Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 10, new love

I stayed the night in the hospital overnight just as the doc recommended. He got no fight on that and to be honest I didn’t want to be alone with these sudden panic attacks. Conall stayed with me overnight in the cot bed while I told Lyall to go home to a comfy bed so at least one of us could get a decent night’s sleep. I wake up the next morning seeing the snow was still falling, must be one heck of a storm out there.

“Good morning, Lyna.” Conall smiled at me as he was waking up.

“Good morning, Conall. Did you get some sleep last night?” The cot didn’t look comfortable. I would’ve offered him room on my bed, but it didn’t have enough room for two.

“Best I could get on a cot, not the most comfortable, but at least I got to make sure you were ok.” He smiled and it made me blush a little. Can’t believe I was acting like this! “I know this is going to sound crazy, but my wolf goes crazy when I’m around you.”

“Mine too! She goes nuts when we’re together!” Well at least I wasn’t the only one…he sits on the edge of the bed to get comfortable with me.

“I think we’re meant to be together…like mates…” I blush even more as I say it out loud. Emmy was going crazy as I finally admit it to myself. He leans in closer to kiss me and I kiss him back. It felt like the best first kiss I ever had! We were gentle with each other, but I could feel the pull of our bond get stronger. We pull away in shock at our realization.

“Yeah, I think you’re right. Wonder why it took us so long to realize it?”

“We were distracted by other things…training, getting evidence, the fight, the aftermath…I’m ready to go home…” As I say it, Doc Bader comes in and smiles at me.

“Well, good morning alpha. Glad to see you got some color back in your face.” He smirks at me giving me that ‘I know what you’re up to look, but he was too polite to intervene.

“Yeah, you can say that…”

“Well, since you are getting your color back, you haven’t had any panic attacks overnight, and you seem to be in very capable hands of Conall here, I have no regrets of letting you go home today. I’ll start the discharge paperwork, and you two can get something to eat.” He wasn’t dumb, he could see what was going on and wanted to give us some privacy.

“Well, that’s good news. We can finish this conversation in a more comfortable setting.”

“Yeah, going home would be nice. Almost forgot what my bedroom looked like…” Imagining the thought of him in my room, made me warm and blush. “Is it warm in here, or just me?” I felt like I was on fire with how much I am blushing! I don’t think I’ve ever blushed this hard before!

“Maybe we can get you changed out of your hospital gown and into normal clothes. Lyall brought some yesterday before he went back home, but you were already asleep.”

“Oh good, it’ll be nice to be in real clothes again.” They must’ve turned off all the machines while I was asleep. I changed into a dark sapphire blue turtleneck sweater, some jeans, my mom’s necklace, and snow boots. Just as I was finishing up, Doc Bader comes in with my discharge paperwork and I can finally go home! Conall walked me home, I took off my snow boots, and got out mom’s hot chocolate recipe, and made a proper cup for the both of us.

“This is more like it…makes me feel like she’s still here.” Blushed again as I stared down at my hot chocolate mug. Conall smiled too sipping at his drink. It was like I could hear mom giggling as I made the drinks…

“What could you possibly be laughing about mom?? I’m just making your hot chocolate.”

Uh-huh, and the sky is green…I know you like him. You finally realized that he’s your mate! You can’t stay away from him because of the mate bond.”

“Yeah, he mentioned that too…what is that?”

That spark of electricity or that pull to be with him, or not wanting to leave his sight.”

“Yeah, I’ve felt all of those…”

“That’s the mate bond, you’ve been so focused on the fight with Adolfo that you’ve been ignoring it.”

“I wish you were telling me in person instead of in my thoughts…I miss our girl talks…it’s not the same from the other she-wolves.”

“I know so do I, but this is what we’ve been dealt with…”

“Who’s going to show me how to properly treat a mate, or how to be a good luna or walk me down the aisle as I get married, or give me advice on my own pups…”

“We will just from a distance, but in the past few years as alpha, you have done a wonderful job protecting our pack. I wish we could’ve given the title in a formal ceremony instead of our funerals, but it must’ve been for a reason.” I could tell she was smiling at me and I could feel the happiness and proudness from both of them.

Thanks, mom, for the advice, I love you. Wish I could hug you…”

“I love you too sweetie. Now go claim your mate! You have our blessing. He’s a good man and I know he’s going to treat you right. In our room, in the back of my closet, there’s a box and I saved some things for you for when you found your mate.” I put my hot chocolate down and ran to her closet to find this mysterious box. I go to the back of her closet as she instructed. Luckily, I didn’t put it in the attic with the rest of their stuff. It was a box labeled for me with a note.

Dear sweet Lyna,

Hopefully, you have grown into a lovely young woman and is old enough to worry about finding your mate. I hope to have that talk with you someday, but since you’re still a preteen when I’m writing this probably not a good time. I hope life treats you kind and we are around to give you this note and gift, but should we not, don’t let this note and gift bring tears. I saved these for whenever you met your mate, I know it’s awkward to lingerie shopping with your mom, so I did it myself and hopefully, you like these. Can’t wait to meet the special man that has claimed your heart and soul. We love you very much sweet girl. Xoxo mom.

