Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Eight.

As the cloned Gresteller returned to work that morning she found orders awaiting her to return undercover, and to accompany the Orange alien upon another trade mission, this time with the home planet of the entertainers and then to a series of moons and planets in the Pegasus galaxy.

The alien spoke, “Miss Vinter for security and cover you are to refer to me as before, I am Attar, your boss and represent the conglomerate nations of my race, we are here to establish trade and cultural exchange.

Gresteller nodded in agreement and found herself answering him with her mind. He blinked and she was shocked, “Did…, did I just answer you audibly or with my mind?” said Gresteller. “Your mind we had known you had this genetic gift but had not realised you had developed it to a functional ability,” replied Attar.

Gresteller blinked in shock, “As a time passer it would be very beneficial to the mission if you could communicate this way, so we shall develop your abilities while in transit to the various planets and star systems,” said Attar.

Gresteller gulp still trying to comprehend what had just happened, but in time settled and found she quickly learnt to use her mind to communicate, so much that Attar was truly impressed and pleased.

As they arrived upon the home world of the entertainers Gresteller and Attar were made welcome and treated like royalty, it was unnerving at first and kind of strange, as the world’s leaders insisted, they stayed in the finest of hotels and were given total freedom of movement and trade. The military delegation who greeted them almost responded as if Gresteller was a delicate flower and avoided conflict of any kind.

Gresteller noticed there was no military upon the streets, and everyone appeared truly happy, content and freely doing the trade. In the evenings, they were invited to music and entertainment, and there introduced to heads of industry who negotiated special and very favorable trade deals.

After a time Gresteller could sense she was being observed, and could hear the tune in her mind, her thoughts went to the person she saved from violence and her heart went out to him, it was then she thought of his concert and her heart sang out in true joy.

As they left the planet and prepared for their next journey, never before had they secured such favorable trade rights and left almost showered in gifts. Yet something within Gresteller’s heart cried to be leaving this place, from an unseen observation post the Fool wiped tears from his eyes as Gresteller parted company and he saw within her heart her true beauty still remained.

The Fool looked at his admiral of his fleet, “Have them followed and issue orders to all my troops and subjects, she and her companion are under no circumstance to be harmed or prevented from gaining trade, in fact every facility is to be offered in their comfort, if I learn otherwise your neck will swing and I will kill any who disobeys, do I make myself clear.” “Yes sir,” responded the scared admiral, his life was on the line and he damn well wanted to ensure he remained to live.

As the trade delegation entered the next planets orbit, word had already reached all planetary officials, that upon their lives they were to extend Royal type greetings and that Miss Vinter, in particular, was not to be harmed, and offered generous trade rights. Like before their visit was successful and the admiral breathed a sigh of relief when they departed for an independent planet, not yet under the Fools control.

This time, their greeting was as usually expected, and the Fool had his elite military undercover shadowing their every move to render assistance should it be required. As it happened the planetary leaders were extremely civil, caring and kind, and had truly welcomed off world trade, as they had heard of the orange Aliens and knew them to be trustworthy, honest and offering extremely high-quality products which were rare or not available to most planets, also their miniaturized technology was light years ahead of most planetary systems.

As the two dignitaries arranged new trade deals the Fool walked the beaches and canals and came to the notice of the planetary leaders, who following the Fools well-rehearsed plans invited him for a private audience for their business leaders and to two distinguished off world guests.

This had truly surprised him, never before had he been requested to include off-worlders, but upon realising whom they referred to, then he adjusted his plans and accepted. The trade delegation had only three days remaining on their tight schedule but was pleased to accept an offer to sit in the front row within a Royal Box and witness first hand a truly awesome performance.

The Fool saw the honour they extended to the two diplomatic trade delegates and his heart softened, so he yet again changed his performance and for the first time he deliberately aimed almost the entire show at one single person, and only included the planetary audience in the final few minutes, yet still having already won over the planet’s leaders and military. Yet not enforcing his will upon them, as a thank you for treating Miss Vinter so kindly and not been under compulsion of any kind.

Unknown to the Fool, the experiment had gone extremely well and as expected, Gresteller had been 100% mesmerized by the sheer beauty and delight of his performance and not once did he intrude into her mind, only affecting the heart with emotions of love. After the performance, the Fool was introduced to Miss Vinter and Delegate Attar, and as Miss Vinter looked into his eyes, she did something most unexpected and unusual. “Please we have met before…, would you forgive a maiden if she asked of you something special to her heart,” said Gresteller.

The Fool looked stunned having been caught off guard as he refused to even look into her mind. “For one as beautiful as you, ask me anything, I mean it anything, gold, riches fame and it shall be yours,” replied the Fool.

Gresteller was taken aback, “Gold good kind sir is worthless in your company, I seek the most precious thing you could give me…,” she paused as all within the room stared in utter shock and waited with bated breath to hear her request.

Gresteller reached herself forward and whispered quietly in the Fools ear, he actually blushed, and his heart cried at her words. He looked around the room and then smiled and leant forward and gave Gresteller a kiss, only she responded unexpectedly and held him firmly and returned the kiss with love and passion, and upon release blushed pink as her heart rate increased and her cheeks flushed from embarrassment at her actions.

The Fool actually stuttered and for the first time in his entire life he felt true love and compassion, and he wanted there and then to be with this person for an eternity. “Please forgive me, I do not know what came over me, ever since I first met you, my heart fluttered and I could not get you out of my mind, and tonight’s performance came alive, my heart is on fire and…, and…, oh I just can’t put it into words,” she thought speaking with her actual mind, not meaning to, but the Fool picked up her words and smiled.

He also realised this woman could have had anything within his power, and he genuinely would have given it, but she chose a kiss, an actual kiss from him and his heart reacted in ways which he had not expected, as the trade delegation left the planet, his intelligence officer informed him that Miss Vinter actually originated from Earth only her DNA was different.

The Fool raised his head and looked at the person before him, “Explain,” he ordered and the intelligence officer cringed as he saw the Fools eyes, his body language and mannerism, He knew full well he was about to be mind-controlled and it was not going to be gentle. As pain screamed within his head, he could not prevent his thoughts been ripped away and when it finished, he was left a quivering idiot, but alive.

The Fool turned to the Fleet Admiral, “This idiot will recover, I left him like that as an example, but the technicians who extracted biological samples of Miss Vinter are to be arrested and brought before me, how dare they act without orders, I gave specific clear orders she was to be treated with dignity and unharmed,” The Admiral actually flinched at the rage coming from the Fool, never had anyone seen such temper within him, so much so that even the guards within the next room were almost mentally quivering in pain, such was the anger and mental energy and power emanating from him.

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