The Reborn

Chapter Over my dead body

“Excuse me! If I remember correctly, which I do, I can make one last wish before I die. So does Black. And you have to fulfil it.” I rambled as my dear friend Dumbo started to walk in Black’s direction.

I never imagined that I’ll get to see the day when Black will stay in his spot shaking like fuck, while waiting for some crazy douche bag to stuck a needle in his neck to kill him. Retard and mute chained him a little further away from me.

Screw it. If you’d have told me 3 days ago that I will be here, in this situation, I would have probably laughed and called you a stupid little piece of shit. Even now it’s hard to believe that I’m going to die day, so that’s probably why I’m talking so much.

Dumbo stopped and turned to me. “I guess I can do that.”

I smirked while Black sent me a what-the-fuck-are-you-doing look. “Well, my wish is......” I said the last part in a whisper so he couldn’t hear me.

He stepped closer. “You wish is....”

“My wish is....” I trailed off once again.

“Is...” another step.

“Is...” another step.

“IS??? SAY IT BITCH. I DON’T HAVE THE WHOLE DAY. I HAVE ANOTHER EXPERIMENTS TO DO TODAY.” he suddenly yelled and stopped in front of me.

Bipolar much?

I smirked again. “I wish you to root in the deepest hole full of fire from hell.” I spitted him right between his eyes and kicked him in his jewels.

He groaned in pain and dropped his syringe. I swear that Black’s face suddenly gained some colour as he saw the syringe shattering on the ground.

“YOU LITTLE BITCH.” Dumbo growled while holding his king kong and I swear that red looks great on his face.

“My name is Shadow, fucker. Shadow not little bitch, how you may think. Come on, it’s not that hard. Say it with me. Shadow. C’mon. S-H-A-D-O-W. Shadow.”

“SHUT UP.” he roared and had his hand around my neck in less than a second. His eyes were completely black and that vein from his forehead is about to blow.

“You’re so lucky that I need you for my experiment or your neck would have been broken a long time ago.”

“You shut the fuck up! Firstly, you are fucking spitting on my face so you should get that to a doctor ’cause it’s not normal to always spit while you talk and secondly, you keep telling me that I’m lucky and shit, and how you’ll do a bad thing to me, but you did fucking nothing so shut the fuck up and suck an onion fucker.” I tried to yell in his face, but since he has a pretty strong grip around my neck, my words came out muffled.

His face turned from angered-red faced to completely insane maniac as fast I could say jelly. “Then I should shut up and show you, right? And as for your last wish, I already know that my soul will to go hell, but I also know that you’ll be there too.” his grip moved to my jaw forcing me to move my face closer to his.

This fucker started to get on my nerves, so I did what Hazel learnt me to do. I opened my mouth and bit down as hard as I could and by the taste of metal I had in my mouth, I can say with a hand on my heart that I left a scar on his left cheek.

He stumbled back and fell on the floor holding his bleeding cheek.

“It tastes like trash, but oh wait. You are trash so that’s why your blood tastes like it.” I made a disgusted face and spitted on the floor all the blood I had in my mouth.

He was staring at me in surprise along with Black who looked both happy and worried about what comes next.

“I guess they were right. You are a pain in the ass in the true meaning of the word. I shouldn’t have underestimate you.” he said as he got up and walked to a counter.

“Actually, pain in the ass has 4 words, not just one, so it’s in the true meaning of the words.” I replied with a smirk on my face, but it dissapeared when he raised another syringe with the same substance as the last one.

I looked at Black and he looked like he was about to faint.

“DUMBOOO. I have a question. Is that jelly in your syringe? Because it looks like jelly and I thought that it’s jelly from the moment I first saw the syringe.”

“If jelly is made of a deadly combination of substances that can kill hybrids in almost 1 hour, then yes. Yes, it’s jelly.” he said walking casually, like he is walking to the nearest coffee shop not like he is about to fucking kill someone with some weird jello.

Black was pale once again, but this time wasn’t shaking. He simply looked fine, like he finally accepted his destiny and I wanted to beat him for that. I know that he’s a jackass and that he pretty much gave us to Calamity on a plate, but I’m still sorry for him. He looked so heartbroken when he told me how his own father placed him in this hell hole and I could see in his eyes that he was really sorry for what happened. Well, I don’t blame him for being heartbroken. If my father would’ve done that to me, I don’t know how I would react. My father meant and he still means a lot to me and if he would’ve betrayed me like that, I don’t know how good I would take that. It looks like Black took it as good as someone could take something like that.

As Dumbo was about to inject Black I opened my big mouth again. “WAAAIT. You said that you will fulfil our wishes, but Black never told you his wish.”