“Oh, mom…” I start to cry again knowing that they’d never meet Conall as my mate…she pulled out the silky midnight blue knee-length nightgown that had some glitter on it that looked like they were supposed to be stars on a night sky with a matching robe, there was also another gown that was black lace nightgown that went down to her thighs that also came with a matching floor-length robe. I quickly changed into the blue one.

“I must be crazy for doing this…” Thinking out loud to myself hoping that he didn’t hear me. I come back to the kitchen to reclaim my drink and I see Conall’s eyes look like a cartoon character.

“Wow, you look stunning!”

“Thank you, my mom left it for me to wear for my mate.” I blush as he sees this. We finish our drink and put the mugs in the dishwasher to wash later.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t want to pressure you into doing it.”

“Maybe we could take it slow…I’ve never been with a man like this before.” I choose to stay a virgin for my mate to show respect. I didn’t want to compare him to anyone else.

“That’s fair. I can be slow if you want me to.” Just as I’m finally about to get intimate with him, Emmy is dying to get intimate with his wolf.

“Dang it, Emmy…” I let out a sigh of frustration as I knew what she wanted.

“What’s wrong?” Conall pulled back to look into my eyes to make sure I was ok.

“Emmy wants to meet your wolf, but did she have to meet him now…” Slightly annoyed with her for interrupting my first time with my mate…

“No, it’s ok, my wolf, Randon would like to meet Emmy too.” He smiles at me and starts to strip so he doesn’t rip his clothes. I do the same, so I don’t rip my new nightgown. He changed into a dark gray mixed with some black wolf. His ears were completely black while the rest of him was a mix between dark gray and black. A nice contrast to Emmy’s blonde fur. They nuzzled with each other trying to get to know each other. Emmy had been bugging me for weeks to meet this wolf and now she finally got her wish. If only she didn’t have to interrupt my time with Conall to do it…I’ll bug her about it later, but she was right they had to get to know each other too.

“It’s finally nice to meet you, Randon…I’m Emmy.”

“It’s finally nice to meet you too. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

I hope good things.”

“Of course, how about we go for a run in the snow?”

“Sure, it’s been a while since I’ve felt the snow in my fur.” They ran in the forest together like a couple of pups allowed to run for the first time. The snow was still falling covering the evergreen trees and branches on the ground. A slight breeze picked up which filled Randon’s lungs with Emmy’s scent which smelled of evergreen and hot chocolate, which made him go crazy. He started to nip at her playfully and chased her through the snow. It had been a while since both Lyna, and Emmy could just relax and have fun.

Bet you can’t catch me,” Emmy smirked at him, just teasing him to catch her.

Oh yeah, I bet I can!” Randon started to chase her deeper into the forest and she loved the thrill of the chase. He nipped her again and they started to head back to her house. Once inside they shifted back to their naked selves.

“That was fun, Emmy likes you.” I smiled at him thinking of our time in the forest.

“You smell of evergreens and hot chocolate.” He chuckled at her but wanted to breathe in as much of her scent as much as he possibly can.

“Well, I suppose there are worse things to smell like.” I chuckled too. He smelled of evergreen and moss. “I’m going to take a shower to warm up. Emmy had a little too much fun in the snow.”

“Alright, I’ll be waiting for you.” He sat on the couch making himself comfortable. I headed towards the bathroom and got it set up just the way I liked it. I stripped off my bathrobe and got in the walk-in shower. The warm water felt so good on my cold skin I leaned against the wall to relax a little while the water was rushing off me…as I was finishing with my shower, I started to get warmer and warmer. I figured it was just from the water getting too hot, so I turned it down, and kept making it colder, and colder until it was almost off. I slid down to the cool tile floor to see if that would help but that did nothing. My skin felt like it was on fire and I had fire coursing through my blood. I curled up into a ball still on the floor of my shower.

“Conall…” I whimpered barely audible above the shower that was still going. The pain kept getting worse and worse with each moment. I bit so hard on my lip I drew a little blood trying not to cry again. I could hear his footsteps rushing towards me like he could tell I was in trouble and he picked me off the floor.

“Are you ok, Lyna? Should I get Doc Bader?” Conall’s voice sounded worried as I moaned in pain and buried my head into his chest. Carefully wrapping me in the closest towel he could find, he carried me to my bed and laid me down, brushing some hair out of my face. I looked up into his eyes and a primal desire just took over me and I launched myself at him growling possessively! I wrapped my arms around his neck hauling him for a rough lustful kiss.

Conall stood looking at me with a confused and shocked look on his face as I wrapped my legs around his waist as I attacked his mouth for a kiss.

“Oh…I don’t think you need a doctor…you need-me…” He thought horrified. “She’s gone into heat!” My scent was filled with desire and it enveloped us, drawing our wolves out slowly, as our minds clouded with lust, he laid me down on my bed, he knew he was powerless to fight me, so he didn’t.

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