Giles' Keeper

Chapter 18

Am I still shaking? I can’t tell, my hands still quiver as I watch Giles pace his office floor with an upset and stern frown. His eyes burn with emotions as he stops and turns to look at me, his frown brings a flood of shame through my body. I had never doubted him of his ability to be ferocious; but seeing him in action? Terrifying. Not something I ever wish to see turned against me again. “Why?”

His voice breaks my train of thoughts, staring at him numb. “I’m sorry?” I question in return watching as he stands tall, posture closed off, a steady frown on his face. He looks so lonely, hurt… Did I hurt him?

“Why?” He reiterates calmly, his eyes shimmer with a hidden fire, the deep blues glowing as if moving with life of its own. As if they are alive. “Why did you block me? Have I upset you?” His question throws me off balance as I stare at him in confusion.

“Upset me? Heaven’s no! You may have startled me- but I think that was more to due with all that was happening-” I cut myself off with a frown. “Cora told me about blocking- why haven’t you said anything about it? Have you been freely searching my mind? I don’t catch much of any thoughts from you,” I cross my arms over my chest feeling bare in front of him, as if I’m nude.

Not that it won’t- I cut the thought off afraid to be projecting more. Just how much don’t I know? “Nesta, I would never freely dive into your mind and your inner thoughts. You naturally feel things very strongly, our bond is strong, but even I can’t withhold myself from accepting what your mind shares freely. Is it selfish of me? Perhaps, but I won’t apologize for wanting to know my mate is happy and safe- is that wrong?”

Giles questions as he places his hands on his hips in a reprimanding manner. “Inherently- no, but you also haven’t given me any reassurance to my madness. Giles, I don’t understand much of anything here! You’ve grown up with magic and the kingdom, the grace of royalty- I’m a peasant for heaven’s sake.” Waving an arm between us I want to cry at the flood of anger that rushes through my body.

The ground shakes as the walls close in, energy vibrating between us visibly. “Never,” he starts with a growl, hands fists on his hips, muscles flexed with restraint, “speak of yourself in such a manner again my sweet,” his nostrils flare, smoke seeps from each one as if he’s holding back a breath of pure fire.

“Giles-” He raises a hand, head cocked to the side before he releases a slow and patient breath, eyes glittering with his pent up emotions.

“I can’t, won’t, stand to hear you shaming yourself my sweet, my dragon and I won’t stand for it,” he speaks in a deep and never ending growl, his chest vibrating with his displeasure. It sends chills down my spine as I stare at him, stunned into silence.

“I’m not like you- I don’t understand anything. I thought I was going mad with the intense feelings- and how you spoke in my mind! You knew my thoughts!” I want to shout and shake him as I stand up on quivering legs, stepping towards him, drawn to him even in my nerves of his power.

“Why hadn’t you asked me? My sweet, I am not in your thoughts constantly- what I know is what you feel strongly about. I can’t help the fact that your mind is open to mine, reaching for our bond,” Giles questions with a sigh, turning to pace a few steps, rubbing his face with both hands.

“I don’t exactly know how to respond to you, everything is so- in my face,” I struggle to explain how he makes me feel. Anytime I’m near him it feels like my heart is about to beat from my chest, butterflies erupt in my belly and my palms grow sweaty, yet there’s a calm that soothes something in me. I don’t understand and it scares me. Giles turns his head to look over his shoulder with an unsure frown.

“Do I scare you?” A tightness forms in my chest as I stare up at him, the weight grows to a painful lump.

“No, but everything else does,” I admit quietly, watching as he turns to face me with a growing thoughtful frown.

“What exactly scares you? You aren’t talking to me my sweet, how can I make it better?” Giles questions as he stares me down, the storm in his eyes calms, body slowly relaxes as he takes a deep breath.

“Why does it feel so intense?” I ask the question before I can stop myself watching the puzzled expression flits across his devilishly handsome features.

“Why does what feel so intense?” He asks slowly, still confused to my meaning.

“Everything,” I gesture frantically between us, utterly lost for words. A sudden smile blossoms on his features as understanding dons in his eyes, he waits for me to continue, to confirm his thoughts. “You and me- it’s so-” my mouth opens and closes like a fish suffocating out of water.

“Intense?” Giles finishes with a small knowing smile. I nod watching as he releases a breath, closing his eyes he makes himself relax, breathing me into his soul while stepping closer. “It’s meant to be that way, it drives our dragons to find our souls. Knowing the immense pleasure that awaits us, it keeps the dragon race thriving, procreating,” he explains as gently as possible, his eyes burning through my body at the meaning behind his words.

“It’s surreal- it’s too much,” I argue watching as he tilts his head, eyes burning brighter with amusement before a cheeky smile appears.

