Hunter's Secret

Chapter 55 - Mark

Raine’s POV

When I wake up in the morning, I feel like my body has been run over by a truck. Everything hurts and my bed is cold and empty. I look over at the pull-out couch and it is empty too. Hunter isn’t here. I slowly get out of bed and grab my crutches, making my way to the bathroom to take a shower. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep before I was able to scrub yesterday off my skin. I showered and then decided to head downstairs, determined to get down by myself.

I successfully balanced enough to get down the stairs and when I reached the bottom, I heard soft crying coming from Cameron’s room. I quietly open the door and peek in, to find Hunter curled up on Cameron’s bed, holding the blankets in his fists. I know he can sense my presence, but he doesn’t make any attempt to move or acknowledge me, so I turn back around and leave, giving him some space. He is hurting, and I wish I could help him, but I know the only person who could really make him feel better is the same one who is hurting his heart right now. He would talk to Cameron about everything.

While Hunter loves me and I love him, he doesn’t allow himself to be completely vulnerable with me. The fact that he let me wash his hands yesterday was a big deal. He keeps everything to himself, sharing only with Cameron. But Cameron is gone now and there is nothing anyone can do to bring him back. I will certainly miss him too. He could always make me laugh and his smile was contagious.

I make my way over to the couch and call Ash. She answers almost immediately.

“Hey girlie. How are you holding up?” She asks me, her voice sounding tired and weary.

“I am okay enough. How are you? How is dad?”

“I am okay enough too. I am sorry you got involved in your dad’s mess. I never would have guessed Liam would come back and think he could win. I knew he was stupid, but I didn’t think he was that stupid.”

“You knew him?”

“Unfortunately. I never really interacted with him but I certainly knew who he was. And just in case you were worried, your dad certainly did not cheat on his mate with me. It was almost five years after she left before we got together. He is not a cheater,” she says firmly.

“I wasn’t even listening honestly. I was a little more worried about everything else that was going on. I knew he wasn’t a cheater. How is he?”

“He is in a medical coma. He is not doing well, Raine but he is stable enough for now. There was extensive damage to pretty much everything,” her voice is full of emotion, and I can tell she is trying not to cry.

“I figured. Please keep me updated. I will come visit soon…I just need to take care of…”

“How is he?” she interrupts.

“Bad. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Just be there for him, Raine. Even if he pushes you away. He needs you right now.”

“I know. I love you. Take care of yourself too, okay?”

“I love you too. And I will. And I will keep you updated.”

“Hey Ash?” I quickly add before she hangs up.


“I am sorry about your brother.”

“I’m not. He was horrible to me. And he may seem charismatic, but he has blood on his hands. I promise I am okay. He was only my brother by DNA, not by anything else. But thank you for saying something. Now, go take care of Hunter. He needs you.”

She hangs up and I take a few deep breaths before standing up and making my way to the kitchen. I know I don’t feel like eating and I know Hunter doesn’t want to eat either but we both need to. I made us a strawberry banana smoothie. Drinking feels less taxing than eating. I know it isn’t a meal, but it is at least some nutrition.

But I realize that I can’t carry the cups and use my crutches so now I have to go get Hunter and have him come to the kitchen to eat. I make my way back over to Cameron’s room and open the door.

“Hunter?” I call but he still doesn’t move or respond to me at all.

“Hunter,” I say again, but this time I let my voice become sharper and less gentle.

“What?” he responds flatly.

“I made you a smoothie. Come drink it.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“And I am not asking. Get up,” I command, slightly flinching at the harshness in my own voice.

“Just leave me alone, Raine,” he sighs, still not turning over to face me.

“No. I absolutely will *not* be doing that,” I plainly reply and sigh too before softening my voice and continuing, “Just come drink the smoothie, Hunter. You need it. If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for me. Please?”

He incoherently mumbled something but got up and breezed by me, heading to the kitchen. He grabbed one of the two smoothies and immediately turned and went upstairs. I let out another sigh and sitting down at the table, started to drink my smoothie. I am not going to give up on him. My smoothie is practically tasteless, and I have zero appetite, but I know I needed some nutrition, so I forced myself to finish it all. I put my glass in the sink and started to make my way up the stairs.

I reach our bedroom and let myself in. Hunter is just staring out the window and I don’t know if he didn’t hear me come in or if he is trying to ignore me. I softly clear my throat and he turns around to face me. The pain he is feeling is evident and I just wish I could make it all better. I can’t fix it, but I can help. I make my way over to him and letting my crutches fall to the ground, I wrap my arms around him, leaning against him for balance. He returns the gesture and wraps his arms around me, keeping me steady as I balance on my good foot.

Neither one of us says anything and I stay that way as long as I can before my leg starts hurting from putting all my weight on it, so I tell him and he swiftly picks me up and moves me over to the bed, gently laying me down. He goes to move away but I grab his hand and pull him back toward me.

“Lay down, Hunter. I just need to be near you right now,” I softly say, and he complies, laying down next to me. I mean I do want to be near him right now, but this is more for his good than mine. I know he won’t do things to help himself, but he will do literally anything to help me. Maybe it is manipulative for me to prey on his innate nature to love me, but I need to help him. I have seen how grief can destroy people and I refuse to let him get to that point.

He actually moves closer to me and moves one of his legs over top of my good leg. He snuggles his head into the crook of my neck, and he deeply inhales before placing a soft kiss on my skin. He kisses me again in that same spot and I feel his teeth graze over my neck.

“Hunter?” I ask, trying to calm my heart down.

