The Reborn

Chapter Move

Nothing. I have nothing. I tried to make up an escape plan, but I failed miserably. I have absolutely nothing and I’m going to die in an hour or so. And I can’t do shit about it. Just great.

I failed Lincoln. I promised him that I’ll survive and here I am waiting to be killed.

I failed the guys. We all wanted and still want to end this whole mess together, but they will do it without me.

I failed Sharpedon. After all our extra training sessions, after all the things we learnt me, I’m still incapable to protect my ass.

And the most important is that I failed me. Maybe I was to full of myself. Maybe I thought that I’m better than I actually am. Maybe I deserve this. I was and I still am a bitch, I killed many people and I don’t regret a single thing.

I sighed and rested my head against the wall.

“Are you finally giving up?”

I scoffed. “No.”

He raised one eyebrow at me. “Don’t tell me that you have a plan?”

“....No. I don’t have a plan.” I mumbled avoiding his eyes.

Now it’s his turn to scoff. “And why in the name of Hades you aren’t giving up? You have literally 0 chances to escape.”

“So what? This means that I should die like a loser? I should be a good girl and keep my head down while they chop it off? Fuck no. I’m going to kick around, scream, bite and punch if I can. I’m not going to die without fighting. I’ll die fighting. This is the last thing I can do. This and trying to escape when they come here to take me to my own death, but that’s other story.”

He stared at me like I was out if my mind. “You’re crazy and stupid. Do you think that you can escape them? You are useless without your power!”

I smirked. “Yes, but this doesn’t mean that I can’t run. As soon as I see an opening, I’m out. You can’t say that I’m not fast.”

“You may be fast, but they have people all over the building and a security system.” he said with a proud face like he already won this argument.

“I’m short. I can sneak past them and this is my home. I know all this corridors, passwords and where each camera is. I fucking connected and double checked them to see if they’re working.” I waited for him to find another argument and smirked when he glared at me.

“They will still catch you. They know how dangerous you are and they tripled the number of guards. You’re crazy! It’s impossible to escape.”

I smirked once again. “I’m Shadow Thunder of Moonlight. Tell me that I can’t do something and I’ll do it just to piss you off. I don’t believe that they have a perfect system and even if they have, as I already said, I’m not going down without a fight. I’ve been through worst. What can they do to me so bad?”

A dark chuckle escaped his lips. “Don’t underestimate them. You don’t know what horrible things they do here. You’re lucky that last night it wasn’t an experimental night because if it was the only thing you’ve heard was screaming in pure pain and fear. They are doing experiments on us, you dump ass! If they say that it will hurt, it will fucking feel like your skin is ripped from your bones. But you don’t have to believe me. You’ll feel it on your own skin.”

I couldn’t help but feel a little scared of what they can do. Black tried to keep his voice steady and void of any kind of emotions, but the anger, fear and pain where still present there. There and in his eyes and I never saw Black with pure fear in his eyes.

Yes, they can to terrible things to me, but I’m still not giving up. If I fight back or not, they’ll do the same thing. I know it’s a stupid thing to do, but this is the only thing I can think about. Maybe I have the biggest luck frm my entire life and I can escape.

But if I escape, where I’ll go? I don’t know where Blast went with everyone else.

I shook my head. That question is my last problem right now. I should worry about that only after I run out of this place that I used to call home. And that was yesterday. It’s kind of sick how you’re life can change in only one day.

My ears perked up and my eyes moved to the door as I started to hear footsteps. I started to sweat and my heart started to beat faster.

This is my last chance. I can’t screw it up.

I clenched my fists and stared at the door. Adrenaline filled my veins as I waited for to see what’s next: life or death.

“Good luck, Shadow. The probability for you to die is somewhere at 90%, but if you are lucky and good enough to make that 10% possible, run and don’t look back not even once. Run as fast as you can and after you find your friends blow this place up. But for now good luck and I’m sorry for everything.” he said with a small sad smile.

“Well, it’s not my first near death experience so I’m wishing for that 10%. And trust me. I will blow this place up with my own hands as soon as I’ll can.” I said confident while tapping my foot impatiently.

He looked at me for a second and shook his head with a smile. “I forgot that I’m talking with you for a minute.”

I sent him a quick smile before the door was opened and someone walked in. The guy has the same lab coat as Dumbo, but this one was taller, slimmer and more weaker than him. He may be tall, but I can see that physical confrontations aren’t his thing. He needs only a pair of glasses to complete his nerdy-lab man look.

