The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 39. All is fair in love and War

Isla POV

I helped most of the Females load the vehicles with the necessities and dealt with my own children and packing. I had forgiven Clayton the very next day, I did not want to waste time on arguments that would lead nowhere.

These were hard times and tough decisions were to be made, The goodbye kisses and longing caresses and hugs between Mates and their families hurt me deeper than I could've expected.

I knew that the pain and anguish that would remain hereafter in the next few weeks would be one to last a few generations at minimum.

I handed My babies to their grandmother after they said goodbye to their father and turned to my Man, I studied his face and body afraid this would be the last time I would ever see him.

Knowing the possibility was there, He was stronger than a usual Alpha because of our mating bond and my power I shared with him, I knew him inside out and loved and cherished him so much for his courage and strength

I threw myself into his strong arms and held on for dear life, this was too much, I cried and held him close.

I felt his pain as it matched mine, the raw emotion present like a dark cloud covered our grounds this day and It was a terribly cloudy day to add to the anguish.

“How do we say Goodbye?” Amera whispered to me as she whimpered

“ I do not think we do” I replied sadly.

I kissed him with as much passion as I could Muster hearing my children start to cry in the distance as they knew somehow that this was an important Goodbye.

“ This is not a goodbye My love. I promise” He whispered in my ear as he broke our embrace I could feel his struggle against his fierce emotions and it broke my heart.

I nodded and he walked me to the car and kissed me one last time, closing the door and the car pulled away, silence was filled with sorrow and weeping. I watchedthe vehicles until they was far from sight.

Next to leave we're the women and children.

Many Species of women and children huddled in an undisclosed location boarding planes traveling to yet another undisclosed location.

Never to see their loved ones again...

Within 24 hours we had all landed in what I can only explain as an Oasis because it seemed to be a wildy tamed amazon of greenery, colors andbplants I had never seen before, I gawked at the stunning wilderness that surrounded us, from when we exited the plane to when we waited to all be collected and transported to the kings castle I studied the surroundings and it seemed that the sky had a small shimmer to it, it was probably a magical force field protecting this place from the outside world.

We were led by men in metal armour towards one of the Largest Castles I had ever seen, departing the car with my young children seemed so easy as they too were completely spell bound by the beauty of this place.

Children in one hand and bags in the other we walked like an army of broken hearts and Immense power towards the large white U-shaped Castle, Gold pillars adorned the white walls and a large glass dome surrounded the entire ceiling of the Castle, there were at least 7 Floors I could count and countless rooms I could only assume.

I was amazed by it's size.

There were over 6000 of us and there seemed to be ample room for us all.

I walked to the front of the Crowd, ushered by the Guards requesting for highest-ranking females to come forward with their children.

Claytons Mother joined me.

“Greetings Ladies. I am The owner and ruler of these lands. Some may have met me, some may have not, I have had my staff arrange rooms for the Highest ranking females within my Wing. The rest depending on the rank will be split into separate apartments. The Topmost floor is only for High Ranking Officials and The ceiling with the Large Glass features is out of bounds for all. Please may the Highest ranking Females follow This lady to my left. The rest will be assisted within 20 minutes” The Dragon King Himself had addressed us all.

He himself had an army set up and would Fight along with the Men but made sure his castle was available for us.

I shared a Large room with my Mother-in-Law and Children and for dinner we were sent to a Great hall, we ate in silence.

This was going to be a very long and dreary time within this vast castle.

As the days passed Briseas kept on going missing, I kept finding her at the door to the large Glass Levels entrance, either exiting or entering unlawfully.

Gosh, she will be a handful when she is older.

I kept myself busy with the Other females learning about their religions and how they lead their people, I was fascinated by the Fae and Vampires mostly. They were such a peaceful people and I had met Supernatural beings I had never even known to be in existence, I was awed by them and spent most of my Days mingling with them and taking care of my children.

It was late one night and I awoke with a feeling of dread, Briseas was missing from her bed, I was furious. I knew where she was and she will be sorry if I find her there.

I walked with the fury of a pissed off mother towards the Direction I knew she would be.

I walked to the large Glass doors and found them to be open, Amera assured me Briseas was inside as she could sense her there.

I opened the doors and was startled with the most beautiful scene, the Greenhouse was filled with fauna and flora, spieces of birds and bugs chittered and shattered in the moonlight.

There were large circular spaces in the ceilings that allowed the Moonlight to shine on plants I had never even seen before, then ranged from the deepest colors to the lightest shades I could only have dreamt of.

I walked forgetting the reason I had entered in the first place, I touched nothing but examined everything with my eyes.

I was walking for 5 minutes when I heard the Briseas giggle and a man's voice followed in a hushed tone.

I stiffened immediately and walked towards the direction the sounds were coming from.

I slowly moved a bright yellow palm tree leaf out of the way to witness Briseas smiling brightly at a man planting what seemed to be a seedling, I heard him explain for a few minutes about soils and rare plants and the water required.

She was lapping up all the information she could. She knelt beside him and helped him plant the seedlings and she carried a far too heavy bucket of water for him to water the seedlings.

I knew who he was.

He was the Dragon King.

He was speaking in a soft tone and he was completely calm around her, She smiled at him with the brightest eyes, the eyes of innocence.

My heart melted. I knew then...

I walked from behind the Palm Tree exposing my snooping body.

“ Evening Luna Isla, I believe you are here to fetch my little intern” The King Turned around smiling softly, He didn't seem to be a day over 28.

I smiled softly back at him and nodded.

Briseas lowered her head as I ushered her towards me. “ It is late your Highness and please next time please ask me first, I don't mind her being here but I don't want to run like a mad woman everytime she goes missing ” I gave him a stern look.

“ Oh, and if she is to be your Intern it is to be in the daytime with her brothers if it is not a problem” I winked at him and Briseas protested with a great sigh.

“ Ok, Fine, No brothers but can your Granny will sit here quietly?” I asked her softly.

She nodded and the king nodded in response.

I turned and walked out with Birseas in my arms. “So this is why you keep coming here hmm?” I asked.

“ Yes Mamma, The Dragon is very nice and he teaches me lots and lots about plants. I like Plants” She yawned and laid her head on my shoulder.

I smiled to Myself, knowing now that she was predestined for greatness.

I had Heard Minimally from Clayton as there was no cell service in the Dragon Kingdom.

I knew it was any day now that the war would start and I felt angst build within me.

I wanted to be there, I needed to be there.

The King had already left and here I was, all this power and nothing to do with it.

I felt useless, powerless and afraid.

Amera paced continuously and she whined on the daily as she too felt as I did.

What was the point in having my powers if I was to sit back and wait for the ending of the war I had no part in!?

I missed him so much it hurt and two weeks have already passed and the dreaded day was upon us.

The War is here.

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