The Puck Secret (Fairfield U Book 1)

The Puck Secret: Chapter 26

My bed still smells like her. Four days. Four fucking days and my goddamn sheets are still stained with the scent of Madeline Peters. It’s both insufferable and intoxicating, as I battle with the memories of the night we spent together. I know I could just wash them, rid myself of the torture and move on, but every time I go to do it, something stops me. I know I should do it, erase the reminder of her and forget she even exists, but if I close my eyes I can still taste her on my tongue, feel her skin against mine, and hear the breathy way she moans my name.

I haven’t seen her since she did the walk of shame out of here on Sunday morning, and that’s not for my lack of trying. My eyes search the campus for her high and low every day, but every time I get so much as a glimpse of her, she darts away from me. She probably thinks it’s better that way, out of sight out of mind and all that, but every second away from her just intensifies my need. I want her. I know that I shouldn’t, that my temptation for her is a mistake, but I don’t care. I’m not done with Madeline Peters, she just doesn’t know it yet.

I’m getting ready for practice with thoughts of her clouding my brain, when the other girl in my life slams to the front of my mind with the simple ding of a new message. I know who the text is going to be from before I even move across my room to grab my phone, but it doesn’t make me feel any less guilty. She knows I hooked up with someone, I didn’t want to lie to her, and regardless of our truth pact, I’m sure she has secrets she is keeping from me, but it doesn’t make me feel any better about our situation.

Grim: Tell me you’re having a better day than I am?

Nova: With an ego as big as you describe, of course I’m having a better day than you are!

Grim: 🙄 haha very funny!

Nova: Everything okay?

Our texts have died down in their frequency, with a lot less flirting, but we still talk every day, and I care about her more than I should for someone I don’t actually know. What happened with Maddie was amazing, but I couldn’t stop myself from feeling like I betrayed Grim in some way. Which is stupid, there isn’t anything between us, she has made that more than clear, yet I can’t help but feel good every time I talk to her. She makes it easy, simple, everything that Madeline Peters isn’t.

Grim: I’m being forced into another dinner with my family

Nova: You know some people actually enjoy spending time with the people they are related to

Grim: That’s because they aren’t in my family

Nova: They can’t be that bad, they did make you after all

This isn’t the first time she has alluded to not getting along with her family. I get the feeling they pressurize her a lot and she just goes along with it to appease them. I know she has an older brother who she gets along with, and I have wondered a few times if I maybe know him from FU, not that she would ever tell me that. Grim is very strict about keeping our friendship behind the invisible line she put between us. Yet I know she gets along with him, just as she knows about how much I love my mom. I’ve yet to delve into my estranged relationship with my father. I don’t even know what I would say about that, but it’s nice to unload on someone without judgment.

Grim: Don’t try and charm me right now I’m trying to be grumpy!

Nova: Maybe you need to take Harold for a ride to cheer you up a bit 😈

Grim: I hate how you always make me smile

My own smile is instant, and that pang of regret smacks me right in the center of my chest. Not only because of how easily she can make me smile, but because of the fact I can also make her smile. It makes it hard not to pursue her harder, and I never imagined I would have this kind of emotional connection with someone, especially not when I now have a physical connection with someone else.

Nova: Anything for you Grim

Those four words don’t get a response. Too much for her to handle as usual, and I try to swallow the bitter feeling now in my throat as I toss my phone aside and get ready for practice. I even ignore Archer and Jake’s jibes at me as we walk onto campus towards the sports center. Reign is silent at our side as the tension from the weekend still bubbles between us, despite me working it out on his face. I shouldn’t have hit him, I know that, I am the one who dared Maddie to put her mouth on him, but a jealousy like I have never known took over and all I could do was make him pay. To my surprise, none of the other guys know about what happened between the three of us in that basement, and I can’t help but respect him for that. I don’t want anyone, not even him, thinking of her in that way. She belongs to me now, and going forward, the only person her mouth is touching is me.

The two hour practice flies by, my thoughts torn between Grim and Maddie as I fly across the ice trying to keep my focus on the puck. My game is sloppy at best, and I know I need to get my head back in it before Coach picks up on it. I can even feel Archer’s stare on me as we skate off the ice and head back towards the locker room, but I ignore him completely and strip off for a much needed shower. I wash quickly and quietly, hoping the hot spray will wash away the shit show I just performed on the ice, but by the time I am done I still don’t feel any better.