He looked at me like he was in a trance before he looked back at Black. “What’s your wish?”

“I want to die faster. I want to stop feeling this pain. This emotional and physical pain. I want it to stop.” he whispered and I could see tears in his eyes.

I scoffed. “What the actually fuck? Are we in a drama TV show and I don’t know? You look like the main character which is a girl, after she broke up with her boyfriend and starts to cry her eyes out. Come on, Black. You are better than that. If you start crying, you are a bigger coward than I already think you are.”

“Shadow, just shut up. I know that I’m a coward and I honestly don’t care if I die like one. I’m not you. I know when it’s over, unlikely you. I’m not you.” he said in a harsh tone, but he didn’t glance in my way not even once.

I nodded. “You’re right. You are everything but like me because I’m better than you’ll ever be. And yes, you are a fucking coward and loser. A true fighter and royal wouldn’t be crying right now, but oh. Wait. You are a traitor so it’s fine.”

I don’t know why I keep bugging him. Maybe because I want to see that I’m not the only stubborn idiot that pretty much refuses to shut up and be a “good girl”. But I can’t help it. My whole life I’ve been fighting until the last moment and not giving up for anything in this world, so it’s impossible for me to just sit and shut up without at least trying something. Even if we’re talking about annoying the hell out of my kidnappers. At least it’s something and that something is important for my ego and pride.

“Whatever.” he mumbled while Dumbo was looking completely lost.

“Now that everything is fine....” Dumbo said and more likely stabbed traitor Black with his syringe, making him hiss in pain and also making me shiver.

God, how much I hate needles. Why can’t we get those substances in our veins through Wi-fi? Or maybe Bluetooth?

I watched carefully as big ears walked to his deadly heart monitor, but I still can’t imagine how that thing can kill me.

Black was on the floor shaking while holding his neck where Dumbo stucked his needle and by the way poor Black looks, I really think that he will die in 1 hour. His pale skin starts to have a purple tint and his veins are looking a bit too prominent and his breathing was uneven.

Only now, as I bit my lip and look around trying to form a decent plan, I truly realise that there’s no escape from here.

God, if this was one of your games to show me that being a stubborn full of herself bitch is wrong, I got the idea. Now, you can save my pretty ass, thank you.

“Now dear Shadow, it’s your time to shine.” Dumbo said and I swear that his eyes are sparkling like freaking Christmas lights. The dried blood from his cheek made him look even more insane than he already was.

I grabbed the chains with my hands and started to pull at them in a horrible attempt to break them, but without my powers and pretty much useless.

“Well, well. It looks that our little tough rock starts to crack.” he said making his was to make with a wide grin on his face.

I scoffed trying to look less scared. “First, it’s tough cookie not rock. And second, pff-lease. Me? Crack? If you’re talking about wrinkles I don’t have any.” I rambled while pulling at the chains and I can swear that I hear a tiny crack.

He kept grinning and waltzed back to his ‘weapon’. “I never understood those people who try to look brave they don’t want anything more than to run for their life.”

Now it was my turn to grin. “It’s called being a fighter. It’s called being strong. Something you will never understand.” my fingers curled more around the chains and I pulled harder at them.

No. I refuse to die here. I promised Lincoln something and I’ll keep that promise. That’s the last thing I can do for him since I wasn’t capable of saving him.

Dumbo pushed his weapon in my direction and when he took the wires that should be placed on my torso or skin, I pulled the chains with all my strength and with a loud crack they broke.

Finally. Maybe I can do this after all.

I rushed towards Dumbo and kicked him with all the hatred I have in me, which sent him in the opposite wall.

“Fuck you stupid animal. I’m out.” I growled, showed him my middle finger and then run towards the door.

Big ears let out a dry laugh. “You won’t get too far away.”

“We’ll see about that dear elephant.” I said with my confident smirk as I pushed the door open only to be tackled by the other animal.

Fuck. I knew that I was forgetting something, but I won’t give up.

I clenched my teeth and waited until he was back on his feet while holding my hands behind my back. I pushed hard in my legs and squashed him between my back and the wall.

My powers and coming back, but the question is why? He injected me with something, but what that something is I don’t know and I don’t think that I what to know. So let’s do this while I still have a little bit of my powers.

As soon as he went limp behind me I bolted towards the main entrance. The back where the training fields are, is too well guarded and the forest is full of fighters. My only hope right now is the main entrance. Once I’m out without any guard hot on my tail I’ll go south towards South far away from Boltmountain. Firegate may be Dark territory, but there still is a little part of it in east that it’s not occupied by Darks manly because Firegate is, or was, full of fire elementars which are pretty strong headed and also pretty powerful. They are very territorial and their temperament is also helping them.

