The Fire Within

Chapter 6: Family Reunion

A short rap on the door brought Caitlin out of her slumber, with a start. She looked around forgetting where she was at first. Then sighing and rubbing at her face.

“One second.” She called as she breathed in deeply. Another rap on the told her it was urgent and she rolled off the makeshift pile of leaves and twigs. It was surprisingly comfortable, but difficulty to get out of. She pulled the door open, not sure what to expect, but in front of her stood a short young redheaded elf in traditional guard attire, dirt smeared across her body holding onto a long spear. “Yes?”

“You have been summoned to the tree line. Where is the other one?”

‘Feisty.’ Caitlin thought as she grabbed her cloak and threw it over her shoulders. “Upstairs. Come on.” She led the guard through the common room and up to the top level. She opened the door to find Aria curled up in Ted’s arms under a blanket. “How did she get up here?”

Ted opened his eyes and shifted, as he did Aria stirred as well. “That’s what I said.”

“Aria! You are late for watch.” The redhead hollered when she saw Aria in the blanket. She sat up quickly, letting the blanket fall to her lap.

“Vira! What are you doing here?” Aria asked confused.

“I could ask you the same thing. Get up, let’s go.” Vira said hurriedly. “I am to bring them to the treeline.”

“I guess I’ll get dressed as well then.” Ted said throwing his blankets off and standing up. Caitlin rolled her eyes and looked away. Vira smiled and Aria looked up at her sheepishly. A few minutes later they were trotting back down the branches to the hard ground below and walking towards the treeline where Caitlin had left Laeha before. As they walked they saw Adrian and Selvia followed by Erin. Selvia was still braiding her hair when the party was reunited.

“Report.” Selvia said tying off the last strand of vine.

“Commander. Riders approaching from the south.” Vira said standing tall with her spear at her side.

“I see. Carry on.” Selvia waved her on and Vira waved them to follow as she and Aria moved into the front and led the party. As they entered the trees Aria reached down and picked up a handful of dirt, following suit Selvia did as well. She looked at Adrian, then began rubbing it into her skin. It took them nearly an hour before the treeline came into view and Vira brought them up short. She put a finger to her lips then pointed up. Caitlin’s jaw dropped as she realized they were going to climb the trees. Without hesitation Aria and Erin disappeared up the trees. Adrian kicked off his boots and looked over at Caitlin.

“They will get in the way. Best to take them off.” He said to her and she looked over as Ted pulled his free as well. She sighed and began to pull hers free as well. Selvia smiled at Adrian and he returned it.

“Still remember how?” She asked

“I remember it was harder than it looked.” He said with a grin. They took off, running straight at the tree. Selvia reached the branch quickly, and Adrian slowed for a second and jumped grabbing the branch.

“Graceful.” She said playfully. She pulled herself up and he followed. Ted grabbed the trunk opposite that Aria had climbed and slowly pulled himself up. She met him at the branch and helped pull him over. Caitlin approached the tree and pulled her dagger out. She was just about to strike when Adrian called to her from the branch in a loud whisper

“Don’t. You are in an enchanted forest. Do you really think that is a good idea?”

“Now that you mention it.” She said and holstered the dagger. “Help me up?”

He reached down and she jumped up. It took two attempts before he was able to grab her hand and pull her up onto the branch. They tiptoed carefully and cautiously, not as accustomed to walking branches. Selvia stopped them four trees forward and pointed. Five riders trotted towards them. Adrian could tell immediately what they were thinking. ‘Did they really go into the forest? Were we going in too?’ and he smiled to himself. It was the gamble he had made. They stopped their horses and one of the men dismounted. He bent down and looked around, tracing lines in the dirt. He stood and turned to the other riders. The last guy sported a bandage around his head and cheek, his hands were tied. Beside him sat the youngest of the riders, barely twenty if Adrian had to guess. They wore chest plates marked with the crest of Cheshire. Adrian looked over at Caitlin as she stood with her hand to her mouth also looking at the youngest of the soldiers.