That mood only sours when Josh fucking Peters pins me with a smirk. “Looking a little rusty out there today, Cap,” he drawls, pulling his shirt back on over his head, and leaning on his locker to stare at me.

“We all have our off days, Peters, you should recognize that since you have them almost every game,” I snap back, and I hear Reign’s chuckle beneath his breath beside me, shaking his head at my petty comeback.

“You should focus more on the sport and less on those whores you enjoy so much, then we might actually make it to the Frozen Four next year.” There is nothing but contempt dripping from his tone, and all I can see is his father, as I dry off my body and step into my boxers and jeans before turning around to face him.

“Speaking of whores, how is your sister?” I ask with a smile, pulling my shirt from my bag harder than necessary at my own baseless taunt. Thinking of her like that now, and making a joke of it, leaves a sour taste in my mouth, but I ensure my face remains clear.

Josh’s face however, turns red with rage. “You stay the fuck away from her!”

I shrug my shoulders as casually as I can manage, ensuring I brace myself in preparation, as the rest of the team’s focus now moves to us. “I’ll try man, but I sure like it when she moans my name.” When he slams me into my locker a thrill runs through me, especially as I get to return the punch to the jaw he gave me during our last fight. Blood flies from his mouth as I grapple him to the floor, but before we can get into it, Coach storms out of his office.

“Darkmore! Peters! That’s enough!” his voice booms out at the same time other members of our team pull me off the top of Josh, and he rolls to the side to spit blood onto the floor.

“This isn’t fucking over,” he mutters under his breath, and I laugh as I respond, “That’s the same thing I’m gonna tell your sister.”

Coach reaches us, looking at us both with nothing but disappointment, as he helps Josh to his feet while shaking his head. “You two make me want to retire early,” he complains, before turning his focus to me. “My office, Darkmore, right now.”


I ignore Josh’s smug, bloody smirk as I follow Coach back to his office, and he orders me to shut the door behind me and take a seat. I inhale a deep breath, preparing myself for the verbal lashing I am about to get, but all he does is take a seat and stare at me silently.

I’m not sure how much time passes, but it feels like forever before he sighs, “I don’t understand you, Nova,” he starts, rubbing his chin with his hand. “You’re a fantastic player, one of the best I’ve ever seen, let alone had the pleasure of coaching, but you are your own worst enemy.” I swallow down the dryness forming in my throat, trying to act like his words don’t affect me, but it’s not everyday I get such praise from someone I admire so much. “I’m not going to tell you again to stay away from Peters, I know you have issues off the ice, nothing I say is going to change that, but when you step into my locker room, with my team, you put it the fuck away, understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” I nod, itching to get out of here.

He stares at me silently again as I wait to be dismissed, but instead of doing just that, he adds, “I spoke with your father.”

I blanch back, shock and anger burning through me rapidly as I repeat his words back to him. “You spoke with my father?” He nods, but it does nothing to appease me.

“He has pulled some strings and there are some scouts coming to the games over the next few weeks,” he explains, but my mind is too clouded with outrage at my dad stepping over this line and calling my coach. “I know he isn’t exactly father of the year, but he cares about your future, just like I do. I want you to keep your head down and in the game, forget about everything else, okay?” I nod again, unable to say anything in return, and for once he accepts my silence as he sees me off with a wave of his hand. “Good, then get out of here.”

Moving on autopilot, I leave his office, grateful that most of the locker room is now empty, and pack up the rest of my gear. Then I high tail it out of there before anyone can stop me. I have an assignment I need to finish, and the thought of heading back to the house and being collared by my teammates asking what Coach wanted makes me pause outside. Should I go home and get it over with, or head to the library and finish my assignment there and pray they have forgotten by the time I get home? Feeling a pull in that direction, the library wins out, and I move in the opposite way to where I know my friends will have gone, and try to forget all the shit now weighing on my shoulders.

When I push into the library, I take solace in the silence that welcomes me. It’s well into early evening now, and thankfully the place is mostly quiet. My eyes scan the room looking for somewhere to set up, when they land on the last person I expected to find here. She is sitting with her back to me, but I would know those blond locks of hair anywhere, especially when I have had them wrapped around my fist. Maddie is sitting on the upper level at a table by herself, and my assignment is instantly forgotten as I make my way towards her.

A couple of bunnies with Brianna at the center try to capture my attention as I stride towards her. “Hey Nova!” B calls out, and I take delight in the way Maddie’s spine snaps straight at the sound of my name. I ignore Brianna and her crew completely, bypassing them and jogging up the stairs towards the Mayor’s daughter.

