The Paragon Antaris - a secret World of magic #2

Chapter 6


After Elyon made the effort to eat alone with me in my room, I was deeply grateful. He obviously knew how I felt and immediately did something to make me feel better. That little gesture of his when he sat on the floor with me to eat showed me how much he respected my feelings and that I was important to him. He didn't mind the elegant dining room or the company he had there; he obviously found my silence more pleasant than all of these important people.

I listened to him as he told me about the conversation with his parents and asked for permission to take Nyllis to school and spend time with his parents and their friends. He asked me for one has ever asked something like that before. I was never important enough to ask for anything. I thought about how good everyone was to me and how all of this seemed normal to them that I didn't know.

"Innia, don't be afraid, no one would ever separate you from your sister. We just want her to make up for what she missed and be introduced to the world of good beings." Elyon said as I thought about how bad my life has been so far. I looked at him and his face was worried. His kindness radiated from those eyes that I loved to look into.

"Can I do that too?" I asked quietly, ashamed of my open way of talking to him.

He looked at me in surprise and the insight of my question brought a smile to his face.

"Of course you can, my angel. You can do anything you want. All you have to do is say it," he replied happily.

Angel...I wasn't an angel but he made me feel like I was the most beautiful thing he had. His presence seemed comforting to me, and I enjoyed listening to him tell me about good beings.

When he noticed that I was tired, he had the servants take away the food and brought me Nyllis so that we could sleep. Although she had her own room, I knew she was scared and thought it would be best if we stayed together at first. I took her in my arms as we lay in my bed. A bed... I rarely had a bed to sleep in, and now I have my own. These beings are indeed good, and with all that they know, there is a chance that they know more about me than I do myself. For the first time in my life, I fell asleep without fear.

A servant woke me up, and it took me a moment to be sure that this wasn't all someone's dream.

"My lady, Prince Elyon is waiting for you. I'll prepare a bath for you so that you and the little lady can freshen up. And new clothes are ready for you," said the smiling fairy as she entered the room.

A bath... I've never really had anything like that in my life - the only washing we did was in dreams, in different ways.

When Nyllis saw the bathtub filled with colorful foam, her eyes widened.

"Lady Elaria insisted that the bathtub be decorated with unicorn dust," said the young fairy, smiling when she saw Nyllis and my face.

For the first time in my life, I had such a big bathtub and with real water. When I took Nyllis out of the water after she had been bathing in it for ages, she protested. But when I told her that she had to go to school, she became very impatient and her anticipation was clearly visible.

Nyllis literally dragged me down the grand staircase after I got her dressed and ready for school. She wanted to get to school as quickly as possible.

"Hurry up, I'm going to be late because of you," my sister protested as she ran faster and faster.

Elyon's aunt Ava stood at the door to the school and was waiting for the children. When she saw Nyllis, she waved happily and took her in her arms as we stood in front of her.

"Thank you for your trust Innia. She will be taken home after school," Ava said as she walked into the school, waving with Nyllis.

Home...we finally had a home. My eyes filled with tears of joy as I realized this.

I knew that Elyon was waiting for me, but first I went to the king and queen. When I stood in front of them, I fell to my knees and thanked them.

"My child, don't do that," the queen said sadly as she knelt down next to me and took me in her arms.

"You belong to us now Innia. You are part of Antaris and our family. You belong to Elyon, and therefore you are just as worthy to us as our children," said King Avery as he stroked my head comfortingly.

They hugged me, and my gratitude and respect for these good beings only increased.

Elyon's parents were on their way to their daily chat with their friends, so I accompanied them the short distance to the garden where Elyon was waiting for me, as it was on the same path. When Elyon saw us, he smiled happily at me and came towards us.

"You should actually come to me and not to my parents," Elyon said, laughing.

"We just wanted to extend a warm welcome to your mate," King Avery said, smiling at me.

He didn't say what I did just a few moments ago because he knew I would be embarrassed. I bowed my head in a sign of my gratitude, and the royal couple went on and left me with Elyon.

"How did you sleep, my angel?" Elyon asked me as he took my hand and turned towards the garden.

"Like on a cloud," I replied, smiling.

Elyon took me to a few of his friends and explained to me, "Noran and his mate Alya, as well as Nova and Aldaron, are training today. They will join us later."

I just nodded, even though I didn't even know who they were because I couldn't remember all of their faces. I already saw those who stood in front of me yesterday. I recognized the pretty girl with the blue hair and the dark-haired young man who hugged her. Miriel and Vaell were their names. And I also recognized the dark-haired girl who held Nyllis in her lap and Elyon's sister when we briefly spent time together yesterday. They were all so friendly to me and didn't ask me any unpleasant questions, which I was sure I had to thank Elyon for.

They told me about their gifts and showed me what they could do and who their ancestors were.

A mermaid and elves and two good demons, I was impressed by them all.

"What is your gift?" Elaria asked me excitedly.

"I can live in dreams," I replied, confused.

"I'm sure there's more to it than just running in dreams," Vaell said, laughing.

"Maybe we should take her to mother after her meeting. You know she knows a lot," Deona suggested.

I looked at Elyon as if asking his opinion with my gaze.

"If you want, we can ask Evelyn what she sees and feels in you. She saw the good in you, but only with one touch can she recognize your full gift," Elyon said reassuringly.

We spent time together laughing and talking as if they had known me all their lives until Deona realized that the meeting was over.

"Let's go while mother is still here," she said and hurried us towards the mansion.

We all went together to the angel who turned out to be her mother. An angel who had demonic children, I was confused. I quickly realized that her mate was the demon Devas, and the resemblance his children had to him was amazing.

"I've been expecting you," Evelyn said with her friendly face, while Devas just rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed as he tried to get closer to his mate in a hug.

"We are here because of Innia. Maybe you can tell us what she is," Vaell explained.

"May I?" Evelyn asked as she reached out her hand to take mine.

Evelyn looked at me, her eyes turning from blue to pink as she took my hand. When our hands touched, I felt a positive energy within me and a tingling sensation in my hand that seemed static. Evelyn's eyes grew wide, and her wings sprouted from her back, causing me to flinch.

"O Father of all beings!" she said in shock as she looked at me.

Devas pulled Evelyn back and looked at me threateningly, which startled everyone, especially Elyon. But Evelyn's outstretched hand stopped him, and he looked at her questioningly. Her face lit up with laughter, and she looked at me in awe.

"She is a chosen one...A prophet of the Father," said Evelyn, still impressed.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked as everyone looked at me in disbelief.

"Good? Are you joking?" asked Devas, much more relaxed.

I had heard so many times from Abbadon about the prophets of darkness, but he never seemed as enthusiastic as the angel that stood before me.

"Go quickly and get Avery and Iris. They need to know about this," she said to Devas, who disappeared in a black cloud before our eyes.

I looked at Elyon questioningly, but his gaze was frozen as he looked at me.

"Elyon?" I asked, confused.

"Oh my angel, you are truly more than we all thought," he said quietly.

I was confused and didn't understand what he meant by that, and when Devas came back with the king and queen, and they all bowed to me, I didn't know anything anymore. What's going on here?

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