The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Six: I WILL Spur

“You want to spur?” Bentin asked as he looked at his Tashia.

“Yes.” Sahrah said with a nod.

“So soon after giving birth?”

“I have that man to deal out his punishment to.” She reminded him.

“Ah, yes.” Bentin said with a laugh. “If Tasheen says it is okay...”

“This is not up to Derk. Tentah ordered it to be done.”

Bentin sighed. “Alright Spitfire, we will start tomorrow.”

She nodded, then turned and walked away from him.

Bentin took hold of Temmy’s arm to stop her. “Tasheen is not going to like this.”

Temmy laughed softly. “Have you ever known Tashia to not do what she has set her mind to?”

Bentin snorted. “She and Tasheen deserve each other.”

Temmy laughed as she moved to catch up with Sahrah.

Bentin took a deep breath. How the hell is he going to do this, without bringing the wrath of his Tasheen down on his head?

“Guess the best way, is to just tell Tasheen everything, before tomorrow.” He mumbled as he went in search of his Tasheen.


Derk looked up from fencing with Austen, to find Bentin staring at him with a pensive look on his face.

“Hold up, Austen.” Derk said as he held his hand up to his mate’s cousin.

Austen stopped and straitened, then turned to look at Bentin. “Uh oh, something is bothering him.”

“And I will wager it has something to do with my mate.” Derk grumbled.

Austen laughed.

“Tasheen, I must speak with you.” Bentin said as he walked towards the two men.

“What has Sahrah done now? Or was it, Spitfire?” Derk asked.

Bentin chuckled. “Actually, it was your father.”

“What?” Derk asked confused.

“Tashia came to me to ask for my help with spuring.”

“What!?” Derk hollered.

“Your father wants her to be ready for that punishment...”

“Damn it!” Derk hollered as he slammed his sword into Austen’s chest, then stormed off towards the Palace.

Bentin and Austen looked at each other, then ran to catch up with Derk.

“Father, we have something to discuss!” Derk said angrily as he barged into the throne room.

“Whatever it is, it can wait.” Tentah said.

“No.” Derk said with a growl. “Now, Father.”

Tentah looked at his son, then stood. “I will be back.” He told the men in the room.

Derk followed his Father into the office, while Bentin and Austen waited out in the throne room.

“What is it, Son?” Tentah asked as he turned to Derk.

“Why have you forced your hand, to get my mate to fight that man when she just had our son?!” Derk demanded.

Tentah laughed. “Smart woman you have there, Son.”

Derk opened his mouth, then shut it. What did his father mean by that?

“I had not ordered her to do anything, Son. I told her to take her time and let me know when she was ready for me to set it up. Do you think I would harm my daughter, the mother of my heir’s heir. The Dragon who could burn...”

“I get it, Father.” Derk said with a grunt.

Tentah laughed again. “She used my words to get Bentin to help her. I am sure he had said something about you not allowing it, and she used me to get her way.”

Derk groaned. He should have known his mate had pulled something like that.

“Don’t be too hard on her, Son. Don’t forget that she is a Warrior, who hasn’t been able to do battle in almost three years. Not to mention, she is also a Dragon, who for better words, wants to spread her wings.”

Derk sighed. “I know, Father. But it is too soon, after having Conner. She should have more time to heal.”

“Derksin, she is a Warrior, not a weak Dextonian woman. Not to mention a Dragon. She will heal faster and be ready before we see it. Let her decide when she is ready.”

“She just had our son yesterday, she is not dueling today, or tomorrow or...”

“Tell her to wait three days then. Maybe she will agree to it. But don’t force her...” Tentah stopped talking as his son took off out the office door. He knows his son too well; he is going to force his opinion on his mate and bring forth the Dragon inside.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall for that.


Derk barged into his and his mate’s chambers and stopped in his tracks, at the sight before him. Temmy stood by the Crystal, as she sprinkled the special water mixture Sahrah had mixed for the dirt, under the Crystal, and Suelette sat in one of the chairs, reading. But what had stopped him, was his mate sitting in the rocking chair, nursing their son.

“Hello, love.” Sahrah said with a smile when she noticed him standing there.

“Whoa!” Bentin said as he came to a stop and turned around.

The women laughed.

“Hey, Sahrah.” Austen said with a smile as he walked over to where she sat, nursing her son. “He’s a hungry little guy, isn’t he?”

Sahrah smiled up at her best friend. “He is.”

“Everyone, leave.” Derk said without taking his eyes off his mate.

Everyone looked at each other, then did as their Tasheen ordered.

“Derk, that wasn’t very nice.” Sahrah said with disappointment.

“They can come back later.” Derk said as he approached her.

“What’s wrong?” She asked as she watched him approach her.

“We will discuss that, later too.” He said as he stood above her and just watched as she fed their son.

She smiled as she pulled out her other breast and switched their son to the other side.

“He’s a greedy guy.” She said as she sucked in a breath when he latched onto her nipple.

Derk smiled. “He is his Father’s son. My mother told me that I was like that; when I was...” He frowned as he stopped talking.

