Those Three Little Words

: Chapter 31

“So this is the infamous cabin?” I ask as Eli pulls his Tesla into one of the six garage bays. “Not very cabin-like if you ask me. More like a mansion in the mountains.”

“Yeah, but Taters, for some reason, thinks it’s a cabin.”

“He’s wrong.”

Eli chuckles as he puts the car into park.

After our doctor’s appointment, Eli “punished” me for my behavior, but I didn’t think it was much punishment at all, well, besides not letting me come for what felt like ten minutes. I was so turned on that when I did come, it dragged on forever. Probably one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had. So really, I think I won twice.

He then asked me if I wanted to come up to the cabin with him for a few weeks. It took me two weeks to wrap some things up at the office, but lucky for us, the Agitators always give staff time off once the season is over since we put in so many hours during the season. My mini vacation starts now.

The drive up was supposed to be eleven hours, doable in a day, but because I like to pee a lot, we split the trip up into two days, and we stayed at a hotel in Kamloops where we shared a giant cookie in bed while watching the final season of Ozark.

It was simple and nice.

And of course this morning, I knelt in front of Eli and gave him a blow job that brought him down to the ground, only for him to return the favor after he caught his breath.

Before getting out of the car, Eli turns toward me. “I haven’t said anything to Pacey about us being here . . . together. I haven’t really talked to him much at all, so I’m not sure if he’s coming up or not.”

“Do you not want to tell him?”

“I wanted to feel you out and see what you wanted to do. I’ll back whatever your decision is.”

“Well, I want to be with you. I don’t want to have to sneak around, hold your hand when no one is looking, or pretend we’re not together for the sake of someone else’s feelings.” I take his hand in mine. “I just want to be normal.”

He smiles softly and brings our connected hands to his lips, where he presses a soft kiss. “I want the same thing.”

“Good. So if Pacey does come up with Winnie, we can pull him to the side and tell him.”

“Or, I can text him.”

I pause for a second, thinking about it. “I mean, I’m not opposed to it. Better than having a long, drawn-out conversation.”

Eli picks up his phone, and he opens up a text message with Pacey. “Let’s craft a text right now.”


He pauses. “And you’re sure you’re okay with this?”

“Listen, I think I’ve been making sure everyone else is okay during this pregnancy. I think it’s time we worry about ourselves for once.”

“Good answer,” he says and then starts typing while reading out loud. “Dear Pacey—”

“Oh my God, do not start it like that.”

“Why not?” he asks.

“Because that’s not how you speak to him. You want to be as casual as possible.”

“Right.” He starts typing again. “Hey, dickwad—”

“Starting things off with an insult isn’t great either. Maybe something like . . . hey man.”

He smirks. “Ah, you’re a clever one, Penny Lawes.” He types again. “Hey man, Hornsby here.”

“Oh my God.” I rip the phone from his grasp and do the dirty work myself. “‘Hey man, wasn’t sure if you’re coming up to the cabin or not, but if you are, heads-up, Penny and I are a thing now.’ Annnd send,” I say while pressing the blue arrow. “There, done. Now we can go make out in the kitchen.”

“Yeah, we won’t be doing that. I don’t need Taters staring us down, which . . . babe”—he pins me with a glare—“if we’re going to have sex in this house, which I’m assuming we will, given the way you nearly gobbled my dick this morning—”

“Hey, I did not gobble it.” I push at his shoulder, causing him to laugh.

“But given your voracious appetite for sex, you need to be fucking quiet, which I know will be hard for you, but you can’t be screaming like you normally do. Taters will bring it up since our rooms are near each other.”

“Not scream? So I don’t have to fake it anymore?”

“Shut the fuck up with that shit. You’re not faking.”

“How do you know?” I lift a questioning brow.

“Because”—he leans in close to me—“when you come, I can feel your pussy clenching around me, and it’s one of the sexiest feelings I’ve ever felt.”

My cheeks heat while my body follows closely behind. “The sexiest?”

“Yes,” he says, his voice lowering.

I lean in even closer and bring my hand to the back of his head just as his phone beeps with a text message.

“That’s Pacey,” he says, pulling away. He lifts his phone and reads the text out loud. “‘Not sure I’m going to make it up there. Winnie’s not talking to me still, and she’s staying at her friend’s house. Just don’t hurt Penny, like I said.’”

