The Fire Within

Chapter 5: Mount Darvin.

Aria led Caitlin and Ted back through town. Many of the villagers were leaving the meeting, but none approached them. A few of the women made eyes at Ted which he was all too happy to reciprocate. He would wink, they would giggle, and Aria would look back at him.. Caitlin rolled her eyes and kept moving. A few minutes later they reached the bend in the path. One way led back into the forest, the other back to the tree they were first brought.

“Can you take him back to the common room?” Caitlin asked Aria and she nodded, smiling. Ted moved out of the way and offered her the chance to lead him. She shook her head and pointed with the spear. He smiled playfully and proceed her down the path. Once they were gone, Caitlin moved closer to the forest, lifting Laeha up to eye level. She shrugged as she looked around the edge of the trees in the darkness. As they neared the edge of the darkness, slowly an animal appeared from behind one of the trees. Caitlin took a step back as a large grey wolf with a black neck appeared in front of her. It took a few steps forward until it was in clear view, then sat down. Laeha smiled as she did indeed find a friend.

Take me to him. She commanded and Caitlin lifted her cautiously.

“Are you sure?”

He is the one I pulled the bolt from.

Caitlin moved closer to the wolf, one step at a time, her free hand on her dagger. The wolf laid down in response and remained until Caitlin sat the lantern down in front of him and opened the door. Laeha stepped out onto the dried leaves of the forest floor and increased her size. As she approached the wolf lifted its head and panted as if happy to see her.

Hello my friend. Laeha said as she stroked the fur between his ears. He lifted his head and looked at her.

“Hello.” She heard in her head and stopped in mid stroke. The wolf turned his head and looked at her. “You heard me?”

She nodded slowly. You spoke?

“I do all the time. You have just never heard before.” The wolf said again.

I do now. Are you to take me to the top of Mount Darvin? She asked curiously, stroking his head again.

“I can take you wherever you need to go.”

Mount Darvin, please. I am to speak to Fira. She thought for a second. Do you have a name?

“I do, but you will never pronounce it. The humans just call me Flake.” He said panting again. “Please climb on my back and I will take you up the mountain.”

Thank you Flake. Laeha said and approached the wolf from the side, he leaned towards her as she climbed up the black hair to his neck. The dark hair singed and smoked slightly but never caught fire and did not appear to hurt him. When she was settled just behind his ears he rose to his feet. Caitlin watched as he turned and disappeared into the darkness. She didn’t like that she was letting Laeha go, but she didn’t think it could be helped. ‘Best to manage what I can manage at the time.’ She thought as she turned towards the treehouse and moved on.

When she reached the common room she found Ted and Aria giggling and flirting as they passed the time. As she walked through the door, Aria jumped back and assumed a more guarding stance, however her suppressed smile, gave her away. In the corner Ted was still giggling

“What’s going on here?” Caitlin asked already knowing the answer would be a lie.

“Nothing.” Aria said quickly.

“Aria was just telling me about the village.” Ted interjected

“And what was so funny.” Caitlin asked eying Aria who looked uncomfortable.

“You would have had to be there. Did Laeha get on ok with the wolf?” Ted asked changing the subject.

“I should go.” Aria said excusing herself. Caitlin opened the door for her and closed if behind her as she disappeared down the root bridge.

“Yes. She did.” Caitlin said sitting on the floor a short distance from the fire bowl. Ted rose and walked to the opposite side and sat down again.

“Something is bothering you?” He said it as a question, but he was more stating the obvious, and he was right. She was concerned with what she was doing. She had abandoned the tavern she had been stationed at, fled with a bounty hunter, stolen elemental and a criminal and were now hiding in a colony of elves that no one knew existed. She needed to check in with her superiors and receive orders. As much as she wanted to bring Laeha back with her to the capitol she wasn’t sure how best to pull it off. Laeha’s display from the the fire bowl proved that she was not defenseless, even though she had been subdued. If she couldn’t convince Laeha to come peacefully, she wasn’t sure she could force her. Ted’s voice brought her back to the room. “What is it?”

“I’m fine.” She said. “It going to be getting late. Your room is up the ladder.”

Caitlin rose and brushed at her shirt and pants. She wasn’t a fan of the clothes, but they were comfortable at least. Ted stood as well and looked at the door to the higher level and smiled. “Not going to tie me up?” Ted asked curiously.

“Why?” She asked moving towards the door. “I am locking my door at the bottom, so you can get down. If you try to jump, you will be crippled or dead and if by some miracle you make it to the ground you still have to get through the entire forest without being seen by the elves you can’t see, besides, you’re not my prisoner.”

His expression changed as he thought through his options, then smiled again. “I’m a really good climber.”

“You better hope so.” Caitlin said closing the door behind her as she left the room., leaving Ted alone to stare at the empty walls. He looked around the room and proceeded to the window and looked over the edge. He was at least thirty feet off the ground and she was right, If he couldn’t climb perfectly in the dark the fall would certainly kill him. He sighed and walked over to the bowl and waved his hand over top of it. Slowly the flame died down until it smoldered. He walked out the door and carefully climbed across the roots and up a makeshift ladder of vines until he stood at the next door. He pushed the door open and entered the room. He turned to close the door and in the entrance stood a smiling Aria.

