Jen's Legacy.

Chapter A quandary indeed!

“I am in love with two women. Three really. With Jen, still; whom I will never stop loving, and with two others, both called Claire. One of them is just a deeply-cherished memory, barely started on life, and the other one, I just met and fell in love with. You.”

She moved further over him, sitting up over him, straddling him, her hands beside him. He brought both of his hands up onto her breasts as she leaned over him, feeling him lower her slowly to kiss him, then let her come to rest on his chest, lying on him as he held behind her, opening her legs and caressing along her.

This was the ‘playing’ and ‘touching’ he had spoken of to get her used to him doing all these different things to her down there, and to build up to going a little deeper into her each time they tried to make love. The more they played and touched, the easier it would be.

“We are all here with you, Royce, all three of us. I am here, and Jen, and baby Claire are here too, to help you.” She slowly rolled off him, and then pulled him to face her, lying beside her.

He’d never considered that, though he had often spoken to them as though they were with him every day since the accident.

She continued. “They are here with us, and I do not mean as their ashes or just as memories in letters, or….”

He now knew where this fear of her losing him had come from. She had read that damned letter, and had seen Jen’s ashes!

“I’m sorry, Royce, but I did see those things when I unpacked your backpack as you asked me to do. However, I put them back again. They are with us in spirit, helping us find a way through all of these sudden emotional difficulties for us both. I did not expect to fall in love either. It was not even on my mind until last night.”

That was why she was so concerned about losing him. He should have destroyed that letter as soon as they’d got settled, and saved her from becoming so desperate as to risk such pain to have him make love to her, to bring him back from that madness.

Everything had changed again in just the last couple of days since meeting her, and being given his life back. He had begun to feel things again that he hadn’t felt for months, and at the same time he had been presented with this life to save, Claire’s life, taking his mind off his own small problems, only to find that nothing remained simple. His interest in life and living had suddenly exploded, as his interest and then his love, grew, along with his desire to protect and to help this woman in whichever way he could.

“Jen and your first Claire will always be with you, Royce. You need them. I want to be with you always too, a second Claire, so you must not let the emotions of the last few months dictate anything. They need you, as you still need them, and just as I need you too. We all need you, Royce, but we need you in this life, not in some other world.”

His eyes were moist too. He leaned in and kissed her on her lips.

“Thank you. You have already won that battle, if not this other one just yet, my Claire. I will not be doing anything stupid, now that I have met you. Please be patient with me. I am still afraid of moving too fast for you, and hurting you.”

She knew that for herself now, having had first-hand experience of what he had been warning her about.

“I don’t think you would move too fast, Royce. I might want to, but you are more knowledgeable than I am about that. I also know that you will not hurt me, no matter what we do. Thank you for that.”

He reached around her and lifted her closer to him, to lie into him more where she could feel him touching up at her again as her leg went over him.


He waited.

“I want to start a new Jen, for you, in my body, and soon. That was another reason I wanted you to make love to me now, and I want that to happened as soon as possible and for there to be no delay, even if you can’t get fully into me for a while.”

“I won’t come out of you the next time we do that, Claire, in another hour, or less. We’ll try and keep all of me, in you.”

He did not understand how she could know such intense feelings, so soon, yet he had felt similar things for her after he had stripped her the first time, and as they’d slept together that first night, though he had fought to keep those feelings at bay, not wanting to let anyone come so easily between him and his memories of Jen, but it had already been happening, and he was drunk on emotion, and helpless to stop it. There was room for all of these well-loved women in his life.

“You are a remarkable woman, Claire. So young, yet so confident in what you know you want, and so assured about getting it.”

She didn’t feel assured or confident as he described her, and wouldn’t until after they’d made proper love, and were doing so on a regular basis. She was also woefully inexperienced in the rules, or lack of them in this game, though she seemed to have made good progress so far, and it would continue. There would be no putting that genie back into the bottle.

“Royce?” Her uncertainty about this situation was reflected in her always needing to ask, but how else would she learn?

“Yes, my love?”

“I am afraid what you must think of me for this, for what I dared to do, approaching you as I did and asking you to make love to me; for being like this, so forward, doing what I did, daring to touch you; inviting you to touch and to make love to me.”

He laughed and took a deep breath.

“What I think of you?” He paused as he thought about that.

“I am in awe of you, overwhelmed by your determination and courage, not letting anything stand in your way when you knew what you wanted. I am beginning to think that I was mistaken about what happened yesterday by the river. I didn’t rescue you; you, rescued me, and you are still rescuing me.

“I also believe something that I thought I would never be able to believe. I believe that Jen is with us here, and that she was the one guiding my footsteps to you, helping me down those cliffs to the river, and who guided me every step of the way from there. She brought me here to rescue, and to meet you. I believe that now.” He didn’t understand it, but there were some things one just did not question.

She’d wondered the same thing.

“Jen, and my first Claire are with us now. When we climbed away from the river, I sensed they were with us all of the time, helping me, guiding me, helping us, getting us both up there. I felt as though I could have flown, but I knew better than to try.”

She laughed, happy to sense the change in him, with him having found-- been given-- a reason to live again.

“Don’t ask me to explain that, because I can’t; not logically. Everything that has happened since we met has served to bring us closer together in truly unexpected but unmistakable ways. I had no fear about anything since then, other than that I might wake up and find it all to have been a dream.”

He closed his eyes. “Jen is with me all of the time. She is here even now, just as you are, and I sense that she is happy, as though she approves of this, of us, even as naked as we are and doing what we are doing.

“There are moments when I think that you are Jen, lying over me in my arms as Jen used to do, kissing each other… touching each other.” He leaned down and kissed her… “and then making love.”

He smiled at her. “Soon, my love. Soon.”

He continued to touch her between her legs, feeling how wet she had become as he played with her along her vulva from behind, feeling her open up more to him each time he touched into her, now that she knew he would never deliberately hurt her. They could keep trying to make love throughout the night. He would always be touching her familiarly now; opening her a little more each time, getting her used to him being started into her.

She looked at him, a flush on her face. “Now? We could try again now, Royce, if you would like. There is nothing to stop us, and I can feel that you want to. You are almost in me.” He had grown again.

She felt him move just far enough to convince them both of that. He made a start into her again.

He carefully rolled with her so that he was uppermost again between her legs, still touching into her, sitting just within her entrance as though pleading for an audience within, and to be let in just a little more, always just a little more.

He adjusted his position with her and laid his hand more confidently upon her breast as she felt him move a little deeper into her, going farther into her than before, as she seemed to ‘will’ herself to relax, but also trusting him not to just push into her, knowing now that he wouldn’t do that.

“You are being very brave, Claire. Give us time. We have time, now. We have the rest of our lives.”

She knew what he was telling her. She really had won. His former plans had been derailed in her favor, but she would not congratulate herself on her win until she had fully consummated this love with him as they needed to, and he had gone as far into her as he could possibly go and had ejaculated deep within her too, to begin another life.

He was beginning to come again. She encouraged him forward another tenth of an inch into her, then another, and another. Not far now.

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