A New World - Book One

Chapter Chapter Ten.

The Master had ordered the nearest planet to earth to not wait for his arrival but to immediate head for the coordinates he had sent them and ordered them to immediate engage the enemy and also land as many troops onto the field of action as possible.

It was almost too late as they arrived only seconds before Grendarral became aware it was vampires who he was fighting, immediately this new race of creatures were different to humans, they were bipedal but vastly huge carnivorous looking, and resembling raptors from the early earth history, only highly intelligent and incredibly strong and fast.

Willow had received mental images of the race coming to their aid, and Grendarral had received these as well along with orders from his Master to cease this war and face him as he was on his way.

Grendarral feared the Master more than any entire race such was his mental powers, and he knew he had turned disobeying his orders and betraying his trust and friendship. He would have vacated this system immediately if he had been able but a ring of unknown ships had circled his mother ship and were preventing it from leaving.

Immediately upon learning this he ordered five eighth of his hidden fleet to engage the intruders, not realising the invaders themselves had sent in only a small portion of their fleet awaiting orders to engage and knowing that yet another planet fleet was less than twenty four hours away and coming to their aid. These were alien big eyed with the typical Roswell looking type aliens inside only their skin was an orange and blue colour and they were also now of the vamperic nation.

As each day gained more and more Altearirans were turning and joining Willows side and pledging allegiance to her and their army. Grendarral realised he possibly could lose this war and ordered the most elite of his warriors over twenty Million of the highest-ranking warriors to break cover and travel to another system awaiting his orders.

This they did immediately and started a well-planned procedure of bringing forth new hatchlings, Grendarral now saw the futility of his plight he had been outwitted by a race he had not suspected to be vampires, and even the ordinary human had fought incredibly well. Rather than risk the rest of his fleet he ordered them to leave to interstellar small moon size ships aside for his protection, and the remaining Moon sized ships to disperse and regroup, only when they were free of this system and had initiated new breeding cycles.

The Masters fleet eventually arrived carrying a mixture of life forms and over three billion vamperic warriors, as soon as they were deployed Grendarral was forced to order a cessation of action as he could not resist the mind strength exerted against him. As the surrendering troops were captured they were transformed immediately so they came under servitude if required by Willow, and the Queen, but also the Master. It had been a close battle and earth had lost over five of every sixth of its human population.

It had truly come to the extinction point and humans were no longer the dominant race upon planet earth, as the vampires now outnumbered them by over twenty to one.

That said the humans realised they could have lost much sooner if the likes of Willow and her warriors had not come to their aid. Entry into Grendarral’s ship had come at considerable cost to additional lives, as it held over a billion warriors who were strong and battle-hardened, also they refused to give ground and Willows Chameleon warriors was the only way they managed to gain stealth entry without destroying the ship and save the Masters grandchild.

The stealth warriors entered the ship and started dispersing deeply behind enemy lines, and awaiting orders Only two made it into the throne room and sent mental images to the Master of everything inside ad that Grendarral was also part vampire and part Alteariran.

The genetic modifications carried out by the inexperienced grandson had somehow affected Grendarral and fully prevented the vamperic gene from taking hold. Corrupting it and feeding the body with conflicting genetic signals.

The Master realised it had not been Grendarral’s direct fault, however he was still responsible for mass genocide and the total destruction of his home world and that of the Queen and her world plus later to learn the exact number of worlds totally conquered and left barren and unpopulated other than by surviving insect life forms.

Also he came to realise that over Three Billion super elite Alteariran warriors had escaped and were ordered to start rebuilding their population. They had light jumped into unknown unchartered space and were by now so far ahead and in whatever direction that even the master had no abilities of tracing them.

The grandson was released from his millions of years of cryogenic semi sleep; however, he was so traumatised by the knowledge of his guilt he was mentally unstable, and the master realised he would never fully recover.

He used his immense mental abilities to tell his grandchild he was forgiven and that it had been an innocent mistake, and placed his mind into a healing stasis, knowing it would never fully recover. But it was the most merciful way he could terminate his sibling’s life and not allow him to see his death coming. However it was Willow who presented him with an alternative action which he thought over and accepted.

Willow offered an advanced Chameleon XDNA VGM clone with a blank mind set awaiting been brought to life, She told the Master a similar clone could be created either by using the grandsons XDNA, or offering a new blank untainted by the generic memories, but that would require the master to turn the clone and gift it with his inherent memories of himself and that he remembered of his much loved grandson.

