A New World - Book One

Chapter Chapter Nine.

The Vampire Master had over the millions of years since he left his home world created vast new worlds under subservience to him, yet never once forcing, only offering a life style by far wiser and intellectually superior in every way to what the residence were before they met the new benefactors.

The signal eventually reached the king, and he in turn upon understanding what had had happened wept for his home world which no longer existed, and for the linage of family destroyed, as well for the life forms lost to a race of beings he had loved and created.

Immediately he set about preparing intelligence and sending out scouting parties to avoid conflict and gather intelligence, while he prepared an invasion force larger than ever seen.

As each world subservient to him received orders to prepare to rescue his great, great granddaughter and a race of beings who aided her called humans. Each world offered up over a thousand strong super interstellar ship, and as each fleet passed each planet the numbers grew.

The only problem was the signal had taken almost two years to reach the Master, and another seven months before every home world could be notified and ordered to prepare for battle, as such was the sheer vast distance between earth and where the vamperic master now resided, and this was even with folding space.

What was not realised was the Altearirans had only sent less than one eighth of their fleet into battle, having held off their remaining fleet in deep space fully cloaked. This was a tactic they learnt from fighting another planet, and basically the remaining warriors were not required simply because it was only their young who they truly wanted to cull out their weaker unworthy seeds. Within the remaining hidden cloaked ships were the trusted proven warriors who had reached over ten years of hardened battle, there experience was such that they preferred to keep them from battle unless absolutely required.

When the Altearirans realised in selected areas they were losing even experienced warriors, Grendarral made the fatal mistake of broadcasting a video link from his throne room forgetting that the grandson of the Master was on display crucified alive in semi cryogenic sleep above the throne.

The Queen saw the image and through generic inherited memories she recognised the image of her master’s favoured grandson. Immediately she had a copy of the video recording sent to her Master knowing he would eventually receive the signal and see for himself what Grendarral had done to the ward he was charged with protecting.

As it happened the Master was already on route towards Earth when the signal was intercepted, and the normally placid peace-loving Master saw the image and listened to the ultimatum delivered by Grendarral. Worthy warriors never before have we come across such as yourselves, some of your so called humans fought bravely but were no match for even my juvenile warriors, yet you remained silent waiting for my experienced warriors and defeat even them. I will permit your world thirty days of rest and to reequip yourselves, then you will start battling my elite warriors, let us see how well you favour against them.

Immediately the video link had been sent to earth, and the invading warriors ceased fighting and were withdrawn from battle, thousands of shuttles were seen lifting into space and vanishing from sight.

Once they left another signal was received, Earthlings, you have thirty days starting from what you call midnight today, prepare well. At that there was peace upon earth and for the first time in over eighteen months they were free from battle and able to bury their dead and start new preparations.

It was fortunate and a mistake on Grendarral’s behalf, his pride had led him into over confidence, not realising that interstellar ships were been created and an army of highly advanced VGMs were on route from the vampire Queen and to reach earth two weeks after the start of the rest time. Willow also had over twenty thousand cloned VGMs secretly dispersed around the world, knowing that the Queens army of five hundred thousand VGMs were inbound and awaiting Willows orders.

As they arrived Willow reinforced the UK and then dispersed the remainder where most needed, one brought a message direct to Willow, informing her the Queen had received confirmation her message had reached the Master and that help was on route estimated to arrive in two months. Five days later the first of the Alteariran warriors who had eaten Vampire XDNA started to transform, followed in days by others, and the destruction they caused upon their unsuspecting warriors was immense.

The inevitable happened as some of the VGMs Altearirans were ordered by Willow to start transforming the wounded and any they could capture. Although they were few in number the damage it caused brought incredible intelligence to Willow and then to the Queen. Revealing they were only an eighth of their full fighting force and that the remainder lay hidden under advanced cloaks in deep space.

The news truly horrified Willow as she realised she would never create enough clones or ships to fight an invading army of this size. They had already fought unimaginable odds, starting in the early stages with just a handful of Altearirans and increasing gradually, giving the humans time to adjust and in the Altearirans way of thinking culling the weak unworthy cannon fodder.

Now some two years into battle Earth faced warriors by far more experienced and they were losing. If these had only been the weakest and less experienced of warriors, she realised what was soon to arrive were battle hardened warriors, and no matter how many they killed they would keep coming in swarms.

It was this knowledge which made Willow revaluate her battle plans and ordered a three-front defence, with VGMs attacking in the first two waves and the third wave to start transforming the wounded.

Willow set up also stealth attack infiltrate squads ten at a time, to infiltrate themselves behind enemy lines and start transforming warriors. The Altearirans left their wounded and dead for days while in battle and when resting the collected them and ate them. This was a weakest which Grendarral had not realised as he had avoided always fighting Vampire worlds, and preferring to destroy their worlds from deep space.

This plan of Willows was implemented immediately and orders were telepathically sent across the globe to all her cloned VGMs, to prepare and attack immediately not even giving the Altearirans a chance to regroup once they land.

Scotland now had over three million VGMs in readiness for battle and the rest of the UK had been reequipped with almost five Million from the clones who had been arriving by the day while fighting was taking place before the ceasefire and time of rest.

Willow knew she could not win simply by maths alone, as the sheer volume of warriors would eventually over run her. However she estimated that with each new day they could hold out more and more, as Alteariran warriors who had become turned and left behind enemy lines would buy them progressively more time, also her latest generation of cloned VGMs had been upgraded even more and held stealth abilities only before dreamed of built genetically into their skins.

This came about when a pet shop owner who joined the resistance commented, “I wish we had the genetic ability of my chameleons.” A VGM had heard the comment and immediately passed it to Willow who in turn ordered her genetic labs to isolate the genes and build them into her VGMs using Nanobots to reinforce the body’s resistance.

The vampire Queen was informed and she started including the upgrade, by the time the war restarted only seven hundred had been cloned and arrived to Willows aid by the time the Altearirans started, Quickly Willow had realised her mistake, as the newly acquired clones could not be seen and were at risk from friendly fire. It was the Queen who gave her the solution as the munition they were using was smart and intelligent and could recognise a friendly signal.

Quickly small capsules were prepared and injected under the skin of the cloned Chameleon VGMs as they became known, and then they were let lose to bring invisible destruction to unsuspecting warriors.

Five days into the restart of the fighting Grendarral learnt his warriors were making very slow headway and that troops were been attacked by their own warriors. Within minutes he was also informed that cloaked ships were attacking his warriors in space. He smiled and then laughed, “So at last we have found a truly worthy opponent,” he then thought for a time and then gave new orders.

Looking over to the general of his army he spoke. “Inform admiral Gredlock that he is to engage and try and capture some of these ships and occupants alive, I want to personally interrogate them.”

He was so confident in the size of his fleet and of their superior abilities it never once occurred to him these were no longer mere humans that he was fighting.

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