“Princess Peters,” I purr, throwing myself into the chair beside her and invading her personal space completely. “You don’t call, you don’t write, I’m starting to think you regret that delicious birthday present you gave me.”

Her head cocks to the side, her eyes glaring at me as she scoffs, “I’m sure you’ll survive, we all know your huge ego can handle it.” Her words remind me of Grim, but I push thoughts of her to the side and focus on the girl in front of me.

I lean in even closer and bring my mouth to her ear, dropping my voice to a whisper, “And I know you can handle the other huge part of me.”

Goosebumps break out along her neck as she shivers, snapping herself away from me instantly, and rising from her chair. “What do you want, Darkmore?” she asks over her shoulder, moving into the stacks to look for a book, and like the lost fucking puppy I am becoming, I follow after her.

“Oh there are so many things I want, Princess,” I say with a smirk, pausing behind her as she reaches up to the top shelf to try and grab the book she is looking for. When we both realize it’s out of her reach, I crowd into her back and grab it for her, bringing my mouth to her ear again as I cage her in on either side. “Most of them with you.”

I feel her entire body sigh, as she turns around in my embrace and flicks her eyes up to meet mine. “What happened on your birthday was a…”

I cut her off. “If you say mistake, I will fuck that word right out of your mouth,” I warn, her scent wrapping around me like a vine.

“Darkmore,” she snaps loudly, looking around to see if anyone heard, but I’m not stupid. I tracked our surroundings as she unknowingly led us into a nice quiet, secluded area.

“That wasn’t the name you were screaming the other night,” I whisper, pressing myself into her and pushing her body against the stacks until it molds with mine.

“Nova, please,” she pleads with panic in her tone, her head falling back against one of the shelves in an attempt to escape me, yet she isn’t trying, not really. I can feel the rapid rise and fall of her chest against my own, can see the widening of her eyes in anticipation as her pupils dilate, and my eyes track the heavy pulse in her neck. She wants this as much as I do.

“Now that’s more like it,” I smirk, dropping the book I retrieved for her to the floor at her feet, and dragging my hands up the side of her body.

“We can’t do this, Nova.” Her hands brace against my chest, but she doesn’t push me away or try to stop me, and I’m too lost in the sound of my name on her lips to do anything else.

“You weren’t saying that when my cock was buried inside your cunt the other night, Princess. In fact I think I recall it being something along the lines of, Oh god please more.” I drop my head down and drag my tongue up her exposed throat, just so desperate for another taste of her that I can’t help myself. When she lets out a gasp, I swear I feel the sound of it in my cock, this need for her driving me insane in a way I can’t seem to escape.

When I pull back, my eyes drag down her entire body, taking in the silk blouse covering her chest, and the blush skirt around her waist. It’s the same kind of preppy outfit she always wears, and where I would usually find them ridiculous, now I can’t stop fantasizing about them. My hands drop to her hips and I hold her in place as I slide my leg between her thighs and pull her against me. “You can either give it to me, or I can take it from you, the choice is yours.”

She scoffs as if she is disgusted, yet she spreads her legs for me anyway, pushing herself onto my thigh until she gasps. “You only want to fuck me because you hate my brother and my father is the Mayor.” She doesn’t add on the silent, and because of what he did to my mom, but I hear it anyway.

I almost laugh at her assessment of our situation. She has no fucking idea. “Do you think I give a fuck about who your daddy is when I know what the inside of your cunt feels like?” I ask, pushing my thigh against her pussy and moving her hips until she starts grinding against me. A little moan slips past her lips without permission, and I smirk as I bring my hand up and brush my thumb across them. “When I know what my name sounds like when it’s being moaned from these lips.” I drop my hand down and curl it around her neck, squeezing lightly as she continues to rub herself against me desperately. “When I know how my cock feels down this pretty little throat.”

She moans again, her hands coming up to fist the center of my shirt. “You’re disgusting,” she gasps out, her eyes going dark with lust.

This time I do laugh. “Is that why you’re dripping down your thighs for me, Princess? Because I’m so disgusting.” My other hand trails along the edge of her skirt, before I push it up her thigh and find the evidence my words already suggested. I groan, dropping my forehead to hers as my fingers trace the fabric of her underwear. “You’re fucking drenched for me, Madeline.” Her name sounds like a plea instead of the curse it once was, and when she rolls her hips against my hand, silently begging for more, I am a goner.

