We'll End Up In Hell Boys

Chapter 19

“Divana, thank you for sharing your past with us. Is there anything else that you would like to talk about to feel at ease?” Dorian asked the moment we were alone in the kitchen. His expression was filled with concern, and I felt warm. It was genuine.

Flashes from my orphanage days ran through my mind as he mentioned my past, they were not happy memories, and I would rather forget them. I forced a smile and shook my head. “No, thank you, Dorian.”

“Are you sure?”


“Guys, where’s the cake?” Isa called from the living room, and I snapped from my daze and rushed back to avoid talking with Dorian. He somehow knew that I was lying. “Finally!” Isa said.

“Don’t be such a baby, we were gone for less than five minutes.”

“A lot can happen in five minutes,” Roy stated and wiggled his eyebrows, which made me slap his neck.

“Yes, a lot of talking!” I glared.

“And a lot of making out,” Lance added the moment Dorian entered the room. I will kill them one day.

“Who’s making out?” Dorian asked.

“No one, now let’s eat!” I replied before they could comment, and I cut the cake. I heard Dylla and Isa chuckle, and I sighed. They will pay.

“Girls, let’s have a walk in the neighborhood,” Dylla suggested when the boys decided to ignore us and watch a football game. Isa and I did not think twice as we jumped from our seats and ran to the door.

“Bye, guys,” I called, and we were out. They did not even look at us. Boys will always be boys.

“So, Dylla… what do you think of Lance?” Isa asked.

“He’s a good friend.”

“Don’t friend zone him! I will not allow it. What do you think of Lance as boyfriend material?” I rephrased the question and crossed my arms.

Dylla stopped walking and looked at us with wide eyes. “Oh, you meant that. Well, to be honest, I don’t know the guy that well to judge him yet. He could be a pedophile for all I know.”

I looked at Isa, and we burst out laughing. “Honey, trust us, he is a kindhearted guy. He’s a great cop who loves seeing kids smile. He did some magic tricks to make children at the hospital laugh. True that he could be playful sometimes, yet he has a heart of gold, and it is soft. Please, give him a chance, Dylla. Just because your past dates were the wrong ones, it doesn’t mean that every guy is bad. Think about it.” I patted her shoulder with a smile.

“I agree with Diva, and if he ever makes you sad for any reason, we will kick his butt for you. Don’t worry, though, he won’t. He’s a bundle full of sugar.” Isa said with a smirk, and Dylla laughed.

“Fine, I will give him a chance if he ever asks me out.”

“He will, as soon as he finds the courage to do so,” I said and ran forward. “The last one to reach that blue house has to treat the winners to ice-cream,” I suggested. If you mention sweets in a race, girls will gain an unbelievable speed and strength to win. I knew that I cheated as I started before them, but I also knew that Isa could race a horse if she wanted to win. I did not know about Dylla’s speed or competitive soul, so I did not want to risk my chance.

“Diva, that’s not fair!” Dylla yelled behind me, and I laughed. As I was a few feet away from the house, a black van blocked my way, and two masked men jumped out. My vision suddenly became black, and I was shoved inside the vehicle. “Divana!” I heard Dylla and Isa yell.

I tried to fight them off, yet the door was closed, and we were on the road to God knows where. “Let me go! Jerk-faces! Although I didn’t see your faces, I know that you are ugly sons of a female dog!”

“Shut up.”

“You kidnap me, and you want me to shut up? I can’t do both, and since you are already taking me away, I will never shut up. Just so you know, I can speak for hours nonstop, and even if you cover my mouth, I will still be able to talk. It’s my talent, so don’t tell me to shut up again.”

“Why did we kidnap a garrulous one?” one of the men asked.

“Because the promised money could help us leave Rio for good, and the police will never find us.”

I arched my eyebrows. “Promised money? Who promised you?”

“None of your business.”

“Oh, it is my business. If you forgot, I am the one being kidnapped here!”

I heard someone sigh. “If you stay silent… people from your country told us to kidnap you, and they promised us a huge amount of money if we hand you to them.”

“Shit!” I spoke as I remembered the reason why were are in Brazil in the first place. They followed us, whoever Roy warned me about. “They will kill me once they get what they want.”

“So? We kill, especially women. We don’t care as long as we too get what we want,” a man replied. His way of talking reminded me of Jino’s description of the No La Vida gang. Great, I was stuck with a merciless gang because of my parents’ money. Thank you, news reporter.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Somewhere to hide you until they arrive.”

“I need to pee.”

“Nice try, hold it in.” Men were so rude.

“I really need to pee!”

“I said, hold it in!”

“I have been holding it in for… how many minutes passed since you graciously kidnapped me?” I asked.

“Ten minutes.”

“And how long should I wait till we arrive?”

“Another ten minutes.” They unconsciously narrowed my search if I were to find a phone and call for help. Twenty minutes from the blue house, and we only took one left turn. I need to stay calm and memorize my steps when we reach their destination because when I escape, I will not get lost and waste time.

“Why are you quiet now?” a man asked, and he was new. They were three men in the van, minimum.

“I was thinking of ways to reach the end of the rainbow.”


“What?” I repeated and heard a sigh. I would make their life a living hell if they were talking me to mine. No one kidnaps me without a struggle. “Are we there yet? I want to pee!”

“Why did we kidnap her again?”

“Because of things that come from trees,” I answered.


“Money, idiots,” I said with a smirk. I knew that they could not see it because of the bag on my head. Classy.

“Just shut up,”

“Wrong words, I told you, I won’t shut up unless you let me go. Now let’s embarrass the hell out of you.” I crossed my arms. “The ones who held me are short. Why don’t you find a job that suits your height instead of killing and kidnapping?” I asked.

“We are not short!” they defended, and I knew that I hit the right nerve.

“You are, I know what I saw before my vision was blocked. I am a girl that is not that tall but still a good height for a girl. However, your height is way shorter than the average guy since we’re almost the same height. I feel sorry for you.”

“Can we kill her?”

“No, it’s not our job this time.”

“Are we there yet?” I asked again.

“Shut up!” all of them yelled, and I laughed.


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