Giles' Keeper

Chapter 19

“Thank you for your help Ophelia, you’re a heaven send,” I smile at Ophelia as she bows again with her shy smile.

“Always my pleasure my lady,” she whispers her response as I open the door to my quarters, letting her inside. I’ve yet to grow used to the size alone of my sitting room, much less the large home the rest of it feels like. The bathroom alone is larger than Papa and I’s cabin. “Shall I run you a bath?” Ophelia stands with her hands clasped together, her blonde hair glitters in the sun streaming through the windows.

The pale wispy strands curl around her delicate doll-like features, her golden brown eyes remind me of the warmest fire and the kindest hugs. “You are truly beautiful Ophelia,” I make the statement watching as shock appears in her eyes before a bashful blush paints her dainty features, her neck and ears turning a bright apple red.

“Bless you my lady, you are so very kind to me, yet I compare not to your beauty,” she bows, averting her gaze while standing awkwardly twisting her fingers together.

“Beauty shouldn’t be compared Ophelia,” I wave my hand at her, smiling at the compliment as I move towards my bedroom.

“Shall I run you a bath my lady?” She questions once more reminding me of the quest Giles sent me on.

“If you wouldn’t mind.” Ophelia nods with the briefest smile before she swings open the wooden door to my bathroom, the sun streams in through the open window, casting a shadow off of the fresh heather. It smells so lovely. “Do you know what Giles has in mind for our evening?” I question watching as she creates a divine smelling bath mix, of salts and flower petals, oats are added before she mixes it together.

“Yes, Sire informed me of his plans, he’s left me with careful instructions,” she answers as she turns to face me.

“Can you tell me?” Ophelia shakes her head as she turns to ready my towels, the soft linen decorated with ornate dragons, woven with a stunning blue thread. Like every other piece of linen or garment I’ve seen- they are stunning. They are the softest towels I’ve ever felt.

“No, Sire wishes that it remains a surprise; you will enjoy it,” she smiles her serene smile, hands clasped before she steps back towards the door. “I shall give you your privacy, do you need anything else before I take my leave?”

I smile at her, shaking my head as I begin to unlace my gown. “No, thank you Ophelia, I’m all set,” I offer, watching her return a sweet smile and nod, before she bows elegantly and gives me my privacy. I wish I had her grace and elegance. The thought makes me sigh as I undress and slip into the steaming water, the soft aroma melts into my body. Spoiling me to the finer things, everywhere I turn I feel as if it’s a dream. Never could I have dreamed of having a tub, an actual tub, in a bathroom.

One that never has to move, there’s even a stove to heat my bath water. Staring at the water, I stare at the slowly moving water watching petals float past my hand in wonder. The concoction of flowers are a colorful array of scents. With my body lax I wash my skin with the cloth, admiring the luxurious goats milk soap. I roll the bar over in my hand as a small frown appears on my face. Just like Papa taught me to make.

Our soap was never this scented and well made, it was a child’s craft compared to this. It makes me miss Papa in the worst ways. Lennon has been welcoming, sweet in her own motherly way. Maybe not as much as Mrs. Gingham. Draven seems nice, intimidating to me, even so I can see his compassion for his children, how he looks at them so fondly. Did Papa look at me the same way?

I know things changed once Momma left, even before I can’t think of him being so proud of me for being me. It’s not like I had any mythical powers though. My own thoughts make me want to roll my eyes in exasperation.

‘You don’t need magic to be loved my sweet, your father had his own ways of loving you,’ Giles voice warms my mind as his comforting presence fills my chest in a warm embrace.

’It’s improper to meddle in my thoughts while I’m having a bath,” I chastise him with a shy smile even though I know he can’t see me. I feel his laughter drift through my blood, the sound heating my blood deliciously.

‘You freely shared your thoughts my sweet,’ he argues with laughter in his voice. ‘Besides I’m eager to share my evening with you, I can’t wait for our date,’ I hear the honesty in his voice making my heart swoon at the raw honest emotion that envelops me. Excitement bubbles in my stomach as a rush of butterflies rush through me.

‘I’m excited too,’ I admit feeling shy about his direct attention. It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve spent time together alone. But it is the first time that we’ve had an evening to ourselves.

‘Hurry my sweet, I’m eager to be with you,’ he urges with a pleased growl in my mind, the warmth slowly fades as his presence grows distant over the mind link. I really need to ask more about that. He had mentioned it once before, but I hadn’t had the courage to broach more to learn with everything going on. Wish I had asked sooner after this morning. His reaction scared me, the pain of blocking the link was startling.

Everywhere I turn I feel so stranded, left in the deep end of the water suffocating. There’s so much to learn, to experience, between the magic that courses through the kingdom to how to handle my new daily life. It’s been two weeks since I’ve woken up in Alodias, I can only manage to share the morning meal with Giles before he’s whisked away to handle matters. Of course he tries his best to check in with me even if only through the bond.

