The Transfer

Chapter 27 - Brothers and Friends

My brothers stared intensely at Liam. They all looked like they were about to jump on him and beat him to pulp. I was nervous. I wasn't sure if they'd like him.

My whole family loved Lauri — Beckett's mate — when she was introduced to the family. Would they like Liam just the same? I hoped they did. It would make everything difficult if they didn't like Liam.

"Well, yeah, I guess I am,” Liam responded. I had already forgotten what Beckett had said to Liam. But seeing as they weren't growling at each other and trying tear out each other's throats, I assumed that it was a reasonable question.

"Ali! I missed you!" I heard a squeal before I felt arms wrap around me. I wobbled a little but caught the familiar scent of seaweed and salt water and I grinned. I spun around to face Lauri.

She grinned at me and hugged me again. I tightly hugged her back and breathed her scent in. Lauri was one of my closest friends in Terialta. I didn't have many and she was absolutely wonderful.

We had gotten along well since the moment that we met.

Her red hair was tied back in a cute but messy bun. Her green eyes twinkled as she looked at me and her pearly white teeth grinned happily at me. I had missed the joyful female.

"Ooh! Is that him?" Lauri pulled away from me and looked right at Liam. I frowned at her. How did she know Liam was my mate?

"Hi there! I've been waiting literally forever to meet you!" Lauri bounded away from me and walked on over to Liam. She looked him up and down before she grinned and held her hand out to him. Liam hesitantly shook the female's extended hand and she only grinned more at him.

"I trust that you're taking care of our girl," Lauri cocked an eyebrow at him after they shook hands. Liam stood a little taller and nodded. He looked confident.

"Of course," Liam said. Lauri beamed at him and turned around. She stood with Beckett and he slipped an arm around her waist.

I looked to Ezra, noticing how big him and Lila were grinning. They were obviously entertained by the interactions happening before me. I felt like crawling into a ball and disappearing forever.

Why was this so insanely awkward?

"So where's Dad?" I asked my brothers. They all exchanged looks with each other and then rolled their eyes.

"Went out for a run this morning and still hasn't come back. He knew you were coming...” Samaya trailed off mid sentence and I understood why.

My father knew I was coming so he made sure he wouldn't be here when I arrived.

I smiled and nodded, trying not to look hurt. I didn't want anyone to think that I was hurt by this. It stung that my own father didn't want to see me, but I was used to it.

It didn't bother me that much.

"Oh well. His loss. Right?" I shrugged at them. They all looked at me strangely before Ezra cleared his throat.

"We just got back from bear hunting. Ali girl took down a pretty big one, all on her own too," Ezra said, grabbing his phone from his pocket. He walked forwards and presented the phone to my brothers and Lauri.

"Caught the whole thing on camera. I was so proud,” Ezra said excitedly as he played the video. I blushed with embarrassment as I looked away and faced Lila.

She smiled at me and sniffed the air. She seemed cautious. I knew why. She was wondering if we were going to see Brennon, my father's Beta. I wondered if she would try and fight him if she saw him.

Kade already expressed that he would. I bet Liam would if he knew too.

"Do you think... he'd try to talk to you?" Kade mumbled to me. I knew that he was also talking about Brennon.

I shrugged at him. I honestly didn't know if Brennon would approach me if he saw me. For all I know, he could avoid me completely. That's what I hoped anyway. I didn't want to see him. I'd probably have some sort of breakdown if I did.

"Not sure. I hope not," I replied quickly. I noticed Liam's confused stares and shot him a small smile. He returned the gesture and looked back to Ezra who was finished showing my brothers the video. "Nice job, kiddo! That was a good sized bear too!" Jax grinned excitedly at me. "I bet you still won't be able to take me down though.”

I rolled my eyes at him and grinned. My wolf yipped at the thought of putting our brother on his ass. It seemed delightful.

"Want to bet on that?" I challenged. His chest rumbled as he laughed. I just rolled my eyes again and crossed my arms.

"Are you guys hungry? It's pretty early, and Justin is cooking up some food," Rae asked us. My belly grumbled and I nodded eagerly. Lila nodded also whereas Liam shrugged and Kade said nothing. He still looked mildly intimidated by my brothers.