At first Caitlin wasn’t sure, but the more she looked she realized it was Jim sitting on the horse. He was one of the ‘rookies’ that had been planted when she was. They had trained together. Beside her Ted grew anxious and they turned to him as well.

“That’s Sam. We need to get him away from them.” He said moving around in the tree. Aria reached over and put a hand on his arm. He stopped moving and looked at her. Her expression was clear, he needed to calm down and wait. Caitlin struggled as well, does she give up Jim and herself as spies of the crown or take the chance that they may kill him? In the end she wasn’t sure.

Jim looked over his shoulder, then back at the men. They couldn’t hear what they were saying, but it sounded like an argument. Finally one of the older soldiers threw up his arms and pointed back. Jim turned and trotted off. The other three looked at each other, then one pulled his bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. Without hesitation he let the arrow fly. Before the first hit he was pulling the second. Jim reeled as the arrow struck his back just below the chestplate. He reached for the arrow, but it proved fruitless as the second arrow struck him at the base of the neck. He slouched forward barely staying attached to the horse as it rode away. The lead soldier slapped the archer on the shoulder and they laughed as he shouldered the bow again. They turned back to the forest and spurred their horses into a trot pulling Sam’s horse behind them.

In the trees Selvia waved them all back. One by one they shifted back into the trees until they were back to the tree they first climbed up. The party slid back down the trees until Ted, Adrian, Caitlin and Selvia stood on the ground. Quickly they slipped their boots back on. In the trees the guards spread out spears in hand.

“They will attack from the trees, we will take them from the ground.” Selvia said, moving off into the tall brush. They waited until they heard the hooves begin to trot past in a single file line. Selvia looked up to Vira who was standing directly over head spear ready. She nodded and Vira sent her spear flying. Immediately the front rider pulled back on his reins forcing his horse to buck and toss him to the ground. He fought to removed the spear sticking through his shoulder and throwing him off balance. The third man was struck in the neck and immediately slumped forward, behind him Sam began pulling at his bounds frantically, not wanting to die in the forest. He leaned forward trying to look as dead as possible while he worked. He looked up once as the sound of metal on metal brought his attention to the remaining soldier, two spears bounced off his chestplate and he swung furiously at Selvia on the ground. She backed away and Adrian stepped forward catching the soldiers blade with his sword. He deftly grabbed his arm and pulled him to the ground. Selvia was right there as the man bounced off the ground, she drove her spear through the man and twisted it for emphasis.

“Sam! Sam!” Ted was yelling shaking his brother trying to bring him out of his panic, but Sam continued to struggle against the horn of the horse and the bounds that kept them together. Caitlin appeared beside Ted and sliced the rope in a precise swipe. Sam fell backwards and hit the ground hard. He squinted his eyes and looked up at Ted and as if seeing him for the first time.

“Ted?” He asked confused and Ted nodded. “Am I dead? Are you dead?”

“No. What did you do to your head?” Ted teased, poking at the bandage.

“Trying a new look. It’s called crispy.”

“How bad is it?” Ted asked concerned.

“It’s not really, missing some hair, and a few burns. The bandage is great for the sympathy of the ladies though. They want to hear all about what happened.” Sam said his gin broad.

“Get up before you make a fool out of both of us.” Ted said offering him a hand. Sam reached up with both hands which were still bound together. Once they were both on their feet Sam looked around.

“We are alive right?” Sam asked again genuinely confused as all he saw were women around him.

“Yes. Well for the moment anyways.” Ted lifted Sam’s hands by the binding and looked at Caitlin. She thought for a second then turned to Adrian, cocking her head to the side. He looked at Selvia, then around at the guards and nodded. Caitlin walked over and sliced the rope freeing Sam’s hands.

“I see you have been recruiting, she’s cute.” Sam said looking up and down Caitlin, and adjusting his bandage. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Not exactly.” Ted said leaning in closer. “That man over there. That’s the bounty hunter that took me out of the tavern the other night. I’m his prisoner.”

