Un2talented (Book 3 of the Un2 Series)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Eight

Three cups of coffee, three pieces of pie, and a side order of bacon had been consumed during Gary’s telling of the events that led him and Leslie to being locked in the freezer and their subsequent adventure in the grotto beneath the mansion. He told them that the initial visit to the mansion had involved his friends, Danny and Joey, repaying a somewhat unsavory past-due debt to DeLeon. He figured that the full truth, including the bits about vampirism, would be a little too much to digest considering they were still reeling from his transformation.

“So, Leslie and I thought we could sneak in and snoop around and find out what happened to them. Going to the police was out of the question considering the circumstances. Besides, the guys are full-grown adults. What could the police do anyway?” Gary wiped the remaining fruit filling from his plate with his index finger and stuck it into his mouth.

“What did you think you would do if you found them?” Dorian asked.

“We figured since Leslie is a pretty formidable guy and not much scares me that we would be able to force our way out if. We thought we might have to deal with some roadies. We didn’t consider that DeLeon would have henchmen.”

“What are you going to do now?” Cadence probed.

“I need to get back into the grotto and look for Leslie. The problem I face, beyond getting back into the grotto, is what form I should be in while searching. There are obvious advantages to be had if I go while I’m in human form, such as having hands and the ability to speak. But as a dog, I am faster, stronger, and I can track his scent. People are more intimidated by me in dog form, as well.”

“I vote dog,” Dorian stated.

“I think man,” Cadence countered. “He will need his hands to get through doors.”

“I’ll be his hands,” Dorian offered, without missing a beat.

“I couldn’t ask you to do that!” Gary objected. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I side with Gary!” Cadence agreed.

“Listen, Gary needs help and we’re the only friends he has that aren’t being held captive by a maniacal rock star and his henchmen!” Dorian insisted.

“A little dramatic, aren’t we? For all we know they were all gingerly escorted from the estate by polite staffers.”

“Do you believe that, Cadence? Do you really?” Dorian pushed back.

“I’m not sure what to believe. I want to believe that whatever is happening with Gary’s friends has a rational explanation and that the job that may open doors to my dream career doesn’t involve preparing meals for a maniacal musician’s entourage.”

“Based on my personal experiences over the past couple of days I would lean toward the latter. I’m sorry,” Gary frowned. “I don’t expect any help from either of you. I appreciate the thought. I really do. I am going to go back there and try to find Leslie, but if DeLeon is the kind of man I think he is I can’t, I won’t involve you.”

“I can’t believe you are going back there!” Dorian turned to Cadence. “Yet you are against me going with Gary. Why is it okay for you to go back to Murder Mansion and not me?”

“Murder Mansion? Now you’re being ridiculous! There’s no proof that there is anything the least bit dangerous happening . . . “

“AHA!” Dorian cut off Cadence mid-sentence.


“You need to pick one. Either it is dangerous, and no one should go back there or everything is peachy keen and we all go back. You can’t have it both ways. What’s it going to be?”

Cadence sighed, knowing Dorian had her dead to rights.

“I guess we all go back.”

Gary began to object, but Dorian cut him off.

“And you need a wingman. I’m going with you! Got it?”

“I . . . “Gary tried to object again.

“I, nothing. I’m going!” Dorian demanded.

All at the table agreed, albeit two of them were reluctant partakers. The discussion paused as the waitress stopped by the table to top off the trio’s coffees. Gary redirected the conversation as he added cream and sugar to his freshened brew.

“We’ve talked a whole lot about me. Mind if I ask a thing or two about you?” Gary looked at Dorian.

“Not a prob,” Dorian replied.

Gary leaned forward, surrounding his cup with two hands. “When I first came to you at the mansion you experienced a little transformation of your own. What’s that about?”

“Honestly, I don’t know! I wish I did. Whatever is happening with me started a day or so ago. Cadence and I have been trying to figure out what is going on. Something happens when I physically interact with someone. If what we think is true, I can mimic some ability that is unique to them as long as I am in contact with them. The fact that I started to sprout fur while we were in contact kinda reinforces that idea.”

“You should have seen him catch that Frisbee in his mouth when he was petting a customer’s dog back at the motel!” Cadence laughed.

“Another dog, huh?” Gary raised an eyebrow at Dorian, who fumbled for a response.

“Ha! I’m just teasin’!” Gary chuckled. “Anything else cool happen? What happens if you touch Cadence?”

“Cadence has incredible rhythm and can beatbox like you wouldn’t believe! When I hold her hand I can do the same.”

Dorian took Cadence’s hand and began a very precise sputter. As the rhythm flowed from his lips Gary reached out and touched his hand. Dorian barked as he did. Dorian continued beatboxing as Gary repeatedly touched his hand, replacing the pops and sputters with yips and yaps. Cadence laughed so hard she broke free from Dorian’s touch sending him into a string of non-rhythmic woofs. The other patrons turned to see the cause of the racket.

The threesome slumped into their booth and tried to muffle their snickers. Their postures straightened as the onlookers returned to their meals. Gary’s demeanor shifted quickly from giddy to solemn.

“Guys, this short break from the awfulness that has been my life the past couple of days was great, but I need to get back to business. I’ve got to find out what happened to Leslie and the others. I need to get back to the mansion. Can you drive me back? Just get me close and I will take it from there.”

“We will take it from there,” Dorian corrected.

Cadence nodded an unenthusiastic response. “But getting you to the mansion is not enough. You need to get inside somehow.”

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