It makes it less lonely. The brief check-ins leave me filled with warmth and a comfort that only he has been able to provide since arriving. He’s the only familiar thing I have to hang onto, even though his family and everyone I have met have been incredibly nice, nothing is the same. I stare at the water for a moment longer before a delicate knock sounds on the bathroom door. “My lady? Is all well? Do you need help?”

Ophelia calls faintly through the door and I flush, realizing how cool the water has become. “I’m fine! Sorry for taking so long, I’ll only be a short while now,” I promise her, finishing up with my bath before I step out, drying off before I adorn my robe, stepping out shyly to see Ophelia standing adjusting the fresh vase of flowers. “You make beautiful arrangements,” I compliment her watching as she looks up stunned before a deep blush covers her cheeks.

“Thank you… flowers are so pretty to me,” she admits as she moves away from the vase with a longing glance before she grabs a gorgeous lavender gown that hangs elegantly, the modest neckline adorned by the prettiest lace that drapes softly into whimsical sleeves.

“Oh my…” I gasp as my fingers gently tug on the silky fabric feeling it flow over my skin like water.

“I think this color will compliment your eyes wonderfully,” she speaks softly as she smiles, floating the dress through the air to make the fabric dance. The fabric glitters in the sun, expert beading adorns the corset top and I can’t tear my eyes off of it.

“This is stunning Ophelia…” I can’t really express myself as I stare at the gown’s beauty. Not to mention it’s purple. I smile secretly as I caress the beading watching as she nods.

“Ready to dress?” She questions making me nod as I grab the lovely chemise donning it before my tall stockings and belts are added. “Do you know how you wish to wear your hair?” I glance up at her, rolling my lip between my teeth.

“Should I change my braids?” She nods with a smile.

“Giles enjoys your hair down, I think you should wear it loose,” she comments with a soft hum, already working to take down my braids combing through my waves. I admire the shine that’s come back to my hair, to my skin even. It’s a wonder what eating well will do. I’ve gained weight, feel as if I’ve had to let out my dresses. Jezebel wasn’t kidding when she said appetites increased.

The first few days I felt as if I was a pig, I could never get enough food in my belly. It has come down, thank the heavens. “Did Giles pick the gown?” Ophelia smiles a soft smile before she shrugs, moving my hair over my shoulders arranging it delicately.

“Sire is waiting to take you on your date, are you ready my lady?” She questions as she grabs my silver heels, the delicate straps elegant and decorated with matching beads. This is beautiful.

“I’m nervous… and excited,” I admit with a shy flush, stepping into the heels admiring how beautiful they are as I secure the strap.

“Why? What has you nervous?” Ophelia asks while adjusting my skirts, smoothing them down of wrinkles, I resist the urge to twirl. The fabric dances softly around my legs with an air of grace. I wonder if this is how princesses feel? I want to laugh at my internal question as I shrug.

“I don’t know… I just don’t want to make a fool of myself in front of him, it feels as if that’s all I’ve managed to do so far,” I flush with a nervous laugh. I always feel so tongue tied around him, I’ve tripped multiple times in front of him. He even spooked me while I was in the library. I had been so entranced with my lesson on reading I hadn’t left once my tutor had finished.

It’s like he’s a silent giant. “Heavens no! You haven’t made a fool of yourself in front of him, he is smitten with you, you’re his mate,” she smiles as she stands with a delicate flush. “He looks at you as if you’re his rising sun and shining moon; I wish I was looked at by my love-” she cuts herself off abruptly hand clasping over her lips with a wide eyed stare as if she exposed herself.

“Oh, your love? Who is the special-” she shakes her head, eyes misting with a deep red flush appearing.

No, please, you mustn’t speak of it- not a word,” she gasps, hands clasped with tears ready to fall frightened to the core.

“Ophelia, it’s alright, I won’t say anything,” I try to assure her as she starts to shake worked up as if the kingdom is about to fall atop of her.

“You can’t- it’s forbidden,” she chokes out, hands quaking violently. Her words make me frown as I gently take her hands into mine, holding them with care.

“Your secret is safe with me, I won’t utter a word. These quarters will hold more than my own privacy, alright?” I ask gently, watching as her lips quiver before she nods. “If they make you happy, and feel cherished, that’s all that matters to me, ok?” I try to offer comfort watching as she closes her eyes with a deep breath.

“Please, never bring this up, to anyone?” She begs in a broken tone that makes me ache for her.

“I won’t say anything, this conversation never happened,” I swear, as I imitate locking my lips hoping to get a laugh out of her. She offers a teary smile, nodding.

“Thank you my lady,” she releases a breath, pulling her hands away she wipes at her eyes. “Sire, is waiting outside of your quarters,” she announces as she steps back, ending the conversation.

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