“Winnie isn’t even staying with him? What the hell happened that it could be that bad?” I ask. “And why hasn’t she told me it was this serious?”

“I don’t know. Should I ask?”

I nod. “Yes. Ask him. Also . . .” I poke his chest. “Listen to my brother, and don’t hurt me.”

He presses a soft, lingering kiss to my lips. “Never.” And then he types back. “Dude, what happened? Also, I promise I won’t hurt her.”

His response is immediate, and we read it together.

Pacey: My shit to worry about. Have fun in Banff.

“I don’t like that answer,” I say. “I’ll text Winnie in a bit to see if there’s anything we can do.”

“Hey,” a voice shouts from inside the garage. We both turn to see Taters standing in the doorway with only a pair of shorts on, holding his arms out. “What the hell are you doing? I’ve been waiting here to greet you for fucking ever.”

Eli opens his car door and says, “Sorry, just texting Pacey.”

Taters nods in understanding. “Spoke to him this morning. Things aren’t great with Winnie. Not sure they’re going to make it up here.”

“What the hell happened?”

Taters moves to the back of the car and opens the trunk. He peeks past the seats and says, “Hey, Penny.”

“Hey, Silas,” I answer as I get out of the car.

“They got in a huge fight. It started with Pacey’s neediness to control the situation between you two.” Taters motions between us. “But then turned into so much more. Pacey has been withdrawn, apparently because he’s been trying to plan his proposal. He hasn’t wanted to give anything away. Winnie took it the wrong way, and now everything’s gone to shit.” Taters pulls our suitcases out of the back. “He actually made me bring the ring here because he didn’t want Winnie to see it.”

“He was going to propose?” I ask. “Why didn’t he say anything to me?”

“Probably because we had enough going on,” Eli says. “Fuck, that’s brutal. What’s he doing to get her back?”

“Working with her best friends right now and telling them what happened, asking them not to spill the beans. It will be a miracle if they come up here from the sounds of it.”

I glance over at Eli. “I feel awful.”

“Don’t,” Taters says, closing the hatch. “Trust me when I say, he brought this upon himself, and he’d be the first to admit it as well. This is no one’s fault but his.” He pops up the handles of our suitcases. “But I’m glad you’re here. Holmes drove up with me, and all he’s done is read his goddamn books since we arrived. I need some company.”

“Is Stephan here?” Eli asks.

“Who’s Stephan?” I ask.

“Our chef,” Taters answers. “He comes up on Friday. He was here when we first arrived, but had to fly out and help his mom into her assisted living. Until then, I do have food this year, and to my demise, I have bologna as well.”

“Where’s Posey?”

“Driving up on his own. He’ll be here later today.” Taters looks between us. “Am I guessing you’re going to need some privacy?”

My face blushes as Eli steps in and says, “Can we take the loft?”

“That was my plan. I don’t need to be hearing you two.” And then he pushes our luggage toward the house. Eli takes my hand in his, and together, we walk in as a couple for the first time in front of his friends.

“WOW, I can’t believe Taters owns this place. How did he even find it?”

“Not sure,” Eli answers as he stretches across the bed, hands behind his head, looking so delicious that I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes off him. “But we all signed a contract that states if he ever sells it, we’re the first in line to purchase. We don’t want it ever leaving our circle.”

“I can see why.” I stare at the beautiful vaulted ceiling with wood beams and an understated black-framed candle chandelier. “This place is stunning.”

“Yeah, I can think of something more stunning.” I look over at him. His eyes are trained on me.

“Are you flirting with me, Eli Hornsby?”

“I’m appreciating you.” He sits up on his elbows. “I know you can have your pick of any goddamn guy in this world, and for some reason, you’re choosing me, a choice I’m not sure I’ll ever understand.”

I move toward the bed and climb up on it so I’m straddling his lap. “You should talk. I’m sure there were girls lined up at your hotel room, waiting to get their chance when you were away.”

“There weren’t,” he says. “They all hang out at the bar, and I was nowhere near that.”

“I wasn’t implying—”

“I know,” he says. “Just want to clarify any chance I get.”

I move my hands under his shirt. “You have been more than vocal about that.” My hands glide over his abs and then up to his pecs. He doesn’t move, doesn’t even blink as he lets me feel his impeccable body. “But thank you for appreciating me. Do you think you can appreciate me in the bathtub?”

