Giles' Keeper

Chapter 20

Just open the door. I try to convince myself as I stare at the door knowing Giles is on the other side makes my belly roll with nerves of excitement. Finally with a deep breath I open the door, Giles stands with his broad back to me, staring out over the scenic view of the gardens from the balcony. He turns, his white silk shirt billows gently in soft breeze, bright floral notes are breathed into the halls.

His eyes heat with passion as he stops a slow sensual smile stretches across his features as he stops. “You are breathtaking, my sweet,” he murmurs, his voice guttural with passion. He stands facing me, hands behind his back showcasing his elegance even more. I flush under his scrutiny as I step forward, smoothing the gown down over my hips flustered.

“Thank you Giles,” I giggle, unable to contain myself over his approval. He smiles at the sound holding his hand out for mine, I flush at the heated stare. Placing my hand in his he spins me and I laugh as I hold the skirt out feeling like a princess.

“You are stunning in purple,” he growls his approval as I face him once more, a shiver dances down my spine at his feral expression.

“Ophelia picked it,” I admit watching as he shakes his head, placing my hand in the crook of his arm.

“My sweet, the gown is only made beautiful by you,” he winks, placing a chaste kiss on my temple.

“You’re a charmer,” I smile up at him as he walks me through the halls.

“Only for my Queen,” he chuckles softly, his hand resting over mine briefly before he opens the doors to the garden. “I’ve been told you have a favorite nook out here,” he states with a small smile.

“The gardens are beautiful, your mother says Corban is responsible?” Giles nods in response, his eyes scanning the path, taking it all in.

“Yes, Corban is talented with our gardens, he takes his time planning it all. Never missing a detail.” We round a bend in the path, exposing my favorite bench overlooking the large pond, the tall weeping willow shades the bench just enough to cut the glare of the sun.

“What are his powers?” I ask wanting to learn more about his family. Corban seems friendly, I’m undecided about Ozul.

“Corban is our nature element, he has an affinity for plants and animals, he has many powers, I’m unsure of the specifics,” he admits with a brief frown before he sighs. “I’ll admit to being neglectful in my curiosity of his abilities. Corban is a gentle soul, sometimes too gentle in my opinion. He is quiet, doesn’t spend much time where I am, I find it hard to connect with him,” Giles admits as he pauses at my normal bench allowing me to sit first before he follows suit.

“Are you not close with him?” Giles stares at the water.

“I feel like an imposter when I’m with my siblings,” he admits and I feel his shoulders drop as a weight settles in my chest as if he’s let down his guard.

“What makes you feel like an imposter?” I ask him as he holds my hand in his lap, thumb stroking over the back of my hand.

“With Reznor unable to take his rightful place on the throne it’s left me to take the throne, having been gifted all of the elements, it’s left me, admittedly uneasy,” he’s forthcoming with a sigh. “I find it hard to connect with my siblings, we all love each other in our own way, don’t get me wrong. Corban is a gentle soul, he tries to connect with me just like I try to connect with him, we just don’t have as many commonalities.”

I rest my head on his shoulder, listening to his relaxing voice. “Is it just with Corban?”

“No,” he breathes regretfully. “I feel as if I’ve robbed Reznor of his rightful spot on the throne, of his legacy,” he admits quietly. “Bram is a free elusive spirit, he dislikes his order and enjoys the whim of travel. It took everything to keep him in the kingdom walls before his shift. I’m sure he managed to take flight many a night when no one was looking. I prefer order, routine and a set daily agenda.” He shrugs.

“Ozul?” I question watching as he smiles wistfully.

“Ah, Ozul, yes I’m closest with him I’d say. He’s a fighter, wild and protective. I don’t agree with his womanizer ways mind you,” he assures me with a light chuckle. “I enjoy our fencing duels and spars, off the field we are different.”

“Are you close to Cora? She’s been very welcoming to me,” I smile in thought, she always finds me in the garden and we enjoy an afternoon tea and conversation. She’s so smart, curious about everything. She’s become quite a friend to me.

“I wish I were able to be closer to her, I fear I’m too protective over her and keep her at bay sometimes. She’s close to Corban, they are able to share their gentle nature,” he comments and I look at him interested.

“How are you too protective of her?” I question confused, I understand all of her brothers trying to care for her, even if she finds it overbearing. In some cases I’ve heard of, they are too much.

“She’s adventurous, reminds me of Bram in her wish to explore; I can’t fathom why she’d want to leave the kingdom and its safety, not with what I know of the world,” he grunts and I look away at the water. It seems to be a recurring theme amongst the family.

“Maybe she wants her chance to see for herself, she has a brilliant mind and a curious soul,” I offer placating him, he frowns as he looks at me.

