A New World - Book One

Chapter Chapter Eight.

The Altearirans had a strange morbid view of life at one time they were truly educated and preferred honest and subservient, now it was almost as if they were learning to live again, and at the early stages of every invasion they deliberately set out to test their young first.

This started by the mother ship holding the nursery and adolescent and releasing only a thousand at a time and sending them divided into groups of ten to various locations over a designated area. Whoever survived five days of battle was given a further tens juveniles to lead, and this progressed until each ship circulating the earth had over ten thousand in the field.

From there they divided and started over again and again and again, until the planet was taken. Only involving true adult trusted battle hardy warriors once the resistance against them had reached either one million warrior juveniles in the field or if the war lasted longer than one year.

To their way of thinking any juveniles who lived beyond this point, were worthy to breed as low cost fodder warriors, but any who lived beyond five years and had proved themselves were then instantly rewarded with genetic cloning, and breeding with the highest of their female warriors, and their siblings prised over the cannon fodder of the low class.

In human eyes it was utter madness, as it gave the humans time to prepare and develop new and stronger ways of fighting, and by the time the more worthy higher class of warriors were brought in they had a year or thereabouts to prepare.

Only they outnumbered us by over an estimated twenty thousand to one, but unknown to them a secret army had been accidently prepared all be it for Willow to use as miners and to extend her Empire. But they were initially in the early stages vastly superior to everyday humans, and once Willow had started bio genetically enhancing her soldiers on top of the vampire gene, and even later introducing nano technology, her army was to become formidable.

Yes they could die, but not easily, and vast reserves of energy and abilities of regeneration and healing, to an ordinary human the Altearirans were super warriors, far stronger and faster and they learnt amazingly fast, needing to only see or learn something once and then applying it in devastating affect in battle. But to the VGWs vampire genetic warriors they were slow and easy to kill, only when the five year plus Altearirans warriors came into action did the battle become more interesting.

The battle hardened Altearirans had learnt to fight against vampires and had developed considerable skill sets, only Willows VGWs were by far more advanced than their previous life and were now basically a new creation, an extension evolved from who they were before.

Once Willow gave the Queen her own body, Willow pledge allegiance immediately and they parted their way. The Queen took the small force brought to her by Mark Antony and fifty percent of the newly created cloned warriors with the remaining fifty percent going to Willows team.

New clones were been created off world at a vastly accelerated state, with previously orbital medical and scientific stations taking over their creations, while remaining fully cloaked as did the multitude of extended mining colonies across the Milky way galaxy.

Every Twenty days over a thousand new young adult clones were delivered under cloaked space crafts, and shuttled to earth fully aware and all VGWs with the inherent genetic memories of each newly given updated memories and skill sets.

Even then the Altearirans bred so fast and later cloned their own worthy warriors that earth struggled to even come near to creating an equal force in numbers, and remembering they outnumbered us initially by near impossible odds.

The Queens army left earth in shuttles under cloak and returned to the alien’s worlds which were still free from invasion, and from there they started recruiting newly born vampires plus set up cloning facilities using highly more advanced technology than what had been available to Willow.

Once the facilities were set up a single young adult clone would take one point seven days, one day and seven hours of our earth hours, and each batch could create over one thousand at time, subject to genetic organic material been available. Now the Queen was also alive and had a body of her own, she was able to instigate a folded space signal sent out in three hundred and sixty degrees across all known space.

The signal was on a pre-set frequencies and targeted at only the True Master of her race, it had been sent out in multiple repeated folded space burst staggered to reach to the ends of the known universe leaving each known galaxies extending outwards in an ever growing ring, and because it was set on an ever increasing pulse. It was like the largest Asteroid ever slamming into the deepest of oceans and causing huge like tidal waves which travelled into space. Within was a warning of the invading Altearirans and of the desperate cry for help from the Queen herself.

A detailed explanation had been given of what turned this normally passive race and of the known destruction and death they had since brought onto millions of worlds across numerous galaxies. The Queen knew it would reach her Masters mind, only she had no knowledge as to when, as he had vacated his home galaxy so long ago, he could be a billion galaxies or more away, and in any direction.

Immediately she started extending her army who were all totally loyal to her and obtained as many interstellar space ships as she could, equipping them all for battle, within each interstellar ship were over twenty shuttles which were prepared for battle and armed with the latest technology and smart munition available.

The intention was to create an army large enough to divide into two, with one section under her mental control to return to aid Willow and earth, while the second section set about guarding her new borders while they created yet more clones, ships and munitions.

The plan would have worked only with each new generation of new-borns, the Altearirans became better stronger and faster, and when you consider they had been destroying various life for so many thousands upon thousands of years, the surviving warriors learnt incredible skills in survival and in how to plan and outthink their enemy.

Consequently once the initial hatchlings or juvenile warriors were eliminated, and leaving only the superior of their breed they had reached a stage of producing elite warriors capable of fighting in almost any terrain or set of conditions.

After the initial culling of their unfit new born earth started to fight true warriors who were experienced in all types of combat, they held no mercy but recognised worthy warriors who fought back, any humans who in their minds reached the stage of honoured warriors and were classed as truly worthy, they were tagged by a near invisible beam of microwave energy which branded them untouchable to only the most elite of their warriors so they could train themselves even further.

The Altearirans had a gland close to where we humans have our penal gland, only theirs enabled them to see in different variant frequencies of light, and each human whom held the microwave branding beneath their skin on the foreheads were avoided by the juveniles unless forced to fight. In the first year alone over thirty million humans lost their lives as the fighting came closer and closer to where Willow held her vamperic army. It was only after the eleventh month and twenty two days that they reached Scotland where now Willow had created her refuge.

It was from here the war truly started to turn, the humans using the gifted technology had truly put up an amazing fight, and had for a time slaughtered over five million plus juveniles, only each batch that came next after an initial rest were harder to kill. The small vampire soldiers were responsible for over fourth fifths of the kills, but they were not the VGWs, and eventually even they were forced to retreat simply by the sheer number of warriors coming against them.

Across the world similar attacks were taking place and slowly and bitterly painfully the humans were losing. By the time the Altearirans warriors reached Scotland they started losing vast numbers of warriors, experienced warriors at that, But by them Willow had over seven million VGMs on the planet and another five million in space, hiding cloaked awaiting orders, with their numbers growing via clones by the day.

Grendarral having been kept informed of the situation had the occasional killed humans taken to his mother ship for examination, while his warriors fed each day upon the kills of these human life forms, believing it would strengthen his warriors.

The inevitable happened and a few warriors fed upon vampires ingesting their genetic markers into their own bio genetic DNA. Fortunately it was very few and like with Willow the genetic change was designed to take just over two years from this form of infection. By then the vast majority of infected warriors were most likely to have been killed in battle, none the less a portion did survive and had no idea what awaited them, as the moment they turned a conflict of interest became in place.

With the stronger more advanced vamperic XDNA genes changing the chemical structures of the brains to become subservient to the Queen vampire or the linage of vampires who created them. As these vampires killed in battle and later consumed were created by Willow, their immediate obedience of authority was drawn to Willow and the linage created by her. Their conflict came due to their previously altered DNA wanting to serve and follow their race, yet a new gene within them now was forcing the change and they started killing their own kind and hearing voices in their minds.

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