“Can I?” he asks back.

“Use your words. Can you what?”

“Can I mark you?” he whispers, kissing my neck again.

I scoot away from him slightly and sit up so I can look at him. I know he can see the surprise on my face and as much as I want him to mark me, I also know this requires a conversation. He sits up too.

“Are you sure?” I whisper back, making my eyes meet his and I can see that his eyes are only full of love.

He nods his head, “Yes. If I am going to lose you, I would rather do it now so I can mourn you both at the same time.”


His voice gains a seriousness to it as he explains, “I am not kidding. If I am going to lose you, I want to do it now. I am sorry it is a selfish reason.”

“It’s not selfish. And I am just choosing to believe that I will be fine.”

“I seriously hope so.”

“Okay then,” I state, laying back down, “I’m ready.”

He lays back down but flips over and positions himself, so he is hovering over me. He places his hands to the sides of my shoulders, and a smile that appears on my face.

“What?” he innocently asks.

“Mmm this is just a slightly compromising position, lover boy,” I tease, and he actually smiles, “And you remembered not to put your hands above my shoulders.”

“Of course, I remembered. I love you,” he whispers.

He leans down ever so slightly, just enough to place a kiss on my lips. What starts out as gentle, quickly turns to pure desperation. He kisses me with so much passion that I lose all my bearings. The only thing I can think of is the feeling of his lips against mine. Every movement of his lips and tongue sends a blazing fire through my entire body and the sparks that bounce between our skin is making me even more turned on. Now, the only feeling I am left with is a deep ache. An ache for him to claim me as his. For our bodies to connect in ways they haven’t before. But now is not the time for that so I focus my attention back on him kissing me. Thankfully, he breaks the kiss, allowing us both to pant for air. He leans his forehead down against mine and I gaze into his eyes and break out in another smile. The love in his eyes is too much for my heart to handle.

He kisses me one more time, but this kiss stays soft and gentle. This kiss almost feels like he is saying goodbye. I kiss him back and open my eyes when I feel a teardrop land on my cheek. I pull away and he rolls off me, quickly wiping the tears off his face.

“I love you, Hunter.”

“I love you too, Raine.”

He lays back down beside me and places his head in the crook of my neck again. I am still reeling from his kisses on my lips that I have to take a deep breath.

“You okay?” he checks.

“Yes. You just make me feel some things I haven’t felt in a long time.”

His hot breath tickles my neck as he responds, “You make me feel some things I have never felt before. I love you so much, Raine.”

He places a soft kiss on my neck and all I do is hum in agreement. My brain is frazzled from the sparks that come from his lips. He kisses my neck again, grazing my skin with his teeth. He pauses, almost like he is waiting for another confirmation from me, and I nod my head. He lets out a sigh before sinking his teeth into my neck.

I lose my breath again but this time from the pain, and he just bites me harder. Waves of pain are now flowing through my body, and I start to tremble from it. I gasp for air as he pulls his teeth out, licking up the blood that has dripped out. The feeling of his tongue over the wound quickly turns the pain to pleasure and I squeeze my legs together in an attempt to stop the throbbing that has started between them again. He places one more kiss over the mark before falling onto his back.


“I…am…okay. That fricking hurt though. But I don’t feel any different. Do you?” I questioned.

“I am sorry that it hurt you. But I can feel you now. You aren’t hurting now. You are feeling sad though. And maybe a little turned on?”

I slap his arm and I know my face is bright red, but he isn’t wrong. I am definitely turned on right now.

“Not fair. My turn now,” I smirk, and roll over to face him. He instantly lifts his head up and away from me, giving me complete access to his neck. I do my best to follow the steps that he took, starting with gently kissing his neck. He forces the air out of his lungs as I place little kisses all over his neck. I feel his pulse under my lips; his heart is racing in anticipation. I move down a little and prepare myself to bite him. He nods his head and I bite down. I don’t want to actually break his skin, but I know I have to if I want it to work so I bite down harder until I can taste his blood in my mouth. He groans as I lick the wound, just like he did with mine. He almost instantly heals and as soon as the wound closes, my chest tightens so much that it feels like I am having a heart attack.

I start gasping for air as pain shoots through my body once again. I grip my chest as hot tears fall down my cheeks. He sits up and looks at me with guilt written all over his face.

“Breathe, Raine. You are not hurt,” he sets his jaw and swallows before lowering his voice, “That is my pain. You are feeling me.”

My chest explodes with pain again, as I process what Hunter just said. This is his pain. How is he even still functioning at all? I turn to him with tears in my eyes before I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him toward me, desperate to try to relieve some of his pain. Surprise flashes across his face before he closes his eyes as our lips meet. He softly kisses me back and I move my hands into his hair but he pulls back and looks at me with concern.

“Stop, Raine. You don’t need to do that.”

“I just want to help you feel better,” I say, leaning forward to kiss him again but he moves away from me.

“You don’t need to kiss me to make me feel better. You just being here is enough. You are enough.”

“But this,” I say, pointing to my heart, “hurts. You are hurting. You are mine and you are hurting.”

He briefly smiles, “I am yours. Always and forever now.”

“I’m so sorry,” I whisper, laying back down on the bed.

“Me too,” is his only response as he lays down next to me. He sighs and pulls me closer to him. I lay my head down on his chest, sighing as well. We both are silent, mulling over the intense chaos of the last twenty-four hours. Hearing his heartbeat under my ear as I lay on him is comforting though. Soon his breathing changes and I can tell he has fallen asleep, so I let myself drift off too.

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