TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 13: Admiration

“When you had to be yourself

sometimes.” 🍒

How many books do I have to

read? Time is running so slow.

I already felt the boredom.

It’s almost two and a half hour

has past since Hans and I talked.

When I back in my room the

breakfast is ready. A good

timing, because I’m starving.

I’m just wondering what does

the other ladies do right now.

Are they still with Prince Dale?

I missed the most important

day of my life. I secretly, admire

Prince Dale since and then. Ops!

Do I?” I asked my self. Maybe its

just an admiration. No one

knows about this thing. Even

my sister Amber doesn’t know

about this. I remembered the

day, before Princess Kaitlyn

get the reward of winning the

competition. Im walking in,

through the park that night.

I’m so amazed with the beautiful

lights that hanging on the tress.

It was my first time to be there,

mom and dad doesn’t permitted

us to go out of the house esp. on

night time. But the palace,

invited all the people of Oreon

including us on a lower class

family. So I had that time to

sneak out and enjoy the view of

the palace. I gently put my back

on tree’s with a lamp hanging.

Wow! They’re beautiful. I told

to my self as I looked up at the

trees with different colors.

“Yeah, really beautiful.” someone

said, from the other direction.

His a guy.

“Who are you?” I asked him.

“Someone that everyone knows.”

he answered.

“Where are you? I added. While

im still under the tree. Are there

someone tried to scare me. I’m

afraid of the dark.

“Right behind you...” he said,

I started to move my body. I have

to find where he is. “Woahh!!

I’m almost fall off, when he

showed his face. His right behind

the tree where I’m hidding. But

what makes me surprised is

when I found out that his not

just an ordinary guy. Its Prince

Dale..and I can’t be wrong.

“Hey! Are you okey? he asked

me. Do I scared you? I’m sorry.

“Good evening your highness.” I

said. N-no..I’m okey. ” I said,

“Good evening young lady.

What are you doing here? Your

alone. You’re not supposed to

be here.”

“I just passed by.” I lied.

“Hahahah...he laughed me. Your

not a good actress, you can’t

lie.” he said, how did he know

that I’m lying to him.? Did he

read my mind?

“Im sorry for not telling the

truth. Will you punished me?

I asked him.

“No. If you going to tell me the

truth”. he said smiling.

“I just sneak out to my mom

and dad..They told me not to go

anywhere. But I did. ”

“Your bad, young lady.”

“No im not. I just wanted to see

this place even for tonight.“I


“Okey if thats what you want.

But it’s already time..you have

to go back to your Mom and

Dad. The coronation will start

in a minute..” he said and walked

away. I started to make my

steps when I heard his word.

“I hope we could see each other

again young lady..” he added

and turn his back again.

That was the last time I see

Prince Dale. Im only twelve that

time. It’s been a long time and

I don’t if he still remember me.

I’m not the young lady he know

before. I’m full grown up now.

I’m too bored so I decided to

find someone to talk to. Time

is so slow this time. Maybe it’s

because I have nothing to do.

While I was walking through

the corridor, I saw Aunt Elisa.

“Aunt Elisa..” I called her name

then she looked at my direction

and stopped.

“Lady Chloe, what are you

doing her?” she asked me.

“I’m a bit bored in my room so

I take a walk. ” I answered.

“Is that so! Don’t worry the day

after you’d be back from the

competition.” she said and

smile. But I have to leave now,

I have to do something in the

kitchen.” she added.

“Oh, can I join you Aunt? If it’s

okey?” I asked her.

“O-okey..lets go! she said and

started to walked so I follow

her. We’re finally at the

kitchen. I’m so amazed again.

The kitchen is wider and the

utensils is so elligant. There

are so many kitchen utensils

in her. Woow!!! I said in a low


“Lady Chloe, just stay there as

I prepare the ingredients for

the royal family’s dinner.” she


“If you don’t mind Aunt Elisa,

I will help you as well.” I

volunteered my self. Then

she told me what will I am

going to do. I started to cut

the veggies into pieces. It’s

quite interesting for I don’t

do this in the house. Mom

never let us to do that thing.

I don’t know why. But she

always told us to do our

school works. Mom is a great

cook and a loving mom.

“Aunt Elisa....” I said.

“Huh? Do you need something?

she asked me.

“No I’m not. I just want to ask,

Is Prince Dale nice?” I hesitately

asked he. Aunt Elisa gave me a


“Prince Dale? Why did you ask

about him?”

“Nothing..I’m just curious.

“Dale is a very nice man. His

very down to earth, loving,

responsible and funny.” Aunt

Elisa said. I secretly smiled.

“H-how about Prince David?”

I asked her again. She looked

at me.

“David.. is also a good person,

humble, obedient, strong

personality, but mysterious


“Can you tell me more about

him Aunt Elisa? I asked her.

Then she smiled at me again.

Like she was teasing me.

“David, is just a simple person.

It’s been three years when he

decided to go in school. But

outside the Kingdom Oreon.

King William let him do what

he wants because he know that

David has a strong personality.

Sooner or later, you’ll gonna

see him. The school year is

about to close so I guess, one

of this days he’ll gonna be at

the palace again.” she said.

I heard a lot of things about

the royal family. And it made

me amaze. How good they are.

...to be continued (:-]

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