“Who are you? I’m waiting for the other servant. I don’t know his name, but I’m 99% sure that his name is Dumbo.”

Lab man completely ignore my comment and kept walking in my direction. Exactly how I wanted. And when I thought that I’ll have to push his buttons a little more to make his come closer. But something isn’t right. Like Black said, they know that I’m dangerous and crazy as fuck then why would they send him alone to take me?

A trap.

Yes. It must be some kind of trap. They know that I’d try to escape and they must be waiting for me at an entrance or something. Or maybe they thing that I won’t fight back? No, it can’t be. Even if they’re filthy Darks, they are very smart.

I looked at Black and by the look of his face, he is as confused as I am. When he looked at me, he shook his head at me telling me to not do something stupid and I nodded back. It’s kind of obvious that this is a trap, I mean why would they send this guy if it wasn’t?

“Oi! I’m talking with you! Why everyone here is so rude? You know, Dumbo was talking shit, but it’s better than staying quiet like you. It’s kind of creepy.” I tried to get a reaction from his but this dude is as soulless as Calamity is. He walked next to me and started to get my chains off while I was staring at him the whole time. A faint white scar was placed on his neck where his larynx should be.

I smirked. “Are you mute? Sorry, I should be more polite. Why the fuck aren’t you talking? Are you fucking mute or are you ignoring me? By that little scar of yours I bet that it’s the first option. Tell me if I’m wrong.”

He freed both my hands and pushed me towards the door. “Move.” he more growled than said to me as he kept pushing me from behind.

I rubbed my sore and covered in dried blood wrists. Damn it. I pulled so hard those chains that I started to bleed yet they were and still are intact.

“Fine, fine. I’ll move.” I paused before I continued. “By the way, I’m slightly disappointed that my theory is wrong. I’m also mad because you keep ignoring little me.” I whined as we exited the cell. It’s not the first time I see the dungeons, but it’s the first time when I actually look at them. The walls and the floor were made of grey stone which remains me of the medieval period. There are even some torches to light up this place. Very original guys. Using the medieval theme to scare the poor prisoners. The dungeons are in contrast with the rest of the building. Everything else is as modern as it can be, with the latest technology and furniture, while this place looks like I was watching an historical movie.

I quickly scanned the corridor and no one was here. No foot of another living creature can be found, but I still have my doubts.

Time to see if I’m right.

I pretended to trip over something that should be on the floor and fell backwards on the mute behind me. A security guy appeared in less than a second with one nice shotgun in his hand.

“Sorry. I tripped over something, but it’s not my fault. After days of standing still on your feet unable to move it’s hard and it affects your legs.” I giggled and got up.

So my theory it’s correct. They have guards hidden somewhere, watching me. Goodbye escaping plan, hello death.

“Move.” the guard mumbled pushing me from behind with his gun.

I rolled my eyes. “I can walk by myself thank you very much. You don’t have to push me around. I know that I’m beautiful and everything, but I’m not a doll so stop pushing me! And where the fuck are we going?” I asked when we started to walk up on a set of stone stairs.

The entrance of the dungeon is across the training field, close to the residential area since the field was always occupied and in the residential area there always were at least 2 teams. So if someone escaped the dungeons, he/she would’ve been sent back to the cells.

I was expecting to see the sun shining bright in the middle of the sky when mute opened the door, but I was welcomed by the moon and the stars instead. Tonight, the sky is clear with no trace of clouds on it and the stars where shining. The night was more brighter than usual since there where no clouds and since it was a full moon.

A great night to be executed.

Sadness filled my chest as I looked around the field. Usually, it should be full with Elementars and Darks practicing their night vision. Yes, we had sometimes night training, but only once or twice a month and it’s more useful than you may think. The sight it’s a major weapon in any kind of fight since you have to see your opponent before you actually jump on him, so in this kind of trainings we used to do the same routine we had at the normal training, but it was way more difficult since it was dark. But after a few months you get used to it and you can see in the dark almost as good as you see in the day light.

Focusing my vision on the forest, I saw silhouettes romming around.

They must be patrolling so no use in running through the forest or flying since they must have guns with them. Just great.

“Go first.” I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t realise that we arrived at the main entrance.

I scoffed. “So you know another words besides ‘move’. For a second I though that you were retarded.”

The guards growled and raised his gun to hit me with it. “You are damn lucky that I have to get you there without inducing any kind of injury to you.”

“Love you too, retard.” I smirked and blowed him a kiss.

