Jen's Legacy.

Chapter Intimacy.

He laid down with her, beside her, kissing her, pushing his arm under her head to rest upon, and placing his hand fully upon her breast, feeling her sob as she pushed eagerly into his hand before he swept his hand down her side and back, cognizant of how tender she must be because of that rash, and slowly touched into her again from behind, feeling her put her leg over him to open herself up to his continuing discovery. His temperature began to rise as his emotions took over.

She was certainly determined!

He pulled another tube from his small first aid pack and squeezed some fluid from it onto his fingers, running them along her vulva as she squirmed nervously beneath him, putting some of it into her vagina, then, with her help, smeared more of it along himself as she watched the effect that had on him, bringing him into stark and obvious play. He looked even bigger to her now!

Moving her onto her back, he changed his position to rest his hands beside her, outside of her arms, as he moved closer toward her, kissing her.

“You will need to guide me into you, Claire.” As she had tried to do before.

She did so, raising her legs and planting her feet as she helped point him to exactly where he could get a start into her, to push into her vagina, feeling strong resistance as the head of his penis moved into her, forcing her inner labia aside and he began to stretch her in an unbelievable way. She knew that once he had fully opened her with this, and got beyond the murderous tightness of that constricting sphincter of her vagina, resisting him, that he could then go fully into her without further impedance, but to open her up enough this first time to get in, would be difficult.

It was already hurting her, as he knew it would, and he had barely begun, but that was because she was too tense. She tried to relax.

He waited, not pushing, watching her face closely, noting her breathing, seeing her immediate discomfort as she realized that he had been right about how difficult it would be. For this part of his to go into her as she wanted, something would have to ‘give’, or ‘tear’. That was what it felt like.

It would take her some moments to acknowledge that he was right about how difficult it would be, but he did not want her to have to give up so easily and to feel inadequate and as though she were failing him.

He paused, resisting what his body and every sense demanded of him, that he just push into her and get it over with. He wasn’t going to do that. He loved this woman too much to hurt her like that, so he had to remain in control of his own body; he had to, for at least long enough.

“We made a good start, even though I am sure it was a little too awakening for you, but that is the nature of this beast, Claire.”

She wanted to laugh at his description... ‘this beast’... but she couldn’t.

He forced himself to stop, to hold back and not push. “We should stay here as we are, just like this, and not move. It will take time for you to relax enough to let me in, if you can, but other things will happen to us before then.”

She would try to relax, but from what she was feeling, she would never be able to relax enough to let something his size into her, she knew that, now, and what other things was he talking about? There was only one thing; getting into her.

He leaned down and kissed her breasts and then kissed her, with his breath catching in his throat, sensing what was happening. He focused, trying to stop it. Talking would distract him, but never enough.

“I will not go any farther into you until you tell me that I may.” He smiled at her. Take heart, my love, the first few times are never easy, but at least we made a beginning.”

She had not expected such consideration or such kind words after she’d insisted, as she had, that he do this for her, but was thankful for it.

He sought to distract her; but he couldn’t distract himself.

“I love you, Claire. If I didn’t tell you that before, I should have done. I fell in love with you on the beach where we first met, though you were so scared of me then. I wanted to make love to you then, but it was too soon. I fell more in love with you each minute I was with you, and during that climb.

She began to relax as he talked and kissed her, but he knew better than to push and cause her pain, no matter what she might say. She was still very tense, though gradually giving ground to him a tenth of an inch at a time despite the murderous grip she had around him.

Once she realized that he was not going to force his way into her, she responded in kind, touching his face, bringing him down to kiss her, feeling his chest touching against her breasts now, satisfied just to feel where he was, and at least with him having made a start into her, even if it was only a small beginning, and she was starting to relax more.

“There is something else you need to know, Claire.”

He should warn her.

He had been tense for too long and could not control what was happening to his body any longer.

She waited for him to tell her, though she sensed something changing.

“With me being like this, wound as tight as a clock spring with us doing this, and me as tense as I am, you will soon get some of your wish. We will make love, though we may not make love as you wanted to, this first time.”

She didn’t understand, though being like this was wonderful enough, for the moment.

He explained. “I will soon come. It has already started and I don’t think I can hold back any longer.”

She had heard that expression before and knew what it meant.

“It means that I will very soon ejaculate where I am, just inside you. There will be a few hundred thousand of my sperm, flood into you as I lose control."

At least they would be going into her, which was what she’d really wanted.

He was speaking more urgently now and breathing in a more labored way.

“When that happens, I will try not to push any deeper into you as I do that, but that is what usually happens; the urge to push forcefully into you, and it will be difficult to avoid, so you should hold me, and not allow me to go into you.” He was breathing differently now.

She sensed a change in him, feeling him holding himself still upon her, not pushing any harder, thank goodness, and she watched his face.

“It’s beginning.”

She knew it was.

She felt him becoming more focused. He closed his eyes; his breathing rate increased, and after a few moments of that where his closed eyes screwed even tighter closed, he groaned and froze upon her where he was, not moving, not advancing forcefully into her as his bodily reflexes demanded he do.

She felt a sudden surge of something going into her under pressure, worrying what it was at first... yet without pain... though not feeling any obvious discomfort from it. He’d barely moved relative to her, neither pushing forward or retreating from her, except he suddenly pulled back from her with a gasp before he really had no choice but to push into her, damaging her, and she saw fluid, the remainder of his sperm, pulsing out of him and flooding into her pubic hair and over her belly before he relaxed upon her, breathing heavily as though he had just run a race, kissing her, smiling.

“Almost. Next time, we shall do better next time, and go a little farther.”

He lay beside her as he recovered his breath, having done all that he could do for her without hurting her, kissing her on her neck, snuggling into her, pulling her to him and sliding his hand down behind her again, feeling where he had been. She was still tight on his finger, but less snug, and she was also very moist.

She reached out and held him again, discovering that he was relaxing, slowly shrinking, becoming limp. She wanted to laugh in relief, and to ask him many questions about what had happened, and how soon it would be, before they could try this again, now that she knew some of what to expect?

She also wanted to cry with happiness. “I have never fallen in love before, Royce, not with anyone, and I don’t want to lose you.”

He didn’t know where that thought had come from.

“You will not lose me, Claire; not now that you have given me something to live for.” He kissed her tears away.

She took his hand, kissed it and then moved it back onto her breast, letting her hand drop back to hold him again, learning more about him, touching him more confidently. This item was so very important to her future.

One of his sperm was all she needed!

Today was the 17th of September. If anything took root within her, as she hoped it would from what he had done, if it could happen so soon, this would be the date it happened, except he had not been as deep into her body as she knew he should be for that to take place, but she was at that most fertile part of her cycle.

She had better not tell him, just yet, how much she wanted to become pregnant, to give him even more of a reason to be with her and to bind him to her as strongly and as quickly as she could. Royce--making love to her properly-- would be the real key to holding him close to her. Pregnancy, would be a bonus.

She reached up and touched him by the face, putting her arm over him and snuggling into his neck and shoulder. Having made a start on this, they would never need to back away from each other, or feel shy again.

“Despite what we have just done for the first time, Claire, I find that I am caught in a difficult quandary.”

She waited for him to continue.

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