“You want to take a bath?” he asks.

I nod. “My back is sore from the drive, and there’s a huge tub in the bathroom calling my name. I also saw some lavender salts.” I smooth my fingers over his nipples. “I’d love for you to join me.”

His brow creases. “Are you allowed to take a bath?”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Well, doesn’t it, you know, boil things if you sit in hot water?”

“Oh my God, Eli, I don’t have an actual egg inside me.”

“I know that,” he groans. “I just thought, you know, it could hurt the baby.”

“No, baths are completely normal.”

“Are you sure? Maybe we should ask Big Pecs.”

“Do you really want to call him?”

Eli winces. “No.”

“That’s what I thought. Seriously, it’s okay, and I could really, really use one right now. Please.”

“Babe, you naked and wet is not something you need to beg for. Just fucking show me the way.”

Chuckling, I lean down and press a kiss to his lips before getting off his lap and heading to the bathroom, him trailing behind me.

I start the tub, toss some salts inside, and then turn toward him and lift my arms up in the air. “Help me?”

“You realize you’re going to make me hard, right?”

“Nothing wrong with that.” I smirk at him.

Deliberately, he moves my shirt up and over my body and drops it on the floor. He squats down in front of me, presses both hands to my growing stomach, and kisses it gently before helping me out of my pants and underwear. His fingers drag up my inner thigh, and as he stands, he carefully turns me around so my back is to his chest. His hands glide up my sides, then down to the clasp of my bra, where he undoes it, then removes the thin straps from my body. The bra is tossed with the rest of my clothes right before his hand reaches around and grasps my breasts.

I arch into him and sigh. “They’re so sensitive.”

“I’ve noticed,” he says. “It’s really fucking hot, Penny. Everything. Especially your newfound confidence. You were so shy on my birthday, but I could see what you wanted that night. Now I don’t have to dig for it. You just tell me.” He’s not wrong. I’m still amazed Eli chose me, I’m not going to lie, but he’s given me so much . . . sexual confidence. Like I told him all those months ago, I hadn’t believed I was “good” at sex. But Eli has proven me wrong. It’s all about the chemistry between the couple that determines how good sex is. And we are explosive.

His fingers play with my nipples, pleasure tearing through me with each pass. “You’re not as intimidating to me anymore. I feel comfortable with you.” I turn and loop my arms around his neck. He slides his hands down my back to my ass, which he holds tightly. “I feel like I can talk to you about anything now. We’ve built that trust.”

With a look of utter contentment, he places a kiss on my forehead. “You’re the first person I’ve trusted outside of hockey. I don’t ever trust anyone, but you’ve been able to slowly change that perspective.”

“That means a lot to me,” I say as I stand on my toes and kiss him on the lips. Still holding me close to him, he returns the kiss, deepening it by opening his mouth and swiping his tongue over mine.

I groan into him and slip my hand down between us to his pants, where I feel his hardness through the fabric.

“I really want to take a bath,” I say as I move my hand past the waistband of his jeans.

“Then let’s take a bath,” he says right before pulling his shirt over his head. God, he’s so freaking ripped. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more perfect body. He’s sculpted and chiseled in all the right spots. His arms are strong and thick, while his waist is narrow and defined. He has the pinnacle V that I’m sure isn’t easy to accomplish.

He strips out of his pants and briefs, and I watch as his cock strains forward, searching out a release.

I reach for it, but he steps away. “You need the relaxation, and we’re going to do that in the tub first.”

“But you’re hard.”

“I’ll survive.”

He turns off the water. He then steps in and leans against the back of the large soaking tub. When he’s settled, he holds his hand out to me and helps me climb in. The water is warm, the perfect temperature for relaxation, and as I sink down between his legs, I can feel my body start to melt into him.

“Are you comfortable?” I ask him, his hard-on pressing against my back.

“Very,” he answers as he gently rests my head on his chest. “Are you?”

“Mmm, yes, I could fall asleep like this.”

“Then do it. I’ll take care of you.” He wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck.

It’s been a journey to get here, where Eli is openly affectionate, not holding back or chastising himself for having feelings, where we can simply enjoy each other with nothing hanging over our heads. I know this pivotal moment is a big step for us.

This is intimacy.

This isn’t just us tearing each other’s clothes off. This is more than that. This is us becoming one, and as he slowly laps water against me, I know this is a moment I’ll remember.

