Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Nine.

Admiral Hughes went over the intelligence reports which he received regarding the diplomatic trade visit, and within were carefully coded sections describing their findings and the reactions of the Fool with regards Miss Vinter’s mind altering implanted suggestions. Gresteller had been unaware of the Atlantians actions and that she was reacting and responding to promptings and orders previously implanted within her mind, so she could hopefully draw out the Fool and give Earth extra time to prepare for any possible takeover.

It turned out Gresteller had been extremely successful, as orders had been given by the Fool that Miss Vinter’s home world was to remain unharmed and was off limits to any military personnel other than intelligence gathering until he himself was ready to visit earth.

The usual routine had been for undercover operatives to visit a planet, gather intelligence, finding who was who, and then planning a course of infiltration, enabling the Fool to so-called accidently meet with selected individuals, who in turn presented him to world or planetary leaders, which facilitated the ease of giving a performance and taking control of the planet.

This, in turn, created confusion as no direct threat of military violence was used and the energy fields surrounding these planetary systems remained in use, as the takeover was voluntary, no force or aggression was used, in fact the exact opposite, as the performance was given by the fool actually created extreme feelings of euphoria and relaxed those who heard the performance. Those who tried to react violently were prevented by the energy field and that in itself worked to the Fools advantage.

The aliens had never envisaged such an abuse of their system, for millions of years the energy field had prohibited violent reactions, and peace was the recognised norm upon their planets. It was only now largely thanks to the Atlantians that the Orange alien race was starting to comprehend their technology was compromised and been abused, by actually preventing life forms from defending themselves and trying to prevent an unwanted takeover.

The planetary leaders whose home world entertained the trade delegation and where Gresteller had kissed the Fool, fell into his favor. Never before had such a world responded in such a way without some kind of mental intervention by the fool, but these life forms had been courteous, kind, polite and truly honest in their trade dealings, even to the point of inviting the delegation to one of the Fools performances, and giving the Fool unexpected access to Gresteller, which later responded in actual physical contact and a kiss.

Such was the pleasure of the Fools mind over these actions that he left the planet as it was and allowed the leaders to remain and control the planet as it had been. Unknown to him there had been other mental forces in play, and this had been a calculated action, and actually wanting this very result.

Although the leaders of this planet were alien, they were distant cousins of the Orange race but had remained independent, until now in accepting trade rights with their distant cousins.

When one single leader had been contacted prior to the diplomatic trade delegation, they had been apprised as to what was about to happen, time was of the essence, and as such it became a gamble if this would indeed pay off.

She had been an Atlantian, who lived among others of her kind on an outpost away from the general population and had secretly been influencing the world leaders without their knowledge. As she was employed only as a diplomatic secretary, her presence was not considered worthy of attending the concert, and she had used her mental abilities to mask and hide her presence when the Fool was nearby.

It had been a gentle manipulation of the minds, so much so the Fool appeared to have not realised, however, he had, but because it involved Gresteller, he temporary allowed it to pass by. Also, he now realised there were possibly life forms with considerable mental powers and who had the ability like him to alter perception and thought process. So, he set out to find who these people were and test their mental abilities.

The Fool came up with a plan and mentally altered selected individuals to seek out who in the government had these powers, his plan was simple, if any of the individuals returned with their minds altered then he knew his thoughts were correct, and as each individual had only given a set number of diplomats and or leaders to talk with, he could narrow it down as to who was involved.

Incredibly when they returned none showed signs of having their minds altered, this was unexpected as to have altered the entire leaders thinking took considerable mental power, he knew his gift was an accidental freak, simply because he had been born with a brain deformity, and been of Royal Blood his vamperic family rather than kill their child, simply had him exiled and as he grew so did his abilities.

He had conquered over seventeen galaxies and Trillions of life forms were now subject to his mental manipulation, and yet never had he come across another in all of this time who held similar abilities. It became a challenge and he actually halted his military campaign and sent agents out to each planet he had ever visited, with the intent of seeking out who these life forms were, and how he had missed them.

This very action brought Earth and the other planets much needed time, especially as three of his operatives returned months later, from distant galaxies where he had invaded, and the Fool found their minds to have been altered. Immediately he returned to seek out these life forms and took a considerable portion of his military fleet with him.

Two years had passed, and the Fool truly thought he had narrowed down the whereabouts of these life forms, only they appeared to live in a neglected isolated area of desert controlled by his very family. This did not make sense, as he knew this land, the only inhabitants were nomadic traders, and whose lineage his family had traced back thousands of years. They were simple folk and of no consequence, having only goats, and a few animals to live upon, and camel type creatures to travel and trade.

They mined the deep dangerous sands and hills of the desert and traded precious gemstones and items of interest, his family had tolerated them, as every now and then they genuinely found items of value and always brought them direct to his father when he had been alive. Now his aged mother still occasionally traded with them and had even purchased several girls for servant duty.

Yet the more he thought about it the more certain he became, thinking it must be these life forms, as there was no other explanation, however he had to tread carefully as his mother was technically the figurehead of his race, and the collective minds of his people would unite and turn against him if he harmed her in any way.

Not that he wanted to harm her, yes, she had agreed to his exile, but it was his father who wanted him dead, and the Fool realised even at such a young age, that it was his mother who upon begging her husband to save the child, finally was forced to agree to exile rather than death.

She had however ensured he was treated as a Royal Prince, and his education was from the highest tutors in her realm, who encouraged his mental development and became companions and friends. It was this he kept in mind as he held a private audience with his mother, as still, his kind could not accept such imperfections. “Mother it is good to see you again,

“My son you have grown, are you well,”

“Yes, Mam but I… I need to talk and seek your guidance, I…, Mum I have met a woman she is I believe human…, and I have fallen in love, she does not see a monster in me, only me as I am, and…, I.” But his mother cut him short.

He looked in anger as he felt belittled, “My son your emotions are ruling your head, I have looked into your mind and you said she spoke to you through her mind, does that not tell you something, you have become blinded by love, she is your enemy, I will order my guards to terminate her, you are of Royal Blood, and she is beneath you.”

Her words created a reaction that no Royal Sibling had ever undertaken before, as the Royal blood line held the most powerful minds of their kind, and the Queen was the ruler of her nation not because of who she was, but because of the strength of her mind. The Fools eyes widened, and the Queen suddenly found her mind paralyzed and gripped with fear.

As the Fool faced his mother, she was unable to call for help nor defend herself. “Mother how dare you, you abandoned me, yes you gave me tutors the very best we had, and I out surpassed them, even your pitiful mind is no match to that of mine. How dare you threatened the person I love, and I state to you…, you pitifully bitch of a queen would order her death. These are my soldiers now, not yours; you are only a figurehead, I rule now and these people will quake in fear of me through you.”

He paused but held her mind firm, “I shall allow you to continue living and with the knowledge it is I who control you, but you will be prevented from exposing me or harming those I love, or are under my control, you will be my puppet, a powerless fool, like you once thought of me. Yes, mother I have listened to you and father’s conversations for years, and it was I who killed father and destroying his mind, shredding it piece by piece, be thankful I do not do the same to you.”

He had not realised in his anger that his intentions of investigating these tribal nomadic people had left him, and now he was filled with a desire to see Gresteller and to protect her.

Such was the power he was exerting upon his mother’s mind, she started bleeding from the eyes, nose and ears until he released his mental grip and she fell quivering in utter fear. It was only as he vacated the Royal court and returned with his guards to his ship that it dawned upon him his mother was partly right.

Gresteller had indeed spoken to him with her mind, yes it was pitifully weak, and she may well not even have been aware she had done so, but he had missed the importance of the meaning.

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