Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 11, first heat

I had never felt like this before! What the heck was I doing!?

“Emmy, what the heck is going on!?” I asked her worriedly.

“Relax sweetie and let your primal desires just take over. Don’t think! We are completing our mating bond with Conall. We both know he’s our mate so let’s finally make it official.”

“But what about Lyall? Shouldn’t I at least tell him??”

“Later, right now I am filled with lust for our mate so let me at him!”

“But why!? I’ve never felt like this around him before!”

“Because you were too distracted by training and the fight to even think about a mate. Now that it’s over, you can focus on yourself and our mate. Trust me I’ve been waiting for this day a long time so stop talking to me or I’ll take over!” I wrap my legs around his waist hungrily. I nipped his neck with my teeth as he growled into my hair, I start to tug his shirt off throwing it onto the floor revealing his strong and muscular chest. Conall growled passionately into my ear exploring my curves with his hands under the towel as he grazed my marking spot on my neck making me whimper with desire. He threw the towel off me making it easier for the two of us to really get this party started.

“Babe, just relax a little-“ I cut him off with a lustful kiss as he was trying to explain to me what was going on “Babe, listen as much as I like kissing you. You’ve gone into heat for the first time. So, I’ll try to take this slow for you, alright?”

“Emmy and I have waited a long time to do this, so shut up and kiss me like ya mean it!” I push him down onto my bed attacking him with another lustful kiss. His hands gently brush against my skin giving me goosebumps.

“You sure this is what you want? I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“Does it look like you’re taking advantage of me?”

“No, I presume-“ I cut him off with another lustful kiss before he can finish his sentence. We just both let ourselves go and let this heat take over us. He rolls me under him, and I just realize how strong and powerful he really is…I stare into his lustful eyes.

“Before we go on…I love you Conall…” Emmy howling in my head with excitement as I finally admit it to myself.

“I love you too, Lyna. Please let me mark you…” He brushes some of my hair out of the way, but I stop him.

“Patience, big boy…” I smirk as I lustfully kiss him again. I wrap my legs around his waist straddling him as he starts to nip on my marking spot on my neck, I let out a moan…it’s a sensitive spot and he knew it. He touched me gently all over my curves of my waist, my hips, to my thighs. I rip off his jeans and boxers and throw them on the floor with the rest of the clothes. Seeing all of him seeing him for the first time made me blush which made him laugh.

“You sure you want-“ He smiled at me and I knew what he was going to ask.

“Yes, I want you to…please be my first and only?” I see his eyes get excited when he made the realization that I’m a virgin, that I waited for him…slowly pushing himself into my soaking wet self, he groaned loudly at my tightness.

“My gosh babe…” he growled as I moaned beneath him, pushing him deeper he came against a sudden barrier. He rocked his hips gently, and his hardness grew knowing that I’d only be touched like this by him. “This is going to hurt babe, but only for a few minutes, I promise I’ll make it better.” He roughly thrust his hips forward deeper into me. I cried out in pain as I felt like I was being torn apart. He began to move slowly back and forth, gently massaging me as I breathed raggedly into his neck. He planted butterfly kisses down my marking spot, I moved my hips matching his rhythm. Grabbing onto his hair I pulled his face into mine smashing my lips against mine as I growled passionately into his mouth.

“Mine…” he growled quietly as he opened his eyes and stared into mine. He was unable to hold himself back as he rammed into me harder and faster as I cry out. Growling in pleasure he trusted himself again and again into me pleasuring me over and over and I lost control over myself repeatedly. Extending his canines, he unknowingly plunged them into my marking spot, and I scream in pleasure, biting down harder and harder. With a howl, his canines went deeper into my neck as his seed rushed into me. The whole day we mated repeatedly until we lost count of how many times, I had reached for him in desire. Holding him captive with my heat. Finally, my legs unable to hold onto his waist anymore, we roll off each other immensely satisfied and closed our eyes, and slept.

The next morning, I was woken up by banging on my front door. Still groggy from my experience yesterday, I put my nightgown and robe back on and went to see who was at my door so early in the morning…

“Yes, who’s there?”

“It’s Lyall open up!” Lyall sounded worried like he hadn’t seen me in days. “Where have you been!? The pack and I hadn’t heard or seen from you in a day and a half!”

“What are you talking about?” I was so confused and apparently lost all sense of time.