“Are you saying you have strong feelings for me, my sweet?” The laughter in his voice makes me blush, his question makes my heart stutter as I roll my eyes in exasperation.

“Of course I do- don’t be foolish in that sense,” I huff at him, earning a soft chuckle as he motions towards a chair in front of his desk, sliding it in for me once I’ve situated myself. Wiping my clammy palms along the fine linen I smooth the start of any wrinkle. I feel like a sheep in front of him and his family, ready to get my first sheering. I’m a mess.

“If you keep such horrid talk of yourself I’ll be tempted to take you over my knee,” his stare is pointed as his eyes warm again, his hand cups my jaw, a finger smooths over my skin in a delicate fashion warming my blood deliciously.

Stop reading my mind would you?” I flush under his scrutiny, his fingers pinch my chin in reprimand, a small smirk appearing on his lips.

“I’m not reading your mind my sweet, you’d feel me in your soul when we share space. Just as I feel you when you think of me, your mind is free and open, just as your spirit is,” as if proving a point a warmth settles in my chest, spreading through my body completing me. “Your mind is open to me, just as mine is open to you. I enjoy feeling your thoughts of me, sharing your curiosity,” he expresses gently, making me frown, attempting to glance at the floor overwhelmed with emotion.

“I barely know you Giles,” I whisper, swallowing harshly as I meet his gaze. “It’s as if I have a stranger in my own mind, what I know of you is of your time as a dragon, the tales you told. They were enchanting- yet stories in my mind. I don’t know what your favorite meal is- or even if you have a hobby; you feel like you belong in my heart but my mind sees a stranger,” I admit, my chest tight with tension as I watch his features shift to a frown, the playful smirk vanishing.

“Purple and Fencing,” he answers mindlessly, frozen in place before his eyes stare above my head, in a daze. His mindless answer makes me fight a smile before his eyes meet mine with a solemn stare. “I hadn’t thought of it as such my sweet,” he admits before he offers a small bow moving to kneel before me, his hand grasping mine with a small saddened frown.

“You grew up expecting this, I’m not like you, not saying that it’s bad that I’m different-” I rush to explain watching as he shakes his head with another frown.

“I haven’t treated you respectfully my sweet, I acknowledge that you and I share differences. Never have I thought about what you would feel sharing such a vulnerable bond, especially without much of any explanation,” he sighs, kissing my knuckles before he meets my gaze. “I’ve been so busy with Father trying to prepare for our coronation that I’ve neglected courting you; I’m terribly sorry.” His apology makes me frown as I shake my head, turning my hand to hold his.

“Giles, I can’t blame you entirely, I haven’t talked to you about my upsets. We only seem to share brief moments of the day together alone, I never want to burden you more knowing all you’ve been handed to manage already,” I shake my head flushing at him. “I don’t want to be something else you have to manage, you’re already so busy and have yet to receive your crown.”

“My sweet, you aren’t something to be managed. You’re my partner and Queen, you will be my mate until death does us apart- you aren’t a job and never will be. Are you my responsibility? Yes, but just as I am your responsibility. My duties as King should never overshadow my duties to you,” Giles states with a straight face.

“Being a King is important, your race depends on you to survive,” I argue watching amused as he snorts with amusement before a cheeky smile appears.

“My sweet, they depend on my ability to court and please you. Might I remind you that you will be the key to the continuance of our race?” It’s a gentle yet teasing reminder that has me blushing as I shake my head, a bubble of excitement sparks through my body as I shake my head at him.

“If I remember the birds and the bees conversation, it does take two to bear a child,” I mutter, earning a deep chuffing laughter from him as he winks teasingly at me.

“You’ve remembered correctly my sweet,” Giles smiles a sweet smile as he stands up, pulling me with him. “I feel as though I’ve wasted enough time on not courting you; tonight that shall change,” he announces confidently, making me stare at him quizzically.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I’ll have Ophelia sent to your quarters to ready a bath for you, I’ll inform her of our date, to keep it a surprise for you my sweet,” he winks as his thumb moves to caress my lower lip, his eyes follow the action burning hotter with desire that has my womb clenching. A low growl sounds from him as he steps back and a primal need appears in his eyes. “Soon my sweet, go and prepare yourself.”

Giles releases me, sending me out of his office before my muddled mind can offer any sort of a protest. A surprise? I stare at the closed door unable to contain my smile as I turn to head towards my quarters. Unsure how else I can prepare myself for our date, it’s not as if my gowns haven’t been lavish already. They are so beautiful I’m almost afraid to wear them and wreck them.

There’s a gentle laughter in my mind and I can feel the amusement coming from Giles in droves of amusement. It’s infectious, making me smile as well as Ophelia stands with her hands clasped in front of her, her sweet shy smile meets me before she waves her fingers in a silent greeting.

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