When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Eighteen

Kayla’s POV.

I wake up to the smell of Colton, and for a horrible, twisted moment, I think I’m back in his arms. But no.

The events of yesterday flash quick and painful through my mind, the girl with the tattoos, the cheating mate, the rogues. I roll over to find Sienna already sat up in bed and doing a word-search. Those bloody word-searches are saving our sanity right now.

“Good morning, Kay,” she says perkily, using her nickname for me.

“Morning, why are you so chirpy?” I mumble, sitting up and stretching.

“We are one day closer to getting out of here,” she explains, and I roll my eyes.

“Thank Goddess,” I reply, sliding out of bed and heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

The door opens as I come out of the en suite. I go over to my handbag as I remember I haven’t taken my pill today.

“Do you want one of mine?” I ask Sienna, holding up the packet.

“Oh, crap! Yes, please! Last thing I need is to be on my period here,” she replies, I nod and hand her a pill.

The tall man from earlier comes in with a tray with what I presume is breakfast, but what surprises me is the big bouncer-looking guy that follows in after with a small T.V. I watch excitedly as he plugs everything in and adjusts the settings.

“Alpha will see you shortly,” the tall man announces, and then they both leave the room.

“Well, thank fuck for that,” Sienna says, she grabs the remote and starts flicking through the channels.

I bring the plates of toast over and set them down on the carpet. We sit down and enjoy our breakfast whilst watching cartoons.

We both look up as the door opens, and in strolls an attractive man we haven’t seen before. He’s taller than tall guy, which is tall, probably about 6"3.

He has dark hair and brown eyes. He looks harmless, if it wasn’t for the malicious look on his face and scars all over his arms.

“Ladies, let me apologise for the way you were brought here.” He smirks, closing the door behind him.

He has a gravelly voice that immediately rubs me the wrong way. Sienna and I both lower our plates to the floor, Sienna turns off the T.V.

“By darting us you mean?” Sienna spits angrily and he smirks again, bastard.

“Yes, I am sorry about that. This really is nothing personal, it’s just to do with your Alpha,” he says, and I frown, looking at Sienna.

“What is your problem with Jax?” She asks and his eyes light up.

“So, you’re his mate? Good, I was trying to work out which one of you it was,” he replies and Sienna’s face pales, I squeeze her hand reassuringly.

“Why have you taken us?” I ask and he narrows his eyes at me.

“Because I need you to lure Jax here, so I can kill him,” he declares boastfully, and Sienna starts shaking with anger next to me.

“He’ll kill you,” Sienna says darkly, and I know she is beyond pissed, I would be.

“We’ll see about that, Luna,” he teases and his eyes narrow as he looks at her. “Or rather, you’re not a Luna yet, are you? He hasn’t marked you, interesting.”

He grins and Sienna scowls, gripping my hand tightly.

“Who is your mate? I can smell him all over you,” he asks, his question now directed at me.

“Fuck off,” I reply angrily, and he raises an eyebrow in amusement.

“Hmm, I guess we’ll find out. Anyways, hopefully your Alpha will be here soon, we have unfinished business.”

He leaves before we can ask him anything else.

“I’m scared, Kay, what if he gets hurt?” Sienna asks me and I quickly pull her into a hug.

“He’ll be fine Si, you know how strong his pack is, and he’s not stupid, he’ll know it’s a trap,” I reassure her.

Now that we have the T.V, we know the time, and the day passes painfully slowly. We watch T.V, Sienna showers and I braid her hair for her, we eat our meals in silence and the mood in our small room takes a depressing turn.

Yesterday we were bored, but hopeful, today, we are both worried sick that our mates are going to walk straight into a trap.

I wake up the next morning and take a long shower. With the wonderful smell of the shampoo filling my nose and the hot water hitting my back, I can convince myself for a few precious minutes that I’m back at home.

Soon enough my bubble is burst, and I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself, I look down at my thong on the floor. Yesterday, I just turned it inside out, but I can’t do that again today.

I sigh and fill the sink with hot water, I squirt in some shower gel and drop my thong in the water. I let it soak whilst I dry off and put on my jeans and Colton’s shirt. I’ll just have to go commando until it dries. I rinse the bubbles off and wring out the now-clean thong. I put it on the towel rack to dry and clean my teeth.

Sienna comes in behind me in her underwear and begins cleaning her teeth.

