When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Nineteen

Sienna’s POV.

I knee the bulky guy in the balls and run out of the room after Kayla, I only make it a few metres before someone grabs my ankle and I fall on the floor, crushing my cuffed hands. I groan and look over my shoulder to see the bulky guy glaring at me, also lying on the floor, cupping his groin in pain.

“You’re coming with me.”

I look up to see the rogue Alpha smirking at me, he grabs my leg and drags me down the corridor. I’m grateful that I’m wearing a long-sleeved top as he pulls me across the carpet.

“Let me go!” I scream, trying to kick him but he flips me onto my front and keeps dragging me.

“Sienna!” The most wonderful voice calls my name and I glance up to see my gorgeous mate standing at the top of the stairs at the far end of the corridor. My body instantly reacts to his presence.

“Jaxon!” I shout, screaming as the rogue Alpha grabs my hair and drags me into a room.

He locks the door and I smirk, knowing that’s not going to stop my mate. I suck in a shocked breath as he grabs a gun and presses it to my neck. The door flies off and I flinch, feeling relieved as Jax steps into the room, shaking violently with anger.

“Get your fucking hands off my mate,” he growls lowly, stalking toward us.

“Really? She’s your mate? How come you haven’t marked her?” The rogue Alpha taunts, he pulls on my hair until I stand up, I take in a shaky breath as he pushes the gun harder into my neck.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with you Alpha, if she were mine I’d mark her as soon as I saw her,” he teases Jax, and I can see the fury in my mates eyes as he slides his slimy hand up my body.

“In fact, I’d mate her as soon as I saw her. Perhaps I should show you how it’s done?” He offers and I squeeze my eyes shut, it hurts too much to see Jax’s broken expression.

“You need a man who’s more Alpha than him honey,” he says quietly in my ear, but I know Jax hears because he takes a step closer to us.

“Call off your pack, or I’ll kill her,” he threatens, and I wince as he cocks the gun, pressing it against my skin.

“I’ll kill her like I killed Sophia,” he taunts again, and I freeze.

I thought she died in a car accident?

Jax’s fists clench and his jaw ticks at the Alpha’s words.

Before any of us can react, Colt bursts into the room and shoots the rogue Alpha in the arm, his hands loosen slightly as he drops his gun. I jump out of the way when he falls to his knees, clutching his wounded arm.

Jaxon pulls me into his arms and presses his lips to mine. I kiss him back, not caring that tears are rolling down my cheeks.

“Don’t look baby,” he whispers, he pulls away from me and I keep my back turned, knowing that I don’t want to see what he’s going to do to that man.

Kayla rushes over and hugs me and Colt breaks off my handcuffs. I try to ignore the screams of pain coming from behind me, my breath catches in my throat as they abruptly stop, and sickening crack resounds around the room.

“It’s over, let’s get out of here,” Colt says, he takes Kayla’s hand in his and leads her out of the room.

I jump as I feel Jax’s arm wrap around my waist, I spin around to face him and press my face into his chest.

“I was so worried about you,” he whispers in my ear as I squeeze him tightly against me.

“I’m okay. I missed you,” I reply, leaning back so I can look into those beautiful green eyes of his.

“I missed you too.”

He lifts me up so he can press his lips to mine. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, I relish in the wonderful feel of his strong body.

An unwelcome thought of why Kayla and I were in the forest to begin with pops into my head, but I ignore it for the time being and let Jax lead me out of the house that has been my prison for the last few days.

I try not to look at the bodies strewn across the floor and the grass as Jax holds my hand and takes me to the tree line. I keep my eyes on the trees, knowing if I see the bodies, the image will stay with me for a long time.

I step behind a tree and take off my clothes, I tie them securely around my ankle and shift. I don’t say anything as we run through the trees back to our pack, I just follow him home.

My mind is spinning, going over the last few days and today’s events. It’s clear we need to talk about his ex, because he’s obviously not been honest with me, but I’m not sure right now is the time. To be honest, I’m emotionally drained and I don’t feel like getting into it right now.

“So, are we going to talk about it?” Jax asks the moment we step inside his house; I turn to face him.

“Talk about what?” I reply, annoyed with myself for playing dumb.

“Sophia,” he says, and I feel uneasy at the sound of her name.

“I’d like to shower first,” I tell him, walking up the stairs before he can argue.

I’ve had a stressful morning, to say the least, and I just want to wash the smell of that rogue off of me. And perhaps burn these clothes.

I spend longer in the shower than usual, trying to keep my mind off of the conversation I’m going to have to have when I get out.

I scrub hard at my body, attempting to wash off all traces of that horrible rogue. When I finally step out, I’m as pink as a lobster from the hot temperature and incessant scrubbing.

I dry myself off and get dressed into some of Jax’s clothes.


Why does he have to smell so good?

I’m relieved to see I’ve returned to my normal colour by the time I come downstairs.

Jaxon is sat behind his desk, looking solemn and guilty.

I sit down in front of him and cross my arms over my chest. We both look at each other for a moment in silence.

“Explain then,” I mutter petulantly and wait for his response.

“Sofia...was my fiancée,” he starts, and I can’t stop myself from cutting in.

“Yes, I know. Your mother kindly filled me in,” I comment bitterly and Jax flinches.

“My parents were the ones who arranged the marriage,” he tells me, he stands up and drags his hand through his hair.

“We were together, but we both knew we were more like friends than anything, I loved her but not the way I love you.” He looks at me and I try to keep my emotions off of my face.

“My parents wanted us to be together, they brought us together when we were young, and we mainly went along with it to keep them happy.” He pauses and leans back against the wall.

“The night she...was killed, we had a huge fight, I wanted to break off the engagement, she wanted to carry on a bit longer until Cade found his mate and the attention could be on him, she didn’t want to disappointment my parents,”

I clasp my hands together, mentally stopping myself from wringing them.

“She left after we argued and that’s when Seok murdered her, it killed me that our last conversation had been an argument, and my Mum took a long time to forgive me for lying to her,” he explains, looking exhausted.

“I’ve carried around this guilt, not knowing whether it was Seok that killed her, not knowing who I could blame other than myself,” he says, and I stand up and walk over to him.

“You can’t blame yourself,” I tell him quietly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He places his hands on my waist and rests his forehead on my shoulder.

“It’s my fault, had we not argued she would not have left that night,” he admits, and I shake my head, knowing he can’t see it.

“Then Seok would have got to her some other time, it is not your fault, you’ve avenged her, he’s dead,” I tell him, and his hands squeeze me tighter.

“I love you,” he replies, pulling back to look at me.

“After all the shit you’ve been through for me, I can’t explain how much I love you,” Jax says, and my eyes tear up.

“I love you too,” I whisper and lean in to kiss him.

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