“Are you awake?”

“Yes,” I say as I place my hands on his.

“Your stomach is really starting to grow. I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but it’s exciting.”

“That’s not weird at all.”

“Have you felt the baby kick?”

“I have,” I answer. “It feels like a flutter, but I’ve felt him in there. And like Dr. Big Pecs said, he’s measuring quite big already, bigger than the average baby, so I think he’s going to have your height. Which, of course, makes me think about my apartment situation. I really need to find a bigger place, especially since Blakely and Winnie are already talking about having a baby shower for us. I won’t have any space for everything.”

His fingers trace up and down my arm as he quietly says, “I have space.”

“Which is so great, you won’t have to worry about having any issues with fitting things in your place. My landlord got back to me, and there are no current two-bedrooms up for rent. There’s a three-bedroom, but that’s way out of my price range. So I’ll have to find a new building, which is sad.”

“Penny, I have room,” he says again.

I give his hand a squeeze. “Yes, you said that.”

“You don’t understand what I’m saying.” He draws my chin so I’m forced to look at him. “I have room, for the baby . . . and you.”

Wait . . .

“And me . . . as in . . .” I swallow. “Like I move in?”

“Yeah,” he says, his eyes completely sincere.

“But . . . you don’t want that, me barging in on your personal space.”

“What have I done for the past few months?” he asks. “Barged in on yours.”

“It’s different.”

“How?” he asks.

“Because you’re, you know . . . this professional hockey player who I’m sure has better things to do with his life than move his baby mama into his apartment.”

“What are you saying?” he asks, confusion knitting his brow.

“I’m not trying to say anything, I’m just, I don’t know . . . I didn’t bring it up to pressure you or anything.”

“You didn’t ask me. I brought it up. It was my idea.”

“Still.” I shake my head. “I don’t want to do that to you.”

I turn back around, but he’s no longer holding me tightly. Instead, he’s stiff and unmoving and not in a good way. “What exactly do you think you’re doing to me?” he asks. “Because from where I see it, I’m trying to figure out what happens when the baby comes, and I just figured you could move in with me. But it seems as though you don’t want that.”

“It’s not that I don’t want that, it’s just . . . I don’t know, Eli. What if you get sick of us? I don’t want to move out and deal with all of that. I’d rather just have my own place.”

He nods slowly and leans back against the tub, tilting his head back, looking up at the ceiling. “Do you think that’s going to happen? That I’m going to get sick of you?”

“I honestly don’t know. And I don’t want to hold this against you because that’s not what I’m trying to do at all, but you said it yourself. This is the first time you’ve actually let someone into your life. This is all new to you. I don’t want to overwhelm you by moving in, taking over your private space, and then bringing a baby into that. It’s not fair to you.”

“Do you know what’s not fair?” he asks. “You making that decision for me.”

Sensing his frustration building, I turn in the tub and straddle his lap as best as I can. His eyes avoid mine until I force him to look at me. “I’m trying to help you understand where I’m coming from.”

“You just said you trust me,” he says, hurt lacing his words. “Now, it seems like you don’t trust me at all.”

“No, that’s not the case.” I backtrack, trying to figure out a way for this to make sense. “I trust you, Eli. I just want to make sure you’re ready.”

“Me telling you I think you should move in is me being ready.”

“Yes, but how long have you been thinking about this? We can’t do a spur-of-the-moment—”

“For a month.”

“A month?” I sit back on his quads. “But we haven’t, you know . . . been intimate for that long.”

He reaches out and grips my chin, holding me steady. “Just because we haven’t been intimate for that long doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about you. Thinking about ways to keep you. This might seem all new to you, but it’s been on my mind for a while. I want to be there for you, Penny. I want you close to me, as much as I can get you. I want you to move in.”

I pause as my breath hitches in my chest, his words sinking in. “Wait, you’re serious.”

He drags his hand over his face. “Jesus Christ, Penny. Yes, I’m serious.”

“For like . . . for how long?”

“As long as you want.”

“Would we . . . share a bed?”

“Uh, do you really think you’d move into my place and not share a bed with me?” His hands fall to my side, his thumbs rub against my stomach. “I want the same setup we have now, just at my place instead. We can set up the baby’s room and ensure we have everything we need. I have plenty of storage and two parking spots so you don’t have to worry about that.” What I can’t get over is that he’s been thinking about this for a month. He has shown me time and time again how much he wants us. But it’s still hard to fathom.

