TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 16: Party

It’s almost 12 o’clock in the

afternoon but the party

continues. King William extended

the party till sunset, his just so

thankful for the blessings of

having a grandchild sooner.

He also told the palace master

chief to cook more foods for the


After dancing with Hans, I

decided to go back to table where

I left Faye and Gaile. Hans also

leave the party and I don’t know

where he go after. He always act

so mysterious.

“Hey, Chloe where is your

dancing partner? Did he already

leave the party?” Faye teased me

while smiling.

“Yeah, that guy..who always make

my heart jump.” I answered. Then

I seat beside them.

“You two looked good together”.

Gaile said, if your not in the

competition did Hans has a

chance in you?” she asked me.

What if? What if I am not in

the competition? It’s so impossible

because when that happen maybe

I dont meet him yet. Where meant

to knew each other here in the

palace and not in our normal


“I don’t think so...” I just simply

replied. They looked confused

and frustrated with my answer.

But thats the real situation. I

believe that things really happen

for a reason and meeting Hans

is one of those. Maybe I meet him

just to make my life colorful

while I was still in the

competition, but after this all

will back into normal. After

that heart talk conversation

we eat our lunch. The food really

taste good.

We are all surprised when Prince

Dale and Princess Kaitlyn walk

around and talk to all the

visitors, after then they walked

towards our directions. First,

they go to the table of the other

ladies where Freda and her

friends is. I heard them greet

the Prince and the Princess.

After that, they go in our


“Hey, ladies..Did you enjoy the

food?” Prince Dale asked us.

“Yes, the food is really good.”

Faye urgently answered while

smiling. I want to tell her to

stop flirting with the Prince. She’s

so obvious. I looked at her and

make a stop sign face. She then,

act like a normal lady.

“That’s great..” he replied.

“Oh, by the way. Congratulation.

We all wish that the baby will

be healthy.” Gaile said.

“Thank you..” Princess Kaitlyn

answered with smiling face.

She’s more beautiful when you

see her in face to face. I’m sure

that there baby will be beautiful

or handsome.

“Congrats.” I added,

“Thank you again.” Prince Dale

and Princess Kaitlyn said in

chorus. Then, I was surprised

when the Princess hold my

hand. I was starstruck for what

She did.

“I hope that one of you will win.”

she said. Why did she said that?

Anyway, just enjoy the party and

see around.” she added. They

walked away and talked to the


“Did you gaiz, know what she

mean?” Faye asked.

“Maybe, she wanted that one

of us will win.” Gaile said,

“Yeah, your right Gaile.” I added.

Did you want more drinks?” I

asked them.

“I want pine apple juice,” Faye


“Me too...” Gaile seconded.

“Okey, I will get some drinks for

us. Just wait for me here.” I said,

then started to walk. But I’m

shocked when I get into Freda’s

table. She suddenly stood up

and the drinks on her glass

throw into my dress.

“Your stupid. Don’t you see me?

or you’re just blind?” she hardly

asked me.

“I’m sorry, I said. I know I can’t

make any mistake today, it’s the

Prince and the Princess party. So,

I’d better to be careful. There’s

no use of fighting for this kind

of person. I just turn my back,

walked away and take the

direction of my room. I will

change my clothes.

I Know Faye and Gaile will find

me, but I decided to stay for a

while in my room. I seat into the

terrace and feel the fresh air

that blown. It’s only few days

left before the competition will

end. There’s a lot of good and

bad things happen when I was

in the palace. Being with Freda

is not that so easy. But the good

things is I meet and had a

new friends esp. Gaile, I also

meet Hans the reason why my

heart beats fast for the first time,

for seeing Prince Dale for the

second time and being in the


After those few reminiscing, I

decided to go back to the party.

I used the clothes my dad gave

me on my birthday. Good thing

I have this in my closet. I

hurriedly back to the party and

was curious that everyone is

talking. Then I saw Faye going

into my direction.

“Chloe, where have you been?

We are finding you around.”

Faye asked me.

“I changed my clothes.”

“What happened?”

“I accidentally pour the glass

of juice of my dress so I go into

my room. You know clumsy

thing.” I lied. Is there any

happened? Why everyone looked

so happy and talking non-stop?”

I asked her.

“That’s the reason why I was

here. Let’s go!” she said then

hold my hand.

“Wait...Why you’re so in hurry?”

I asked her again but she doesn’t

said a words. I suddenly stopped

when I saw a familiar faces. Am

I dreaming?Or am I halucinating?

“C-chloe, sweety....” I heard. I am

not dreaming. I only know one

person who called me by that.

“M-mom???” I said.

Then she walked in my direction

and hugged me so tight. “I missed

you so much mom.” I added then

dad and Amber hugged me also.

My tears suddenly falls down

my face. I am so happy to see

them here.

“Hey, gaiz..I missed you so much,

But what are you doing here?”

I asked them.

“We received an invitation this

noon. King William invited us

to be here in this special

occassion.” dad answered.

I almost forgot. That was written

on the rules. We can see our

families when there is special

occassions. But I was really

surprised. Good things really


“How are doing here sweety?”

mom asked me.

“Im Fine, mom.. Let’s go and

enjoy the food. I have a lot of

stories to tell. Hey! Little sister,

I missed you.” I said and hugged

Amber so tight.

Everybody is so happy. And we

are all thankful to King William

for giving this opportunity. To

be with our families. I don’t

know where to start my story

all I want to do right now is to

spend this day with my family.

....to be continued [:-)

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