But my temperament is also helping me.

With each step I took, I could feel my energy and powers slowly coming back. Mince was the only guard present which left me a little worried and made me a little more cautions.

Only now that I got rid of Mince I realised that the red alarm was ringing and the guards were running towards the back fields.

Why the actually fuck are the red alarms ringing?

You know what, I don’t even want to actually know. This is my chance to sneak through the main door so I’m really not complaining.

The entrance came into my view and I let out a sigh of relief as I kept running, but all my hopes disappeared as I tried to open the door only to find it close.

Are you motherfucking kidding me?? They destroyed the whole place, but they were good guys and locked the door???

I kept banging at the door and tried to open it by force, but it’s all made of fucking steel and it’s also very fucking locked. A ticking noise made me stop.

Where is this sound coming from?

As I kept listening I realised that the ticking was coming from the other side of the door which can only mean one thing.


The ticking intensified and I turned around to run away from it. I was at 2 feet away from the door when it exploded and a big part of the door hit me in the back, making me stumble down. My head collided a little to hard with the marble floor making me a little dizzy.

“Hey guys! There’s someone on the floor!” I heard a voice saying and suddenly my dizziness disappeared.

I pushed the broken part of the door and ran in a completely random direction. All I had to do for now is to ran away from the new guys which were right behind me. I ran past Snow’s old lab and saw the big fat ass windows.

Guess I’ll get out in big style.

As I was about to jump through the window I was tackled once again. I started to trash around and I was about to try to give them a little shock when the person let out a squeak. A very familiar squeak.

I raised my head and looked behind. “Hazel?”

He stopped moving and blinked. “Shadow? OMFG we are looking for you everywhere! We came to take you back home! God, I was so fucking worried! Come on, let’s go!” he got up and help me up like the gentleman he is.

“Earthquake, I swear to God that I never was so happy to see you!” I said and quickly hugged him.

“I’m happy to see you too, Moonlight. I’m even more happier that I see you alive. Now let’s go and get you out of here. Guys, I found here. We are coming your way.” he talked in his microphone as he started to walk towards the backfield.

I followed him closely while looking around for any sight of guards. “Why are we heading towards the back where all the fucking guards are?? You know I actually want to get out of here alive.”

He rolled his eyes and smiled. “Don’t worry my sexy and smart friend. Our other not-as-sexy-as-you but very smart are there waiting for us.”

My eyes widen. “All of you are here?? How? When? How??? Blast and Sharpedon know about your plan?”

“Of course.” he replied nonchalantly and shot a guard.

“Of course they do or of course they don’t?”

He glared at me. “Bitch I know you’re smart but don’t be a smart ass with your best friend. Of course they know. Actually, Sharpedon was the one who made the whole plan and Blast approved it almost immediately. Our Sharp was also the most eager one to come and save you pretty ass. He’s so whipped.” he muttered the last part, but I still heard it.

I could feel my face turning tomato red while I felt butterflies in my stomach. “Really?”

“Yup. Me and all the guys knew that this will happen. All we had to do was to look at his face and man, his face was redder than Flame or Sparky’s fire. I honestly don’t understand how the fuck you two can be so damn obvious.”

I scoffed. “Shut up. I’m not obvious to anything because he doesn’t even like me.”

“Riiight. Oh, shit. Let’s go back and go at the dorms through the hall from the next floor. These are too many guards for both of us.” he said and grabbed me elbow.

I quickly followed him. “Are we going to leave through the same portal you use a few days ago?”

This fuckers had the guts to even ruin the stairs. The black marble stairs were now cracked and had blood red stains on them.

“Yes. Now, I know that you’re short but walk a little faster. We really need to go.” he said and we almost flied to the first floor.

“But don’t you think that they pretty much figured out that last time you disappeared in that some? They will get a little suspicious.”

“I know. But that’s exactly why Leaf, Sparky and Aiden are distracting the guards while the rest went in to search for you. Clear, let’s go.”

We finally made it at the dorms, but we need to get out of block A and go back go block D.

“And who’s guarding the portal?“.

“Tha-DOWN.” he yelled and shoved me to the ground and shot 2 guards who came out of one of the rooms. “Okay, now you can get back up. Anyway, that’s not a problem because the portal is closed. Only one of these can open the portal.” he showed me his necklaces which was a simple chain with a rectangular transparent stone.

I jumped back on my feet. “Nice. It looks really fancy.”

He smiled. “Only the best for the best.”

