Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Seven.

Gresteller went quiet and excused herself and made her way back to her work area. There she accessed files on cognitive memory and manipulation of harmonic resonances, a study she remembered reading some twelve years past, which stated certain frequencies found within music have the ability to alter the brain patterns and had been noted to sooth the thinking of mentally ill patients, or those suffering traumatic shock. She could not understand why she had not thought of it sooner.

No sooner had she read the file when a shadow fell over her work console, as she looked up there standing before her was an unknown male. “Hallo Gresteller I am Simon Barret, head of Atlantis security, we need to talk,” Gresteller blinked as it dawned upon her what this stranger had just said, only he had not audibly spoken, his lips had not moved, yet she heard his voice clearly as the sun shines, only it was within her head.

He laughed gently, “No you never imagined it, you yourself often talk this way but to yourself, you just do not realise people like me can hear your private conversations as you think over issues concerning you, and it is for this very reason that you alerted us, when you made the connection with the music and the article you once read,” stated the stranger.

Then before Gresteller knew what was happening she was engulfed in a bright blue light and she and Simon Barret were standing in another room. “I apologise for removing you from your work area, only we need to talk, you see your theory holds merit and we believe you alone might hold the key to helping us,” said Simon.

Gresteller looked around the room, it was stunning, and it held similar works of art upon the walls, plus priceless works of human art including marble and bronze sculptures, vases and frescos and so much more. “Are you a true Atlantian…,” enquired Gresteller. Simon smiled, “Yes this is my home and soon to be yours as we have decided all humans who are above 70% Atlantian are to be re-educated and introduced to those who can guide them and help them prepare for further alien contact.”

He paused only a moment but then continued talking, “You see we believe there are forces at work which intend to take over the known galaxies and have already succeeded in those near to earth galaxy, of which we are certain for some unknown reason a pattern has been deliberately broken, and earth has been avoided,” Said Simon. Gresteller sat and thought over what she just heard within her mind.

She lifted her head and looked at Simon, “Can you elaborate a bit more please,” replied Gresteller. Simon smiled as she was still speaking audibly with her mouth. “Yes, allow me to explain, we have studied the home worlds of multi-cultures for millions of years and some eighty years ago we noticed planets were changing rule unexpectedly, at first, we could not understand why, but in time we noticed a pattern developing, and for fifty-three years that pattern never once altered in its approach until recently.”

Simon paused and looked at Gresteller, “Do you remember when you went undercover and became a secretarial assistant,” inquired Simon. Gresteller nodded yes, “Well you had an apparently small but very significant incident which we now believe altered earth fate,” stated Simon. Gresteller interrupted him. “I don’t understand nothing of significands happened,” she said.

Simon grinned, “Are you sure, as we believe your actions unknowingly save this planet and its citizens which were in line for imminent takeover,” replied Simon. Gresteller was confused so Simon placed an image within her mind which he extracted upon her return, and without her realising his intrusion. “You see Miss Vinter there are other life forms who can manipulate minds, and yes, I am one of them, sadly though you will be prevented from remembering this conversation and until our mission is completed you will not even consciously remember it was us who trained you,” stated Simon.

Then he showed the image of her seeing the oddly shaped painted life form been beaten by louts and of her coming to the rescue. She remembered her feelings towards him and her thoughts, not once did she pity him or belittle him, but genuinely wanted to help him and enjoyed his company, his singing was beautiful and she actually thought he was good looking, well at least under all that multi-colored paint.

As the thoughts returned so did the tune and she found herself humming and then singing it, this brought her mind to the concert she had watched, and tears flowed from her eyes and he found herself thinking strongly loyal to this strange creature or life form.

Simon smiled, “Yes Miss Vinter do you now remember, the person everyone so cruelly calls the Fool, you met him and assisted him extricating him from a violent situation. Did you know those idiots who attacked him were later found dead, each had suffered terrible internal injuries and their organs had each ruptured, and their bones were crushed and yet they died slowly screaming in agony...?

On all accounts, they somehow took five days to die, and the medical staff that tended them could not explain their injuries, let alone how they lived so long, and between their screams they hummed the very same tune you just started singing,” said Simon.

Gresteller looked in stunned shock, fear could now be seen within her eyes. “You have nothing to fear, that Lifeform everyone is calling the Fool is actually a mutant, he was born to the race others fear, they truly look human and fit, they are good looking almost perfect in appearance and they worship perfection. When this poor creature was born to the Royal Family of these creatures, he was rejected, but his position forbids them killing him, he was deformed, and none could look upon him, so his family exiled him but brought him up in luxury and comfort, only he craved true love which he never found.”

Simon stopped talking and looked at Gresteller, “We believe that was until he saw you, you Miss Vinter in his mind was the very first human type to ever look upon him as an equal, you showed no pity nor did you recall back from shock or show disgust, but love and concern…, you Miss Vinter touched his heart and our intelligence sources found your image issued to his troops, with an order upon death to anyone who harms you,” said Simon.

Gresteller looked at the physical hard copy of her image that Simon had just passed to her, “That ship we intercepted…, did this come from them,” inquired Gresteller. “Yes that and much more, the team you sent out risk their lives to gain much important intelligence, it was this reason they were attacked and their ship destroyed, and the attack crafts never realised they were beamed out before their ship exploded and they returned reporting a successful mission,” said Simon.

As realization dawned upon Gresteller she felt cold scared and confused, the knowledge that that strange looking creature had possibly fallen in love with her scared her, yet another side of her wanted to know him and be in his presence, it was conflicting in her mind and this scared her even more.

“We understand your feeling Miss Vinter, and we will help you resolve those feelings of guilt and confusion, it is the residual effects of his mind, and of the power he used to implant a memory of him, so you would never forget him and recognize him the next time you see him, even without the makeup,” stated Simon.

Their conversation continued long into the night, and Gresteller awoke within her own room, feeling refreshed and was quietly humming the tune, yet she remembered not the previous night’s meeting nor that she had been speaking with a true Atlantian nor undergone treatment and mental stimulation and training.

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