It was the latter he accepted knowing his grandson had never intended this war and that in his rebirth he would be wiser, stronger and never create such a mistake again.

The queen came before her whatever great grandfather and Master and when he saw her new body and abilities he was impressed and considered very seriously this newly developed technology to be implemented into his own kind. With Willow he honoured her and gave her full authority over the entire Milky Way system, and under direct orders to report to the Queen.

The grandson was taken back to the next planet nearest to their destroyed home world and given control over that galaxy system and ordered to repopulate by building clones using the Queens technology.

Earth was presented the highest technology it required and welcomed into the master’s family. Immediately cloned humans with XDNA were created so they would not become extinct, also vast numbers of new vamperic warriors were cloned and settled upon earth and in surrounding planets, and all under the direct mind control of Willow.

Unknown to the master the first born son of Grendarral had been in the interstellar ships who escaped and only days before the arrival of the Masters fleets, they had received human and vamperic food sent by shuttle, also they had intercepted some eleven shuttles on way to earth holding the very latest of the Chameleon VGMs, and eventually upon killing the occupants after losing thousands of their warriors they kept two for dissection and examination and ate the rest.

On realising their discovery, they set about creating their own version of these warriors knowing that the by the time they return to battle. They and their Billions of siblings would carry these genetic modifications forward.

They had created their own genetic modifications and found was of preventing the mind gene from allowing Willow and the Queen from controlling their minds.

They knew now they were going to become the strongest, fastest and intelligent warriors they had ever been. It was only when the Master eventually returned to his new home world ordering sections of other galaxies to leave a single ship each to remain from every home world under his authority. That was when Willow eventually became aware that eleven shuttles were unaccounted for and it was suspected they had been intercepted by the Altearirans.

This concerned her seriously and she ordered a war council of representatives from each race and home world along with that of earth. On addressing them she informed them of her findings.

“We thank you again for your much-needed help and pledge our own help in any future time if any of you need it”, she paused gaining respect from those present.

“My fellow warriors we have discovered that eleven shuttles full of VGMs were possibly intercepted and this leaves us with a serious security problem as the Altearirans whom we had not yet fought and were unquestionably the most elite these creatures held and that they would have both the technology and intelligence to discover our secrets and develop their own using our templates.”

There was a gasp of realisation of these implications from the audience and Willow explained the reason for her calling this meeting.

“We need to put our minds together and look into ways of improving our defence and strength, also possibly taking genetic markers from each of the new lifeforms and integrate the best of each into our new clones, and eventually into ourselves. So the next time these murdering bastards arrive, which do not kid ourselves will, we will have developed hopefully deep space warnings and a new cloned army that they will never defeat.”

Her words were received with enthusiasm and within days the united scientific minds started working as teams designated to find ways of advancing their technologies by combining the best from each world and species.

The cloning factories were enlarged and new batches of VGMs were created incorporating the best of the technology from each home world. This eventually created soldiers vastly superior to the original created VGMs by Willow and Chameleon VGMs. Once they established the new technology worked, and they had their own bodies undergo genetic modifications so they became equal to the newly modified warriors.

Even the life forms from those ordered to remain upon earth for its future protection underwent the modifications and never before had they even dreamed of becoming so powerful. What they had done was to create an entirely new species with inherent abilities to the strongest and fastest of their kind.

Willow laughed thinking that even an army of T-rex would think twice now of attacking them. However that said none realised the highest of all Grendarral warriors had started genetically advancing themselves thousands of years earlier and that with this newly discovered technology they held, they would soon start following different and more advanced tests to see how they could defend themselves.

Having kept two dissected VGMs with Chameleon abilities the cloned armies of these and armed them placing them on desolate planets giving them time to prepare and started sending in their enhanced siblings into battle with them.

They were learning and developing more and more clones to fight against them and keeping only the best and highest intellect of their surviving juvenile siblings. Breeding them as quickly as possible with multiple female partners so they could increase their warriors and leave only the best possible to carry forward their race.

The Master had Grendarral placed into a similar sleep as his grandson endured and had him mounted above the dining room of his mother ship so as many warriors as possible could view their humiliation. What he did not realise was Grendarral knew of his sons’ abilities and that he would one day return to avenge his father.

The End of Book One.

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