“We hadn’t seen you since the fight! Didn’t let anyone know that you were out of the hospital and didn’t know that you have a new mate!” Shocked by that last comment I didn’t have anything to say about that.

“Uhh…I can explain…”

“Oh, this is going to be good…” Lyall crossed his arms as he was waiting to hear my explanation.

“Yes, I got out of the hospital yesterday, Conall stayed with me overnight in the hospital after you left and walked me home yesterday morning after I got discharged. I was going to tell everyone that I made it home, but I got distracted by Emmy. She wanted to go for a run and meet Conall’s wolf, Randon…when we got home, I made my mom’s hot chocolate and I went to take a shower, during my shower I went into heat for the first time and uh…well you can figure it out from there…” A surprised look on his face as I explained my story to him.

“So Conall huh? He’s a good guy, at least I don’t have to beat him up.” He smirked at me knowing that he had approved of my mate.

“I’m sorry Lyall, I hope it doesn’t affect our friendship?”

“Not at all, I knew you weren’t my mate when you pecked me on my cheek about a year ago. There was no spark like I’m sure you have with him, and I’m ok with that. You two make a nice couple. I’m sure my mate is out there somewhere, and I’ll find her someday.” I gave him another peck on the cheek and smiled at him.

“I’m sorry, Lyall. You’ll find her, and when you do, I’ll be happy for you. I was apparently too distracted before with all the chaos of training, the fight, and the aftermath of it to really focus on finding my mate, but now that it’s over Emmy really wanted me to meet him. Luckily, I didn’t have to look far since she was letting me know it was Conall since the aftermath of the fight. I just didn’t pay attention to our bond.” I blushed talking about this stuff with him, I should be having it with my mom…not my beta!

“Well, luckily it’s still snowing so you can wear a turtleneck to hide your bite marks and hickeys. You still smell like him from yesterday…”

“Excuse me! Someone came banging on my door before I could take a shower!” I stuck out my tongue at him.

“Fine you got me there, I’ll let the pack know you’re ok, but you’re telling them the news about finding your mate. That’s a big deal and they deserve that Conall is going to be their new alpha and you, their luna.”

“I will, just not right now. It’s still morning…”

“Actually, it’s not…it’s lunch.” Man, I really lost it…

“How long was I in heat for??”

“Uhh that’s a personal question only your mate can tell ya, and on that note, I’ll leave.” As he started to leave, he let the rest of the pack telling them I was ok and that I had news to tell them later. I went back inside to go back to Conall and to wake him up.

“Good afternoon, handsome time to get up…” I kiss him trying to wake him up. He turned around from his side to his back to accept my kiss and to have me on top of him.

“Good morning, beautiful. Who was at the door?” He was still groggy too slow to wake up.

“It was Lyall making sure I was ok. Apparently, I hadn’t let the pack know I was ok, and they hadn’t seen me since the fight a day and a half ago.”

“Has it really been that long??”

“Yeah, apparently. How long was I in heat for??”

“All day yesterday, since we came home from our walk in the woods which was early in the morning. Why?”

“Sorry to interrupt again, but we apparently got company by the greenhouses!” Lyall mindlink us and the rest of the pack. We change quickly to see what was going on. I put on a pine green turtleneck, jeans, mom’s necklace, and my snow boots. I ran as quickly as I could to the greenhouses to make sure our company was a friend and not a foe.

“Who goes there!?” Tried to sound like I knew what I was talking about on the outside, but when I was nervous, I didn’t want any more unexpected visitors.

“We come in peace, it’s the Crescent pack come to talk about a truce!” It was the luna Griselda and beta Sterling of the Crescent pack.

“Oh, I was wondering if I’d hear from you again. Come into my study and we can talk about it.” I lead them into my dad’s study. Never thought I’d actually get to use it and to be honest I was never allowed in here much, but now that it’s mine, I guess I can now. “So how can I help you?”

“Nice study, anyway we had talked about a truce after the fight, and to me, that sounds like a great idea. I want to start fresh and lead this pack the way it deserves. My former mate wasn’t a good leader and wasn’t a good mate either.”

“Sorry to hear. So, did you want to stay a separate pack, but we can be sister packs or did you want to merge be under my name but also still at your current location. Either way, you can stay where you are, I’m not going to take away your home.”

“Um…I think for the sake of my pack I think we should stay where we are since were already established. So, I think we should be sister packs, but I think it’d be good to have an alliance with you. What do you think, Sterling?” luna Griselda wanted advice from her beta which is fine with me, but something didn’t sit right with me.