Sahrah smiled up at him. “I would love to hear about your mother, some time.”

He smiled at her. “Maybe someday.”

She nodded as she placed Conner against her shoulder and burped him. Once he was burped, she stood and placed him into his cradle. When she turned to her mate, his eyes were ablaze as he stared at her breasts, which were still out of her top.

“Oh.” She said as she went to cover her breasts.

“Don’t.” He said huskily as he stopped her from covering them.

She sucked in a shocked breath when he bent his head and took one of her sore nipples, into his mouth. But instead of feeling any kind of pain, she felt pure pleasure, flow from her nipple to her groin and she moaned as she held his head to her breast.

“I can see why our son likes this.” He said with a grin as he kissed up her chest and across her throat. “It’s so sweet.” He whispered as he kissed her lips.

She moaned as he took her breasts softly into his hands.

“I want you.” He said with a sexual growl she had never heard before.

Her head went wild as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Not in front of Conner.”

He grinned as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bed-chamber.


Sahrah moaned as Derk licked up her body. “That was amazing.” She said with a sigh.

Derk grinned. “Happy to please you.”

She giggled. “Why had you barged into the chambers?”

He paused. “Damn your Dragon senses.” He said with a chuckle.

She grinned at him. “You love me for it.”

“You mean, I love you, despite it.”

She chuckled and he kissed her nipple.

“Don’t try to distract me, Derksin Dentse.” She said with a moan.

He sighed. “I was hoping to not have this argument, until we were both, overly sexually satisfied.”

She laughed and it turned to a moan when he kissed down her stomach to her feminine folds.

“Oh, Derk.” She cried out when he pulled her throbbing clit into his mouth.

He grunted as her body came up off the bed with her orgasm.

“You evil man you.” She said, panting.

He grinned as he kissed up her body, then entered her so forcefully, that she screamed. He took hold of her hips and slammed into her so hard, she began to shiver with another orgasm.

“You play dirty!” She cried out through her orgasm.

He chuckled as he pulled her nipple into his mouth. She squealed as he nipped at her tender nipple.

He wrapped his arms around her back and continued to slam into her as he kissed her all over her breasts, then sucked on her throat. She moaned as she held him to her, with her arms and legs.

“I love you, Derk.” She almost cried.

He groaned as he kissed her jaw. “I love you too.” He said, just before he exploded inside her, bringing her up off the bed with another orgasm of her own.

He panted as he laid on top of her. “You’re incredible.” He said as he kissed her throat.

“You do that again, and I will let Spitfire set your hair on fire.” She said with a growl.

He laughed as he moved off her and looked down at her. He believed her words to be true.

“All right Spitfire, I won’t distract you with sex again.” He said, then climbed out of bed and started to pull his clothes on.

“What has you so upset, heart of mine?” She asked as she climbed out of bed and looked for her clothes.

“I don’t want you spuring.”

She paused as she picked up her panties, then turned to him. “You going to stop me?”

“If I have to.” He said with a nod.

“I need to spur, to get myself back in shape, and ready for my punishment fight.” She said.

He grunted. “Sahrah, you just had our son, yesterday.”

“Look here, lover.”

Derk stared at Spitfire. Damn, he knew that was going to happen. His mate walked up to him, completely naked, her eyes bright red.

“You just screwed the hell out of me, and I just had the baby yesterday.” She said as she stared him down.

“Flick.” Derk grumbled.

He hadn’t thought of that. A Dextonian woman, you would have to wait several weeks, before you could touch her, and nothing like what they had just done.

“If I can take that.” She said as she pointed to the bed. “Then I can handle practice spuring. Did you really think I would go into full combat spuring, so shortly after having our son?”

Derk swallowed as he shook his head. His mate is downright scary when her Dragon is let loose.

Spitfire grinned up at him. “You’re afraid of me.”

“Can you blame me, Spitfire? You’re a Dragon...”

Spitfire leaped into his arms and started kissing him.

Derk groaned as he grabbed hold of her ass cheeks and squeezed them.

“Never fear me, Derksin Dentse. You are my mate, my lover, my husband. I would never harm you. Maybe set your hair on fire...”

He grunted at the last part and she chuckled.

“I love you, more than anything, except our son.” She said with a smile.

He looked into her red eyes and grinned. “I know Spitfire. You’re just very aggressive when you’re like this.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “You haven’t seen aggressive yet, lover.” She said then she tore at his clothes and practically raped him, and he liked it.


“Was that so bad?” Spitfire asked as they laid in the bed together; after she’d had her way with him.

He chuckled. “Not at all.” He said, then gave her a big grin.

She smiled as she pressed her body against his.

“I love you. Don’t ever fear me again.” She whispered before she closed her eyes.

He sighed as he kissed her forehead. “I can’t help it. You’re a Dragon.”

“But I’m your Dragon.” She said, then she was sound asleep.

Derk sighed as he looked up at the ceiling. “And I’m your, Warrior Prince.”

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