“Where did you come from?’ Ted asked looking around, no vine to drop from, no holds to climb the trunk. Her smile broadened as she walked into the room and closed the door.

On the other side of town, Selvia opened the door and stood aside allowing Adrian to proceed her. He entered the large house which was spaced out across three branches and seemed to wrap around half of the tree. He took two steps and turned to the right and waved his hand, lowly over the bowl. Immediately four bowl lit bringing warmth and light to the entire house. He looked around the room remembering.

“I see you still remember where everything is.” Selvia said standing in front of the closed door.

“I can’t believe you took over our house.”

“After you left, I couldn’t just let anyone in here. She meant the world to both of us.” Selvia said walking up beside him. She laced her fingers into his and held his hand. He looked down at her hand and closed his fingers around hers. He gave her a sad smile and nodded.

“I appreciate that.” He said and she smiled.

“Let me wash off this dirt.” She said as she moved away from him, holding on to his hand until she had to release it. He watched her walk away to the other side of the tree where the water basin sat and pulled a small dried strip of cloth out of the bowl. She filled the basin with water from a small pitcher and used the rag to clean the dirt from her face and arms. He couldn’t help but watch as she worked the dirt from her legs and stomach. She looked so much like her sister they could have been twins. So many days he stood right where he was and watched Dian do the same thing. Everyday until the last

“Why did you volunteer?” He asked finally as she pulled the root holding the braid together and shook out her hair.

“Are you upset that I did?” She asked pausing with her hands in her hair and waiting for a response.

“No. It’s not that. I just.” Adrian started as he watched her run her hands through her hair again.

“I loved my sister very much and I would have traded my life for her if it would have saved her, but I couldn’t. Let me help you move on.” She said giving him a sad look, betraying the hurt she still felt when talking about her sister.

“Is that what this is? You helping me to move on?” He wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

“In a manner of speaking. I know a part of you never will and I respect that.” She smiled as she walked back across the room to join him at the table. She sat adjacent to him with her elbow on the table. “I also know you are a good man and you have put yourself through enough already. Getting yourself killed will not bring her back.”

He sighed heavily. “But it will make the hurting stop.”

“Is that what you want?”

“Yes.” He paused. “No. I don’t know.”

“Let me help you find an answer.” She said and slowly crawled onto his lap until she straddled him, and he allowed her to do so. She then leaned in and kissed his lips and again he allowed her to do so, but when she leaned in again and their lips touched he reciprocated the affection.

The forest was dark, and very little moved at this time of night, but Flake seemed to know where he was going. His Keen eyes saw clearly in the dark as he leaped ditches, and stepped around sticks. He was making good time as they reached the foothills and began a mild accent, it wouldn’t be long until they left the canopy of the forest all together and would be clearly visible from the village, but he wasn’t concerned he had been sent by the elements. On his back Laeha clung to the hairs of his neck for support, her fiery locks flowing away and disappearing as they rode and she realized she was able to maintain her shape in the wind that blew by.

“This is it. From here up we are in Fira’s domain.” Flake called over his shoulder and Laeha looked around as the trees fell away and the boulders began to dominate the landscape. Flake began to slow as he climbed higher, his head looking around as he went.

What is it? Laeha whispered in his ear as she leaned closer.

“Wolves. Not my pack, strangers.” Flake stopped and the air. “They have found us. They will begin to hunt us.”

Can we out run them?

“For now.” Flake said pressing on, he picked up his pace. For an hour he ran, the sudden howls behind him brought Laeha’s head around every time, but she failed to see them in the darkness. “They will catch us.”

Flake sounded worried and this did not help Laeha feel any better. When it happened she wasn’t ready. Flake came to a sudden stop almost throwing Laeha from his back. In front of him stood three wolves similar to Flake. Tall, proud, brandishing black matted hair on their heads and backs. In front stood the alpha, Taller, covered from head to hind quarter in black scorched fur, his snarl betrayed his intentions. Flake took a step back and another wolf materialized from the darkness and snapped at his hind quarters. Flake yelped and sidestepped. Laeha reached back, a fireball in hand and launched it like a catapult. It hit the ground in front of the alpha, who paused momentarily looking at the scorched rock, then hunched down ready to pounce.

Laeha breathed deep and steadied herself. She was already working on another for when he attacked, but as suddenly as they had appeared they vanished. The Alpha dropped his snarl and looked up the mountain, then the whole pack faded into the shadows.

“They were called away.” Flake said laying down for a second.

Good. I wasn’t sure a fireball would do it. Laeha breathed a sigh of relief and absorb it back into her arm.

“It would have made him mad.” Flake said sitting upright and turning his head slightly. “Did you see his face?”


“He has been burned before.” Flake stood and began his climb again. His breathing was becoming labored as he continued to climb the steep cliffs. Until finally he stopped at a large mouth of a cave. He looked back over his shoulder and gave a small whimper. She realized he was scared, after this whole climb, the end of their journey terrified him.