“I washed my thong with some shower gel, it’s drying on the side,” I tell her, spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing my brush.

“That’s a good idea, I’ll do that,” she mumbles, her mouth full of toothpaste, I step out of the bathroom and leave her to it.

I wonder if my parents know I’m missing? I already have a week off work so that’s not a problem, but my parents don’t even have Colton’s number to call him. It’s only been two days, but I speak to my mum almost daily, hopefully she just thinks I’m busy.

We watch T.V for an hour or so until I hear a howl outside.

“Did you hear that?” I ask Sienna and she looks at me confusedly, obviously not then.

“No, what you on about?” She asks and another howl rings out, I roll my eyes and turn off the T.V.

“Listen,” I tell her, we both sit in silence for a few awkward moments, and I question whether I am just imaging things. But finally, two howls sound out at the same time.

“Something’s happening.”

She jumps up and we both look at the door as the lock twists. The bulky guy comes in and orders us to hold out our wrists, I look over at Sienna in panic as he puts silver handcuffs round our wrists.

“What’s going on?” Sienna asks and bulky guy smirks.

“It seems your Alpha has arrived.” He smirks and I feel my heart skip a beat.

That means Colton is here.

Bulky guy opens the door and gestures for us to walk out, I exit into the hallway and look around to see a load of doors and stairs at the end.

Are there no windows in this place?

I turn around to see Sienna suddenly knee bulky guy in the balls, I take the hint and begin running towards the stairs. I hear a thud behind but I’m too scared to look over my shoulder. I race down the stairs, frantically looking around as I get to the bottom, it’s mayhem, wolves are everywhere attacking each other.

I look behind me for Sienna, but I can’t see her, I go to head back upstairs for her, but I hear a man shout at me. Without thinking I run out of the front door which has been ripped open and I rush outside, grateful to see sunshine for the first time in two days.

I can’t save Sienna if I’m already caught, I need to get help.

“Kneel,” a voice barks in my ear and I panic as I feel the cold barrel of a gun pressed to my forehead.

I slowly lower to my knees and look up at the black haired, blue eyed dickhead smirking down at me.

“Let’s find out who you belong to, eh?” He asks cockily.

Before I can ask what he means, he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks hard, making me squeal loudly. Tears form in my eyes from the pain.

A shiver runs down my spine as I hear an all too familiar growl above the chaos taking place around us.


I breathe a sigh of relief as I see him emerge from the fighting bodies of wolves in just a pair of shorts. I know it’s totally not appropriate right now, but fuck me, he looks delicious. His expression is furious as he storms over to where I am currently kneeled with a gun to my head.

“So, you’re the one who marked this bitch?” The prick asks and Colton growls in warning, his eyes soften as he looks at me.

“You okay, angel?” He asks and I nod quickly, I’m just relieved to see him.

“Where is your Alpha?” The prick asks and Colton shrugs casually, I almost laugh, how does he remain so indifferent?

“Call him over, or I’ll shoot her!” The prick threatens, he pushes the gun harder against my temple and I wince, unable to stop a couple tears leaking out.

I’m fucking terrified right now.

I jump as I hear something happen behind me, the prick groans and drops the gun. I spin on my knees to see a member of Jax’s pack shaking his hand as if he’s just punched someone. Before I can comprehend what is happening, Colton is in front of me, holding the prick up by his throat.

Never threaten my girl,” he growls and snaps the man’s neck.

I scream and fall back against the ground. My eyes are wide with the horror I’ve just witnessed. Colton turns around and grabs my cuffs, he pulls on the metal, and it snaps in his hands like plastic.

I throw my arms around his neck as he grabs me by my waist and pulls me up to hug me. I press myself against his warm, hard chest and instantly feel better.

“Shit, angel, I was going crazy without you,” he whispers in my hair, and I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to process all this.

I’ve missed him so much.

“Sienna is inside, we need to go get her,” I quickly tell him, feeling awful for not going after my best friend.

“Don’t worry, Jax is on it, but he might need some help,” Colt says, he grabs the gun off the floor and turns to face me.

“Go hide in the trees, I’ll come get you when this is over,” he tells me, and I look at him like he’s crazy.

“Uh, hell no, not happening,” I reply, and he glares at me in annoyance. Before he can argue further, I march in front of him towards the building.

“You are insufferable woman,” he growls and grabs my hand, storming in front of me and pulling me behind his body.

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