Sam’s face dropped as he looked at Adrian then back to Ted. “If you are his prisoner, why ain’t you tied up? Does he know who you are?”

“That’s a good question.” Ted said looking back to Adrian.

“Cause if you tried to run, you wouldn’t make it to the treeline.” Adrian answered before he was asked as he bent over one of the bodies searching his clothes and stripping off his chestplate. “You are going to have to bury them deep.”

Selvia shook her head, “We will leave them for Fira’s beasts. They won’t be found.”

“Who’s Fira?” Caitlin asked curiously.

“Fire Goddess of Mount Darvin. Or am I the only one who knows that?” Sam said slowly as everyone turned to look at him. “It’s local legend around here.”

“You and your stories.” Ted said rolling his eyes.

“She is no legend.” Selvia said signalling the rest of the guards. Vira, Aria and Erin moved back into the trees and disappeared, they were to remain on watch while Wren, a taller blonde guard led the horses north off towards the inner treeline. Ted and Sam led the party directly in front Adrian and Selvia as they walked back towards camp. Ted relayed to Sam the extent of the last few days including the Mother Tree and Laeha.

“Oh there is so much more too, but first.” Ted was saying as he preceded Sam through the clearing of trees into the village. He watched as Sam’s eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped.

“This amazing. And no one knows it’s here right?” Sam said.

“Nope, complete invisible.” Ted answered with a smile

“And it’s primarily women?” Sam said an evil grin on his lips.

“Men are hopeless.” Cailin said stepping around them and moving towards the treehouse.

“She has a point Sam. I’m pretty sure a woman is going to kill you one day, if not that one right there.” Ted said pointing after her.

“Na it’s gonna be an executioner remember?” Sam said dismissively, “But what a way to go though.”

Behind them Selvia took Adrian’s hand, turning him towards her. “Tonight?”

He nodded. “Let me settle them in and make sure Caitlin is going to be alright with those two.”

She nodded and squeezed his hand, he smiled and squeezed it back then turned towards the treehouse as well. She watched them as they walked back to the roots, Caitlin stopped at the bottom root and waited for the brothers to catch up. Sam stopped beside her and gestured for her to proceed them, she pointed up the roots and Ted pushed Sam to get him moving. Both men smiled as they climbed the roots. Caitlin shook her head and took a few steps up before turning to wait for Adrian.

“Are you going to be gone again tonight?” She asked as he approached her.

“I am. Are you going to be ok with them?” He asked stopping beside her.

“I will be. They may not though.” She said as she started to climb the roots.

“I’d expect nothing less.” He said as he followed her up the tree.

Ahead of them, the brothers reached the door laughing Ted turned the latch and waited Sam to enter. Immediately after entering Sam stopped and stared, causing Ted to run into him as he tried to follow him in.

“Is this common place here? Please say yes.” Sam said, his gaze directed at a dark skinned woman curled up in the makeshift bed, a greyish fur pillow lay beside her.

Ted turned back to the door and called back down the roots, “Guys!”

Adrian and Caitlin quickened their pace climbing the roots faster as Ted turned back to Sam.

“Aw why did you have to call them.” Sam said looking from the bed to Ted then back. In front of him the pillow moved and a long head lifted with a black streak of fur down his neck. His teeth bared and a low growl became audible. “On second thought. Guys?”

The wolf stood and beside him, Laeha stirred and opened her eyes. The wolf looked back at her, then stepped out of the bed and circled to the other side of the room, his teeth still bared and his eyes never leaving Sam. Adrian burst through the door identifying the wolf as the threat he immediately turned to face him, his hand going to his sword. Caitlin stopped at the door and looked over Ted’s shoulder.

That won’t be necessary. Adrian turned towards Laeha, then turned his head quickly. Flake sat down and his mouth turned to a grin as he panted from the other side of the room. Does this form bother you?