“So the same thing we have now.” Perhaps a stupid question, but I have to know the parameters. To see what he believes we’ve had at my place and what it means to him.

“Yes.” His hands inch north until his thumbs press against my breasts. “Just more space, more closet space, more kitchen space. A tub just like this.”

“Ooo, I like that,” I say as I shift against his lap, feeling him stir alive. “Have you used it?”

“Only for sore muscles, never like this.” His thumbs now pass over my nipples. “Never with someone else.”

I rub my clit against his length. “Never had sex in it?”

His eyes darken. “Never.”

Reaching between us, I take his cock in my hand and gently stroke it up and down before sitting up and placing him at my entrance. “Are you opposed to it?”

“No,” he says, his voice desperate as I slowly lower on top of him. “Fuck,” he whispers once he’s all the way inside me. “Penny, nothing has ever felt this good. Fucking nothing.”

“Same,” I say when I rest my hands on his shoulders, angling myself better so his cock hits me in just the right spot. “No one has ever made me come the way you do.” Nor made me feel so sexy and treasured.

He growls right before latching on to my neck with his lips. “Tell me you want to move in, Penny.” He kisses up my neck to my ear. “Tell me when we get back, we can pack you up. Tell me you want me just as much as I want you.”

“I want you,” I say breathlessly. “So much, Eli.”

“Then say it.” He moves me up and down on his lap now, my stomach rubbing against his. “Say you’ll stay with me.”

My hand falls to the back of his neck, keeping him close as I thrust up and down on his cock. “I want to move in,” I say, the answer to his question feeling right.

“Promise me,” he says, our pace picking up as water sloshes around us.

“I promise, Eli.”

He pulls away from my neck and moves his lips to my breast. “You’re mine,” he says right before wrapping his lips around my nipple and sucking the nub.

As I move over him, slowly, his sentiment rings through my head.

You’re mine.

You’re mine.

I feel that truth, now more than ever, as he holds me close. Never letting up on his grip, he kisses me and loves on me more than he ever has. His lips explore my body from my breasts to my collarbone to my mouth, where his tongue laps at mine, only for him to return to my jaw, back down my neck, and to my breasts again.

The sensation of him not being able to get enough and needing more blazes through me, lighting me up.

“I need more,” I say to him, my fingers sifting through his short strands.

“Different position?” he asks me.

I nod. “Yes. From behind.”

My favorite position.

He lifts me off him and then helps me out of the tub. He emerges from the water, droplets dripping from his gorgeous skin and his rock-hard cock. I roll my teeth over my lip just as he steps up behind me, and bends me over so I’m holding the edge of the tub.

His hand smooths over my backside while he lines his cock up with my entrance. Angling me up, he enters me in one smooth stroke. I call out his name from the thrust and then drop my head as he continues to work in and out of me. Aware of what I like, he reaches forward and pinches my nipple between his fingers. The harsh but satisfying sensation sends a flood of pleasure through me, causing me to moan louder than I should. He told me to be quiet, but everything feels so heightened, and it’s hard not to express how he’s making me feel.

“God, Eli, you’re so good.”

“That’s right, baby. Tell me how you feel.”

He thrusts, and I groan some more. “Your cock is so big. It makes me feel so full.”

Another thrust as his hand falls to my pussy, where he presses this thumb to my clit, and I scream out his name, forgetting all about common decency. “Eli . . . oh God, I’m going to come.”

“Me . . . too,” he says just as his pace picks up, and together we push and pull, taking what we need, our climax building and building and building until our orgasms crash together, our names falling off our tongues.

His hips still, I feel him deep inside me, while my pussy contracts around his length. We stay like that for a few more seconds before he slowly lowers his lips to my back and presses a kiss. When he stands and removes himself, he turns me around and pulls me into a hug, one hand around my back, the other cradling my head.


“Hmm?” I ask, seeking out his warmth.

“You were way too loud.”

I chuckle. “I know. I’m sorry.”

“Just be glad your brother wasn’t here, but also”—he tips my chin up to look me in the eyes—“you’re going to move in with me.”

“I am.”

“Are you worried?”

I shake my head. “Not even in the slightest.”

“Good. I promise, Penny, I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy and comfortable.”

“I believe you, Eli. I really do.”

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