

"Age is just a number, brother."

"Angel never liked younger men or men her age. They were never ready to settle down. Look at us. We are not ready to settle down either."

"Savage, she was very angry before she was shot. Don't be surprised if she is still angry when she wakes up. Maybe even angrier than before."

"You should know that she planned on killing herself. Then those boys shot her and almost did it for her."

"You see, her heart stopped beating twice. We are shocked she is breathing on her own."

"I will not let her be alone. I can't do that. I have to tell her how I really feel about her if and when she wakes up."

"She not unloved. She never has been. We all love her."

"You got that right. I looked at the clock and over to Angel. Visiting hours are over. We need to tell her goodbye and leave."

We stood up and kissed her forehead before we walked out of her room. "We are leaving warden. One of her brothers told the nurse."

We walked down the hallway to the elevator and got in. Once it stopped we walked out the front door and over to our bikes.

"We will see you later Savage."

"Later, I told them as I started my bike and headed to the clubhouse."

I parked my bike and turned it off. As I walked through the door I was met by the new whore. "Just what do you think you are doing?"

"Whores are not permitted to meet us at the door. Get the hell away from me and stay away from me. And do not ever do that again."

"You are no one special and you never will be. Your place will never be in my bed. Now get back to your table."

"No, wait. I looked at Scar."

"Scar, take this whore to her room and give her what she wants. To be fucked."

I laughed as she screamed no. "Yes, that will teach you to never bother me again. And Scar. Every time you see this bitch waiting for me at the door, or walking to my table take her downstairs and give her what she wants."

I walked over and sat down and Harley started laughing. "She has been watching for you to come back all day long. We told her what you would do to her. She didn't want to listen."

"She thought since she is so pretty you would give in fuck her."

"Never going to happen. You know I do not fuck the whores I don't want to catch anything. Besides they are not Angel."

"No, they are not and they never will be."

"We have work to do. Tomorrow night we go after the first two gang houses."

"I am aware of that Savage. It is time that they learn not to play in the big leagues."

I opened the beer bottle that had been handed to me and drank half the bottle down. "How is Angel doing, Savage?"

"No change. Her brothers showed up and sat with us until the nurse from hell told us it was time to leave."

"I am going to talk to Venom and Tara about having Angel moved here. I plan on telling them I want to claim her if she ever wakes up."

"That might be a good idea. So you are not at the hospital every night until it is time to leave her. After all, I know you would feel better if she is here and not there."

"You are right, Harley. Her parents and brothers can come here and visit her. I would feel more relaxed if she was here."

"You do know if she is here she would sleep in my bed. And I would spend most of my time in the bedroom watching TV."

"I know that. And so would I. You might want to move the wall from the bedroom next to yours. Open it up and put a couch, a few chairs, and end tables so her parents and brothers can sit there watching TV too."

I started laughing. "That is a good idea. We can cover the door so no one can get in that way. And Beth, Legs, and Dakota can watch her while we are gone or working."

"Come on. Bring a few prospects with you."

We were in the bedroom next to mine. Take all this furniture out of here and put it in the big shed then come back here.

Once the room was cleaned I had a few members start tearing the wall down. And the carpet up. Then they started fixing the wall the right way and covered the door up making a full wall in front of it.

Once they finished we had a few whores washing the walls down, sweeping the floor, and moping it. After they left I looked at Harley.

"Go to the carpet store and get the same color of carpet to match the one in my bedroom. Have them put it down. We will go shopping in the afternoon for furniture."

The whores were downstairs talking. They wonder what was going on and why Savage was enlarging his bedroom.

I don't know. No one has said anything. It will be interesting to find out. Later that night my phone rang. "Savage, it, Venom. Get to the hospital. Angel is awake."

I arrived at the hospital to find Angel sitting up in bed. I walked over and took her hand. I turned and looked at Tara and Venom.

"I am taking Angel home with me when she is discharged. I plan on claiming her soon. Do you have a problem with that?"

"We don't but does Angel have a problem with it?"

"Angel, will you come home with me to my club? And when you feel better let me claim you?"

"Ok. But what happened to me?"

"You were shot in front of the biker club but a drive-by shooting."

"Don't worry. I took care of them. Or should I say "Black Angel" took care of them." I was still looking at my mother's belly.

"What happened to the baby?"

"Honey, I gave birth on the day you were shot."

"You have been in the hospital for two months."

"I have?"

"Yes, you have."

"When you get out and go to Savage's club I will bring your brother to meet you again. Only this time you will be awake."

"Ok. I am going to go back to sleep."


I kissed her forehead. Good night Angel. I will be back tomorrow."

"Ok, see you tomorrow, Savage."

"Then she was asleep."

I was smiling that she was finally awake. I will have her discharged tomorrow. I was so happy that she would come to my clubhouse.

I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. I stood next to Venom as the doctor talked to them.

"She can go home tomorrow."

"I will be picking Angel up, doctor. She is going home with me. What will I need to do for her?"

"Have your doctor call me in the morning. I will explain everything to him. She will need nursing care for a while."

"One of your nurses is dating my VP. Her name is Roxie. Can she have the time off with pay to take care of Angel?"

"I will arrange that."

"Thank you, doctor. I will be here in the morning."

"Goodnight, doctor we all said."

We walked down the hallway relieved that Angel is away. I am relieved she will be coming home with me.

"We need some clothes for Angel to wear."

"We will take care of that Savage. We will bring them with us in the morning."

I sat down on my bike started it and headed to the club. I walked inside smiling and sat down at the table.

"Well, what has you smiling?"

"I am bringing Angel home in the morning. She is awake."

"Well hell, that is worth celebrating."

"Yes, it is."

"And more good news."

"Roxie will be taking care of Angel with pay."

"Hot dam. She is going to be working from the club with Angel."

"Yes, she will be."

"You know that new whore will be a problem."

"Not for long. Once Angel is back to herself she will put her in her place."

Everyone was talking about Angel moving to the club and into Savage's bedroom. When that reached the whores ears they were shocked.

The new whore was pissed. "Who the hell is Angel, she asked?"

"Angel is Venom and Tara's daughter. Savage has loved her since she was 16 years old. She was shot in a drive-by shooting."

"Savage has always planned on marring her legally and claiming her as his wife the biker way."

"Looks like it will happen soon."

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