It’s ok. She reassured him, patting the dark fur on his neck. He lowered his head and exhaled deeply in his interpretation of a sigh. Then began to move again. Slowly he walked into the cave, sure-footed he stepped around the spiked floor of the black stone and was careful not to rub against the jagged walls. It was like looking into black glass until they turned a corner and the passage began to become brighter. As they moved cautiously the air became thicker and hotter, until Laeha felt right at home and Flake began to pant harder.

Just a little more. She whispered, patting his neck

“A little more.” He said louder than he expected and the sound echoed down the remaining feet of the passage.

Is that you Bauer? They heard bellow from within the cave as they passed into a large bright cavern. Flake looked down over the edge and found not three feet below a rolling pool of lava. Not Bauer. You must be my guest.

From out out of the middle of the pool of lava a head began to rise and take shape, Deep blue eyes opened and immediately Flake sat. Laeha watched in awe as the form of a woman appeared standing on the lava. She was the size of a fully grown human, and walked as if she were solid, not made of the lava that still dripped from her. On the outside the Lava began to dry and harder, turning black and solid as she stepped onto the ledge Flake lay waiting. Laeha slid off of Flake and patted his neck.

“Do you mind if I?” Flake started looking over to her.

No, go ahead. Laeha replied smiling and Flake rose and trotted back out of the cavern to the entrance. Leaving Laeha and Fira alone. Laeha grew in size until she struggled to maintain her form and Fira watched as she struggled.

You lack the strength. Fira said looking at a Laeha half her size. You are weak from your bounds and centuries of neglect.

Can you help? Laeha asked as she fell to her hands and knees, exhausted.

What a poor creature you have become. I can help, but first I must know what your intentions for my mountain. She said offering a hand. With her help Laeha managed to stand again, she was still shorter, but she could maintain the size.

I don’t have any. I plan to honor my agreement with the Mother tree and leave her forest. After that I don’t know. I don’t know where I am from or how I got to the tavern I was released from.

Come with me. Fira took her by the hand and stepped back until she stepped into the lava, Laeha followed as she went and cautiously stepped in as well. Unlike Fira she began to sink, and Fira released her hand. Laeha panicked slightly as her head began to submerge into the lava. She felt the power of the fire within and absorb it until she felt as if she would burst. Fira smiled as Laeha shot up out of the molten rock sending streams of fiery liquid around her. Again Fira offered her a hand and pulled her onto the surface of the lava.

I. I. I was a queen. A goddess to my followers. Laeha said her mouth wide as her memories came back to her little by little then all at once in a flood. I was betrayed by the High Priest. I let them in, the little men. They mined the resources that I sent from the top of my home and they worshiped me. One day he came to me, I thought. He told me it was a gift, but instead, he bound me, removed my power and kept me as a lamp. When he died his son was overcome by greed and sold me for a fortune. I’ve been, by the elements has it really been so long?

A word of caution before you go. We have survived this long because we do not draw attention to ourselves. If your heart seeks vengeance, they will come for you again and you will be in a lamp again, or worse.

What would you have me do?

Think about what you want before you act, if it has been so long, your home may not be there anymore, and those responsible will have long been returned to the earth.

Caldor? It was called Caldor.

I know nothing of the world beyond my mountain and forest.

Then I must start with finding what has become of my land. Laeha stepped out of the lava and stood on the edge of the rock face. She looked at her hands, she had grown to be the size of Fira with out realizing she had done so. She bowed her head I thank you for releasing me. If you ever have need of me, I will answer the call.

I hope you find what you are looking for. Go in peace my sister.

Laeha smiled and turned for the door, her body began to solidify turning to obsidian as she walked towards the entrance. By the time she reached Flake at the entrance her body had molted to appear as a dark skinned human female with flowing dark greyish black hair, her deep blue eyes and the steam that rolled from under her feet the only indication that she was not what she appeared.

“My queen.” Flake greeted her from the rocks directly out front. She smiled and an arm with her hands fingers down. He stood and walked over to her, putting his head directly under her hand.

You knew?

“I have always known, but you were not ready to hear it.” Flake said sitting at her heel. “There is a legend in my pack that the queen would return and we would hear her call on the wind. I heard you the moment you were freed.”

And your pack?

“They could not hear the call, and thought me lying. I am without a pack now.”

I am your pack now. Come, lets return to the others. Laeha began moving forward taking her time as she grew accustomed to walking on her own. Beside her Flake trotted along, looking back occasionally at the small steam that rose from her feet as she walked. The sun rose slowly beyond Mount Darvin as she reached the foothills of the mountain, they were not challenged by the wolves as the exited their territory and as soon as her feet touched the grass she was able to move much quicker as she flowed across the grass like a fire over a wooden board. Flake’s muzzle turned into a grin as he broke out in a run to keep up. Directly in front of her, Two guards stepped out of the shadows and awaited her return. It was a courtesy they extended her and she acknowledged it as she approached them.

Good morning. She greeted.

“We are to escort you.” The taller brunette said, stepping forward.

Very well. Please proceed.

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