Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Ten.

As he thought back to the occasion it dawned upon him, that if a mere diplomatic secretary had even such minor abilities, then possibly upon earth there were others with by far greater abilities. However, the implication presented the Fool with a delicate problem, he still refused to look into her mind, and he did not want her harmed or stressed in any way and sending in a military force would do just that.

He ordered his fleet to approach the earth’s galaxy but to remain within the outskirts and not entering until he had decided upon a plan. He had already spoken into the minds of the entire military from his home world, ordering them that if anyone regardless of who it was threatened invading the earth’s galaxy, then they were to be destroyed and prevented from carrying through such a threat.

It had been undertaken through his mother’s mind, and none had even been aware of the intrusion, he also backed it up stating that it included any human on or off the world, within or outside of their galaxy. He felt sure it gave a level of protection to Gresteller should she be upon other diplomatic visits; however, it was his personal military force, who he trusted the most.

He had single handily handpicked every recruit, by reading their minds and creating blind loyalty to him, so he knew they would sacrifice their very lives rather than consciously disobey him or see him harmed. Now he sat upon the greatest military fleet ever seen and was contemplating how to visit earth unseen or rather unrecognized.

He stripped himself of his disguise and looked at himself in a mirror, for so many years he had covered himself in the disguise as a fool, that he looked blinking at his actual true appearance, to his surprise as he had grown, other than a slightly oversized head, he kind of looked almost acceptable, yes it was still noticeable that he was different, but not like he was when he was a child. Now his features had filled out, and as an adult, he could quite easily walk among humans without drawing too much attention.

It was this realization that gave him an idea, if he kept his mind alert and read the minds of all those near to him, then he could slightly alter within their minds how they perceived him, changing fear for loyalty, support and yet to ignore what their eyes actually saw, and place an imposed image of near perfection within their minds.

He realised he could simply walk the streets no longer looking a fool, and even feed if he so wanted upon the emotions of others, drawing only the strength he required, and still seek out those who held similar abilities.

He wanted recognition and to feel accepted as normal, a person and life form in his own right, who was not feared, and without been forced to manipulate other life forms minds to stop them feeling repulsed at the sight of him.

The next images are how people saw him through mind manipulation.

It actually took him days to gather the courage to venture to earth believing his fleet remained fully cloaked, and unseen by earth radar or satellites defense systems.

Unknown to the Fool the Atlantis race were aware of the fleets presence and of his impending visit, they did not, however, know he had altered his appearance as the operative they held within the military, had not seen the Fools transformation and had remained upon a support ship, as the Fool had realised it was just possible somewhere in his vast fleet lay an operative passing on intelligence.

As such he had taken the unusual precaution of travelling in his luxury cruiser only with the most trusted of his staff. At first, he made a point of transporting to the other side of the planet as far away as he could get himself from where his intelligence told him Gresteller was based.

As he travelled the land, he examined the minds of those he came across and occasionally fed upon the emotions of others creating within their minds feelings of euphoria, utter pleasure and adoration, but always only taking enough to fill his requirements.

It left no long-lasting effects and for a few days, the donors felt as if life was wonderful, only upon coming down, they had three days of flu-like symptoms. After that, they got on with their lives not even realising they had lost a few years of life energy.

As he made his way from country to country, his search found little to concern him, other than an occasional isolated individual with truly residual minor extra mental abilities, certainly not anything of equal or even coming near to matching him.

On one occasion while in France, he came across a solitary individual with exceptional mental abilities, and even recognized empathic abilities, but again nowhere near to even the youngest of children upon his home world. He was beginning to think that selected individuals upon earth were on the verge of early mental development, but still nowhere could he find what he was looking for.

It was while in Brussels he set eyes upon Gresteller, she was walking with Attar, and attending a diplomatic alien conference, and he quietly observed her as she walked right passed him, then she did something truly unexpected, as Attar continued walking she slowed and turned and faced the Fool, smiling and within her eyes he realised she recognized him, only he had genuinely not manipulated her mind, so she was seeing him as he truly was.

In fear of been recognized, he viewed her mind, and only saw love and feelings of pleasure in seeing him.

Quickly he shut his mind but gently implanted a suggestion in not exposing him. Even this wrenched at his heart, yet it was imperative none knew of his visit, as he wanted to find those whose minds were truly controlling this planet.

As Gresteller turned she thought how beautiful he was and had again accidently projected that thought, not even realising she had done so. The Fool stopped in his tracks as the impression of her thought speaking to him entered his mind. As Gresteller hurried and caught up to Attar, they entered a building and carried on with their day.

The Fool forced himself to continue with his search knowing Gresteller would not expose his presence. He left Brussels knowing Gresteller truly loved him, and from there visited country after country, until he came to India. Here he started finding stronger minds, but again nowhere near as powerful as young children on his home world, it was not until he entered China, and then following the minds he found himself facing selected monks who held strong minds, certainly as strong as the older children on his home world.

But upon investigation none held the true ability of even coming close to that of normal adults on his world. As he made his way towards Everest, he came to the fifty-mile zone where the Everest Station was held. It was here again he sensed the presence of Gresteller and used his mind to enter the no-go zone.

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