TIARA : A Search for Princess

Chapter 12: Damsel and Knight

"Feels like a damsel in distress.”

I was awakened by the sounds

coming from door, someone is

knocking. Oh, do I really slept?

or maybe my eyes is closed but

my soul is half awake. I can’t

forget what happened last night.

They tricked me. We’ll that’s

life, maybe its my last chance

to say goodbye and to see this

very wonderful palace of Oreon.

I stood up and opened the door.

“Lady Chloe, please fixed your

self now, the king is waiting for

you..” aunt Elisa explained. I’ll

be back in a minute, she added.

“Okey aunt Elisa, I said then

closed the door and take a

shower. This is your last day

Chloe. In a minute, the palace

will kick you out back to your

home. I told to my self. Waah!

This is all I got for following

and trying to stopped Freda’s

company. I’m not a cheater.

After a minute, Aunt Elisa

knocked on my door and I’m

ready. Ready to be out to the

competition. As walk through

the corridor, I saw the other

girls. They were whispering

and talking and laughing

like I had done a big mistake.

And oh, speaking of Freda.

A big smile painted on her lips.

She must be happy for after a

minute I’m gone on her way.

Aunt Elisa lead me through out

a room. I took a deep breathe.

“Don’t worry everything will

gonna be alright.... she

confidently said. What does

she mean? Everything’s not

alright, I’m so disgusted and

my heart beat so fast. I’m gonna

talk to the king? How am I?

Ashamed but not guilty. I hold

the door knob and gently push

it. A two soldier’s lead me to

the king. I bow my head and

look straight to King William.

This is the third time I’m gonna

see him this so closed. First, is

when the announcement of the

fifteen finalist; second is our

first dinner in the palace and

third, is right now. For accusing

to the thing that’s not true.

How sad.

“Lady Chloe, right? he asked me.

“Yes, i am. Your highness.” I


“I heard about what happened

last night..and you all ladies,

read the rules of the

competition. You all are not

permissioned to go near or

enter the forest isn’t it?.” he

asked me.

“Yes, I read it your highness.

I’m already prepare for this

day.. If I’m out to the battle,

I’m gonna accept it. ” I said

and gently looked down.

“Then, you know that rules is

rules... he said, then stood up

and go near the terrace. “But

I’m so impressed with you

young lady.” he added.

I don’t understand what he


"Despite of everything you

remain humble and willing

to accept the consequences.

But you don’t have to worry

anymore, you’re still on the

competition. There are hidden

cameras on the palace, and

Froilan reviewed it. The three

girl’s tried to cheat and you

wanted to stopped them. But

it wasn’t happen, perhaps they

accused you.“he explained.

I was so happy hearing that

good news. I’m still remain

on the competition. I can now


“But you still have to punished,

for going near the forest. The

four of you. You’re not joining

the training for today. That

means you cannot gain points.

You can now go back to your

room while the others is on

special class today. Prince

Dale will talked to the other

girls for personal questions.”

he added.

“Thank you your highness.” I

said then start to walked

going back to my room. Now

I understand what Aunt Elisa

told me awhile ago. For not

worrying too much because

im still on the competition.

But im so envious with the

other ladies, Prince Dale will

gonna talk to them. How

lucky they are. I’m sure

right now, Faye is feelin’ like

shes on cloud nine.

Instead of going back to my

room, I decided to go to the

garden. I seat in and close

my eyes and smell the scents

coming from the newly bloom

flowers around me. The air is

so refreshing and air is blowing

up my hair. I just let it

scattered on my face.

“Your even more beautiful

when you look like a mess.”

I heard someone’s voice. I

open my eyes and terrible

surprised. What does this

gorgeous man doing here??

That smile that melt my heart

everytime. Chloe, deep breathe.

Why is it, he always there when

I am in trouble? Is he really my

damsel in distress? My knight

in a shinning armour?

“H-Hans, what are you doing

here? I asked him. But instead

of answering me he just smiled

at me.

“I’m just visiting my

friend. And oh, by the way

I heard that you almost kick

out?” he curiously asked me.

“Is that so.” I said, im feeling

disappointed. Your expecting

too much Chloe, your having

a day dream.. “Actually, I’m just

done talking with the King a

while ago. And fortunately,

I’m still going to fight.” I


“That’s great. Don’t give up,

you had to remain on the

competition. The Prince, will

surely like if you win it. ” he

said, I’m really stupid for

having this feeling towards

he doesn’t even care for my

real feeling. He occupy the

empty bench next to me.

“Why you look at me like that?

Do you like me isn’t it?

Hans asked me, I can’t look at

him straigt to his eyes. I’m

blushing and my face is turning

into red. What would I do?

“Yes, I like you Hans. But you

always pushing me to win this

competition and marry the

Prince. Don’t you see, im inlove

with you.. Im in love with you

Hans, did you hear it?” I asked


“Hey! Chloe, are you alright?”

Hans tapped my shoulder.

Alright, Im out of my self again.

I’m on the other world for a

seconds. (Back to reality).

“Yah, I’m okey. I just

remembered something.” I

answered. Hoping that it

happened, but it wasn’t. I’m

not brave enough to confess

my self.

“By the way, I have to go.” he

said. Before I could talk, he

started to turn his back and

walked away.

That man, is so mysterious,

numb, and crazy sometimes.

You’ll see. An idea, came into

my mind.

....to be continued (:-]

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