My Little Dancer

Chapter 36: Gang Houses are being torn apart.

"Look mister, we do not know anything about a drive-by shooting at a bar and a woman getting shot."

I threw the boy across the room and looked at all of them. "You boys are playing a dangerous game. Not a damn one of you has realized that death is real. You have not even met a woman, married her, or had a child."

"Death is real you do not come back from that. You all need to get your asses back in school graduate, enlist in the services and learn what life is all about."

"Everyone of you has not fully lived yet. Stay away from the drugs, and stop fighting each other, you are all still wet behind the ears."

"One day you will kill someone and be arrested, you think just because you are young you can't go to prison for life? Let me tell you that you can. And once you reach 18 you will go into the population with men like me."

"And then do you know what will happen to you?"

"You will be raped over and over until you learn to fight because you ain't shit."

We turned and walked out the door sitting down on our bikes. We hit four more gang houses until we found the one we were looking for.

I kicked the door down and walked inside. I looked at the boy aiming a gun at me. "If you don't put that gun on the table I will take it from you and shove it up your ass. Then I will pull the trigger."

"Now, we know you have four boys here that did a drive-by shooting outside a biker bar. You hand the four over to us now and we will walk out of here leaving you alone."

"Bring them out, boys."

"Look, we didn't know anything about it. I did not order it and I don't kill women and children."

"Yes, you do. Every time you do a drive-by shooting someone innocent gets killed."

"This time you shot the wrong woman. You shot our president's daughter. That was a big mistake. Take them out to the van and handcuff them."

"Say your goodbyes. You will never see them again."

We turned around and walked out of their club. We took them to the building and chained them up. "You boys are going to suffer. You shot our president's daughter."

"Her mother just had a baby and she is itching to get her hands on you. Believe me, compared to that woman, you boys are nothing. And she won't feel one bit sorry for you just because you are young."

"You want to play in the big leagues. You will face the consequences just as a full-grown man would."

"You think you know about pain, hate, wanting revenge. She will make you cry like a baby before you die."

"let's go boys. We have to get back to the hospital."

We turned the light off walked out and closed the door. I locked the door before I sat on my bike and started it. Just as we walked down the hall we saw nurses running down the hallway with a crash cart and heard "Code Blue! Code Blue! ICU."

We all froze and looked at each other. We walked into the waiting room and stood looking out the window.

In the ICU the doctor yelled, "Again."

"He did this four times before they heard the heart beating on the monitor."

We turned to see the doctor talking to Venom. After the doctor walked out he looked at us. "Her heart stopped. The doctor stated he managed to get it beating again."

"He also stated that he doesn't know if he can bring her back if it stops a second time. It took him shocking her, four times before she came back."

"Now, did you find who shot Angel?"

"Yes, they are in the big shed."

"They are young. They think we will not do anything to them. I told them if they want to play in the big league they will be treated as any full grown man would."

Tara was discharged today with the baby. She looked at me and then down at the baby. I say we name him "Spike."

I was wheeled to Angel's room. "You can't take that baby in there a nurse told me."

"Bitch, if you do not get out of my way, I will knock the shit out of you. I am taking Angel's brother in that room to meet his sister."

"If anyone gets in my way they will regret it."

"Venom take me to our daughter."

Once I was sitting next to the bed I could not believe the condition Angel was in. "Angel, I brought your brother to meet you. His name is Spike."

"I stood up and placed Spike in her arm. He lay next to her and placed his small arm next to her waist."

I sat down and watched the monitor. Then her heart started beating faster. We watched as she slowly moved her arm and wrapped it around Spike. Then her heart stopped beating and her arm fell onto the bed.

I screamed and could be heard all way down the hallway to the waiting room. Venom handed Spike to me and wheeled me out of the room letting the doctors do what they had to do.

We stood up looking at each other. We all wanted to run down the hallway. But we need to wait. Venom stood behind me his hands tight on the handholds of the wheelchair.

Then we heard it. The machine started beeping again. The doctor walked over and looked down at me. "Tara, her heart can't take any more. The next time I won't be able to bring her back."

"Doctor, keep my daughter alive. Do what you have to do. Please."

"I can only do so much, Tara. It is up to Angle if she lives or not. I have a feeling she doesn't want to live anymore."

"Goodbye, doctor."