“I think I want my alpha back, but clearly I can’t…” Clearly, someone is sour about the outcome of the fight.

“Well, sorry your alpha couldn’t fight better. I’m in charge now and I’m trying to make peace. I don’t want any more fights or challenges or anything else involving the council. If you have a problem with that you can leave my office and go home! Do I make myself clear?” I look him in the eye trying to stand my ground.

“Yes, Alpha Lyna…” Clearly not happy about it, but since I was alpha, he had to listen to me.

“Good, unless you want the same fate as your former alpha, I suspect you learn some respect.”

“I’ll give it when it’s earned.” Clearly, someone needs an attitude adjustment!

“Alright, I’ve had enough! You have a problem with me tough guy!? I thought I earned some respect when I won the challenge with Alpha Adolfo, but apparently, you want more so what do ya want from me!?”

“For you to stay out of our business and I take over as alpha of our pack!”

“And what do you say luna, Griselda? Is that how you feel?”

“Um…I had no idea he felt like this. I’m just as shocked as you are. I was all in favor of having an alliance with you. Let me talk to him outside for a moment.”

“How about we just finish this conversation another time, when both of you have your stories straight.” I put my hand out for a handshake, but neither of them took it…awkward. “Until next time…” We all leave the office and I lead them to the border of our land. I mindlink the others to let them know what was going on…

“Well, that could’ve gone better…my first meeting as an alpha and I blew it…”

“No, I don’t think it was you, alpha. Something is going on with that pack. They seemed like they were up to something. It’s been 3 days since the fight, and they want to talk about an alliance? It’s too quick, didn’t give them much time to grieve their former alpha.” Lyall always had to put in his two cents…

Yeah, it did seem like they didn’t have their story straight…oh well. I’m not too worried right now about them they did just lose their alpha, so I’ll let them get their lives straightened out. Some liked him, some didn’t, including the luna…anyway enough gossip I do have some good news if everyone would like to join me in the ceremony space.” I figured it was time to tell them about Conall and me and might as well now since I got everyone’s attention.

“Sorry for the mystery, but I have some exciting news! I found my mate, it’s Conall! I also had my first heat…” Everyone was happy for us and congratulated us. The ladies pulled me aside to have some girl talk.

“So, come on out with it! What happened!” Reika was the most excited about it.

“Well, it started after the fight. Conall and Lyall waited for me at Doctor Bader’s clinic to make sure I was ok…” As I told the girls the story of the past few days glazing over the most details of my going into heat.

“You do realize that you could possibly be pregnant, right?” That possibility didn’t even cross my mind!

“Uh no…no I didn’t think of it.” Feeling sheepish I probably should’ve known that, but no one told me…

“That’s the whole point of us she-wolves going into heat…when we finally meet our mate that’s the highest chance of us getting pregnant.” Calla and Reika were the only two she-wolves that had mates, so I guess they’d know.

“But since it’s you, having the possibility of being pregnant, this little one could be our future alpha or luna.” Whoa, talk about pressure for a little baby…

“Well, we’ll find out in due time, and since you just found your mate, I’m sure he’ll be happy with the possibility of a pup on the way…” Reika and Calla hugged me in sympathy and left me alone at the ceremony space. The guys were inside the alpha house celebrating our news, as I walked in the door the guys hugged me as well as they left to leave us alone to celebrate.

“Conall…I just found out that I could be pregnant…me being in heat in the best chance of it…”

“And if we are then I’ll welcome this pup with open arms! I love you Lyna and you possibly being with a pup is exciting.” Phew, that was close…I was too busy not paying attention to my surroundings that I didn’t realize that he was on his knee. “Lyna Aiyana Channing…even though I can’t ask your parent’s blessing I’d like to think I have it…will you do me the honor of being my wife? Your mom gave me her engagement ring before they died. She would’ve been so happy to let you have it.”

“Oh, my goodness…my mom’s ring!? Yes, absolutely yes I’ll marry you!” I’m crying tears of joy as he slips my new ring on my left hand. “I didn’t expect this would happen.”

”Well, on top of finding my mate I’m engaged!!!!” Of course, I had to tell the pack! Everyone said and howled their congratulations but still left us alone so we could celebrate alone. Emmy howled her congratulations as well. He swooped me up in his arms and kissed me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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