I smiled and rolled my eyes. I missed this idiot. And I really miss the other idiots too.

Even the dorms were assaulted. Windows were shattered, the doors were broken and pieces from what once was the furniture were spread everywhere. I looked inside a room and saw a few guns. In the next room there were even more.

They must use this block as their guns room.

“Earthquake!! This place is their armament block. Let’s blow it up before we leave!” I said and pulled at his sleeve.

He stopped walking and looked around frowning. “Is it a good idea?”

“Well, if we do that, the guards will surely come here.”

“But they will be too close to our portal. WAAAH. I don’t know what to do Moonlight!!! I’m not as smart as you, Sharpedon or Aiden are!! I don’t know if we should do this or not. You know, we have leaders and strategy guys for a reason.” Haz suddenly yelled frustrated and only now I understand how important the leader is in any kind of team.

I frowned. “I honestly don’t know if it’s a good idea. I’m still a little dizzy since I hit my head and I’m also very weak. Let’s not risk and just go.”

Truth to be told I am feeling dizzy and I have that weird feeling when you feel like your feet are made of stone while the rest if your body is made of feathers.

He gave me a short nod and we continued our little journey. I must say that this Hazel is very different from the usual happy and cheerful Hazel. Sometimes he can be a little childish. Okay, he is always very childish, but when it comes to any kind of serious situation, his personality turns to a 180 degrees. He is still very positive, but he’s more serious and keeps the jokes to a minimum. Honestly, we need more people like him and I believe that everyone needs a Hazel or someone like him in their life.

“Guys, we made it out of block A we are heading towards block D shall we wait for y-never mind I see you.” he talked in his mic and turned to me.“Girl we made it until here. Now let’s run because they are opening the portal and we don’t want to have any other meeting with the guards.”

I looked ahead and smile. All of them were there and this time they are full of guns and other weapons. I never thought that they will come to save my ignorant ass and just now I realised that they truly care about me. Well, all of them except Python. Python will always be Python the annoying cousin.

I nodded. “I’ll be there first Earthquake.” I said and started sprinting.

“Cheater!!!” he yelled and ran past me since I’m still weak.

“BITCHES MY HOMIE IS COMING BACK.” Leaf yelled as we passed block B and waved his hands through the air.

Hazel was in front of me, already passing block C when guards appeared and separating me from Hazel and the rest.

No, no, no, no, NO. This can’t be happening again to me!

My blood stared to boil and I raised my hands to use my element while the guys started to shoot them. I pointed my hands at them with all the power I had in me, only to fall to the ground shaking.

My lightning isn’t working. I felt it in my veins and when I let it out to kill them it didn’t work. It’s like someone placed a cap to a bottle to stop the water from spilling, but the shocks are still coming and going.

What’s happening? It feels like my veins are about to explode from all this pressure.

“Did you really think that you’ll leave so easily? Poor little thing.” a pair of boots appeared in front of me, but I don’t need to look up to know it’s Dumbo.

I tried to open my mouth to talk, but there’s too much pain. Even breathing feels like an impossible task. I couldn’t move one finger or open my mouth. My vision started to get blurry and something wet was dripping from my nose.

“Let’s get you back to your cell, lab rat.” I felt Dumbo grabbing me by my collar and he started to drag me somewhere.

I could barely see all the guards who were fighting with my friends while I couldn’t do shit. I don’t even know if what I’m seeing it’s real since I feel like my brain it’s getting fried.

“OVER MY DEAD BODY.” I heard someone yelled and I could see a silhouette basically walking out of the sea of guards like a bulldozer.

Dumbo must have pulled out his gun since I heard gun shots behind me, but my ears started to ring. The silhouette avoided all bullets and was coming closer and closer until he tackled Dumbo. I don’t know what happened, but I felt someone picking me up gently.

"Red, hold on. We’ll bring you to Snow and he’ll help you.”

I vaguely hard someone saying, but my eyelids felt heavy. The pain was too much for me, my body was becoming numb, my eyesight was blurred almost black while my ears weren’t doing better.

“Come on, just a little longer.”

Suddenly, the air got colder and it was harder and harder to stay awake.

“We’re almost there, Shadow. You can do it. I believe in you, okay?”

The air became warmer again and I was place on what felt like a bed.

“Okay, Shadow. You did well, but right now I’ll inject you a painkiller and you’ll go to sleep, but don’t worry. You’re in good hands. You’ll be fine.”

“Just shut the fuck up Snow and he’ll my sister cause she is looking more dead than alive!!”

I heard people talking, but my brain couldn’t process anything. A little sting hit my arm and then everything went black.

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