I pull back and fumble to tear open my jeans and release my aching cock, rock solid from just the tease of her. I release her throat and dip down to lift her up until she wraps her legs around me without me even having to ask. God I am becoming fucking obsessed with her. That thought only intensifies when she reaches between us and pulls aside her underwear so I can slide my cock up and down her slit freely.

“Nova,” she begs, squeezing her legs around me even tighter as she glances down at where we aren’t joined yet, but I am once again caught up by the sound of my name.

“Look at me, Madeline,” I demand, desperate for her eyes to be on mine, and she rewards me instantly. Then I keep my stare on hers as I slowly sink inside of her. Fuck, the feeling of her wrapping around me is indescribable, and I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from groaning too loud. “Fuck,” I hiss, moving my hands to her hips to grip them tight. “You feel so fucking perfect,” I praise, slowly pulling out and then sliding back inside of her like we have all the time in the world.

“Nova, please,” she almost cries, her eyes pleading with me to give her more. I give her a few slow thrusts, slowly working my way inside of her, letting her adjust to my length. I can already feel the slide of her wet heat along my shaft and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from coming. She’s so deliciously hot and wet that there is no way I am going to last, not here, not like this where anyone could come across us.

That thought only spurs me on and when she gasps again, her hands curling around my neck to hold on to me, there is no holding me back. I thrust deeper, burying myself to the hilt only to pull out and do it again and again, pushing myself even further every time. This girl, the one I forced myself to hate, has somehow become my new obsession, the one I find myself seeking every second of every day. Her pussy is clenching me tight, my cock slamming inside of her, owning her, giving her everything I have got until I am barely holding on.

“Maddie,” I grit through my teeth, her legs locking around me even tighter at the sound of her name. “I need you to come,” I almost beg, desperate to feel her clench around me before I empty myself inside of her. My hands on her hips grip her even harder, pulling her against me even closer until there isn’t any space left between us.

I can feel the rapid rise and fall of her chest as she gasps and moans against me, rolling her hips to meet my every thrust. “Nova,” she whispers, my name sounding like a prayer. “You feel so good inside of me.”

I drop my forehead to hers, our panted breaths mixing together as one as we stare at one another. The tension from practice, from my conversation with Coach, has suddenly gone. I can breathe easy again, and it’s all because of her, because of the way my name sounds so perfect falling from her lips.

“Come with me,” I demand, my heart racing and with her eyes on mine, I can no longer hold on. “Baby, please.” The words are barely out of my mouth before I feel her coming around my cock, clenching and tightening in a way that has her sucking me even deeper inside of her. I can’t hold on, releasing a deep groan, I jerk against her, coming hard as she rides out her own orgasm against me until we are both breathless.

When I slump against her, I feel her body sag in my hold, my grip on her hips the only thing keeping her upright. I bury my head into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent deeply as I will for my rapid heart rate to return to normal. Her hands push up into my hair, stroking through the strands slowly, offering me comfort in a way I thought I would never find. It almost feels too good to be true, and when I pull back and she smiles, I feel my heart tighten in my chest.

I’m not sure what she sees in my eyes but she frowns a little, her hands still brushing through my hair gently. “Are you okay?” she asks, and I fucking hate how unsure her voice sounds that I can’t help but blurt out the truth.

“Just some shit with my dad, practice and coach…” I trail off, shaking my head, and she nods as if she understands completely. In a way I guess she does, she is probably the one person who understands more than anyone what it’s like to live in your parents’ shadow.

“Well, I hope you feel better now,” she teases with a soft playful smirk and I smile in return.

“Being buried in your pussy always makes me feel better, Princess.” My hands flex around her hips again, possessive in their nature. I know we have to move, that I have already more than pushed my luck with her here, but everything inside of me is screaming at me to stay.

She rolls her eyes. “So disgusting.” Her hands drop from my hair to my chest and she gently presses against it.

Reluctantly I pull out of her, quickly adjusting her underwear back into place, and the thought of my release being pressed against her until she gets home and cleans me off satisfies me more than it should. “Only for you it seems,” I quip back, and she eyes me with confusion, and the next question slips out of my mouth before I can even think about it. “Come to the game next week?” I don’t know why I invite her, I’m pretty sure she will already be there because of Josh anyway, but when her eyes soften and she nods gently, something inside of my chest settles like never before.

Archer was right, I am so fucked.

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