I pushed Tara down the hallway and stopped at the visiting room. "What happened Venom? We heard screams."

"Her heart stopped again. The doctors managed to get it started again."

"He said that she has to want to live but he didn't she wanted that. She has no reason to live and we all know it."

"My daughter was in her home. Her home, Spider. And you disrespected her. You insulted her. And because of you, she left our clubhouse. Because of you, my daughter is in laying that bed willing herself to die."

"If I were you. I would stay as far away from me as you can get. The second my daughter dies is the second you made an enemy out of me, Spider."

"Take me home, Venom. I don't want to look at that son of a bitch another minute. I want to be with our son."

"I want to see you in my office when you get back to the club, Spider."

I took Tara home and helped her down from the truck. I carried the car seat inside with Spike in it. I walked over and sat him on the table.

I sat down and opened the beer bottle sat down in front of me. Members present did not walk over to the table to see the baby. They looked at Tara and the anger on her face.

We looked over to see the other members walk in the door, and then when Tara looked at Spider We saw the anger on her face.

"I am taking Spike and going to our room, I told Venom. This is all your fault. You didn't put him in his place. You let him act as if he was the president and get away with talking to my daughter the way he did."

I stood up lifted the car seat and carried Spike to our bedroom. I changed him and fed him before laying him in his bed. I sat down in the wooden rocking chair looking out the window.

If Angel dies, it will not be the same. I won't be able to stay in this clubhouse without causing trouble. I want my revenge on whoever shot Angel.

I looked over at Spider. I stood up and looked down at him. "My office, now."

I walked in the door and looked out the window. "Shut the door right now."

I slowly turned and looked at Spider. "I do not know what made you think you could talk to Angel the way you did."

"None of this would have happened if you had kept your big mouth shut. I am the president of this clubhouse. Not you. And you best remember that."

"Tara is my second in command. I can always choose another VP. Do not disrespect me, or Tara. And you best remember, If Angel dies, you think your troubles are over? You best think again."

"Just who do you think Angel got her attitude and fighting skills from? Her mother. If our daughter dies. She will make your life miserable. Not to mention Lightening and his three sons."

"You cause me any more trouble and I will strip you of the VP status do you understand me?"

"Oh, one more thang. Tara will make sure Spike grows up to hate your guts for what you did to his sister."

"You have destroyed my family. Not again. You will follow Tara's orders and mine. You will keep that fucking mouth of yours shut."

"I do not want to hear one word from you, do you understand me?"

"I understand you."

"Good now get the hell out of my sight."

I walked out of my office and walked to the bedroom. I walked into the door and saw Tara sitting in the rocking chair staring out the window.

I closed the door and locked it. I walked over to sit on the bed looking at Tara. The light is going out of her eyes. "Venom I am going to lose my baby girl. I know she is not going to get off that god-forsaken machine."

"That machine is breathing for her. If you had kept Spider in line this would not be happening to us."

"If Angel dies. He will not like me. I will become the old me before you ever met me. You won't like me either."

"I want those boys. They need to learn a lesson. And I am going to give it to them. No one else. I have heard them talking. Wanting to know what I can do. What I taught Angel to do."

"It is time you all found out just what I am capable of. Especially, Spider."

"Do you have them in the big building or not?"

"The members caught them. They are there. Good, in six weeks I will teach them about hurting my little girl. We should know by then if she will live or if she dies."

"But it won't matter. I am going to teach them about real life. Not there stupid drive-by shootings. I want every one of them investigated."

"I want to know who they love the most. Then they will suffer in front of them. This is real life. It is time they learned that."

"It is time they learn what real pain is. Just what revenge is. I am sorry that those they love will have to suffer and die."

"I want that information by morning. So go tell whoever it is to get me everything on those boys."

"I also want a big picture of Angel taken to the building. I want them to look at her. To see why they are going to suffer."

"Go now. Take care of what I asked you to do. I am going to take a shower and get some sleep before Spike wakes up wanting to eat."

I watched as he stood up and crossed the room. He opened the door and walked out closing it behind him.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom and took a shower putting on clean underpants, shorts, and my bra back on along with a t-shirt. I then walked back to the bedroom and climbed into bed.

I was sleeping when Venom came back. I didn't hear him take a shower and put on shorts. I remember him bringing Spike to me so I could feed him. When I finished he changed Spike's diaper and put him back into his crib.

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