"Did you seriously have to use Justin as a backup because I'm not here to cook anymore?" I asked them. Lauri let out an exaggerated sigh and shook her head as Samaya's face turned crimson red. "Sam burnt down the freaking cabin trying to make toast! Look!" Lauri exclaimed as she pointed to the cabin behind me. I spun around and laughed.

The cabin that my brothers and I sometimes stayed in was surely, burnt to crisp. It was like our second home, and we all used it as a getaway house for when things got too crowded and tense at our actual house in the woods.

I wanted to cry with laughter. Lila even giggled a little. I turned back to Samaya and he offered me a guilty smile.

"Justin was our last option. I didn't feel like almost dying in a damn house fire again,” Lauri said as she narrowed her eyes at Samaya. I giggled some more and turned with my brothers.

Lila nudged me as we walked. "I like them. They're funny."

I smiled warmly. I loved that Lila liked my brothers. It was relieving. I didn't want to imagine how terrible it would be if she didn't.

She was practically my sister now. It was important to my wolf and I that she got along with my biological siblings.

"I don't think your family likes me very much,” Liam's voice sounded inside my head as we walked. I looked behind me and watched as he caught up to me, walking along next to me.

I shook my head at him. "They're just cautious. I think they'll like you the more they get to know you."

I felt Liam slip his hand into mine. I felt the tingles run up my arm and his warmth transfer over to me. It was wonderful and calming. I felt better already.

"Who were you and Kade talking about before?" Liam asked me curiously. I raised my eyebrows as I felt a shudder come along. I got goosebumps on my back and I shivered.

The idea of telling Liam about Brennon made my skin crawl. He was the man that assaulted me. The reason why I left Terialta in the first place. I didn't know how Liam would even react.

Would he be angry? Sad? Would he treat me differently? Would he ignore it like it didn't happen? Liam squeezed my hand. He pulled me closer so our sides were touching as me walked. I felt the buzz between us and it made me warm inside.

"Can I tell you later?" I asked him. Liam looked down at me and nodded as we came up to the cabin. I smelt cooking bacon and toast. My belly rumbled some more and I licked my lips.

I was starving. We hadn't gotten a chance to eat breakfast before we left the camp site. My belly was empty and my beast was getting rowdy.

We walked into the cabin. We were lead through the small home into the kitchen and dining room area. Justin, Jax's best friend and chef in training was standing in the kitchen in the middle of flipping an egg.

I'd gotten along with him well when I lived in Terialta. I'd actually gotten along well with all of my brothers’ friends. They were the only ones who treated me like I was a normal girl.

He looked up and grinned at the group of us. "Ali, you're back!"

Justin came towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug. I felt Liam still from beside me and my wolf giggled. She liked that our male was protective over us.

"Still cooking for Jax whenever he asks, hmm?" I hummed softly as Justin pulled away from our hug He scoffed and nodded at me, to which Jax rolled his eyes at.

"Everyone go sit down. Food is almost ready. I made plenty," Justin said, motioning to the table. I turned and found Liam's hand slipping away from mine as I walked to the table. I looked back at him and stared at his hard and cold expression.

He was radiating such energy and heat that I thought he might just snap at the next person to talk. He looked angry. Why?

"What's up with him? He looks pissed," Lila asked me as she took a seat next to me. Liam sat on my other side, and Samaya growled lowly as he did so. But Liam didn't get up or even hesitate to plant himself in the seat next to me.

"Beats me. He's good one minute and then shitty the next. Like a ticking time bomb," I replied quickly as I shot Lila a worried look. She smiled weakly at me and shrugged. I shrugged back and turned to the middle of the table and Justin started dishing up food.

"How's your training over in Takiani?" Rae asked me to start conversation. I looked up at him and smiled. I missed training. I couldn't want to get back to it.

"So good! I train with the Master of Arms there. That's Kade's Dad. He's a good teacher," I explained to him. Rae nodded and glanced at Kade.

Kade looked more comfortable now. I was sure he was finally realising that these new and strange wolves weren't as bad as they might seem. They were just curious about me; about who their little sister was hanging around.

