TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 16: Last Two Nights

“That questions you had on your


Time really flies so fast, only one

day and two nights left before

the competition end. Every one

is excited and curious about our

last challenge. After this, one of

us ladies will be chosen to be

crowned and has the chance to

have the tiara and marry the

Prince - the prince that we

haven’t meet yet. If im not

gonna win in this, I wouldn’t

regret for being a part of the

competition. I know at first, I

really hated to be here but in

my forty four days and forty

three nights of staying in the

palace I realized something.

That, being a Princess is not all

about the tiara, not all about

power’s, and not all about being

in the position. It’s all about

loving everything that you had,

not just only money but also the

people around you. You had to be

humble and treat everyone like

they deserved to be treated. I wish

that whoever win this battle,

I hope she could be responsible


“Chloe, any problem? Why you

looked out of the world?” Gaile

asked me. Beside her is Faye

who enjoying the foods on the

table. We are now on the dining

having our dinner. King William,

told the palace chief to prepared

a special meal for us Nine ladies.

“Nothing, I’m just thinking

something.” I replied and smile.

“Oh, I know what’s on your

mind...“Faye added, I looked at

them. “Don’t worry, if none of

us win in the competition. I

know we could still be a princess.

Right Gaile?”

“Of course, everyone of us is a

princess in our own way...Even

if the competition end, always

remember that the three of us

will always be friends..and you

both are welcome in Laverna.”

Gaile said.

She’s really nice and strong

person. I’m happy to meet her.

And I always cherish the

moments that we’ve been

together. We continue eating,

when I suddenly saw a familiar

figure walking on the corridor.

Who is he? I decided to excuse

to Gaile and Faye and follow the

guy. Where he going? I asked my

self while I was hidding.

I saw the guy stop on the room

that near to where the King’s

room. Is he the Prince? I gently

walked near to his location. I

can’t see him clearly because the

light is behind his back.

“Prince David’s room” I read the

words written on the board. I

can’t believe it, the Prince is

really here already. But why

does he doesn’t reveal his

identity to us. The competition

is about to end. I cut my mind

from asking why’s, when I saw

him enter the room. Yeah, he

really it is.

Out of curiosity, I decided to

stay for a minute. Hoping that

I could finally see him after all.

The room is so quite, I don’t

heard anything. I was about to

walk when suddenly the door

opened. I was shocked when our

eyes meet.

“H-hans......” the only word I

said. No, he can’t be....

“Chloe...what are you doing

here?” he asked me looking

straight to my eyes. Why does

he always make me feel this


“I am supposed to ask you that.

Why are you doing here?” I back

the question to him. “Are you

the Prin.....” he interrupt me. So

I stopped from asking because he

laughed me.

“Seriously? Your thinking that I

was the Prince?” he asked me

like I said something funny.

“Then, what are doing there? I

read the sign board and it’s the

prince name written on that.”

I explained to him.

“Oh, that’s not mean that I am

the Prince like you were

thinking. I was here because

Froilan called me to teach the

Prince on how to dance.” he

answered. So, the real Prince is

really here.....

“You’re right. The Prince

is already here, if that’s what

your thinking. He arrived this

morning and his resting inside

this room.” he said like he was

obviously reads my mind. I

hate being caught, I feel so

embarrassed. “Now, can I asked

you again? Why you’re here?

I guess, your not supposed to be

here in this private place. Or

your trying to spy on something?

Your cheating? he asked

me. This man is accusing me?

No way...I am not cheating....

“If your not cheating then let’s

go”. he said, Does he really read

minds? I was suprised when he

hold my hand and trying to get

me out this place. I can’t say, no

because my body is like a wind

that floating and let it carried

when it blows. This guy, has

something that I can’t explain.

We suddenly stopped from

walking when we reach the

balcony near the front door.

He looked and me straight and

started to say some words.

“Don’t worry, you’ll gonna meet

the Prince the day after

tomorrow. And if you really

wanted to see him, I’m sure he

would gladly to see you if you

win the competition for him.

Maybe, this would be the last

time will see each other. I’m all

done with the palace. And once

the competition end, I can no

longer talk to you or to be near

you. But I always wishing you a

good luck.” he explained, I feel a

sudden hurts inside my heart.

If I win the competition I can

longer talk to him like this. But

Why is he always told me to win

the competition? I can’t under-

stand him. He always act


“W-what do you mean?” I asked him.

“Time will come, you’ll

understand what I mean. But for

now, I have to leave.” he added,

I have to go Lady Chloe. Take

care your self and take a good

rest tonight. Tomorrow is the

day. By the I like you Chloe since then. Goodbye....” he said then

turn his back and walk away.

His already out of my sight

but I still remain in my position.

Maybe his right. We can no

longer see each other again.

Because if I lose, im gonna be

home and live my life like


But wait..what does he mean that

he likes me since then...He likes me since the day we meet in the dancing lesson? Did I heard

right? He said he likes me? He

confess his real feeling? So, the

feeling is now mutual 😊

....to be continued (:-]

A/N: It’s hard to admit. But I need

to end this soon. So, I was thinking to add another two to three chapters. That would be the

Special Chapter, Last Chapter and

the Epilogue. So, I hope I can give you a good ending.


Thanks for reading....

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