“The dangers are too great for her, she’s the first female born in my family, she has the ability to shift, not many female dragons exist. The race can’t risk her to the human realm,” he argues solitarily.

“Have you tried to see things through her eyes?” I ask him gently, watching his frown grow. “Cora is an adult, just as you are, she has the right and ability to make her own choices,” I reasoned with him carefully watching his jaw tick in debate.

“Why would she want to see the human realm? It’s filthy and disease riddled,” he argues.

“It’s unknown to her, can’t she explore the same as her brothers will or have?” Giles doesn’t respond as he sits for a moment in debate.

“I don’t believe she should risk herself by leaving Alodias,” he states with a sigh.

“Will you stop her if she wants to explore?” I watch as his eyes glitter and dance with the internal debate. His frown grows and thumb stills as he stares at me, meeting my gaze.

“Is that what she wants?” He asks quietly.

“I can’t say,” I shrug honestly before I turn towards him more. “What I think is she should be given all of the information- good and bad. If she wants to explore, I think it’d be better to be well informed and not hushed on the matter. Cora is capable of making decisions about herself.” Giles nods begrudgingly as he stares at our joined hands before he smiles with a light chuckle.

“That’s a reasonable compromise, you’ve given me a lot of food for thought,” he winks with a smile. “Enough about my family, I want to focus on you,” his words make me blush, shrugging.

“Alright, what did you have in mind for this evening?” I question listening as he chuckles softly.

“I’m courting you tonight, with our coronation coming up within the week, I’d like to make an honest woman of you and share a bed on the night of our joining,” he admits, making me flush at his admittance.

“Is the coronation our wedding?” I question him bemused as he chuckles.

“Officially? In the way of the dragon we are a mated pair, already wed. The coronation is officially giving us our title as the new King and Queen, in the eyes of our kingdom it is when we join in a new era of our kingdom. It’s expected we share a quarters from then on as we legally must be mated to take our throne,” he explains, making me flush at the meaning.

“What’s expected of me for the coronation?” He lifts my hand kissing my knuckles.

“I’ll explain more over a lunch, I want to learn more about my mate; would you care to share a meal on the river?” He questions with a smile and I laugh.

“You have a river?” Giles chuckles softly as he stands.

“One day before our coronation I’ll take time away from duties, all day, to show you around the grounds. I have a feeling I can share my most sacred places with you, I feel you’ll treasure them just as much,” he promises me, making me feel a rush of excitement at the mystery.

“That sounds lovely, I’d like to get to know more of the palace, it’s so grand, I can’t fathom it some days,” I admit to him as he pulls me up, leading me down the path further into the thickening garden. Exploring more of the grounds as he guides me down a path I’ve yet to even see.

“It can be intimidating if you’re not used to the vast halls,” he assures me before he leads me to a large descending stone staircase, the walls covered with moss and thick flowering vines. “This is the passageway to the river, not many venture down to the water, it’s Bram’s favorite part of the grounds,” he explains evenly.

“I can see why,” I sigh, met with the light floral aroma that competes with fresh water, a light scent that invigorates my soul. The stairs twist and turn before a stone landing opens and steps onto a dock with a waiting boat.

“You’ll enjoy the ride,” he hums, helping me onto the boat that rocks gently in the calm lazy river.

“I’ve never been on a boat,” I admit feeling nervous as the boat sways carefully, I slide onto the bench holding onto his arm tightly as he slides in next to me rather than in front of me.

“I’ve got you my sweet,” he assures me, holding my hand in his lap before the boat starts to drift off of the boat. I glance up in shock as he winks. “I’ve got a few hidden tricks myself,” he chuckles making me shake my head as I lean against him, the swaying motion of the boat increases as we reach the center of the lazy river, trees line the river bank, florals dot the paths that weave close to the embankment before going back to the depths of the forests.

I stare in awe watching as a herd of deer drink from the river, the sight magical to me as they stand majestically, heads raised in curiosity, frozen by our presence. “Isn’t it beautiful?” Giles murmurs in my ear as I nod, stunned with the sight.

“It’s surreal,” I admit as he nods ahead, the large stone wall has a hole bored through it, opening up the mountain to expose a sight that is pure magic. Stone carved cavern is decorated with glowing things that glitter, a blue light graces everything, the water shimmers brightly as fish swim beneath the boat. “This is magic,” I laugh as he lifts a large cloche revealing a divine dinner of roast and veggies, hearty bread with a side of butter and fruit.

“This is one of my hidden treasures,” he murmurs against my temple as he places a tender kiss. I look up at him, flushing as I kiss his cheek in return awed by the raw beauty of nature.

“Thank you for sharing this with me, it’s lovely,” I sigh watching as he smiles cupping my cheek to give me the most magical kiss. My chest warms with love and care as our bond strengthens.

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