"She's a pretty good fighter now too. She's quick and throws a good punch. Won a few fights,” Ezra added quickly as he scooped some bacon onto his plate. I nodded also and watched Beckett break into a grin.

"That's great, Ali. I can't wait to see this new and improved girl," Beckett said with a grin. Lauri nodded from next to him and leant forwards in her seat.

"What about you, lover boy? You a good fighter?" Lauri asked Liam. I raised my eyebrows at her and held back a sigh.

"I suppose. You kind of have to be when you're the Beta of a pack,” Liam said after swallowing a mouth full of food. I watched Rae and Jax exchange glances with each other and Beckett's eyes twinkle.

"Beta? Ooh, you're a bit special,” Lauri said, looking incredibly intrigued by the male before her. She was a curious person. She liked knowing everything about something. But she was kind and polite about it.

There was a sudden knock at the front door. Samaya got up to answer it, stalking away from the table with heat rolling off him. He was pissed, but I wasn't sure what at. Was he mad because Liam had sat next to me?

I'd ask him soon.

"What? So you're Beta female now?" Rae asked me with a nod in Liam's direction. I cleared my throat awkwardly and glanced at Liam, who still looked kind of angry.

"Not yet. Soon," Liam answered for me. I nodded in agreement. My wolf pranced around happily at the thought found being the Beta female. It was such a high position.

"Nice job, little sister. That's a big title to have. You'll be great, for sure," Beckett said with a cheery nod. Lauri nodded also.

I heard a loud banging noise and then yelling from the front of the cabin. I frowned and got up, rushing towards the front door.

"Alison! Don't!" I heard someone call from behind me as I got closer to the front door. I peered out the open door and almost threw up when I saw Brennon.

My stomach knotted and I had to clench my jaw shut so I could keep down the food in my stomach Samaya had clearly thrown a punch or two at the Beta, because he was bleeding and Samaya was being held back by some of Brennon's men. He tugged against them hard, but they pulled him back harder.

Brennon wiped his blood on the back of his hand and looked up at me.

I felt every muscle in my body stop working. I couldn't move. My feet were frozen in place, stuck to the ground.

Oh my God.

"Alison, sweetheart. It's so nice to see you again,” Brennon said with a smirk as he made his way towards me. He extended his arms, looking like he was ready to hug me.

My wolf was torn. She snapped her teeth and then cowered back. She was scared. I was too. We weren't over this. We couldn't be angry. We were petrified.

"Stay the fuck back or I swear to God!" Samaya shouted to Brennon who neared me. I wanted to move back and slam the door in his face. But I didn't move.

I felt arms around me from behind and a force pull me backwards. I let out a small gasp as people appeared in front of me, each other then shouting and cursing.

Beckett appeared and he shoved Brennon hard in the chest. Brennon stumbled backwards, almost tripping over his own shoes and falling over.

"That's as close as you'll be fucking getting to her. Back off,” Beckett growled lowly at the Beta standing before him.

Brennon only smiled and cocked his head as he looked past my brother and straight at me.

"Oh come on, I was just coming to say hi. Is that not allowed?" Brennon asked, sounding innocent. I wanted to tear his throat out.

Hands grabbed me and pulled me back. I was torn away from the door and behind the wall where Brennon couldn't see me.

My knees felt weak and my whole body shook with tremors that made me feel vulnerable. I hated it. I didn't like it at all and I wished that I had never come here.

"Are you alright, sugar?" Liam's soft and calming voice asked. I tore my eyes away from the ground and looked up at him. He had his hands grasping my arms gently, holding me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, feeling a sudden sickness in my stomach. I wanted to bend over and empty my stomach into the ground. I wanted to run away and never return. I wanted to curl into a ball and disappear off the face of the earth.

The bond pulled and twisted at my sadness and fear and Liam's confusion towards my feelings. It hurt but also simmered at the contact of his hands on my bare arms.

Liam stared intensely at me before his thumbs caressed my arms gently, bringing me back to reality where I could hear yelling and loud growling from outside.

I didn't react how I thought I would. I leaned forwards and pressed my face into Liam's chest, his soft hoodie comforting to be against. I wrapped my arms around Liam and he didn't hesitate to do the same.

He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me a little tighter as I heard the sound of cracking bones outside and growls that shook the ground.

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