“No. Not at all.” The brothers stammered over each other, as they shook their heads.

“Oh please.” Caitlin said and pushed her way past them. She pulled her cloak free and wrapped it around Laeha. Laeha watched her, it was more familiarity than she was used to, but it seemed to ease the tension in the room. “There we go. We should get you more permanent clothes soon though.”

Is this not enough?

“It draws too much attention.” Adrian said looking back again. “Were you successful?”

I was, however I require your assistance.

“How can we help?” Caitlin asked and Sam stepped forward.

“Yes how can we help?” He asked.

And you are?

“Sam and I am at your service.” Sam said very chivalrously, stepping forward again.

The brother? Laeha asked looking over to Caitlin who nodded. I see.

“She is not what she appears, Sam.” Ted warned from behind him. He reached out and pulled Sam back by the shoulder.

Laeha turned to Adrian, Caldor. Have you heard of it? Do you know where it is?

“Caldor?” Adrian repeated then looked off, then back and shook his head. He had never heard of it before.

“That’s because it doesn’t exist, or at least not anymore.” Sam said from beside Ted. They all looked at Sam again and he looked around the room and rolled his eyes. “Do none of you know your legends?”

“Not everyone is as learned as you are Sam.” Ted said poking fun at his brother.

Tell me.

“It was swallowed by the earth, or so that’s the legend, took the whole city with it.”

So it is gone?

“Yes ma’am.”


“I don’t know.” Sam said shaking his head.

How do we find out? Laeha pressed becoming slightly agitated.

“A library would be the best place, but there are so few of them. The biggest one is in the Capitol.” Caitlin said, thinking it might not be a bad idea to suggest they bring her closer to home.

“Closest one is in Firestone.” Adrian said, interrupting her chain of thought.

Then let’s go to Firestone. Laeha stood up and started for the door. Flake rose as well and followed her.

“Hold on.” Adrian said bring her around to face him. “We can leave early morning tomorrow. As it is we will not make it out of the forest before night fall heading east and we will need a guide. I will talk to Selvia about one, and we should get you some clothes as well.”

Leaha looked at him annoyed then looked at her cloak at the mention of clothes.

“I can do that.” Caitlin said standing beside the door.

“We know what you are, Laeha, but once we leave the forest other people are not going to understand and you will draw a lot of attention to yourself if you go walking around cities with no clothes on.” Ted said stepping forward.

Very well. She said and sat back down. Caitlin opened the door and disappeared outside.

Several hours later they sat in the common room eating an assortment of fruits and meat. A pitcher of Darvin wine sat on a small table against the wall. Laeha pulled at the pants and loose shirt she had put on. She thought she looked ridiculous, and they were constricting.

“You get used to them.” Caitlin said sitting down beside her. “I used to prefer a dress myself, but for traveling, the pants will be easier to ride in.”


“On a horse.”

Oh. I have never ridden before. Laeha said as she fidgeted with her clothes. Flake gave a soft bark and nudged her arm. No, Flake I can’t ride you.

She ran her hand down his neck and scratched behind his ear.

“I see you two made good friends.” Caitlin said looking at the wolf. He barked at her and Laeha laughed. “What?”

He said I wouldn’t need the clothes if I rode on him. I don’t think it will matter Flake. Laeha said, pulling a piece of meat apart and offering it to Flake, he sniffed it and took it happily

“She is right Flake, unfortunately we probably will not be able to take you into town with us. Firestone is known for its trappers. Especially wolf trappers.”

Adrian approached them and squatted down. “I have to go. Are you going to be ok with these two?” He whispered to Caitlin.

She will be fine. Laeha said, scratching under Flakes chin. We will see to it.

“I guess I will be fine. You go on. It will be your last night with her.” Caitlin said nodding towards the door.

“I will see you all in the morning. First light we leave for Firestone.” He said to Laeha and she nodded her agreement. He stood and quietly walked from the room.

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