My smirk quickly vanished as I saw how the inside looks. The halls were full of broken desks, chairs and pieces of walls. This place lookss like a junkyard. Not even a wall or a single tile on the floor was still intact. All of them had a missing piece or a crack in them. What made my blood boil were the 2 cracks in form of a X. They were on the main hall where the emblem of H.I.D.E is. Emblem I and Sparky draw and painted. Emblem I fucking created! Those cracks were made on purpose. That is a way of telling us that we are defeated. They won and this was a way to rub it in our faces.

But this won’t last for long. Blast won’t accept this. He dedicated his life for this place so he would do anything to have it back.

“Keep walking.”

I spoon around and glared at him. “Shut the fuck up! You’re not my mom or my superior so don’t tell me what to do! If I fucking want, I can sit down on my butt in the middle of this hall and start yelling about unicorns if I want and you can’t do sh-” I was cut off when he placed his gun on my forehead.

“They said that if you’re not cooperative I can shoot you. Don’t test my patience brat. I’m not your mom or your superior, but I can tell you what to do. Move.” his face was twisted in a stupid smirk and all I could do is bite my tongue and start walking again.

First the emblem and now this fucker with his stupid gun! God, I want my powers back so I can kill them all without any kind of regrets. I clenched my fists trying to calm down.

“Cat eat your tongue?”

“Screw it.” I said before I turned around punching the fucker square in the face. He fell on the floor and dropped his gun. I jumped after the gun, but I was sent into the wall next to me, which ironically was the main one.

I waited to fall on the floor so I could get up, but I was pressed against the middle of the wall without anyone holding me with his hands. My face was squished against the wall and I tried to push myself away with my hands, but I had 0 results.

“That bitch has a strong punch. Thank you, Mice.” the guard said as he got up.

Fuck. I forgot that the mute guy was still here since he was so silent. Hell, you can’t even hear him breathing.

He must be the one that threw me against the wall and he must be a telekinet. Just fucking great. Why am I so stupid sometimes?

“Well, well, well. I was wondering why I didn’t heard any commotion until now. And I thought that you will be a good girl and you’ll cooperate with us.” I can’t see him, but I know that voice.

I smirked. “I missed you too, Dumbo! And come on! You can’t place my name and the word ‘good’ in the same phrase. We both know it.”

“Let her down.”

As soon as I hit the floor, I was prepared to jump back on my feet and run, but Dumbo had other plans. He grabbed my by my left arm and dragged me in what once was Blast’s office. His black furniture was nowhere to be seen and the walls and the floor were painted in all white.

I’m starting to hate the colours white and gray even if white isn’t actually a colour.

White medical equipments were scattered all over the room and you would think that there would be a bed somewhere, but nope. Only another chains very well screwed into the wall.

Before I could register, Dumbo stuck a needle in my neck and the other 2 chained me once again.

I scoffed. “I’m starting to feel this chains more like a part of my body than an object used to keep me restrained.”

They completely ignored me as Dumbo turned to mute and retard. “Go and get the other one too.”

“Oooo. Don’t tell me that I won’t die alone!” I said with a fake happy tone.

He shrugged. “It depends if he will be strong enough to survive this.” he did that scary thing when a nurse or doctor presses a little on the syringe and some liquid jump from it.

The liquid had a strange yellow colour and it’s composition was also weird. It’s somewhere between liquid and solid.

That syringe gives me an uneasy feeling and my phobia wasn’t helping me very much. I suddenly started to sweat. “What about me, Dumbo? Where’s my syringe? I bet mine it’s pink! Or blue!”

He chuckled darkly and his eyes shine with a glint of evil in them. “Our special guests get a more special treatment.”

I watched him carefully as he walked to a machine that looks like a heart monitor with those weird cups they place on your torso.

“This is your special treatment.” he said patting the machine.

“A heart monitor? Wow. I’m really afraid I must say.” I said and rolled my eyes.

His smirk grew wider. “Oh, this isn’t a heart monitor. It looks like one, but it’s not one. With this thing, I’ll finally test my theory! My research will be finally done and I’ll be known by the whole research institute!” he started to laugh making him look more like the crazy man he is.

And people call me a psychopath?

The front door slammed open and retard, mute and Black walked in.

What the fuck? Don’t tell me that the last thing I’ll see will be Black! Oh, come on! I deserve more than this!

Dumbo’s smile grew even more if that’s even physical possible. “Now that both of you are here, let the party begin!”

I looked at Black and he was staring at the floor barely even breathing while shaking like a Leaf in the wind.

Oh, my God. What is just about to happen?

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