The White Wolf (Book One)

Chapter 38. Khaos before Distruction

Clayton’s POV

It has been a week since we heard the news, the meeting had been cancelled and rescheduled to allow the respectable leaders of the different species time to travel to New York for the meeting.

Isla and I were set up in a large hotel owned by the council that had mystical people working within the hotel, It was an exclusive hotel for only supernatural creatures and no humans were allowed for safety purposes of course because the humans out match us 150 to 1, there were necessary safety measures taken.

I watched my Isla get ready looking breathtaking in her suite, she wore a white and beige coloured suite that fit her perfectly.

These kinds of council meetings work with colour schemes and each breed were assigned a colour in order to identify them as a whole because not all species had excellent senses of smell and this made things slightly more organised.

I walked towards her as she eyed me in my beige suite and white dress shirt and I could see the love in her eyes, I loved her more than anything, she was my mate and she made me feel proud, proud to be her mate and lover, proud to be the father of her children .

Leaving the pack was pure chaos, the children were kicking and screaming for not being allowed to come along, plenty of stern words and death threats were given by Isla if they did not behave, I winked and told them the cook had made a rainbow lava cake for them and they all were off forgetting us completely.

I admired their naivety and ignorance as it was a stress free life we wanted for them although they would experience some of the damages and vile stench of war weather we tried protecting them from it or not but still I knew it wouldn't be as bad as witnessing the carnage in themselves, the trauma alone would be detrimental for their you g souls.

I laid my hands on her small shoulders and watched her put on her nude lipstick and broach with the romano Crest, It was the same one I had and It was a symbol of our power and rank within our respective community and It showed the respectable species and it showed that we were to be respected.

We ranked very high on the Leader board due to our packs size in comparrison to the other Packs,Clans and covens around the world.

Withing 20 minutes we were in a slick Limo heading for one of the Largest council meetings recorded in history.

I was Honored to be apart of it with My Mate , this will be one for the History books.

I sat next to my woman, breathing her scent in deeply and watching as her eyes danced between the building’s and people, I was awed at her beuty and strength.m during this troubled time.

I leaned forward to kiss her cheek and was abruptly halted when she spoke “ All the people, They are completely oblivious to the dangers that are ahead. None will be the wiser” She smiled sadly and turned taking my lips with the softest kiss.

I stared at her not saying a word and I let her stare in my eyes and so we remained until the car came to a halt.

We exited the vehicle and walked the Great steps and were met by the Guards and a Council Official dressed in Black. Black was their colour as Black was the Colour of council members .

We walked into a full Hall laid with the silence of a Graveyard, No one spoke, only whispers here and there could be heard.

We were Introduced and Lead to the front of the Hall where the High Ranking Officials were seated.

Isla and I were placed right next to the Dragon King Himself. He wore a Black and Gold Suite that showed he was the ‘Main Man’ , I for one respected him Immensely for he was ancient in age and yet still had a good sense of humor.

“ Uh Hum , Ladies and Gentleman. I am honoured and whole heartedly saddened to announce that this meeting has taken place for a grave purpose. One we all are aware will affect us all most terribly. I and the Council have requested that you all remain silent and if a question arises please raise your hand and we will answer whatever questions we can.” The High Councilman spoke with a meak voice, riddled with age and distate for life.

“ Now down to business, We will not sugar coat or beat around any bushes. We are Ladies and Gentleman.At war.” He spoke directly.

The chill in the air could be felt by us all. It was fate itself showing us that this was what was to happen, it was a sense of destiny .

“ Now we are all aware this was a long time coming. But before we start with what will happen we would like to advise that once the war is complete, seeing as we are the winning side there will be a great Prison built on an enchanted Island for all future Rouges and outcasts. It is of the Utmost importance that if you as a leader decide that a member of your respected species no longer upholds and maintains a true nature towards you and your people and for whatever crime they have committed NO species may declare a supernatural being a rogue, The Council is to be advised and we will send an envoy to collect the indevidual and transport them to the lockdown facility” He was adamant until this point but I knew there was a catch.

“ So as per the Council and the Dragon King, we will not overule your descision. But NO ONE is to know the Location of the facility for safety purposes ... “

Uproar broke loose and the Alpha energies hit the roof.

There were shouts of disgust and anger from all directions. “The shiteth hath hiteth the Fan” Isla whispered to me and remained seated in her regal position.

She earned a small snort from the King himself as he remained calm

I watched Silently as the Council tried to maintain silence, but they did not succeed.

“ SILENCE , THIS DESCISION IS FINAL!, Now be seated so the meeting may proceed” A voice of pure power boomed next to my Mate, It was the king Himself, Tired of the childish bickering.

His word after all was final.

The remainder of the day was strategies and placements for each species at an undisclosed Location.

The Council had arranged that two weeks from now we would all be transported there and only on the day will we receive coordinates for security purposes. This was agreed upon by all but there were small disagreements between species and High ranking officials and the Meeting lasted the whole day.

Yet the last word was not yet said. “ So lastly on the Agenda, all High Ranking Females and elderly along with Children will be relocated to The Kings Castle within a week. There will be no discussion on the matter as all High ranking males and warriors will be taking place within the war and unfortunately if casualties arise the High Ranking females will be Leading their respectable species” Gasps from most of the Females came forward.

I looked at Isla and she showed no expression, her face was of a stoic nature that confused me, I could feel her blocking me. She was Furious.

It took close to an hour to calm the woman and regain controle of the court, eventually the hall became silent again.

“ Thank you all for coming, Please note we will send the notification and Location of the Grounds to be used for the War, We are Currently tracking the hoard of Rogues. We will be in touch. Court Dismissed”

Within Minutes the court was empty, Isla and I walked in silence to the Limo waiting for us outside. She did not utter a word and when we reached the Hotel and eventually our room I sighed as I closed the door.

She stood by the large French Windows and remained silent.

I walked towards her and Before I knew what hit me a slap resounded throughout the quiet room.

I stood dead still stunned and a burning cheek that screamed at me in pain.

“ Jou vokken skelm bliksem van n man!” She screamed at me at what I assumed was Afrikaans.

I seemed to have forgotten she was a South African after all this time.

She only spoke Afrikaans when she was furious.

“ My love I do not know what you mean” I muttered in shock.

She stared at me with pure Fire, “ I called you a Fucken sly asshole of a man!” She bellowed at me.

I remained silent, Crixus my wolf was furious at both of us, He was angered by me because this was my Idea and Angered at her for slapping us, We are Alpha’s and this type of treatment is not acceptable in the worst situations but yet both I and Crixus understood. It was deserved.

“ The fact that I had to slap you should speak chapters as to how furious I am at you. I know this was your Idea Clayton. How could you do this. I want to understand and probably do but the fact that you did not tell me makes me want to slap you again!” She spat through gritted teeth.

“ I did what was nescessary my love. I knew you would Object but I also knew that this was the most important part of the war. The safety of our legacies and packs” I spoke in a calm and strong voice, asserting my dominance and demanding respect at the same time.

She nodded at me and walked past me with Ice cold eyes. I heard her enter the bathroom.

This discussion was over. No more needed to be said.

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